As they provide practical care and faithfully serve, please strengthen them when they are discouraged. Father, by your grace, I arise and shine upon the face of the earth for your light shines upon me, in the name of Jesus. - Susie Larson. 39. Father, cut off all flattering lips and tongues that speak guile against great things happening in my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I shatter any satanic prison that holds my divine possessions. Bless and heal me today through this surgery. Father, I decree that new things will be happening in my life from now on, in Jesus name. - Rebecca Barlow Jordan. Heal me through and through! Every incantation, ritual and witchcraft powers against my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Every altar mounted against my destiny in the heavenlies, be dismantled, in the name of Jesus. We leave them in your hands and find our comfort and strength in your spirit.Thank you that you understand all that weve faced, that you see and you care. Pray and thank God for trusting you so much that He decided to share His power with you, in Jesus name. Amen. You are my healer and my Great Physician. You are with me. I am desperate for You, helpless and afraid. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'faithvictorious_com-leader-3','ezslot_9',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-leader-3-0');If you are serious and really want to get through with the barriers that are holding down many areas of your life; money, marriage, progress, prosperity, fruitfulness, family, ministry, you need to pray and pray intelligently with the word. Father, please upon my family, let your light shine. I also accept your forgiveness for my sin of __________, and will no longer live in shame and condemnation. Because God is larger than all, and because God is inside us, obstructing spirits have no ability to obstruct Gods benefits in our life. It is because wisdom can help us get to any height we want to attain, reach any goal we have set and serve God better. It is a spirit-blocking procedure. Jeremiah 17:14He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. In Jesus' name, Amen. We pray for miraculous healing because we know you are as capable of fixing our physicalities as you are to hold the oceans in place as the earth spins around. 17. It's up to you. - Tracie Miles, Lord, it seems as if my world has collapsed, hurling me into a deep, dark pit. Amen. You will use all things for good in some way. Lord, I give you this hurt, pain, weakness and sorrow in exchange for your comfort. Please lift me out of this pit and show me the way, Lord. Please strengthen him with the knowledge that you will be the one to wipe away all his tears, and that there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. We ask for your healing and grace to cover every broken place. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. I have not only read the prayer points,but i have also prayed them. 27. In Jesus' name, Father, cause everyone who is sat on my seat of destiny to be unseated right now. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'faithvictorious_com-netboard-1','ezslot_19',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-netboard-1-0');The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. 100 powerful prayer points with Bible verses: Prayers and blessings Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 10:45 PM by Mercy Mbuthia Adrianna Simwa Praying is a way of talking to our heavenly Father. Show me what masters me and slows me down. Any testimonies of mid night prayers? Doubt can seep in through the cracks in unexpected circumstances. (Psalm 113:7-8, KJV). In Jesus Name, Amen. One of the greatest attributes of God is to always make new things happen. While I know that you are always with him, please give him a tangible reminder of your presence today and that you will faithfully comfort the hurting. You demonstrated that on earth, and you still heal in miraculous ways today. 3 John 1:2, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Amen. List Of 40 Powerful Prayer Points For Open Heavens: 1. You demonic powers that rule over my life and deprive me of the joys of life, free me and let me die in the name of Jesus. Help me to feel Your presence, and remember that You are always with me. However you choose to accomplish that is up to youand okay with me. In the name of Jesus, I shatter every plot of my enemy that creates hurdles in my life. In the Bible, I have read of miraculous healing and I believe that you still heal the same way today. Simply put, you must learn how to push through with these powerful prayer points for breakthrough by praying them in the spirit. This prayer points are the prayers paul prayed for the Ephesians, the church in Ephesus. We are kept safe in your presence forever, whether in life or in death. Here are powerful prayer points for breakthrough you can use to pray. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'faithvictorious_com-leader-1','ezslot_16',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-leader-1-0');Another, is fasting (and prayer of course). Father, strengthen us to hold captive the joy You bless our lives with daily. It can bring a man to the brink of devastation, if not death, because when nothing works for a man, it can be extremely frustrating, leading to suicidal thoughts. Lord, let the rain of glory fall on me, let the wind of heaven blow on me with favor that I may be lifted above all my enemies, in Jesus name. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'faithvictorious_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 16. Give us the wisdom to seek You first each day, before each decision. We pray for those who grieve today. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'faithvictorious_com-box-4','ezslot_6',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-box-4-0');Believe it or leave it. O Lord, teach me Your paths in the name of Jesus. PEOPLE ALSO READ: Prayer Points For Favour And Open Doors. Merci monsieur pour ces puissantes prire elles ont contribus a lamlioration de ma prire de la nuit, Am so blessed and peace reading this prayer points thanks Lord Jesus Christ amen, You have strengthen me with these prayers,God bless you mightily. 6. Nonetheless exhaustive, these powerful prayers points for breakthrough is intended to give you a head start in prayer. (Psalm 37:23, KJV). 2. Father, thou has fulfilled all my counsel, therefore great things are happening in my life right now, in the name of Jesus. 3. 14. 20. It is because when you pray in the spirit, you pray mysteries, you sideline the devil and get in on a talking level with God that He alone understands, and you (understand) sometimes when you have the interpretation in understanding of what you are praying about. O Lord God, please direct every faculty of my thinking and lead me to do Your will always in the name of Jesus. You've told us to come to you and ask for every need of life. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! 6. 35. Lord, I thank you for your generosity toward God's churches all throughout the world; all honor goes to you, Lord. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 English Standard Version But the Lord is faithful. Every demonic impediment to my prayer is now dispelled by the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. As I look unto You Lord for direction, please lead me to the right business to do that will make me prosper in the name of Jesus. Father this month I ask that you fortify me and my family with the precious blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. 10. You are God Most High. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. A Prayer for Healing and Grace Dear God, We confess our need for you today. Come Lord Jesus. I render null and void, the influence of destiny swallowers, in the name of Jesus. 19. Why is so much importance attached to wisdom? This month's prayers are super-special. If God is in the business of making things happen, then we as Christian must also make things happen. Strange powers that swallow glory, my life is not your candidate, therefore, DIE!!! Show me how You fight for me. You terrible powers who are stifling my progress on the verge of a breakthrough, be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. 19. I commit my family into Your hands Lord, please direct their affairs in the name of Jesus. Let every mental misunderstanding that has been encoded into my existence disperse immediately, in Jesus name. In Jesus name, I proclaim that every surveillance demon on social media in my life will be silenced forever. Comment:thank you sir for your wonderful work. 28. - Meg Bucher, Dear God, We feel wounded, betrayed, and brokenhearted. All weaknesses in the dream, be converted to strength, in Jesus name. Father, thou has heard my desire, therefore great things happen in my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus. Father, these things in Ephesians seem impossible right now. I look forward to spending an eternity with you. Every secret I need to know about my spiritual life, Father reveals them to me in the name of Jesus. Powers, misguiding me into the wrong path, receive the fire of God and be consumed in the name of Jesus. - Chrystal Evans Hurst, Dear God, I know You see the deepest places of my heart and know the lies and words that continue to haunt me and hurt me. I believe that there is no illness you cannot heal after all the bible tells of you raising people from the dead so I ask for your healing in this situation. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. Demonic forces operate at midnight, while men sleep, also if you want to overcome demonic forces and destroy all there works in your life, you must be ready to wage spiritual warfare at midnight. 20. There are a number of ways we can acquire wisdom. - Lisa Samra. Pray and say; I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on my foundation to destroy ancestral curses and spells, in Jesus name. In Jesus name, amen, Father, reveal any bad buddy who is surreptitiously opposing my advancement. In Jesus name, Father, I thank you for supernaturally advancing me. Whatever ideas we have which are inspired by God will always stand the test of life. We need hope restored. Father, I stand today and declare that my feet are removed from all evil and my ways are established In you to make things to happen in my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus. Please help me turn from this behavior. In Jesus' name, I demand every spirit that is an impediment to my spiritual life to leave my life. In Jesus name, I quiet every wicked counselor in my life. Please forgive my loved ones and me for the ways weve disobeyed. We ask for your comfort to surround those who weep. 6. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Heal me from the inside out! Sea powers, who are dragging my fate into the oceans, free me and let me die in Jesus name! 5. Please bring redemption and healing to _________________. Grant me spiritual healing, and help me see You working in and through me. 20. Father, my life and destiny shall make things happen that will be heard in high places, for thou hast set me upon my high places and made my feet like hinds feet, in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, I demand every spirit that is an impediment to my spiritual life to leave my life. We must walk, speak, and pray with the awareness that there is a larger God within us who does not allow any bad energy to enter or function around us. This means that we are to make things happen because people of excellence thrive on the great and new things they bring to bear as a result of the excellent spirit breathed into us when we were created. 2. 17. Principalities and spiritual evil in high places are roaming around and consuming ignorant children of God, but we have an armour that protects us and keeps them at bay. Thank You, Lord, for all of Your Words that have been spoken in my life. It doesnt seem fair for her to have to endure so much pain. There are no smiles. Today's Powerful Confession: I confess today that God is in charge of the leaders in my life. Give me the faith to walk in freedom and victory. We have come to the end of ourselves and the ability to repair what has been broken in ourselves, our spouses, and our marriages. 29. - Micca Campbell, Dear God, I need Your help. Father, because I entrust my life and destiny into your hand, I shall continue to taste your blessings that make things happen all the days of my life, in Jesus name. name of Jesus. Help us to let go. Understand that we can only stomp on what is beneath our feet, therefore fellow believer, blocking spirits are under our feet, so tread on it with all the force you have and he will fly from you. Thank you for the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal healing, but I am asking you to provide healing for her on this side of heaven. Thank you for your Mighty Power that acts on behalf of your children. 38. No matter what your challenges might be, its time to arise and take charge of your life. The burdens. God bless you, I thank God for making me read this part point word of God and God bless you sir, God richly bless such powerful prayer points it really helpful me, Thank you so much sir for a power this is power God bless you, very delighted to see these powerful payer points. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. This is a clear example of Gods leading and direction, laden with divine wisdom. Whether You bring me through these ailments to restore me upright on this earth or take me through to You, I trust You today, and always. Every believer is meant to be as a thousand and a nation by the virtue of the creative and innovative mind and spirit that makes things happen which have been given to us. Powerful Declarations: Powerful Declarations For Today 27 February 2023. Pray and declare saying; I pull down every wall of barrier that is stopping me from accessing my glory and greatness in life, in Jesus name. Father I thank you for your kindness toward the church, Lord, blessed be your name. - Susie Larson, Dear God, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. That I dont have to figure out what the next week or month or year looks like, because you have it all held together. Take our pain away, according to Your will, in Your time. Every household wickedness struggling to re-arrange my destiny, fall down and die, in the And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. 4. Pray and say; I bring the blood of Christ against every ruthlessness of Satan against me to torment me with ill-will and ill-favor, in Jesus name. We are to bring this great gift of making things happen in every area of endeavour, especially in the area of our calling, so that we can adequately fulfill purpose and destiny, to the glory of God. Father, please lead me in all my decisions in the name of Jesus. As soon as the Sapphire prayer points came through, my eye was on the Mike's examination prayers. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. I refuse to be programmed against my divine destiny, in the name of Jesus. You bind up my wounds so they can heal. - Meg Bucher, Jesus, When it came time for you to comfort your disciples you told them about the home you were preparing for them in heaven. 5. Father, give me a heart of discernment to know when You are using people and circumstances around me to speak to me in the name of Jesus. Amen. Father, by your power, pull me out of every snare the enemies have set against me to stop me from making things happen in my life, in the name of Jesus. - Gwen Smith, Dear Lord, forgive me for sometimes coming to You for help only after I have exhausted all efforts to handle the problem on my own. We come to you and bring you the places we are hurting. In the Powerful Name of Jesus, Amen. (Jeremiah 1:10, KJV). Proverbs 4:22Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. You give rest to my heart so it can beat strong again. Now, these word based powerful prayer points for breakthrough will help you get started and headed on this path. And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation). God instructed him not to go down to Egypt, but to dwell in the land of Gerar. And I know you already hold my heart and life in your hands. (Psalm 71:21, KJV), PEOPLE ALSO READ: Midnight Prayer For Breakthrough. I shall not be a fool in the name of Jesus. And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great: (Genesis 26:12-13 KJV). 2. Never leaving. - Carolyn Dale Newell, Dear Lord, there is so much hurt and anger inside of me. You can claim your blessings, deliverance and breakthrough through midnight prayers. When they are overcome by sadness and fear, provide them with the reminder that you do not sleep, or even take a nap; instead, you are always alert and available to provide the strength they need. - Lisa Samra, Precious Father, I marvel at the way You love me from immaturity to maturity, from brokenness to wholeness. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your grace in my life, for making me an enviable entity in redemption. 12. - Lisa Samra. Sure enough, you will know when something has broken, when your breakthrough has come. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. We reach out to you, and know that you are restoring and redeeming every place of difficulty, every battle, for your greater glory. We know that You work all things for good, but in those moments of chronic pain and suffering, it can be impossible to understand Your perfect and just hand in it all. 5. For You promise us: Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me. (Psalm 30:2)Bless the surgeons and medical staff that will operate on us. Make my feet oh Lord strong to walk the path you have caved and earmarked for me in righteousness, in Jesus name. Today, I choose Your healing power to work in my life. All oppositions in the dream, be converted to victory, in Jesus name. Pray and say; 'Father, I want to thank you first of all for the power in the name of Jesus and the word to pull down barriers and crush principalities in prayer, in Jesus name. I love You, Lord. Restore Trust . 7. - Dawn Mast, Dear Lord, I come humbly before You asking You to heal me in every area of my life. I am thankful you are all-knowing that you know the outcome to this misery I am facing. That's what I desire. I believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty work in the life of my friend. As we walk through the unknown state of our futures, we are believing You for who You say You are. I reach up to You to receive this healing so that I may be whole and that I may be able to then minister to others in a way that brings You fullness of glory. The importance of midnight prayer points can never be over emphasized. For the pain and suffering he must endure now, please reassure his mind and help him to grasp onto the truth that he will be with you, and heaven will be his forever home. Father, I pray that henceforth my legs shall carry me to my place of greatness, favor and beauty, in the name of Jesus Christ. We have been anointed with glory from above to rise and shine upon the earth, kings, kingdoms and nations are meant to come to the rising of our light by the virtue of the things we make happen. We pray for the peace of your presence to cover our minds and thoughts, as you remind us, the enemy can never steal us out of your hands. The prayer points for the March 2023 edition of MFM Power Must Change Hands are carefully crafted to address different areas of human need, such as spiritual, financial, marital, and health needs. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. Release me and perish in the name of Jesus. Thank You for increasing faith and what You will do in my life for Your glory. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. I receive divine wisdom to escape from the snares of the enemy in the name of Jesus. God made heaven and the earth and made all that is within it in seven days, he parted the red sea for the children of Israel, e.t.c. In Jesus name, I demand every spirit of impediment to my financial and professional progress to vanish. 3. 30. Fighting fear and worry at every turn. 1. Father, lift me up, push me up, take me up, and support me with your hand of mercy until I reach my goal, in Jesus name. Print these prayers and keep them with you at home, in the car, or at work to remind yourself to take your cares to the Lord in prayer. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! Psalms 119:62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. 22. So do a miracle in me! We promise to trust You through the brokenness and heartbreak, trusting that it will not last forever. Use this trial to strengthen me from a "what-if" faith to a "no-matter-what" faith. First, pray and thank God for the provision He made in Christ Jesus for your victory and protection, in Jesus name. Comment: How do you articulate midnight prayer points, I mean do you mount them aloud or you say them out/read them out, silently within your heart, alone, alone? redirect my feet from the slippery ground of the enemy in the name of Jesus. , according to your will, in Jesus name are wondering how pray... 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