Example: S que este lo es mi culpa. Whats the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word spelling? You may relate it to spelling bees or it may take you back to practice spelling lists from elementary school. (Noun) The Spanish word carro is another word for a car. It should be borne in mind, too, that 5 . so you wont have to worry about the vehicles. Example: Agreguemos una cabra a la granja. Find the translation in English behind the Spanish word. C words ending in E are great for a rousing game of Scrabble or Words With Friends too. Spanish Verbs Beginning with C. Irregular verb forms. (Verb) The phrase abide by is the English translation for acata.. (Archaic; no longer used in spoken Spanish. ), having too much beatitude, goody goody, pious, sanctimonious, To grant a stipend or scholarship for studying, female given name derived from the place name, female given name, cognate to English Bertha, pager (device for receiving alpha-numeric messages), common amaranth, red-root amaranth, pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), black fly of the species Simillidae, found in Central America, adjustable metal slide used to tune brass instruments, A colectivo in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Lunfardo argot), tassel (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads), bud (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded), A muzzle; device to stop an animal from biting, A noseband, usually on a horse bridle or halter, (measure) fathom About 1.67 metres. Five Letter Words Starting with 'C'. Introducir vs Presentar in Spanish: Whats the Difference? essence, importance, matter or purpose of something: A male who lives with a prostitute and benefits from her earnings, a pimp, Athletic apparel consisting of a loose shirt and pants; a sweatsuit or warm-up suit, chocolate (food made from cocoa beans; confectionery), mestizo; person of mixed caucasoid and various degrees of Amerindian descent, Informally used to describe a person belonging to a street gang, Poor mexican, often living in California during 19th century, A person born in Peru of peruvian parents whose physiognomy is not identifiable as caucasoid, negroid, or asian but more toward the amerindian side, Native Amerindian with with very little caucasoid racial admixture, {m} [El Salvador, southern Guatemala, Nicaragua], A Mexican dessert made with milk, sugar and cinnamon. (Noun) The word cycle can be translated to ciclo in Spanish. 101+ Hawaii Slang & Pidgin Phrases (Complete List), 30 Minnesota Slang Words, Sayings and Phrases (Complete List), 41 Alabama Words, Sayings & Phrases (Complete List), 130+ New York Slang Words and Meanings (The Ultimate Guide), Top 10 Other Words for Hasty (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dazzling (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dying (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Precedent (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Expensive (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Respond (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Mundane (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Profitable (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Eccentric (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Recognition (Explained w Examples). Expresses disgust, surprise, astonishment, carburetor (a device in an internal combustion engine), A guffaw or cackle; a loud and hearty laugh, To laugh heartily or heavily; to cackle; to bust up or be in stitches, metal anklet, metal bracelet, metal armlet, quiver (for arrows) (in this sense, variant of carcaj), (used in the second person) dear, darling, honey, female given name, feminine form of Carlos, female given name, equivalent to Charlotte, female given name, traditionally popular in Spain, The letter C in the Spanish phonetic alphabet, brother (short form of hermano carnal, "carnal brother", in opposition to adopted or in-law), an animals meat, or by extension the edible fleshy part of a fruit or vegetable, flesh, the soft part of a body which covers the bones, A Nicaraguan dish where the meat (chicken, beef, etc.) spard. Example: La puerta est gape cuando llegamos a casa. Take a look at the list of popular Five letter words starting with S below. 5-Letter Spanish Words That Start With C (in Alphabetical Order) Cabra. ), A man with a large meatus and by extension an insistent individual, space, room, capacity (to fit something inside), A town council or other governing body at a local level, An assembly or meeting held by such a governing body, Body of churchmen that forms the chapter of a cathedral or collegiate church, The place where such an assembly is held; cabildo, to hang strings of figs in the branches of fig trees so that the fruit of these branches will be sweeter and tasty, to get sick and tired, to get bored, to get annoyed, to annoy, bother, pester, to piss off, to make angry, mate, dude (term of endearment between friends), A variety of maize with large, whitish grains, used in the making of pozole and other traditional dishes, to exaggerate, to exaggerate the importance of, female police officer, feminine form of cachaco, to catch, to get (to grasp mentally: perceive and understand), {v} [Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, colloquial], wreck (damaged or worn car or technical device), lemon, bomb (defective or inadequate or useless item or person), joke; piss-take (The act of mocking someone; a type of satire or sarcasm). Solve word puzzles without obstacles or daily blocks, play as much as you want for as long as you want without restrictions. (Noun) Culpa is the Spanish word for guilt or fault.. To be able to spell the following words, you need to know how to say each letter in Spanish! Example: Las plantas necesitan ms abono para crecer. Often used derogatorily by those living outside the capital, A traditional Central American beverage consisting of chili, ground toasted corn and cacao, native to Chilo island, in Southern Chile, Of or pertaining to the Mexican city of Chilpancingo, Pebble, small stone usually rounded (etymology not related with "china" demonym), Each of the artificial islands employed in the chinampa method of agriculture. 5-letter words starting with ca. electricity meter, odometer), contractive (involving or relating to contraction), contracting; that which contracts or makes an agreement, he, she, or it which contracts or makes an agreement, control or emotional restraint, self-control, A plot of cultivated land, generally small, {adj} [Chilean Spanish, Ecuadorian Spanish, slang], Hit or bump in the head given with the knuckles, A person who belongs to wealthy, Spanish- or English-speaking families. While learning the whole Spanish alphabet is a topic for another blog, we'll review the basics to help you with the following spelling lists. Learning these words is helpful in . This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our websiteGot it! Find the translation in English behind the Spanish word. (Noun) An ancla is a Spanish word that means anchor.. male given name, thought to be a diminutive of Santiago. Buenas noches Good evening / Good night. Before we look at some Spanish spelling lists, there are a few things you need to know about the letter C in Spanish. 2023 LetsLearnSlang.com - The Best Place to Learn New Slang Terms & Phrases. Example: Mantngase en la acera para no tener que preocuparse por los vehculos. cabas. Your email address will not be published. There are so many things that start with A in Spanish that I could make a new list of Spanish nouns starting with A, but for now, let's review this list of words. Cat's-ear 9 Chaddar 14 Cheddar 14 Chuddar 14 Coldwar 13 Copular 11 Crowbar 14 Cudbear 12 Cupular 11. Djame arreglar esto, por favor. Compilation of the Spanish dictionary of 60 words beginning with the letter C. It includes the number of letters that form it. A less common spelling of Maite, environment, surroundings, medium, milieu, A person who is believed to have made a pact with the devil, same; identical; one and the same; indicates that the two compared noun clauses both represent the one thing, similar; alike; practically identical; indicates that the two compared noun clauses have one or more matching qualities, self; myself; yourself; himself; herself; itself; ourselves; themselves; emphasises the identity or singularity of the modified noun phrase, own; emaphasizes the owner or the exclusivity of ownership in a noun phrase with a possessive pronoun, having a hypocritical and ostentatious faith, attraction for unwholesome things. female given name, cognate to English Helen, back (the reverse side of a leaf, fabric etc. (Verb) Apela is the Spanish translation for the word appeal. An appeal is an urgent request given to a person in charge. Each list is divided into categories based on the number of letters in the words. Acido. Example: Quiero esta casa absolutamente limpia cuando regrese. Ese es el ciclo de la vida. An anarcho-syndicalist trades union sounded in Barcelona in 1911, A former monetary subdivision, equivalent to a 1/100th of a Mozambican metica, A former monetary subdivision, equivalent to a 1/100th of a Spanish peseta, A monetary subdivision, equivalent to a 1/100th of a Bolivian peseta, A monetary subdivision, equivalent to a 1/100th of a Costa Rican coln, A monetary subdivision, equivalent to a 1/100th of a Peruvian nuevo sol, A monetary subdivision, equivalent to a 1/100th of a Philippine peso, A long, machete-like knife used by a jimador to cut the leaves from the pias of an agave, Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Coahuila, Hit, blow. A foreign tourist, normally referring to fair-skinned tourist on package holidays on the Spanish Mediterranean coast from the mid-twentieth century. azufre. Happy spelling! spank. Also look for Spanish words with 2 letters, 3 letters, 4 letters, 6 letters, 7 letters, 8 letters, 9 letters, 10 letters, 11 letters, 12 letters, 13 letters, 14 letters, 15 letters or 16 letters. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us 2022 HSA. To do something on a regular basis. (5 Letters) 09. chocha (6 Letters) 10. coletas (7 Letters) 11. criaturas (9 Letters) 12. cristalidad (11 Letters) 13. carnavalito (11 . Usually followed with an infinitive, e.g. Meaning: (Noun) The Spanish word "acido" means "acid" in English. caaed. Remember to say the word in Spanish before and after spelling it, and if possible, say each letter in Spanish as well! Example: Estoy tratando de crear la pieza principal de la exhibicin. Most commonly used with rice, In agreement; concordant; agreeing; harmonious. Example: Por favor, afijo su nombre y firma en la hoja de papel. 6 letter words that start with c (c words) is an another cool list of over 870 English words from WordMom. Salvador tiene muchas piadas de su maestro, Wrapped in banana or plantain leaves and cooked underground, to sting or be pungent to the lips or tongue, be spicy or hot, to get angry, to get annoyed, to take offence, The player who is next to the hooker in a scrum, A gift given by a vendor to accompany a transaction, A meal served for lunch or dinner based on gallo pinto but also with a type of meat and possibly some extras, A louse; a kind of parasitic insect; lice, agreeable, charming, pleasant, having good countenance, to walk on (something); to tread on (something), plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions), a Mexican American female who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringa, a Mexican American who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringo, proxy (written certificate of authority to act for another), A beverage made with milk, eggs, cinnamon, and, in Mexico, with sherry liquor added, (of a heavenly body) to sink beneath the horizon, to choose, to designate (for a job, charge or responsibility), Mount Porn, location of the Spanish village of Benarrab, province of Mlaga in southern Spain, Contraction from PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Espaol) and PP (Partido Popular) often used by critics to denote their similar positions, decimal, point (arithmetic symbol), period, [punto de encuentro] point, location, place, The letter R in the Spanish phonetic alphabet, honest, honorable, upright, righteous, just, fair, Monterreyan, born in Monterrey, short form of regiomontano, food similar to a tortilla often made out of corn, dew (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc), to send out or move out something or somebody from some place, to appear, to look (on a painting, photo, movie, play, TV, platform, etc), a type of sauce flavored with chili and tomatoes that is popular in Latin America, said to somebody who has sneezed, bless you, the usual toast when drinking alcohol, cheers, mister (title conferred on an adult male), A small recess carved into a cave wall to preserve meat and other provisions, acronym (of any type: phonetic acronym or initialism), yes, affirmation. {adj} caber. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Buena suerte! (Crescentia cujete). (Noun) Afijo is a Spanish word that translates to affix in English. Roughly equivalent to 100 meters or 1 hectare, respectively, although the exact size differs from country to country, grid (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size), An arrangement of figures or actors as if in a painting; a tableau, A dessert from northern Spain. confer British English the bollocks, cultivator, breeder (forming nouns and adjectives), inhabitant (forming nouns and adjectives), horsetail (a plant of the genus Equisetum), crazy (about someone); having the hots (for), A supporter, player or coach of Atltico Madrid, collection, alms (collection of money for a certain purpose especially during a church service), Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Colima, (of a person) Of or from the Mexican state of Colima, diminutive form of cola, (buttocks) caboose, booty, An animal's collar, band or chain around its neck, ruff (circular frill or ruffle on a garment), local general store that is often also a social gather point, An apiary, a place where beehives are kept, farmer that normally lives and works on the same land, A column; in architecture, a circular support, A flat, pan-like metal griddle used to cook tortillas or other foods, Comanche (of or pertaining to the people, their culture, or language), ruff (wading bird of the species Philomachus pugnax), to have sexual intercourse (because of similitude to coger), table dhote, a small meal of several courses at a fixed price eaten between about 1 and 4 p.m, diminutive form of comida, an unappealing food, soylent, quotation mark (including any of , , or ), female glutton (person who eats to excess), a police station headed by a commissioner, A form of fictive kinship found in a Latin American culture, meaning literally co-parents but referring to co-godparenthood or joint sponsorship of a godchild or ritual object. As, text art or keyboard art were images created from simple text, letters, numbers and symbols. In this blog post, we will be looking at words that start with C in Spanish. (Noun) Aguar means to water in English. 5 Letter Words with A in the Middle - Wordle Clue. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our websiteGot it! in Linguistics and a passion for Spanish. one's spouse's brother-in-law; that is, one's sister-in-law's husband (one's spouse's sister's husband), or, the brother of one spouse in relation to the siblings of the other spouse. If you play Wordle, then you would find this even more useful. The first 5 verbs you should learn in Spanish, corriente alterna (AC or alternating current), a slim, cylindrical type of glass, used to serve beer, diminutive form of caballo, a little horse, alongside, beside, next to. feminine form of compaero (female) fellow, companion; (female) comrade; (female) colleague, pair of compasses (tool used to draw circles), a composite; a flower or plant in the sunflower family, Compositae, Commonwealth of Independent States (successor to the Soviet Union), to concatenate; to chain or link together, to grant, to concede, to admit, to bestow, Any of a number of places in Latin America, car or motorcycle used for public transportation, an assembly or coterie that deals in something and its bylaws, especially a religious body, What is stuck to the bottom of a pot after cooking. Every word on this site is valid scrabble words. 7 Letter Words That Start With 'C' And End With 'Ar'. How many five letter words are there? While spelling is directly connected to writing, there are so many more areas of language that spelling affects! celery leafstalks or nopal leaves, Persian (Of, from, or pertaining to Persia), term of contempt for a young woman (due to phonetical similitude with puta), sweetheart, a girl which is engaged with someone, an American hawk, Harris Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus), Expression of someone similar to the other person usually used. (Adjective) The Spanish translation for the word raw is crudo. Please see our Crossword & Codeword, Words With Friends or Scrabble word helpers if that's what you're looking for. Meaning: (Noun) The Spanish word carro is another word for a car. Compare ser. With a comprehensive array of features and a user-friendly platform, Monday aims to support teachers, directors, and students in delivering and receiving the best education possible. Hacer Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson, Exercises, and PDF, Tener Subjunctive Mood: How To Use It the Right Way, Ser Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson, Quiz, Exercises, and PDF, Spanish Preterite vs Imperfect: 25 Online Exercises to Practice Your Skills. Hit those bonus squares with the best 5 letter words. (Verb) To cook can be translated to cocer in Spanish. l Spanish - 635,270 words - based on Lexicon 2, the official list used by the International Federation of Scrabble in Spanish. 5 Letter Words with C in the Middle - Wordle Clue. to dine; to have supper; to have a lavish meal, Term applied to a lowerclass woman not desired for a longer relationship, The former Russian secret police (19171922), Czech (from, native to, or pertaining to, the Czech Republic), feminine form of chelo; blonde, fair-skinned, blue-eyed, Cmara Hondurea de la Industria de la Construccin, Pebble, small stone usually rounded (etymology not related with "china" demonym), Any Oriental person in general: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian, etc, mestizo; person of mixed caucasoid and various degrees of Amerindian descent, Informally used to describe a person belonging to a street gang, Poor mexican, often living in California during 19th century, A person born in Peru of peruvian parents whose physiognomy is not identifiable as caucasoid, negroid, or asian but more toward the amerindian side, Native Amerindian with with very little caucasoid racial admixture, (South America) freeze-dried potato; potato starch, soup, made generally of potatoes, meat or fish and different vegetables, to crop; to cut shorter (removing the top), A long, thick wax candle, often used in religious ceremonies, female given name, equivalent to English Clara, cap (head covering of a nurse or waitress), bonnet, hood (engine compartment of a car), to choose (a direction, route, when driving or walking), A flat, pan-like metal griddle used to cook tortillas or other foods, count (nobility); countess in the feminine sense, Any of several trees from which copal is extracted, cups, goblets, stemmed glasses (plural of copa), hearts (on Spanish cards, the symbol is of a goblet), ring, circle (of people, held hand to hand), action, effect or product of crossbreeding, action of cross or traverse (a room, street, sea, etc. cabas. "Los Turcos son los dueos de todas las tiendas de tela". If you (or your students) are younger or are just starting to learn Spanish, begin by practicing some short, simple words to spell! cabelludo. sugar. It is thrown into the air as a test of strength in the traditional Scottish sport called . Read the article to learn the various 5-letter words starting with c. 5-Letter Words Starting with 'C' There are various 5-letter words that start with 'c'. Simply enter in the letters you know are in the correct position, into the known position field in the form above. Also look for Spanish words with 2 letters, 3 letters, 4 letters, 6 letters, 7 letters, 8 letters, 9 letters, 10 letters, 11 letters, 12 letters, 13 letters, 14 letters, 15 letters or 16 letters. Entrar en el carro. ), respect to the talker, the entrance or beginning, Of or relating to the local government, or fueros, said to refer to people that are obnoxious, sometimes treacherous. In general, it is a non-offensive synonym of Sand-Nigger. Words With Friends. E "ay". light: [noun] something that makes vision possible. CYTES CYTON CZARS. chiste - claridad. Real estate news with posts on buying homes, celebrity real estate, unique houses, selling homes, and real estate advice from realtor.com. Spanish equivalent of Aaron, fly chaser (tool to chase flies from an area), primer (textbook formerly used to teach the alphabet), go away (declares a desire that something should go far from the speaker, or that God free them of it), Name of tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family; Manilkara bidentata; balat, [of a person] disagreeable, unpleasant, bleak, hornless (for vertebrates), antennaless (for arthropods), (person who performs in a theatrical play or movie), female given name, equivalent to English Adela and Adele, to air (bring something into contact with the air), A marketplace, especially in Classical Greece, Having the voiced accent on the last syllable, airs; an affected manner intended to impress others, A sweet paste of almonds, nuts and bread crumbs mixed with spices and honey, A traditional confection made by spreading this paste between two wafers, An expanse of seaweed or algae on the ocean floor, Stone that separates the firebox from the hearth in reverberatory furnaces, to be in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with someone; to go out with, aged (of or pertaining to food, such as cheese or alcoholic spirits), contiguous building, extension of a building, male given name meaning "an angel", comparable to English Angelo, An establishment, locale, home, etc., of untidy appearance or bad reputation, Very small bit; a small amount of something, that (over there; implying some distance), A pancake made out of cornmeal and often filled with meat, A cloak-like garment made from this cloth, A cloth made from the fiber of the maguey plant, similar to henequen or sisal, scourge, a multi-tail whip, as used by flagellants for mortification of the sinful flesh, shallow pan (wide receptacle used in gold washing), tray (for foods such as shellfish, fruit), The Caribbean name for a residential area on a plantation for its workers, to beat, overcome (an opponent, record, etc. This will help them master English vocabulary, English communication and English grammar. Your Free Trial Class Is Waiting . Such islands were often built on wooden rafts during the pre-Columbian era, missing translation (an immoral or illegal act, often with the idea of treason or deceit), crap (a thing of little value or quality, or an unspecified object), Someone or something that is cool, awesome and very good, Someone who is very smart, intelligent and can do things quickly, The edible larva of the moth Hypopta agavis, used in traditional Mexican cuisine, Any Oriental person in general: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian, etc, A perennial legume whose greens are eaten in Mexico and Central America, but which is restricted as an invasive weed by many countries, Crotalaria longirostrata, A small, handleless woven wicker or reed basket, little child (when the child's gender is not known), The fruit of the chirimoyo, the cherimoya, A South American fruit tree, Annona chermola, whose fruit is the chirimoya, Temporary open air bar, and snack bar, commonly on the beach in summer, chirp, squeak, wheek, creak, chirrup, screak, chirp, squeak, wheek, creak, chirrup, screak, eek, chirr. 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