crank: high voltage parents guidecrank: high voltage parents guide
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Chev escapes from his captors, reunites with his lover, Eve (Amy Smart), and sets out on a frantic chase through Los Angeles to get his real heart back. We see many strippers doing their thing in a strip club, including sexy dancing, and some lap dancing, all while scantily clad, with some of those women displaying their bare breasts and most of their bare butts. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. Chev stumbles down some steps and then he and Eve fall over a short wall down onto a horse race track, but are okay. - Some sexual violence Crank: High Voltage Movie review by James Rocchi, Common Sense Media Common Sense says age 18+ Grisly, gory, over-the-top action-parody isn't for kids. Find out where to watch online amongst 45+ services including Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video. A woman jams a rectal thermometer into a man's rectum (we hear a squish; he is covered by a sheet). When Doc Miles asks a woman if she's found the donor, she playfully replies, "Like you got a boner." Two men, who look like giant puppets, fight in a high voltage area: one is zapped, the two men continue to fight and throw each other back and into more of the electrical equipment, one man punches the other in the face repeatedly (we see his bloody mouth), and he then lifts a box over the man's head to strike him once. Cinemark Chev, the protagonist, has just fallen from a helicopter and landed hard on the Los Angeles pavement but is still alive. A man watches a yoga video that focuses on a woman's clothed buttocks and crotch. An extreme amount of action-oriented music plays in the film.
Watch Clip: Crank: High Voltage -- "Randy Fight" Clip, Watch Crank 2: High Voltage -- Teaser Trailer, Watch Clip: Crank: High Voltage -- "Jump Start" Clip, Watch Crank: High Voltage -- "Car Chase" Clip, Watch Crank: High Voltage -- "Mansion Fight", Adult film star Ron Jeremy was not originally supposed to be in the porn actors strike in the film. I'm glad all of the original cast returned including Amy Smart and Dwight Yoakam. Chev comes across a protest featuring pornography performers on strike who carry signs with sexual phrases on them (including the "f" word), while one chants, "No dough, no blow." By Age. Chev uses a tazer to shock his own clothed crotch. A ricocheting bullet hits a man in the head, killing him (with bloody results). Moments later, doctors comment on what else is to be removed from Chev (after his heart), and a sketch of his body shows a large penis that one of the surgeons circles (while one of them looks under the sheet to check out the size -- we don't see anything). Brian Taylor Alcohol/Drugs
might be enticing for kids to try to imitate (some of which - especially concerning a character repeatedly shocking himself -- could be very dangerous or even lethal), while all sorts of bad attitudes (regular villain stuff, as well as racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.) Become a member to write your own review. A car suddenly strikes Ria in the middle of the street, and we initially think she is dead, but she's later seen alive.
Disrespectful/Bad Attitude
2009. Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Jurassic Park Movies Ranked By Tomatometer, The Mandalorian Season 3 Premiere Features Sad Bo-Katan, a Bad Baby, and a Pirate Problem, The 5 Most Anticipated Movies of March 2023. To try to keep some cops from arresting Chev, Eve states that he's had too many drinks (to explain his actions, although this is a lie). El Huron repeatedly flogs Chev's back, bloodying him. A man shoots several other men while inside a car (we see a great deal of blood, matter and fabric being blown through the air and the man has blood splattered on his face). REVIEWS Buy $7.99. Regal Chev hits one man, and moments later, grabs Randy and throws him aside. People talk about a man's lewd and lurid behavior. R. Watchlist.
While we read all emails & try to reply we don't always manage to do so; be assured that we will not share your e-mail address. We wont be able to verify your ticket today, but its great to know for the future. Johnny is suddenly shot in the head, with very bloody results. The story is that Chev is now given an artificial heart and must shock himself repeatedly in order to stay alive (much like the first film) long enough to find his real heart and get it back. Crank - High Voltage is rated R by the MPAA for frenetic strong bloody violence throughout, crude and graphic sexual content, nudity and pervasive language. About two apparently gay men, Chev refers to them as a pair of "sausage Nigels.". - Frequent use of crude and descriptive sexual language. The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth: Season 8, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1, Link to Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Link to The 5 Most Anticipated Movies of March 2023. Privacy Policy Eve then jumps on them, followed by one using his tazer on Chev, thus shocking him back into action.
I love the first one, but the second one is even better. In the closing credits, we see a chest spreader being used for surgery on Chev. Considering the speed at which the following occurs and often simultaneously overlaps with other categories, the following should be considered a bare minimum: A nurse comments on Chev having a "big c*k" and that he is "hung like a horse." LANGUAGE 10 - About 144 F-words and its derivatives (spoken and written), 5 obscene hand gestures, 13 sexual references, 17 scatological terms, 34 anatomical terms, 18 mild obscenities, 3 derogatory terms for homosexuals, 2 derogatory terms for Hispanics, 2 derogatory term for Asians, name-calling (chicken fat, freak, fat, freak, sick), 8 religious exclamations.
When armed police officers tell a woman to spread her legs, she spreads them very far apart and she is wearing a very short dress (we see her bare legs almost to the hip). A neon silhouette display in a strip club shows a woman's figure with bare breasts. Considering the speed at which the following occurs and often simultaneously overlaps with other categories, the following should be considered a bare minimum: Phrases: "F*ck your mother," "F*ck you," "I'm deadly f*cking serious," "M*therf*cker," "What's my next f*cking move?" We see a severed but still alive human head floating in a tank with all sorts of tubes and such attached to it. We see miscellaneous graffiti. El Huron repeatedly flogs Chev's back, bloodying him.
He flies off on fire, and pummels El Huron before throwing him into a pool where he apparently drowns, and puts a severed but artificially sustained head into the same, all while Chev continues to be on fire. All of the action, fighting, and other stunts might be enticing for some kids to try to imitate.
the first crank was ok but this was just stupid. In the closing credits, we see beer in a fridge. Several shootout scenes show many people being shot repeatedly with blood spurting and spraying, many people falling dead and others writhing in pain: One such scene shows a topless woman shot in the chest and we see her bare breasts as they oozes bloodied silicone gel and deflate. The film is a chaotic mess, and there's no time to get to know or care about the characters. Chev slides down a railing on his feet, but slips and lands on his crotch, causing him pain.
A large gun battle breaks out in a strip club where various people are shot (with machine guns and handguns) with bloody results.
In the closing credits, we see the old woman from before reacting to Chev rubbing up and down against her by saying she's never had it that way before. Two men pull guns on Chev, but he disarms and hits both of them. Chev uses a tazer to shock his own clothed crotch. Mild
. To make Johnny talk, other goons hold a man, and the first goon uses that machete to cut off part of that other man's elbow, with graphic bloody results (we see the elbow piece on the floor, as well as the wound). In the closing credits, we see a chest spreader being used for surgery on Chev. Read critic reviews. Chev shoots and kills several goons (with bloody results). A miscellaneous woman shows cleavage.
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Two men, who look like giant puppets, fight in a high voltage area: one is zapped, the two men continue to fight and throw each other back and into more of the electrical equipment, one man punches the other in the face repeatedly (we see his bloody mouth), and he then lifts a box over the man's head to strike him once. El Huron repeatedly flogs Chev's back, bloodying him.
All rights reserved. In the closing credits, we see outtakes from the above porn performer strike, with related sexual talk (sexual use of "bang" and a repeat of "no dough, no blow"). See our, I love the first one, but the second one is even better. I saw it in theaters with a friend (who was also 17) and I know several 16-year-olds who were trying to get in, but the theater was IDing people. Some drinking and smoking also occur, and there's a little bit of tense family material, as well as some crude humor. Understandably upset -- and fitted with a temporary artificial heart -- Chelios goes on a rampage to get his heart back; of course, the limited battery capacity of his artificial unit means that he has to jolt himself with electricity on a regular basis to stay alive. A man jams a metal rod through another man's chest and we see the rod push out through his back.
We see a close-up view of a woman's clothed butt on TV while exercising, and see that Doc Miles is watching that. Directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. In the closing credits, we see beer in a fridge. Become a member of our premium site for just $1/month & access advance reviews, without any ads, not a single one, ever. She tells them that he should go out and visit a "t*tty bar;" have some "smelly sn*tch" rubbed in his face; "dip his wick;" and that he should "f*ck a whore" (referring to herself). - Some visually explicit portrayals of violence. ", We see a flashback to Randy riding in a car with a cleavage-revealing women who states that he has a "big ass d*ck for a white boy.". Tense FamilyScenes
Read Crank: High Voltage reviews from parents on Common Sense Media. See production, box office & company info, The Rotten Tomatoes Show: Observe & Report/Gigantic/Hannah Montana: The Movie. He then shoots and kills him or another man, with bloody results. What is the Japanese language plot outline for Crank: High Voltage (2009)?
A man states, "I'd rather stick my d*ck in a blender" (in reference to a hooker).
As Chev exits a brothel where surgery was performed on him, he sees a bare-breasted young woman on top of a person while massaging them. Seeing two men trying to train their dog with a shock collar, Chev then has that collar and use it to shock himself. A woman punches a man, kicks him in the crotch, and throws him onto the hood of a car and he breaks the windshield. Meanwhile I couldn't stop laughing at the fact that the more outrageous this film got, the more I found myself loving it. Chev shoots the lock off an electrical panel and grabs the components inside that shock him backwards. He flies off on fire, and pummels El Huron before throwing him into a pool where he apparently drowns, and puts a severed but artificially sustained head into the same, all while Chev continues to be on fire. One of the characters is named Poon Dong (played for sexual laughs on the part of the film). . Most everything is played so far over-the-top that it's cartoonish rather than realistic, but the following still occurs:
Much of that has very bloody and/or gory results (while scenes depicting open-heart surgery are extremely graphic in nature), and those scenes and moments of potential peril might be suspenseful and/or unsettling for some viewers (but all of it's played so over-the-top that it comes off as somewhat cartoonish in tone). Do you think movies have gotten more violent over the years? We don't see the actual insertion, but do see the side of that man's bare butt, as well as a side view of that shotgun firmly sticking out of his rear. 2,5 minutes to secure a "Not under 18" rating. Venus is thrown out of a moving limo, followed moments later by Chev hitting one of the men inside there, and then grabbing one or more guns and shooting everyone inside dead, although some tried to shoot back but were unsuccessful. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. Powerful Stories About Martin Luther King Jr. Action: After his heart is removed and replaced with a battery-powered unit, a hitman must repeatedly zap himself with jolts of electricity to keep the artificial ticker going and allow him to retrieve the original organ. Needing a jolt for his artificial heart, Chev takes Doc Miles' advice and tries to create static electricity by rubbing up against other people. Violence consists of people being killed by various means (the majority of which is from gunfire), while others are wounded and lots of hard-hitting fighting is present. Doc Miles states that he used to be a surgeon, but lost his license when he botched his wife's vaginal rejuvenation in their basement. He leaps from one part of a parking garage to the next and so on to continue the pursuit, and eventually lands on the hood of their car.
3.5/5, Movies like these exist in another realm. Parents Guide - Crank: High Voltage (2009) View source Certifications MPAA Rated R for frenetic strong bloody violence throughout, crude and graphic sexual content, nudity and pervasive language Certification Argentina:16 Australia:R18+ Brazil:18 Belguim:KNT/ENA Canada:18A Canada:18A (Alberta/British Columbia/Manitoba/Ontario) Canada:16+ (Quebec) - Frequent use of slurs and derogatory sexual references.
We then see a parody of the old Godzilla movies, where Chev and Johnny are portrayed as big, lumbering monsters that fight each other amongst tall electrical towers that they crash into and smash into each other, ending when Chev hits Johnny back with two fists to the chest.
We see a man's open, bloody chest cavity on an operating table as an organ transplant is underway and paddles are charged and used to start his heart (we see him flinch from the charge). Ria then tells a man, "No f*cking sucky for you" and states that Chev is going to "tap your ass," not realizing she is using that term incorrectly. Directors Mark Neveldine Brian Taylor Writers Mark Neveldine Brian Taylor Stars Jason Statham Amy Smart Clifton Collins Jr. - Two scenes depicting surgery and medical procedures (some blood and detail shown). A man says that another man has "the gay condition." In the closing credits, we see the old woman from before reacting to Chev rubbing up and down against her by saying she's never had it that way before. "You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank" Well I beg to differ; I think an award category should be created for making a film like this. from the first film. He then shoots a second man (also with bloody results), while machine guns and handguns are fired back at him, but he shoots two more people dead with a shotgun that he has grabbed from one. Johnny hits Chev with the case he is carrying, and knocks him back into an electrical substation where Chev is shocked. Bringing Chev Chelios back may make sense financially, but it somewhat dilutes the hell-bent-for-madness lunacy of the original film. After being on fire, Chev's face becomes progressively burned and gross-looking, with missing and/or burned skin, etc. Once you select Rent you'll have 14 days to start watching the movie and 48 hours to finish it. Profanity: IMITATIVE BEHAVIOR
At the same time, Ria attacks the man who threw her outside by repeatedly smashing something into his closed crotch until his pants are bloody. "Slant-eyed associates," "Your friend has the gay condition," "Mighty white of you to help out," "Nigger" (said by a black man) and "Homo," among others. We see a flashback to Chev as a boy who repeatedly bashes a trashcan down onto another boy (with bloody results) while also punching another one back. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. He had assumed that the directors merely forgot to call him and showed up on set. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major Press J to jump to the feed.
Chev shoots the lock off an electrical panel and grabs the components inside that shock him backwards. Johnny hits Chev with the case he is carrying, and knocks him back into an electrical substation where Chev is shocked. We see an X-ray of a human pelvis and rib cage in a hospital room. A woman lifts a sheet off a semi-unconscious man in a hospital bed, she looks at his crotch area and remarks about the size of his endowment, and reaches under the sheet. Chev hits one man, and moments later, grabs Randy and throws him aside. The entire movie is soaked in sex, violence, and slapstick -- often combining all three -- but it's hard to appreciate any of the "fun" amid all the grisly gore, partial nudity, nonstop swearing, and other mature content. If you can get past the unrealistic aspects of it, you'll really have fun with it like I did. Handguns/Shotguns/Machine guns/Nunchuckas/Flogging whip: Carried and/or used to threaten, wound or kill others and/or cause property damage.
Chev grabs at a man in a moving car and briefly struggles with them, before falling off onto the street. Common Sense says. gtag('config', 'G-6VYSQ581R3'); Not to some woman there, but instead to a surgeon who removes his highly desirable organ and replaces it with an artificial heart powered by a portable and external electrical supply source. age 14+ Families can talk about violence in movies. This is art. Chev chases after Johnny and another man in their fleeing car, while Chev is on foot. Frightening/Tense Scenes
Remove Ads Cast Crew Details Genres Cast We see Doc Miles rubbing an ice cube on a woman's mostly bare butt (she's wearing a thong) while she's lying across his lap. Considering the speed at which the following occurs and often simultaneously overlaps with other categories, the following should be considered a bare minimum: Phrases: "F*ck your mother," "F*ck you," "I'm deadly f*cking serious," "M*therf*cker," "What's my next f*cking move?" By creating an account, you agree to the Pure popcorn pleasure for older teens and up. He then comments on flossing his teeth with some "pubes," but nothing else happens as a ricocheting bulletin hits him in the head and kills him.
1 hr 36 mins. Mild
The following is a brief summary of the content found in this R-rated action film. That's followed by a montage of them having sex in various positions (done in something of an exaggerated fashion and thus played more for laughs then eroticism, including when a thoroughbred jumps over top of them and Eve longingly looks up at the horse's large genitalia as it passes overhead). Now, in the high-octane sequel CRANK HIGH VOLTAGE, Chev has managed to survive--and is about to face a brand new day. Needing a heart charge, Chev climbs up an electric pole and shocks himself. A car strikes a woman, she is thrown high into the air (her shoes fall to the ground) and we see her later and she appears OK (she has a bit of blood on her nose).
During this, the crowd cheers on their display of public sex until a worker literally hoses them down. "Slant-eyed associates," "Your friend has the gay condition," "Mighty white of you to help out," "Nigger" (said by a black man) and "Homo," among others. Chev's head is bloody after he falls from the sky and lands on a car.
When he is done, he picks up the severed and bloody nipples off the floor and leaves. App Reviews; Best App Lists; Parent Tips and FAQs. Chev stumbles down some steps and then he and Eve fall over a short wall down onto a horse race track, but are okay. Ria hits Eve, who then smashes something onto Ria's head. About getting a new battery pack for his artificial heart, Chev states that it feels like "crank," but better.
Ria ends up blasted out through a door and down some steps, with Chev showing up and striking the responsible man, before going inside and apparently hitting many others, some of whom fly out through doors, windows and even walls. I don't support the ratings system, but it's a good thing that they did ID people. A man rubs an ice cube on a woman's bare buttocks, then squeezes and slaps them (she is wearing a thong). Handguns/Shotguns/Machine guns/Nunchuckas/Flogging whip: Carried and/or used to threaten, wound or kill others and/or cause property damage. I loved the first film and have been looking forward to the sequel. In fact scrub that, I will say thisCrank 2 falls into the "Things to do before you die" category. A boy yells at and is rude to his mother and a man. Eve punches another woman who was coming onto her. Chev punches and strikes various cops, who then get the upper-hand and club him. Just confirm how you got your ticket. A man is shot in the head and we see skull and matter shoot out of the back of his head.
Crank: High Voltage ACTION You can't keep a good man down! A man in flames kisses a woman and we see her in flames too (she screams and runs away). He then hits and shocks many cops before driving off in one of their police cars. See "Violence" for details. We don't see the actual insertion, but do see the side of that man's bare butt, as well as a side view of that shotgun firmly sticking out of his rear. One of the characters is named Poon Dong (played for sexual laughs on the part of the film). Yes, I love it. We see some flashback violence (hitting, etc.) At various points during this montage, parts of the image are digitized around their crotch areas, supposedly to block views of their genitals. Chev holds his gun on a paramedic in the back of an ambulance. - Frequent use of profanities, including scatological slang, blasphemy and vulgar expressions. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and
Moments later, doctors comment on what else is to be removed from Chev (after his heart), and a sketch of his body shows a large penis that one of the surgeons circles (while one of them looks under the sheet to check out the size -- we don't see anything). Why is Crank - High Voltage rated R? Extreme
Later, when that tank breaks, Chev picks up the head, spits into the face, and then punts the head into a pool. They're going to be exposed to these things even before they are 16 so in reality, we might as well get used to it. A dog tackles a police officer and bites his crotch repeatedly. A man beats another man using straps with hooks on the ends and we see bloody cuts open on his back. Chev hits a goon with a shotgun, lubes up the end of the barrel, and jams that up the man's rectum while he is on all fours with his pants down. Venus then tackles El Huron down some steps, but El Huron then hits Venus many times, followed by kicking him. Needing a jolt for his artificial heart, Chev takes Doc Miles' advice and tries to create static electricity by rubbing up against other people. Open heart surgery.
A man flatulates. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. When the device starts failing, Chelios again must try all sorts of measures to keep his artificial heart active. High-octane and truly electrifying! Jason Statham returns as Chev Chelios, who was seen at the end of the original film falling out of a helicopter presumably to his death.
Considering the speed at which the following occurs and often simultaneously overlaps with other categories, the following should be considered a bare minimum: At least 164 "f" words (18 used with "mother," 3 used sexually as are terms such as "bang," "do" and "tap"), 23 "s" words, 16 slang terms using male genitals ("d*ck," "c*ck," "c*cks*cker," "sausage," "wick"), 8 using female ones ("c*nt," "cootchie" and "sn*tch"), 2 for breasts ("t*tty" and "jugs," the latter written), 16 asses (5 used with "hole"), 4 hells, 2 damns, 2 S.O.B.s, 1 wanker, 3 uses of "Oh my God" and 1 use each of "Jesus" and "Jesus Christ." Needing a heart charge, Chev climbs up an electric pole and shocks himself. This movie just cranks up the raunchy humour up to eleven. We see paramedics in the back of an ambulance working on a very bloody man who seems to have some sort of bad abdominal wound. A topless woman straddles a man and massages him. "One of the 50 Coolest Websitesthey simply tell it like it is" - TIME, The current economic climate has reduced our revenues. We see Chev being tortured and have brief views of what appears to be his scrotum (in close-up) exposed during that. QUICK TAKE:
El Huron orders Chico to cut off his own nipples as punishment for failing to do his job. What's the impact of seeing these types of images? Violence: Why is Crank - High Voltage rated R? Venus strikes one person with nunchuckas and then head-butts another, while Chev jams a rod through one man's body (with bloody results). Like `` crank, '' but better she 's found the donor, she playfully,... And leaves confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket today, but it dilutes... Below to receive your verification email I love the first film and have brief views of what to! Including Amy Smart and Dwight Yoakam from the sky and lands on his back your verification email and!, fighting, and moments later, grabs Randy and throws him aside action-oriented music plays in the film a... Try all sorts of tubes and such attached to it killing him ( with bloody results ) to. Ria 's head is bloody after he falls from the sky and lands on his feet, its! 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