The cultural diversity and knowledge of indigenous peoples can bring innovative experiences and new business opportunities for tourism destinations and local communities, and help them recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall contribution from the authors reflections and research findings includes a comprehensive understanding of PRA frameworks for analyzing and reviewing community involvement in planning, negotiation, development and implementation of a complex tourism venture in a politically tense and geographically challenging setting. It warrants an entire discussion of its own, but in short, tourism can turn culture into a commodity. However, one major characteristic which distinguishes Indigenous peoples from ethnic peoples is that the former usually have shared experiences of being colonized, often being removed forcibly from their lands and denied access to natural, historical and cultural resources that can sustain their livelihoods via activities such as tourism. Once youve. Sustainable, Eco, Responsible, Green: What does it all mean? Indigenous tourism, also known asethnicortribaltourism, has been a particularly fast growing trend. Shultis and Hefner critique theoretical advances and models such as the study of cultural landscapes, socio-ecological systems (SES) and resilience theory, to identify barriers to Indigenous-led conservation, including worldviews that are exclusionary in that they do not take into account Indigenous ways of knowing. The paper by Chan etal. Often they have even neglected their farming traditions and unemployment rates among them can be as high as 90%. The question here then, is what constitutes Indigenous tourism and in this instance, what are the parameters the editors considered when defining Indigenous and Indigenous tourism for this special issue? Indigenous tourism also needs alternative approaches to practice, aims and issues such as business ownership, governance, and capacity building issues exemplified by the ideas and issues raised by Higgins-Desbiolles (Citation2016), Hillmer-Pegram (Citation2016) and Pereiro (Citation2016). The guest editors wish to thank the authors who have contributed to this special double issue on sustainable tourism and Indigenous peoples. The early work of Almagor (Citation1985), Cohen (1979) and Graburn (Citation1976) in particular, must be credited with elevating the significance of Indigenous tourism research and paving the way for future scholars whose research interests are located in the study field of Indigenous tourism. However, with volumes of visitors increasing rapidly, issues have been raised about whether its ethical to visit the tribes and what consequences it bears for the preservation of the native lifestyles and traditions. So much so that it's nearly impossible to meet "authentic" Padaung people who are adorning their necks with metal rings because their ancestors did so, not just because they know they'll profit from it. Additionally, flora and fauna can decrease in areas or change their growth and migration patterns when there is an overflow of humans interact. The debate doesnt just apply to foreign visitors on exotic holidays native culture advocacy in places such as Canada and the US is much needed at the level of domestic tourism, too. Some of these Indian pottery pieces are re-creations of their ancestors archaeological objects the government provides them with photographs of the original artifacts from the national museum collections. According to Hinch and Butler (Citation1996, p. 9), the umbrella term of Indigenous people is used to describe races of people who are endemic or native to a destination region as opposed to ethnic communities who may inhabit an area they have migrated to. Long debate in a nutshell governments need to act to protect indigenous communities, tour operators need to follow a code of conduct, and tourists need to be educated. Unsubscribe at any time. The importance of governance, collaboration and embedding Indigenous values and world-views in tourism development is unequivocally necessary to affect positive outcomes with any tourism venture. Whale shark viewing at Oslob, a popular tourism site in the Philippines, is facilitated by hand-feeding the animals with shrimp. Moreover, non-Indigenous inhabitants have usually been associated with Western societies originating from within European cultural and values systems (Tuhiwai Smith, Citation1999, Citation2012) whereas the Indigenous are pre-existing peoples at a time of colonization (Goehring, 1993, p. 4). A huge disadvantage to tourism in some countries is that when the tourism industry is doing well, the country neglects to build upon its other sectors. South America is not alone in the struggle. Source: This special issue introductory paper provides readers with a contextual overview of indigeneity and Indigenous tourism. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2019. pp. })(); Enter your e-mail address We use cookies to improve your website experience. The paper conceptualizes trends in Latin American Indigenous tourism and debates best/bad practice arising from cultural commodification before presenting reflections and findings from collaborative anthropological field work conducted in Guna Yala from 2003 to 2013. This is particularly worrying asany attempt to contact such tribe may have grave consequences a simple cold (their immunity differs from Western) could put an entire tribe in danger. Training and also partnerships with aboriginal people is one of the key issues, therefore communication is still weak. But there is also a reverse side to that discussion. (Citation2016) undertook a longitudinal study (between 2004 and 2014), on the establishment of the Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea. Tourism development can reduce the economic disadvantages of indigenous tribes; however, it is also reproached for the destruction of local culture. Sustainable tourism, as a wider concept and practice, could learn much from closer study and involvement with Indigenous tourism. The shared global experiences of Indigenous businesses are explored by Fletcher etal. The findings not only showed the frustrations of some operators, but also the ability of others to negotiate their cultural identities and the experiences of their visitors, using online platforms. They conclude that best practice approaches to sustainable development are dependent on the local context and stress the need for broader, governing enablers (i.e. As researchers, the guest editors have worked collaboratively with Indigenous organizations including WINTA (World Indigenous Tourism Alliance), KUMA (Southern Mori Business Network Te Kupeka Umaka Mori Ki Araiteuru), Te Ana Whakairo (Ngai Tahu Mori Rock Art Trust) in New Zealand; and in Australia, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Studies, Torres Strait Regional Authority, Indigenous Business Australia and the Indigenous community organization, First Contact Inc. A combination of personal ancestry, respect for and empathy with Indigenous values provides the authors with an opportunity, both individually and collectively to continue to develop a passionate and continually evolving academic relationship with the complex, fluid and globally significant field of study identified as Indigenous tourism. Sales of the Guaitils pottery have become the economic base for supporting the entire community. One of the major tourist attractions in the country Uluru, or Ayers Rock, in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, is a case in point. This study assessed tourists' motivations and satisfaction in participating in authentic Mi'kmaw tourism activities in Nova Scotia, Canada, as well as the ideas, perceptions and components of sustainable cultural tourism development from the Mi'kmaw perspective. Many of the aforementioned challenges and issues facing Indigenous communities are equally important to non-Indigenous communities, especially those that host cultural and/or ethnic tourism experiences. Sustainable tourism news, opinion, resources, Gourmet meals for the homeless: Food for Soul opens its new Refettorio in Paris, Proyecto Ecos del Camino: turismo sostenible en Amrica Latina, VisitBritain launches multi-million pound campaign inspiring visitors to See Things Differently, ATTA Tour Operator Scholarship Program Offers Small Companies a Chance to Grow Their Business, Tourism can offer us hope: Bosnia and Herzegovinas staggering scenery and beautiful towns. The paper also advances the use of netnography, a relatively new methodological approach within Indigenous tourism studies, and its potential as an operational tool for Indigenous businesses. Integrating Indigenous values with capitalism through tourism: Alaskan experiences and outstanding issues, Integrating the third way and third space approaches in a post-colonial world: marketing strategies for the business sustainability of community-based tourism enterprises in Vietnam, Issues in measuring success in community-based Indigenous tourism: elites, kin groups, social capital, gender dynamics and income flows, Mountain Places, Cultural Spaces: The Interpretation of Culturally Significant Landscapes, Moving beyond sense of place to care of place: the role of Indigenous values and interpretation in promoting transformative change in tourists' place images and personal values, Sustainability and nature-based mass tourism: lessons from China's approach to the Huangshan Scenic Park, Sustaining local language relationships through indigenous community-based tourism initiatives, Sustaining spirit: a review and analysis of an urban Indigenous Australian cultural festival, The role of self-gentrification in sustainable tourism: Indigenous entrepreneurship at Honghe Hani Rice Terraces World Heritage Site, China, Tourism and the Smi in transition : a discourse analysis of Swedish newspapers from 1982 to 2015. This will have a wider impact and could reduce global . between Indigenous tourism and the concepts and practices of sustainable tourism, before reviewing the 16 other papers in this special issue. What makes the development of Indigenous tourism unique and thus, of special interest to academic researchers? Photography by Gabriela Sijer and Unsplash, Confused by the difference between responsible travel, sustainable and eco-tourism? This is particularly worrying as any attempt to contact such tribe may have grave consequences a simple cold (their immunity differs from Western) could put an entire tribe in danger. Visitor perceptions and preferences for Indigenous experiences were assessed using photo-elicitation techniques and interviews at the Grampians and Halls Gap Visitor Information Centre. To See Or Not To See The Impact of Indigenous Tourism. Asnative peoples comprise only about 3% of the countrys total population, non-indigenous Australians can unintentionallyhave very little cultural awareness, not to mention interaction. Within academic texts, the use of the terms Indigenous and non-Indigenous have thus been regularly used to describe the difference between the original inhabitants of a landscape and those people who are not the original inhabitants. Ethnographic researchers were arguably the forerunners of studies focusing on the impacts of tourism on Indigenous peoples. And there are some major disadvantages of tourism in this area. Human zoos, orhuman safarisas they are dubbed in more remote areas, are a growing concern in places such asPeru, whereunscrupuloustour operators are profiting from the exploitation of indigenous tribes in the Amazon jungle. Their paper presents a comparative review of Australian, Namibian and North American international case studies of Indigenous tourism ventures utilizing policy reviews, stakeholder interviews and on-site observations. The increase in ethnic tourism has been enormous. Focusing on four regional tourism destinations in New South Wales, all of which have significant Aboriginal tourism businesses, the paper reports on a content analysis of online and print promotional material. (Citation2016), provides a fresh perspective on Indigenous product development arising from collaboration with the Hack Winik (the True People), members of the Lacandon Mayan community in Chiapas, Mexico. The increase in ethnic tourism has been enormous. It's not just the wildlife that benefits from ecotourism The local economy does too. And for those that are struggling to maintain their livelihoods and traditions, it's also a way of educating others about . Globally, Indigenous tourism is commonly viewed as a means of facilitating socio-economic benefits to Indigenous individuals, communities and host regions. Often they have even neglected their farming traditions and unemployment rates among them can be as high as 90%. 16. The long-term impacts of this provisioning are not well understood. They advocate the need for a new approach to the interpretation of place values by considering Indigenous community values throughout interpretive planning. Not only is the research undertaken in collaboration with the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation, they are further empowered by participating in the process of academic publication of the research. A sacred site to the natives,climbing the rock of Uluru violates their culture and spiritual beliefs. Fortunately the approach has been successful and the number of people climbing Uluru has been steadily declining. It explores new approaches to integrate traditional ecological knowledge and cultural values that can inform decision-makers and protected area managers planning the conservation of biological diversity. Visitors come hoping for the perfect photo opportunity rather than true cultural immersion. More and more land becomes privatized and indigenous people are faced with poverty and losing . This led to the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation developing an Indigenous informed code of conduct to guide visitor behavior. Done sensitively, it can help people learn about and appreciate different ways of life. The underpinning principles of the collective research clearly resonate with the manifestations of the United Nations (UN) Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN, Citation2016) from 2007. Tourism can often cause environmental damage due to risks such as erosion, pollution, loss of natural habitats, and forest fires. Informed knowledge and understanding of such issues are integral to developing sustainable Indigenous tourism communities, businesses and products, as well as sustaining natural resources, be this through economic, social, environmental, cultural or political means. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. One example that shows the negative impacts of tourism brought about by government guidelines was that of Aboriginal land in Lake Condah, Victoria. Obtain permissions instantly via Rightslink by clicking on the button below: If you are unable to obtain permissions via Rightslink, please complete and submit this Permissions form. The authors examined how Indigenous interpretive guides (who were representatives of the Yithuwarra Traditional Owners) interpreted the significance of the cave paintings and the natural vegetation of the island to expedition cruise passengers by employing an ethnographic approach with interviews, open-ended discussions and participant observations. Tourism is also a major influence in how we see and understand the world. While the Guna may shape tourism, rather than being shaped by tourism, they still grapple with social and environmental challenges. As usual,doing the right thingis a matter of doing enoughresearchand asking enough questions. Such might be the case of the long-neckPadaung (Karen)tribe near Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand, part of whats known as ThaiHill Tribes. Like all forms of tourism, the development, implementation and management of Indigenous tourism should arguably be underpinned by the principles of sustainable development and natural resource management. The climb is not prohibited. Ironically, the longer we take those visits for granted the more the sought-after authenticity vanishes, and with it precious heritage. As indigenous tourism and the desire to experience authentic native life are growing in popularity across the globe, we have to start asking ourselves whether the consequences of tribal tourism are more detrimental than beneficial. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. A recurring theme emerging from many of these studies (and others), was an underpinning notion that all communities (whether developing tourism or other industries, and/or despite whether the community is located remotely or in densely urbanized areas), often share common challenges and/or aspirations pertaining to the development of opportunities to (among other things), nurture healthy families or other groupings, facilitate employment, improve health and provide recreation and education opportunities for community members. ix1+194, 105 (hardback), 20 (eBook), ISBN 978-1-138-08825-2, Domestic demand for indigenous tourism in Australia: Understanding intention to participate, A tourist's vision quest in an African game reserve, Aborigines, tourism and sustainable development, (Re)imaging Mori tourism: Representation and cultural hybridity in postcolonial New Zealand. The Guna (1996) Statute of Guna Tourism enabled the Guna people to respond to growing visitor numbers via Indigenous-led planning and monitoring of the visitor sector (Pereiro, Martnez, Ventocilla, De Len, & Del Valle, Citation2012). The future role of Indigenous peoples in the management of outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism in protected areas is the focus and they examine the barriers to conservation discourses that enable meaningful engagement by Indigenous peoples. These include insights into issues with Indigenous entrepreneurship and innovation (Chan, Iankova, Zhang, McDonald, & Qi, Citation2016; Espeso-Molinero etal., Citation2016; Koot, Citation2016; Siever & Matthews, Citation2016). Whitney-Squire discusses the significance of language to sustaining Indigenous communities and culture whilst, through language based tourism initiatives, connecting individual Indigenous peoples with their collective identity. All Regions. Their traditional dresses and products are on display for tourists but in reality their way of life is in a lot of cases long gone. Ethnic communities may be migrant and thus not Indigenous per se. The range of research projects presented here offer questions and findings about the marketing, product development, planning and control of Indigenous tourism in a variety of environments: the implications of which are that these issues may be of interest to non-Indigenous communities too. Their Share the Dreaminitiative is designed to help local villagers lead better lives. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. To solicit the tourists' perspective, surveys were administered to tourists visiting the existing Mi'kmaw cultural tourism sites in . 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Co-founder of Rooms for Change - hotel booking for those who care. The final paper, Abascal etal. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { As indigenous tourism and the desire to experience authentic native life are growing in popularity across the globe, we have to start asking ourselves whether the consequences of tribal tourism are more detrimental than beneficial. She alerts readers to the culturally laden, multi-dimensionality of language and warns that whilst language can enhance or be central to tourism product development that revitalizes community culture, caution is needed to ensure language is not stripped of its meaning and thus used out of context. They too draw on research that is geographically situated in a North American context. Ethnic communities may be migrant and thus not Indigenous per se. These researchers explored issues around economic prosperity, tensions associated with the marketing of culture, enhancement of the socio-economic well-being of Indigenous peoples and challenges within the broader contexts of environmental, economic social and cultural sustainability when pursuing sustainable livelihoods. Practical and theoretical contributions about how cultural values and Indigenous businesses can be managed and ultimately empower Indigenous groups both economically and socially are explored in this special issue. Was that of aboriginal land in Lake Condah, Victoria and there are some major disadvantages of tourism this! A North American context can reduce the economic base for supporting the entire community to that discussion Guaitils have. Areas or change their growth and migration patterns when there is also a major in! Indigenous individuals, communities and host regions wish to thank the authors to thank the authors who have contributed this! 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