We fought the bear and I saved this for you!" Just as Percy was getting tired of tag and took his pup back to the wolf tent for the night even though it was only 4 o'clock, he came over to me and asked if he could show me Zoe's present so I could tell him if she'd like it. We gave him his bottle and lay him down on his bed. In seventeen-year-old Mia's world, Greek Gods have certainly made their presence known. Artemis: [to Percy] Yes, I think that would be the best. It turns out my son has quite a nice voice and Apollo had tried to get him interested in poetry after I had told him about my son but he was having none of it. I wasn't sure if the blessing would make my son more violent but still, it would help him in later life and keep him safe. I smiled at the thoughtful, kind little brother, I had and called the girls to wake up and they all came out of their own tents grumbling stuff about 'harsh early wake ups' or 'Mmmmmhhh food' they were not morning people but I had grown to be a morning person over the past two years and needed to be with that little bundle of energy that was our little brother running around like a goat on Kool-Aid. Small children quite delight me in fact, I think they're quite funny!" It had an inscription on it that read, 'When the darkness comes at night my dear. I was amazed at the effect my son had on the normally violent cocky war god. New bonds are formed and friendships will be tested to the limit. Also do not hurt the future demigods no matter what happens, otherwise you will have to answer to us. "I cannot do that my child I have express orders from Zeus himself to keep you hear until you are claimed. Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis SOA Book&Literature 87 Chapters 1.6M Views Author: TheGodSage. "Why are you here?" she praise him and he smiled before answering, "My sissy's hewp me to learn how to speak pwoply" he bragged and she put him down asking, "I heard you cause a lot of trouble at bath time my dear is that true?" The 27 of July!" I couldn't believe my luck, it was Lady Artemis' scared animal and she rarely let anyone kill it. The boys nudged the girl to go first. "Come her Perce I'll help you get clean fast yeah?" The Gods read Altered Destinies and Intertwinded Destinies (Both Published By Anaklusmos14) I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympian, Heroes of Olympus or the plot line for the stories. Artemis had just given birth to a male on August 21st, 1993. "Are you going make me sweep for a day wike unca Ares did?" They introduced themselves as Perseus, Theseus, Orion and Hercules respectively. I considered for a moment and thought that it would make him better with a bow and arrow even with Ares' blessing as I heard that all Poseidon's children are useless with a bow. He pulled his bow up to eye level took a deep breath and held it before he let the arrow fly. "Relax girl we don't want to harm the child at all in fact quite the opposite. 15. Perseus Achilles Jackson was the first born son of Kronos, but his mother wasn't Rhea. we were both laughing and I did remember that we had lots of fond memories of our little brother already and he was only three! I picked the little boy up and put him on my hip which felt natural as he clung onto my top for safety and nuzzled my neck trying to get comfy to sleep again. He meets a beautiful goddess in the Olypian meeting and becomes an Olympian. I recognized them as Lords Hephaestus and Hermes. If he didn't want a bath he would simply make the water go away or form an air bubble around him, and even once I saw him manipulate the water to splash Zoe in the face when she tried to wash him. We all knew he could breathe under water out of our experience with every single bath time we had ever been a part of and all of the open expanses of water that were nearby wherever we stayed which were hiding Percy 50% of the time we played hide and seek for like 3 hours until he came out beaming and yelling. Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. He stood up slowly but not shaking. asked my brother and I growled at him. percyjackson. I had my own ideas about why we were here because the beast never really moved this fast. Which he was. Percy was looking more gleeful than ever and nearly bouncing up and down on the war god's knee but controlled himself. My son peered up at me curiously and asked pleadingly. "Nothing more than to meet the boy and give him my blessing in due time. By: FunahoMisaki with permission from TheMidnightElite (A/N: I own nothing except the idea for them to read the fic written by TheMidnightElite. "Mooooom" he whined and we all laughed at his embarrassment. Gods of forgery and thieves/travellers among other things. . "YOU'RE IT" before grabbing my hand and running. I only use my water powers when I need them most or if someone is in danger and don't even smell like the ocean anymore because I have the blessings of six gods on me as well as being around my Mom so much I now have silver flecks in my eyes and bits of silver in my hair, though it went quite oddly with my black hair no one seemed to notice. Percy Jackson: God of Time. I had found it quite cute and funny, this happened quite often but not always did both of them react to his cry. The treatment of certain characters has made me understand why fans of other fandoms get annoyed with things like Bashing. But remember when he refused to come out of the lake for bedtime. Son of Artemis (Male reader) (Percy jackson fanfic). Just as Ares had, she had let go of her cold exterior shell and was nice to be around after we found the boy. Y/N was no different. "Just the way I like them" the god laughed and Percy beamed as it was his favourite too and they both bit down into their 'home cooked' sandwich. We shared a bed which she wasn't very happy with but it was either that or the floor so she agreed to share because I was still quite scrawny for a demigod child. When he finished chanting Percy fainted but was held steady thanks to Ares. I still had yet to weasel information out of the little tyke about what he was making for Zoe but he had hidden it well along with tweezers, pliers a crafts book a chain mould and all of his pocket money which consisted of 60 which for a three year old was more than most 13 year olds had right now. He was asleep within minutes and we sighed in relief heading back out to our sisters and Artemis. I rubbed all of his body clean while Phoebe ran off to fetch a towel and some clothes for our little brother. She adopts baby Percy and he grows up in the hunt away from the prying eyes of other gods. Just got abducted by a few campers, it was all a big misunderstanding!" Help him p-please. No I will not reveal your secret to anyone before you do ok?" "My boy I am Hestia god of the hearth and home which means I can control fire but I also see everything!" 19. He had been trained with weapons by Ares from time to time and was a natural with spear and sword. She was looking at the child in admiration, "You speak very well for someone so young little one!" One night when I was awake just listening to the wildlife I heard Zoe crying and mumbling in her sleep. "Good I can see you changed your mind about your brother, and I trust you will let me babysit once in a while. Reading Percy Jackson Series Metadata. "Well I have been watching him ever since he started stealing and hiding theses thing" said Hermes with a suspicious glint in his eyes, "And to say he's only three he is unlike any other child I have ever seen and stole them with the intentions to give them back may I add and no one seemed to notice him sneaking about. We saw the canoe lake and the beach, the climbing wall and the armoury. Athena answered looking over the books. Even Poseidon had shown his face. Chapter 23. Later alright?" She shook her head exasperatedly but said "I am Thalia Grace." 16. My huntresses came back after an hour or so and they were all very tired and lugging several dear. She bowed to mum and then jogged to her sisters to tell them about how camp was now. The lights dimmed and there was a blue glow coming from above my head. I rushed over to where he had been facing to see whether there were any spoils. "Artemis! Percy muttered. Percy woke up crying about one of his sisters that had fallen thinking she was dead, she had been revived and now walked up to the both of us holding her arms up to the little child in my arms to show she was fine. It was easy because he was small and quite scrawny for a child. I ran to my son and picked him up just as all of the other girls tended to each other's wounds. I wiped my brow and drank some water. I makes littwl fires now, do you wike sandwiches?" They all expected him to be dead so it was a real surprise when he got up. The middle of the dining pavilion was filled with the whole Olympian council including Auntie Hestia who was tending the flames I had made my sacrifice in. She made me promise to keep him and I did, on the Styx" I explained but Zoe had already come and sat next to me on a dead tree log and was looking at the boy warily. Until that is, the worst day of my life with my son, after two years with him. I pried his tiny hand open and took the dolphin toy from his vice like grip. A day full of arguments between gods. Chapter 9 Chapter 1 Dimi-g "I'm your brother." One night nearly a year ago Phoebe and I had said we didn't have any stories of our hunt left and he threw a hissy fit like no other. Chapter 10 23. My name is Z-o-e" she pronounce her name slowly putting a hand on her chest to show the boy it was her and the pointed to Phoebe and said slowly. she begged with those big brown eyes and I broke. You just had a three year old make you a sandwich and then let him sit on your knee. I don't do fishy sandwiches but I can make a ham one if you want" the god laughed at this obviously recognising his power as that of a child of Poseidon. Follows Book 1! The moon was also shining brighter which happened when my mother was travelling by flash and I shut my eyes tight knowing she was coming and not wanting to be blinded by the flash. We found his Mom by the fire and sat down on logs facing her. The tall one shook his head "I'm Percy Jackson.". The Cyclops took a swing at his sister but Percy screamed out and released a horrible noise that forced the Cyclops off of his feet. And by now I could smell it. Percy looked at Hermes caduceus curiously before turning his attention to the other god. 17. Percy Jackson, Son of Chaos by MidnightIridescence. He started glowing red with Ares blessing that I had only seen once before. We continued to talk about the boy until I mentioned the girls loved hearing him laugh and tickled him often, this put a gleam in her eyes as she laid the boy back down and tickled him. On the beach, near the water. Potter and Poseidon, god of the sea. Percy Jackson & the Olympians is a series of five fantasy novels written by American author Rick Riordan, and the first book series in the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles.The novels are set in a world with the Greek gods in the 21st century, and follows the protagonist Percy Jackson, a young demigod who must prevent the Titans, led by Kronos (Cronus), from destroying the world. She was pure white with green eyes just like Percy and made a deep rumbling growl in her throat almost like purring except she wasn't a cat and nuzzled Percy playfully. We headed back to camp keeping the game up until he could no more and he was completely drained by the time we got there. She fell in love with him. I woke up in a deck chair next to Ellie who was asleep so I shook her awake. The girls always told him about their hunts over the years or the Greek myths and he couldn't get enough. YOU ARE READING. I told them to which made their jaws nearly hit the floor and I laughed at their expressions. "Zee-Zee Phe-Phe I'm ok no need to worry. It caught two of them but the older of the two boys fell on to the hard tiled floor. I had forgotten she was there and recoiled a little at the sight of the angry look now plastered on her usually kind face. Ongoing. left kudos on this work! I'm guessing The Lightning Thief is the first book we have to read." Gods always had an unlimited supply of money so it was no problem to buy all the things I would need for Percy. We were in Manhattan and we had seen some cool bow and arrows in a shop window. Hermes waved his hand over the equipment that had been stolen and safely returned it. . But he is just a child, Zeus wouldn't harm him. Patronned by Hestia, he will face the wrath of immortals and demigods alike throughout this 30-chapter story. I had taken a nap to revive myself and left the girls with Percy. So I gave them one. he looked at her a little scared now like he was going to be punished. He hadn't quite understood how old the girls were and kept saying that when he was their age he wanted to do stuff like them and hunt. He was very steady on his feet by now and ran after us though still quite slow. They didn't mind changing him when I asked them if they could take some shifts because taking care of a small child, especially a demigod child, was tiring. Apparently I was ok because I was with them since I was a baby and had learned the right way to respect women. Read Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis fanfiction written by the author TheGodSage on Webnovel, This serial novel genre is book&literature fanfic stories, . He had found a pile of precious stones by a river we stopped at yesterday and kept 5, 2 silver, 2 imperial gold and an emerald which was Zoe's favourite colour. Just then there was a flash beside us and Percy was so shocked he fell on his bum taking the hollow door of the tree with him. I looked up. That is until we were interrupted by another blinding flash. What is that?" "Zo please state your name and title in case the future demigods do not know you." But we are curious as to how he came to exist?" He is also the patron god of Corinth and his cabin in Camp Half-Blood. I heard a boy ask. Ares started chanting in ancient Greek and placed his hands on Percy's shoulders. asked the frightened child. It was then crushed under a tidal wave that came from a nearby river which caused Percy to fall and hit his head on a rock crumpling to the ground unconscious after losing all of his energy summoning so much water. It was the winter solstice and Zeus was talking about some boring thing like usual and the four heroes Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and Orion were invited to watch. Zoe though looked very excited and I was about to ask why when she called, "Percy? He was wary at first but as I knew he was a very ticklish boy, he giggled and squirmed before squealing with delight and yelling "No, no, no, no pweeeeeeeeeeeeaasse miss, stop nooooooooo. There was a trident above my head! The shunning, betrayal, and fall of a loyal one, a hero, a loved one, made him this- this man, this. I laughed at my mother's anger and protectiveness and everyone looked at me as if I belonged in a mental ward. The day ran quite smoothly after breakfast and Artemis took Percy for a walk while we trained with our weapons and bettered our fighting skills that were a little rusty due to our baby brother's presence and all the attention he demanded. "Whewe are Zee-zee and Phe-phe Mommy. Though Poseidon never got the chance to detect the boy's presence as he was never allowed near the sea just in case. "For Artemis. A reading about Percy's adventures while fixing relationships in Greek mythology, based of their personalities in the books. I gave it back to him and flashed back to my tent. said the messenger god and I stooped to a crouch letting go of Percy who stayed by my side looking into my eyes wondering why I put him down. Raise him to be kind and honourable and not the stereotype you despise, P-please! "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. Though I wasn't technically meant to accompany him due to his pride and the fact he wanted to do this independently I wanted to watch my son kill his first deer on his own. Percy: [to all who was present] I think that we should continue this . Whenever he woke up crying about monsters he'd seen around the camp when it was attacked, they would both go to his room and sing him a lullaby to put him to sleep before falling asleep themselves by his side. The Cursed Hero (My Hero Academia X Inumaki (Y/N) Nakamura is cursed boy. Chiron was going through our schedule and booked me in for everything in beginners class "Because of your age my dear boy, I believe your skills will need improving greatly if you are to survive when your mother comes to collect you and take you home." "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. Chapter 17 "I'll read first." Rubbing him dry all over, even though he could will himself dry sometimes, he still liked the feel of a nice soft towel, especially this particular blue one which happened to have fishes on it which Percy adored. Chapter 1- Percy the 'Special Case' He was developing very fast. He said warily eyeing the gods making me chuckle. she asked in a curious tone. Hera announcedChapter 1I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher. We thanked him and by the time we had settled in and greeted all the unclaimed and children of Hermes it was time for dinner. In moments they were on the floor clutching at many wounds as we turned to leave, only to have a goat boy jump out of a black van and shove the both of us in. 10. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Artemis found Percy on the beach alone with his dying mother believing she had saved them, only for the baby, no more than a year old to save her own life. He explained. I could see the silver through my eyelids and opened them once the brightness had died down. Just then a silver bow and arrow came into sight above my head as well and knocked the trident away pulsing silver steadily as if it was angry. I saw my sisters scanning the Hermes table for me and when my two oldest siblings found me I groaned at the thought of being embarrassed in front of all of these demigods by my sisters. Ellie got up from the Hermes table now dressed in huntress clothes thanks to my Mom who dressed her just with the flick of a wrist. 1) If he saw any of the girls fighting each other or having a disagreement that got too heated he would start yelling and screaming until they both turned their attention to him which resolved the problem immediately. I had obviously been blessed by my lady. Percy is betrayed when Nick Waters, a son of Poseidon and Percy's half brother, comes to camp. "What?!" But now I know the fates had led me to this child. She looked very fearful and probably suspected Hermes was here to take Percy away but couldn't quite figure out how Hephaestus fit into the whole thing. Annabeth dies or dumps Percy and he joins Artemis and the hunt. We were both put in the Hermes cabin and Ellie was not happy at being so close to many other boys. The boys were mortal and were just out for a fight. Creator: Lorixjake Series Begun: 2020-07-17 Series Updated: . "Child I'm not completely antisocial. "Lunar?" . Will Poseidon's fury come back to haunt them? I cleared the tree line and saw the beast. I praised him and nodded to which he yipped gleefully and looked expectantly at his new 'uncle'. He could see through the mist and knew it was . Pothena! they screamed. Artemis/Percy Jackson (162) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (25 . When he was dressed in his PJs we sent him off to say goodnight to all his sisters and he ran away towards the campfire to sing a song before we took him and put him to bed. [thinks] This will give me time to think about what I will wear to the date. But I decided to raise him as my own, and who knows, maybe he will prove to me that not all men are the same." The Greeks get their first glimpse of Camp Jupiter. They didn't have to and I didn't force them to take the child but they as good as killed each other arguing over the child I now made sure they all had each a feeding, diaper change, a play session, and a lullaby roter made which took them a whole two hours to decide who got what, when. To what do I owe the pleasure?" My huntresses didn't like him but I know he'd like Percy. He achieved greatness as a hero and was known for his loyalty to his loved ones. He never was punished by anyone, just threatened with no more bed time stories which he loved. - He was quite scrawny but not as weak as he looked. I lifted him out of the water and wrapped him in his favourite blue fluffy towel. The logical side of me told me to leave it alone but the Huntress side was demanding to know what it was. For some unknown reason I had felt empty lately like I needed someone else in my life. The other gods were obviously trying to find a way to explain why they were there so I decided to help as they were taking rather long to explain which would only make Artemis more suspicious. Follows Book 1! He seemed to be attracting them with his strong scent as a very powerful Demigod. 1.3M 18.6K 31. I smiled warmly at him which seemed to shock the God and he flashed out. I've been interested in the aspects of Greek mythology and I thought that Percy's story has so many elements of it, so why not try and work out those problems while having the gods realize how everything will change in the future. . Coz she aweys knows wat I been doin!" Chapter 16 Chapter 11 I was nine while she was 17 but looked 13. I slowly crept forward holding my bow when I heard the creature's footsteps. We had just finished clearing up when we saw Percy streak but naked and covered in mud across the clearing our camp was currently in and dive into the clear cool lake in the sunset; he sunk most of his body under the water and only kept his eyes above water level. I smiled reassuringly at her and her expression softened slightly. ", "What do you mean normal? I laughed at his reaction to the huge god and he whimpered, burying his head in my neck only peeping at the gods from time to time. Percy Jackson the god of time, tid . "Master Chiron, I know I am a demigod but I already have a home and we were kidnapped by a satyr and a blonde girl and forced here I know where to go and I need to get back so just let me leave please or my Mother will kill me." "Yes, Yes please sissy's" we ran out of the tent and he followed. I got up to see what all the commotion was about only to fall to the ground as I looked on at my son standing in front of a Cyclops. At Hercules Percy lunged and Thalia and Nico held him back. I relaxed and put my knifes away but still held the boy close. Artemis nodded " Alright then, I'll call Zo," and suddenly the Huntress was there. Artemis quickly explained what was happening and she nodded though she was tense. I got up to go and see what was wrong but to my surprise, as I reached the flap of my tent I saw my son was running to Phoebe's tent who came out after a second, and was then pulled to Zoe's tent, after they managed to make her stop crying I heard them both singing to her which was making her laugh. "Sleep" and panicking I felt myself drifting off. Will Octavian? The Seven are now about to be together and the great prophecy will begin. My dear do you know what you are?" she smiled at him but he squirmed away from her gaze embarrassed of her knowledge of this and asked. All I wish is to give this child my blessing." A deer. When our beloved Percy Jackson gets aged back down to a 3 year old who will age back quickly, and Artemis adopts him what adventures will he go on? I said in a deadly serious tone. Will Hera survive intact? tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. Then there's another series The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, House of Hades and Blood of Olympus. This is because it might ruin the story. Also a certain prophecy. "Milady. So I just came down here to vent it out and after a while I was able to calm down. Monster attacks were more frequent by the time my son was three. He was a very bright child and as a year passed which had Percy at 2 years of age, he could sing the alphabet and count to fifty as well as talk as good as any 4 year old I've seen. Three year old make you a sandwich and then jogged to her sisters to tell them about how was. Author: TheGodSage to ask why when she called, `` you speak very well for someone young. 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