Thanks. I even called him on google voice but was nervous to respond when he picked up because I figured that would make me look crazy. When the time is right, he will tell you all about it. But he still acted like he didnt care. We talked kissed cuddled and he performed oral sex on me. I would strongly advise you to trust the red flags you are experiencing. And said basically he was done. WHEW. He is a year older than me but also played the trumpet. My story is actually a little different but i would love some advice, im a virgo woman in a relationship with a pisces man and so it start out when i met him at a party in 2018 and his eyes dont leave me soon as i walk through the door, later on that evening we got aquatinted and i gave him my goodies a little too early but months went by and he still kept in touch then out of the blue got a girlfriend so we stopped talkin of course then almost a year late they broke up and he wanted my friendship so we ended up gettin cool again and hangin out with eachother and after a while of that December 2nd of 2020 rolls around and he decides he wants to be my boyfriend so i say yes then 3months into our relationship he decides wants to see what its like with another girl then 3short days later he apologizes and tells me it was a mistake and he wants to be with me then 2short days go by and he tells me something is missing and i tell him he can never come back now almost a week has went by and he come back saying he misses me now i dont know if im being played with or if he really does want to be with me and just is scared. This year is so sad for me and I just want to know how to talk to him and make him understand that we have kids involve and I need to see my kids and talk to them. We began friendly communication again at the beginning of this year; however, he was very passive-aggressive. He is then forced to tell you what he wants and if he wants the same thing. He didnt want to go through that again with me and not focus and not finish his studies to be there for his family as they are relying on him financially as well. Its my pleasure to do what I can to help women understand Pisces men. Giving him space will be your best option, followed by reaching out to him to see if he is Okay. You need to tell him 100% how you feel and what you want. I had therapy my therapist was like yal need to have discussion where is this going. If you cannot put your foot down or walk away then youre going to keep getting more of the same. Sometimes when a Pisces man is with someone, he wants to keep them all to himself which is why he wouldnt want to take you out. You have tried everything, but it seems like the more you try the faster he tries to pull away. He has always replied to my texts and texted me if I ever kept quiet for longer then he likes. We also slept together but this didnt work out very well, which I did not consider a big issue as it was the first time (nervousness) and we also had a lot of wine. Fast forwarding, we have made plans on getting things going with our lives and into finally being able to see each other. If you need more Pisces man insight, you should check out my books on Pisces man secrets. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. Once November rolled around (my bday is November 28) and we had thanksgiving break, we texted a bit and, I always initiate the text btw, I asked what kind of music he listened to and he said rock from the 80s. I am a male August Virgo, Dating a Male March Pisces. I find out from Facebook it was his ex he was helping out. But if you have tried those options already and his distant behavior has not changed, he may just need to be reeled in. to build trust. So, youve gotten involved with a Pisces man, but something doesnt feel right. Im sorry youve got through this. And he will quickly notice that when you disappear because you have had enough. He was like yes, just need some fresh air. Yes, if hes sick and stressed then this will definitely cause him to be incapable of handling a relationship. He needs to find middle ground with you. Pisces may have a solution in their head to the issue that you may not agree with. Then 2020 he asked me temporarily if he could stay at my place til he got on his feet. You are way too smart to fall victim to this and I am here to help you out beat him at his own game! Your posts are very insightful; however, Im still a bit lost with him at times. Issue with him is that he wouldnt tell me if he was upset. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. Youll be able to tell if hes being honest or is giving you total crap. He doesnt want the titled because it scares him so he keeps it as is but hey if hes playing the role then just keep going with it. He also tells me he loves me a lot. Would he actually make it into a reality? So then we met up again the next weekend had a fantastic weekend back at his home got heated but his roommate showed up and we stopped got something to eat and I went home. I just feel like its always something with him and I wanna stay and make things work but I feel like he milks his problems as excuses so I will feel bad for him. Try the friends route for awhile and let him sort himself out sweetheart. So we spoke about so much and by the sound of things it seems as though he seems to see me in his future but this man has never taken me out on a date weve just always hung out at one of his houses lol. Well when the new yr came 2019 I would only see him once in a blue moon. But he will always text me. Well lator nov 2018 he asked me to be just seeing him and be on a relationship. Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. If you did actually purchase the book then you get one free VIP consult with me which isnt on this blog. I did not except the FaceTime because it seemed too soon. He finally agreed, to put this relationship on hold, till he was back from overseas. Im a Capricorn and I hooked up with this Pisces guy but lost interest and ghosted him. Weve both told eachother we love eachother several times both before we met and that night we met. Because he tells me he likes me all the time but when I say it i dont think he believes me. Then thing started to go very well and we planned om meeting up the Saturday and he didnt pitch and when I called him he didnt answer then later he send me a text that we need to arrange to meet up, so I was quite annoyed and ignored him feeling that Im not going to put up with this, but 2 days later I started to feel bad and told him sorry for ghosting and he said no its fine he understands completely and that we should meet up that weekend. This is my first time dating a pisces so is it because we are moving too fast that he just wants to be friends and when he says he will reach out, will he really or is he just softening the blow? Knowledge is power, and there is a lot you can do with this information. These guys are super sensitive to other peoples emotions, but this also gives them a great amount of power because they know how to push peoples buttons. The good thing about a Pisces man is that when he commits, he really commits. His repose was he doesnt want to get atttached to me because he wont be able to write his medical exam which he didnt do for 10 years because he was attached to his previous ex. We ended up taking a scooter to go around the city and later having drinks and talking about business and philosophical issues. He loves having her at home. When you do; youll realize that though hes a smooth talker; hes fallible and you can calculate if Pisces man playing mind games is happening or not. This makes them crafty liars because they intuitively know what you would believe and what you wouldnt believe. But he acts like he doesnt care. Kohen acted like he didnt care and kind of ignored it. Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. Treat him like a friend and next time he compares you to his ex girlfriends you can say except Im not a girlfriend right?. Give him some space and time. However; some of them are out there and are looking to have fun until they find the one. I love him so much. If he tells you he went to hang out with a friend but leaves out certain aspects of where he was going, then he may have been meeting a female friend who is actually a bit more than a friend. It will break your heart cause they are always lying. I wasnt embarrassed, just caught off guard. You can also read my book Pisces Man Secrets for more insight. It's for you to decide whether their reasons for ghosting you, and now their reasons for coming back, are valid ones. Through April weve been FaceTiming and texting non stop. 8 signs he'll come back 1) He ghosted you by mistake How can someone ghost you by mistake? Thank you for chiming in sweetheart. We both said mean things to eachother then he said he was done with me. The Pisces Man. Should I text him again? We talked. A Pisces man scared of the future? Every person is different and that remains true for Pisces as well. The inner journey, the spiritual quest, and the emotional realm are what the Pisces man's general focus. I am sorry hes giving you mixed signals. When a Pisces goes silent, something is definitely up with him. The last pisces that i dated seemed too busy for me everyday even for a single text. Pisces is an expert game player. There isnt much you can do about this because once he has made up his mind, he has definitely made up his mind. Well I got to meet his sons and fell in love with the kids. This is pretty normal sweetheart. And it isnt as hard as you may think. Then i realized that hes still texting me every night but after that confrontation he is becoming quite distant and only text me so that he wont look like a jerk in my eyes. One text caused less than one minute. Im afraid the only way to know for sure why hes acting strange is to ask him about it. Hes dual natured x 2. Then he requested leave just to see me, but when, his transportation/jet, was sent on a mission, he wanted ME to pay his ticket here to the states, which was over $2000 dollars. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (dont worry, its anonymous). Why give up hope now where there is so much more for the two of you to experience together. Tell him how you feel about him, show him by showering him with affection and cuddles (they love cuddles). So after that he took me for a drive on his 4 wheeler talking like everything was perfect bit I felt that detachment. I loved his cheeky approach and enjoyed chatting to him and it escalated quickly as he was saying all the right things. If he says he doesnt then you will know that its just not going to happen. He mentioned there is alot of pressure to finish his diffcult medical school exam and he cannot get his mind of me. Besides, do you want to be with a man who is constantly playing so many games? We have been seeing each other for 7 months now with very slow progress. You might want to check out my book on Pisces man to help give you more insight. I am a cancer female and have been friends with my pisces man for the last 2 years. and we fell for eachother. This makes him incredibly insecure enough to play the jealousy card on you. As of right now we are awaiting his approval for the university he applied to. Your Pisces man will come back to you after a breakup, because of his mutable energy, he will have second thoughts and might impulsively act on his decisions depending on what he feels, he would be open to coming back as long as he feels that you still want him back in your life. 4. Your unwillingness to do as they want may have been the thing that alienated Pisces from . I feel crazy saying hes watching me but it feels that way. I be confused cause I know other pieces men they talk about their feeling and are dreamy romantic Well this feb 23 pieces is not. Ive only been dating a Pisces for about a month but weve had really good chemistry and are compatible. Instead of trusting your fears, you should trust your own intuition. I got home late and we didnt get to meet that night. So I just thought Im forgiving so hopefully the person he talked to he stopped. Typical leo woman, I like consistency. I was still seeing other people so like I said did not focus on that. He was more relaxed in the moment. Later that night he called teice but I was asleep. Im inclined to think that it is family stuff or stuff with friends. So the Friday we arranged that I will sleep over by him. I have caught him in so many lies and w expert at reversing it on me to make it seem like its my fault when I know its not. Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man. The Pisces man is often a catch all of characteristics, displaying many of the main traits of the other signs. But if he doesnt ever tell me, am I just wasting my time? He would not reply to some of my texts; he would ignore me when he saw me at the gym, he would say that he might be able to hang out, then cancel on me last minute, etc. I need some help. After a while and some weeks passed, I started to get this weird nervous feeling in me every time I walked by or was in the same room as Kohen. Be honest with him and tell him you will not do this back and forth with him any longer and either he wants to be with you for the long haul or he doesnt but there is no in-between. I have apologised quite a few times when I know it is my fault. If hes not seeing anyone else and treating you as he does then hang onto it. He always asked me to some sexy pictures and videos to him and most of the conversation is steamy. We didnt see each other really for about a week and a half and he hit me up and of course I went. I hope you ca clarify this. Tell him its creepy. Pisces men playing mind games is a really obvious thing to take notice of. I declined because my schedule would not permit but would f/u with him tomorrow with a date. If you need more information, you should check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. I probably only complained twice but Id say it was more of Im worried about you long message. Pisces Men Are Very Convincing With Their Mind Games, How To Tell If There's A Future With Your Pisces Man, 5 Clear Signs A Pisces Man Is Playing You. Ive asked and he hasnt been direct but its been leaning towards he still does. Maybe he is actually busy and not doing what you think he is doing. She is an aquarius and he is a pisces and she said that she doesnt care about him right in front of him. Well we started talking again as friends in July of that same year. Make Him Feel Guilty If you know how to make a Pisces man feel guilty, you can try to play on his emotions in order to get him back. Did something happen that made you change your mind?. In the middle of the week he texted me he could not stop smiling thinking of our time together, he also called me for about 2 hours. Look at the overall picture and start piecing together those red flags. So I would see this guy pretty often. Why do that if he isnt into you? We met the next day, Sunday. I needed to say something about the texting though, I get crazy with over thinking. Dont be afraid of stating how you disapprove of his actions. If he does come back we have a lot of work to do and I want a clean slate. They are very sensitive. Why break it all up by telling him he needs to give it a title. Then, send him a random text or call him to talk about your favorite memories. Perhaps he will figure things out in his head and then better communicate with you. He helps me with my two kids and helps me with chores around the house and will even tell me to take a break so he can cook and clean and stuff. I told him that I was, and I try not to text him frequently because he expressed that he didnt like to communicate back and forth in the past, but I was interested in staying with him. But just as the article said, he never delivered. Even if I require validation, I know that I can change that, which is not a good enough reason to say we are not a good fit. So I investigated and everything started to make sense that he is also seeing this woman and they are in the same church and it seems like they know each other a long time but never been in a relationship. It doesnt happen often that I find a guy I can speak the same language with, on the other hand, I think that if we keep our contact, I will hope that he will change his mind and I may also feel he uses me as his consultant. Im in Texas hes in Florida So we went a whole year of only virtually talking and we finally met a few months ago and became official. Most Pisces men are looking for their one and only, so they dont do a whole lot of playing. If he is telling you to chill out its probably because hes going through some things and hes overwhelmed. We go fishing all the time. I said no. I tried to understand but he kept doing it for 2 months. Thoughts? You arent sure what it is but you wonder if hes playing you or if there is something else you need to know. I was still a bit skeptical and was not being completely honest with him because I didnt tell him that I have a daughter. It was very helpful. 12 Of The Worst Negative Personality Traits That Are Truly Nasty. He wants a family but is acting like this? He gives me such mixed signals. Pisces man playing games isnt too common but can happen when you least expect it. And the more you try to get him to stick to the plan, the faster he tries to run away. check out my 3-step formula for a Pisces man. I also hate their MIA act even over the weekend. Most sites say that a saggis and a Pisces would never work together and it was very discouraging. Validation isnt a bad thing and I dont think you should change who you are for anyone sweetheart. He also begs me to change my number for 2 years now. Don't get mad. I love your feedback! After that last message, he blocked me. If he acts super sensitive and is playing the victim card just realize that he is trying to test his boundaries with you. He said, too bad you dont live in Maryland, because he was in the mood, and I wasnt there. We then moved on to exchanging numbers and would message each other almost everyday. We would have the longest phone conversations ever. What do you think Anna? This includes making you think hes telling you the truth when hes actually being deceptive. If you want to know more about the Pisces man and how they operate, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. If you need more help, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. He needs to get himself together but you must decide if you will wait for him to do that or if you should just move on and find someone ready to be a grown up. Try bringing in a third party. No more asking how was my day doing etc he was so keen and excited to learn about my life too. It got ridiculous during that convo, he only texted me once a dayI finally said something and he never responded. Do you see how this works? Then we kept talking and got into more conversations. If you need more Pisces help, check out my book. My ex fiancee now he put me out after six years and 2 kids for a woman who is older than him and me on valentines day which was also our anniversary of engagement. He also has self-esteem issues and it reflected on your relationship. Till now we are in touch but I feel like he is afraid of commiting and not say anything. Pisces men are notoriously unorganized, and his head might just be in the clouds. There is nothing wrong with you as a matter of facts you are perfect I think I just need to look at myself. He seemed to be fine with it and engaged in conversations. But your Pisces man can be all the best things you want in a man if you handle him with care and love. I think Id tell him that if he needs to figure out himself then you will gladly give him some time and space but if hed like to develop the bond more, youll be there. wait to give me a hug first like he reached his arm and stopped me aggressively I was shaking so we hugged but then he started feeling on my ass I let him, next thing I know he cant stop touching and coming near me we were around kids so he turned off the lights grabbed me close and kissed me it seemed like he wanted more when we sat back on the bed he turned the lights of again grabs my face kissed me on my cheek and kiss me on the lips again he took my phone and put in his snap and honestly you went back to his state and he barely texted me only ounce then we never spoke but I still really like him why did he ghost me?. I wonder if this is it this time. Get to know your Pisces guy before you commit yourself to him. I dont want to say anything more as if trying to change your mind, the point is for you to be in this because you want it . Hes been really sick and stressed. Your Pisces man actually sounds very confused within himself which makes him sound even more confusing for you. So last week he finally texted me and we made plans to see on another. My ex is a Pisces. He sounds like he has some strong Virgo somewhere dominant in his chart. Try to be patient with him. If he really does love you and its not infatuation then he will stick around and still continue to treat you as though youre everything. Take Time To Read The Message. If someone ghosted on you, it's because you seemed disinterested, or were making it seem as though you wouldn't have space for that person in your life. Ive apologized for our argument which he didnt on his part but admitted to being wrong about not telling mewho he was hanging out with. As things started to get alittle more intense; I finally couldnt take my dishonesty anymore and wanted to break things off. How do I know the things he said in that message is a lie so he can just keep me on a string not to move on? I am a cancer woman and met my pisces man almost 2 weeks ago. Im the only girl he constantly brought with his family. Hi so the last message I received from my Pisces man goes as follow : hey my person a sorry and forgive me is probably not what you want to hear. How does a Pisces man test you? This just leaves you totally heartbroken. I texted him and apologized for not answering due to being sleep. Next weekend came nothing he is busy with studies. I then asked if he wanted to hang out the night he returned home from his trip because I was thinking about inviting my mom to come if he wasnt interested. Ask him if you let him back in if he will be with you only. I got up the next morning and he was upset that Inwas leaving so early without even waking him up and wanted to know why. But social media isn't the only sign that a ghoster might be planning their grand return. Hes about to take me on a hunting trip. Afterwards, he was a little distant but as our love grew he finally came back to normal. This isnt even all of the details but a summary..what do you think ? Since then, we talked afterwards- got in a heated argument. I dont know what should I do, do I keep distance with him? Men born in Pisces are famous for their psychic capacities. That made you change your mind?, displaying many of the Worst Personality. Break it all up by telling him he needs to give it a title trust your own.... More of the same thing Pisces and she said that she doesnt care about him right front... The Zodiac seeing other people so like I said did not except the FaceTime because it seemed too.... Home late and we didnt get to know your Pisces man to help you beat. 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