Took to vet and she said it could be the Simparico Trio. They won't be taking another dose, I cannot recommend this medication especially if you have a small dog. I'll tell you what I can meningitis is the swelling of tissue surrounding the brain and spinal column and can be cause by either bacteria or a virus. I should have know it was a sign when he spat it out. My vet prescribed my 16 week old puppy this drug because of a skin irritation. His tail stuck between his legs, he curves his spine like a cat, cant sit, cant get up, acting like an old Arthiretic dog and his whole personality was gone, like he wasnt there anymore. It could be something else that had caused her all the pain she went through but I surely will not give my puppy Simparica anymore and I hope she is alright. 12/18/21.. he did experience some diarrhea. He had kidney failure he had seizures he had nervous system problems. And for those who have lost their fur babies I am so sorry for your lost. I don't recommend anyone risk their pet's life just to be a little easier having a pill to take. like what??? Im going to another vet and discontinuing simparica. Get the dog moms and dads in your life something unique this year. Shes now in the Er. This time he just kept collapsing, bloated appearing, vomit, and diarrhea, and hiding with his face down and nose in carpet. Thank you. It's important to ensure that your dog eats the whole dose and that part of the dose is not lost or spit out, so I always watch my dog eat and make sure she got it all. Exactly. Eat grass and vomit. Seizures have been reported in dogs receiving isoxazoline class drugs, even in dogs without a . Because this ingredient works differently on invertebrates than mammals, however, Simparica for dogs has been proven safe during field trials. All we want to do is take the best care of our animals and trust the people (Vet's) who specialize in this to do what's right for them. As of today, Sadie's ability to eventually meet the strict certification requirements in that pursuit, remains guarded, although her progress prior to this event had been stellar. oh I should mention shadow is our 8 yr old dogue de Bordeaux - he has never had a reaction to anything ever before in his life and has never needed a vet so this was not usual at all for him .. My beautiful Golden was switched from her previous Medicine to this one. No simparica for them either! Topical only for me from now on. After reading all these posts that sound so similar to what we are going through. Was hospitalized for 2 1/2 days. This was January 15 of 2020. I let him back in the bedroom yesterday all went well, then this morning I woke to him peeing in the floor again. All said, we are over $8K into vet bills and growing, Given that he had no noted medical issues prior, his vet and the urgent care vet both feel is was likely the Simparico. Those incidents are still under investigation because the numbers of report are extremely low. I would advise against the drug based on my experience so far, it can get worse and the reviews that I have read online about the product. Then she lost control of her legs and couldn't walk or stand. When it came time to pick the right product for my own dog, I opted for Simparica Trio. He had no medical problems before this, and I took him to the vet every year he ended up dying two weeks later , I took him to the vet first they told me he wasnt gonna make it to leave him there and I told him no if he isnt gonna make it, hes going to pass away in my arms at home with me and his family why took him to a different vet not the same one I confronted the woman that gave me that medicine. I gave my six-year-old dog SIM perica because the combo guard was on back order. I never saw a flea because he has a very thick coat. I have read that Simparica may cause side effects including muscle tremors, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa, hyperactivity, neurological side effects, seizures, convulsions, anxiety and skin irritation . Im wondering if this is how she will be the rest of her life all from taking one dose of Simparica! I gave my dog his first dose today and 6 hours later he was throwing up and became frantic to get outside to eat grass. lola weighs about 9lbs. I am SOOO angry! I gave my almost 10 year old chihuahua mix (11lbs) his first dose on Wednesday and he has started coughing and sputtering since Thursday nite. I was reading that this drug enters the bloodstream quickly after giving it, and these symptoms and all the other reports have convinced me that I'm done using this on my pup. And he was on Comfortis before and did fine. Its now about May 16th 2021. Will not be using this treatment again!!! My dog (6 years old) has been using monthly Simparica since I got him. Simparica Trio does cover more but after reading both I've decided to use Revolution. I am trying to remain confident that my poor girl will recover. It is now day 37 since her last Simparica and I will not ever give her another one. He licks his lips all the time? Sarolaner is also used in combination products for both dogs and cats. Pharmaceuticals are killing people and pets, Pet Bucket Ltd is a UK registered company|Company no: 08345021|BTC Bessemer Drive Stevenage, SG1 2DX UK. She had multiple seizures and developed pericardial effusion and myocarditis. It has been demonstrated to be safe for puppies as young as 8 weeks old weighing 2.8 pounds or more. Does your do still have a cough? The topical solution offers 12 weeks of protection against ticks and fleas and eight weeks of protection against Lone Star ticks. He ran bloods and sent her home with Keppra three times a day, after two weeks she is now down to twice a day. Bentlee trusts me an I let him down on this one. Could the issues with my dog being iffy with the steps be from the medication? Circumstances changed and moved to a semi rural area in Florida surrounded by lots of woods. Thanks to its innovative formula, the treatment continues to work for 35 days, providing long-lasting relief from parasites and the diseases they carry. Our 6 year old, 66# Treeing Walker Coon Hound baby has been taking Simparica for about two years. Our two shih tzus are 6.5. Thank you all for speaking out on Simparica Trio that Bandfield Hospital pushed on our Toy Poodle. My two cavapoos (two months shy of turning three years old), have had three doses of simparica trio for three months now. And it looks like the liver and/or the kidney will not take it too. I wish every one the best. Do not give extra or double doses. I have a person that bought a husky puppy from me March 6 @ 6 weeks old. Simparica trio was the last medication our 7 year old dog was given and now she's completely blind. He seems sometimes anxious and is sensitive to noise outside. I could never forgive myself. She has been taking Trifexis for years with no problem. I am also going to contact the vet who gave it to me and tell him all this stuff. Thank all who have posted to bring this subject to light. She vomited twice and became so lethargic that she couldnt walk. Same as you describe. There is NO other explanation for this rapid decline and the only change has been THIS drug. Any advice on the diarrhea? I took him to the ER they checked his vitals and sent me home. Side effects are rare and may include: Vomiting Lethargy Diarrhea Loss of appetite Neurologic side effects have been seen after using medications in this class of drugs. She's pacing and wants to eat grass. Prednisone helped symptoms in our case but the seizures kept going even after stopping this horrible med. I will not in good conscience continue to give my three previously healthy dogs anymore Simparica Trio as it causing Gand Mal seizures in my older dog and nausea , vomiting and severe thirst and dehydration. I guarantee he will not take this trash again. Vet prescribed this for my 12 week old border collie Lab mix. Next day she seemed different, standing slightly strangely. He had been on it for 4-5 months . Hello! She passed away soon after taking this medication. My 3 year old dog has been on Simparica since he was a puppy, with no side effects that I've noticed. Since then I've researched loads and as you say the FDA put out a report. Then suddenly dog has diarrhea and it lasted for several days. His first was a week after taking his simparica. And now that I'm reading all of these comments, a couple of hours ago, my puppy who I thought was sleeping, would be shaking and whining, (I'm used to him having bad dreams, and I'd wake him up from them). Although he didnt continue throwing up and was fine otherwise, he was still outside 12 hours later eating grass. This should be taken off the market-it's just a BIG pharmaceutical moneymaker at the expense of animals and their unsuspecting owners. On August 17th, we had to rush him to the ER because he was not moving. Does anybody know how long this will last? Today was my 14 year old Jack Russell's 2nd dose of Simparica, her name is Rallye. If by chance he starts having diarrhea againI will not be using it anymore. In such cases, please visit the veterinarian as soon as possible. Is Simparica only available with a prescription? Simparica is available by prescription only, so discuss any history your dog has of seizure disorders with your veterinarian when determining the best flea and tick treatment for your pet. My dogs have been throwing up since then and I could not for the life of me figure out why. Lost all appetite. She has been itching uncontrollably since I gave her the simparica. I should have kept with my gut feeling about any of these oral meds. Some dogs improve, some don't, not a clear answer why. However, these adverse effects are rarely observed in pets and overall the product is proven to be suitable for all dogs without occurrence of any side effects. They said , he has a Autoimmune Hemolytic anemia . My dog weighs 60 pounds and was given a dose for dogs up to 88 pounds. Her poor top underside of her tail has raw skin the hair is completely gone like burnt off from diarrhea. Dr said either Simparica (best case scenario), GOLPP or brain tumor. Took him back to the vet. The leaflet inside at least needs to be changed to have the correct information on it. I must admit that I am pretty nervous about it, but we shall see. Thank you to all of you posting and I hope all of your babies are doing well. Furious that this out there for pets. This is lethal medication for dogs and should be taken off the market now. My older dog had his enzyme levels checked after taking 5 months of simparica and they were elevated 26x the nomal level. I gave this to my 8 yr old chihuahua and a couple days later he started having seizures. Daily Paws is part of the Meredith National Digital Network. No diarrhea or vomiting or seizures. The most common side effects of Simparica in dogs are vomiting and diarrhea. Charlie took the pill on Monday and could not even walk this morning. Since the weather was turning cold, I stopped giving her the Simparica until spring. At first B seemed fine. I'm not going to make her a test case by giving her another dose next month. I'm besides myself. He has horrible water like stools. Kristine, unfortunately my sweet Dolly passed away on October 9th. It is the most convenient flea and tick protection product on the market. Any response from the company? This is because it doesn't kill adult heartworms. (Ours never did, she died 4 months later.) Anything with tick prevention is in the same class of drugs. This morning was the first morning he left water in his bowl. Sorry man, that is horrible. If you think that your dog has had an overdose of Simparica, contact your vet immediately to seek treatment. Hey Sara I was wondering how you contacted Simparica because after taking her to animal emergency room then the vet next day. I had to put him laundry room for the night (no Carpet). Today, he wouldn't eat or drink any water. It was recommended by my vet and they no longer were selling anything other than Simparica and dropped having Bravecto to sell their customers. She had been on the Seresto collar and Tri-Heart for 8 years with no issues. I gave my 5 lb maltipoo a new flea treatment called Simparica and two weeks later she started having seizures. . It is yet too soon to state an accurate number of dogs that have been affected, but for such a young drug, the growing total of already reported adverse reactions is . Did you ever do an MRI or spinal tap? She seems to be feeling better but still very concerned of why these levels are still up. We did not make the connection until today. They did a blood test (this is literally 7 days later) and his ATL liver levels were off the charts at >2000. If this continues or worsens then discontinue using the flea and tick worm medication and speak to your veterinarian again to discuss other flea and tick prevention options. He seems back to his normal self and playing with his toys, but we will not continue the following doses! Im certain that its the simparica. now seizures daily on all sorts of meds for it and the cost with medications to try and control seizures and vet visits and mainly seeing my once healthy playful full of life pups having seizures daily even in her sleep breaks my damn heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some years back my husband gave vet approved & sold oral flea/tic medication to each of our 2 Standard Poodles. Wonder why PetSmart offers this if there are so many concerns reported. I have another dog, but gave him Frontline and he's fine. Around 9pm he was barely able to jump up onto the couch and was extremely hesitant to go up the steps. I will do anything to stop this from hurting or killing anyone else's baby. Don't trust your vet, do your own research. Gave our 6 month old Bulldog puppy Simparica TRIO (this is his 3rd dose) now realizing this is the culprit to what happened with him last month. She does have an eye that appears to be looking to the East when facing South. FREE shipping and the BEST customer service! Gave Simparica to my dog yesterday. I started thinking about his history. Good bless you all. gave this to my dog three different times. Do you have a homeopathic vet in your area? Just after the 4th dose he started to collapse at his feeding dishes on the floor, next we raised dishes and he did ok for being shaky but continued to decline to the point where he could not use dishes , and now cant eat or drink. Also - do NOT use Bravecto for females you intend to breed. They are both potty trained, but one keeps using the bathroom in the house. I also reported to drug manufacturer and they are willing to reimburse me for the costs incurred. He has all the symptoms Eveyone is describing. The third ingredient in Simparica Trio is pyrantel. No problem eating. She is still in the vet since 3am. Mammals also have GABA receptors in the brain and I've been reading on other websites about both nervous and aggressive behaviors in normally docile pets in the days following ingestion of Simparica Trio occurring and astute pet owners begin wondering if there is a connection. I warned my aunt not to give this edible insecticide/arachnicide to her dog because I have heard some bad news about it, but my aunt just did not heed the warning. He has been using Simparica Trio since it came out several years ago, which eliminates the need for an additional monthly heart guard chewable. Zoetis (Simparica, Simparica Trio, Revolution Plus): 888-963-8471; If you prefer to report directly to the FDA, or want additional information about adverse drug experience reporting for animal drugs, see How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems. No seizures yet thank goodness, but he is drinking a ton of water. HELP!! She had some good days and we were hopeful but ultimately, she steadily declined. The vet did a nasal lavage under anesthesia and got a lot of mucus. Then she started having tremors. We were so upset - I vowed to never use oral flea treatment again. She never did that before! Im not sure if the simperica is the cause. So bad that the FDA made them put a huge warning now on the package. The more we complain the more chance we have of saving other dogs. Omg Im feeling sick seeing all these bad comments. She has not had any of the reactions everyone seems to be describing but she had respiratory distress. On Jan 4th for the first time. Can someone please tell me if their dogs got better after taking the pill? I have the same exact mix--cavalier and bichon and she hasn't had a normal appetite in over 3 weeks now. Banfield also pushed it on us saying that they no longer sold the other we used that I can't think of right now because I am so upset. I am so worried about her! now almost exactly two months later, sick again with a fever and stops eating. Today he had runny stools threw up mucus Wont eat or drink (i gave him ice out of my hand and did gove him couple treats) He is lethargic also I called emergency vet and ahe said it probably is from this medication but not all dogs have these side effects. The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Im wondering if anyone else has seen these types of symptoms. They drew blood & took a fecal sample . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday he slept all day, was hesitant to get up, wouldn't play with his ball, continued to drink excessively and shivered. I began researching this today as the same thing seems to be happening to my Havanese mix since starting this several months ago. Im just hoping my sweet girl is going to be ok. My English Springer Spaniel(Sadie) received her first dose of Simparica Trio at 12 weeks old, with no noticeable side effects. Did the tremors ever stop? Although much improved, she continues to exhibit left side bias, with frequent left circling. PROS Treats adult fleas and prevents flea and tick infestations Effective against five types of tick Liver flavored tablet FDA Approved CONS The product can be purchased directly from your vet, from your vet's online pharmacy, or through an external online pharmacy with a valid prescription. Never happened before. My 9-year-old Golden Retriever has been on Simparica for a few years now and not really experiencing any issues. In addition to ease of use, it has been tested in many field trials and proven to work effectively against fleas, ticks, and worms in dogs. Its Sunday night and still vomiting. The flavored, chewable tablets were consumed . About 11 months ago our vet recommended Simparica Trio. He was a dog you could pick up anytime and he was good as gold. I feel like this drug was pushed by my vet tech and veterinarian. The results are fatal for fleas and ticks but safe for mammals such as your dog. They recommended I hospitalize my dog immediately as it's a concern and he's currently there receiving IV fluids, meds, and after an ultrasound is now receiving medication for possible liver infection. We are now 2-3 weeks after our dog's dose of Simparica and are hoping for some improvement in her neurological symptoms as time goes on. Im wondering if after it is out of his system or have I now poisoned my baby where he might have a seizure disorder for the rest of his life. Cases, please visit the veterinarian as soon as possible there are many... Is drinking a ton of water up and was given a dose for dogs cats! ) has been taking Trifexis for years with no side effects of Simparica in receiving... 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