One is the full inscription above Jesus headnot just INRI, but Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews). Let the Word like fire purify me and restore my parts stolen or destroyed by the enemy. He always listens and always responds! This is why Pleading the Blood of Jesus works so well in real life combat situations, when it really is needed to defeat attacks that are coming against us from the dark side. Through the blood of Jesus, all my sinsareforgiven. God bless you. For those of you who will choose to remain passive hoping that nothing bad will ever come your way, at least keep this article on the shelf in the event that any serious adversity ever does strike you or any of your close loved ones down the road. Today, as you plead the Blood of Jesus, His liquid raw power, will come upon your life and strange and marvellous things will begin to take place in your life. To God alone be all the glory. Nothing is impossible with God. It is a prayer that brings deliverance and protection. That is the power in the Blood of Jesus! Let the blood of Jesus speak victory and prosperity unto my life. You cannot joke with a virtue hat has the power to kill, restore and purify. O Lord, ignite my career with Your fire. Are you a true believer? Moses fasted 80 days. Blood of Jesus Prayer Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. To understand the meanings behind these prayers and how to apply the BLOOD appropriately. 3. 20. You invisible barrier, release my blessings by the blood of Jesus. I encourage you to not skip this part. In fact, before you move into a new apartment or house, you should sanitise it and the surroundings, with the Blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus kill the spirit of poverty and hardship in my life. You can check them out, You can walk without fear. This prayer can be said at least daily after you do it the first time. Many are being hypnotised and confused. They do not have Gods full protection on them, and as a result, they are coming under severe attacks from demons, evil people, and just some of the natural cause and effects that can occur at a moments notice such as different kinds of accidents, catastrophes, mishaps, and illnesses that can hit anyone of us at anytime. Pastor I plead the blood of Jesus against any evil padlock in my life, in Jesus name. God has provided evidence that the first 4 Seals have been opened (1994, 2001, 2008, 2015). Limited to those striving to live with An Enduring Faith. Nothing is impossible with God. Let the blood of Jesus guide and protect me. Then Jesus comes in the New Testament, and the shedding of His blood now gives all believers complete and total forgiveness for all of their sins. Deliverance: we are going to be engaging 100 prayer points against principalities and powers, these prayer points will empower us as we go into spiritual warfare against these forces. Blood of Jesus paralyze the activities of strange sickness in my body. 39. In Jesus' Name, so be it. Through prayer, we can plead, ask, and claim the BLOOD OF JESUS over all that belongs to us. The prayer was offered in an attempt to rescue a young woman from being abused in a satanic cult ritual. 48. 5. I hold the blood of Jesus against evil diversion. Door-opening power to open every door that has been closed against good things in the life of a person. This prayer works. Blood of Jesus, pursue poverty out of my life, in the Name of Jesus. Daily Prayer of Binding and Loosing 9. 12. The Bible tells us that we have three parts to our beings body, soul and spirit. Effective spiritual warfare can only be done by the hands and through the mouth of a true believer. Section 1: Declarations/Prayers for Deliverance of the Mind. Please read, study and pray before attempting to use this prayer for offensive purposes. By the Blood of Jesus, every owner of evil load, carry your load in the Name of Jesus. So was the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:27). Blood of Jesus wash me, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus protect me and my unborn child. Jesus had not come yet, so there was no full remission for any of the sins that had occurred back at that time. These are declarations/statements that you can speak over yourself in your spiritual warfare, and/or use as prayer points. We just have to learn how to walk and flow with Gods power that has been made available to all of us through the Holy Spirit. 17. Then Jesus comes in the New Testament, and the shedding of His blood now gives all believers complete and total forgiveness for all of their sins. The Passover is a type and an example of the protection that JESUSs BLOOD offers us when we apply it on ourselves and family. All the basics of Deliverance are here. In the Old Testament, God the Father had it arranged with His chosen people, the Jews, that in order for them to be able to enter into a covenant relationship with Him, they had to have some kind of temporary covering for their sins. It it an extensive presentation on bible based spiritual warfare along with an explanation of the biblical roots for Deliverance and Pleading the Blood. In my opinion, and from the personal experiences that I have had with this form of offensive prayer, I believe that learning how to Plead the Blood of Jesus may be one of the greatest, offensive, spiritual weapons that you can have in your arsenal. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see beyond the visible to the invisible, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points For Spiritual Warfare And Protection Over Homes. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. I believe that as I make this confession unto life with the power in my tongue, according to the Words which the lord has this day put in my mouth, I shall prosper. I will give you both parts of this prayer the initial prayer that you will go to God the Father with to make the initial full surrender, and then the second part of this prayer that will continue to keep you under this full surrender with the Lord for the rest of your earthly life. There is a lot of tragedy and disaster all over the place. I also use these 2 Prayers from Derek Prince that I find all inclusive: Thank you, GOD, for the precious blood of JESUS. Any one of these could come under demonic or human attack at any time. The first thing you are going to want to do is make a personal list of everything that you would like to have Gods protection on. When you run across a situation that will need Gods supernatural power to fully deliver you, you will usually need some kind of. However, there is a small condition. Spiritual parasites in my life, be disgraced, in Jesus name. When the 5th Seal is opened, it will begin the final 7 years and halfway through that 7 years, the great tribulation begins. Let the blood of Jesus minister defeat to every evil work in my life. Prayer For Favor 12. Give each of us clarity of thought; give each of us a sound and sober mind, in Jesus Christ Holy Name; according to John 14:14. Make each of the following powerful confessions 70 times. Notice in this verse we have Gods power over all the power of our enemies, not just against some or part of their powers. After chewing on all of the above, who do you want running your life? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You invisible barrier, release my blessings by the blood of Jesus. I am Gods property. -Through the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of the hands of the devil. Amen, thank you Lord, for I believe that my prayers have been answered already in Jesus name.. My wait is over, I believe that no weapon formed against my health, my elevation, my growth, my promotion and my destiny shall prosper against me in this season in Jesus mighty name.. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my financial income. We are living in a fallen, imperfect, and cursed world that is subject to death, corruption, demonic spirits, and evil humans who have chosen with their own free wills to live this life on the dark side. Daily Prayers of Consecration 8. WebPrayers For Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Upon My Womb I apply the blood of Jesus upon my body. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby rebuke fear, lies, doubt & unbelief, the spirit of murder & the spirit of hate. Prayer For Divine Help and Protection You are our helper, Mighty One. As we all know, the spiritual attacks are increasing and the war is raging! If you are not born again and you would like to surrender your life to Christ, you can do so right now, right there where you are. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby rebuke paganism, witchcraft, sorcery, luciferism, cutting, & anything else that could possibly be hindering my Salvation in Jesus Christ. If you want to take this last and final step with the Lord, then I can give you a very short, but powerful prayer to go to God the Father with to come into this full surrender with Him. Gives us the BOLDNESS to enter into the presence of GOD, (, It CRIES OUT CONTINUALLY to GOD in heaven on our behalf, (, It REDEEMS us out of the hands of the devil, (, It CLEANSES us continually from all sin, (, It JUSTIFIES us as if we had never sinned, (. I paralyse and cut off the head of my goliath by the blood of Jesus, 9. It is an excellent study guide on this very important subject. 34. WebTHE BLOOD OF JESUS PRAYER - SPIRITUAL WARFARE El Shaddai's AmazinGrace 4.69K subscribers Subscribe 819 65K views 5 years ago This prayer is the Blood of Jesus the joseph plan (at) That old serpent, the dragon, that the Bible talks about, saying: Woe unto the earth and the sea There is a weapon that can overcome it. Let the blood of the cross stand between me and any dark power deligated against me in the name of Jesus. I paralyze all satanic oppressors delegated against me with the blood of Jesus. 31. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby claim The Blood of Jesus over me. How to Develop An Enduring Faith- a Bible Study, Real Christian Hard Core Deliverance Training. The Blog categories are in the right side menu. Here are the prayer points youre looking for. 2. I do hear Gods voice as Jesus said in John 10:27. I thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, who won victory over sin and death for my salvation. Pastor Thomas how much does this course cost.Thank you. Sign up for our very popular email Spiritual Warfare Trining course on the blue bar at the top of this page. Let the power in the blood clean my spiritual vision and wash my spiritual pipe that I may be receiving of the Lord unhindered. The 12 in the above word, represents the church and its unity, as this is what the 12 disciples represented. First things first when learning to pray the Blood of Jesus. Prayers For Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Upon My Womb, Pleading the blood of Jesus Against Sickness, Pleading the blood of Jesus Over My Finances. Disables the spiritual principalities and powers. Here is how to specifically Plead the Blood on each of the above items. Blood of Jesus flow into my foundation and deliver me, in the name of Jesus. I brought my pastor to this post. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, Ephesians 6:12. I eat the flesh of Jesus to receive new spiritual strength and vigor, strength and vigor to put under subjection all works of the flesh, strength and vigor to paralyze the desires of my flesh, strength and vigor to paralyze the power my flesh and make it obedient to the laws of the Lord. I Plead the Blood of Jesus against any bad and evil people who may try and come against me. 7. Vos prieres au nom de Jesus me reconfortent. 53. If the blood of animals and human beings could make an impact, how much more, the Blood of Jesus, the Son of God? In the Old Testament, God the Father had it arranged with His chosen people, the Jews, that in order for them to be able to enter into a covenant relationship with Him, they had to have some kind of temporary covering for their sins. Do you know that there is power and life in blood generally? Do you know that you know that you know you are saved? In one powerful sentence, God is telling us that things get accomplished not by our power or by our might, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Literally a day does not go by when someone is not getting abducted, robbed, raped, or murdered. When you call the Blood of Jesus into operation, it causes the enemy to flee, because it contains the life of God. My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. It is primarily a defensive prayer. By fire, I will not mourn any person in my family. Pleading the blood of Jesus on all of your credit cards and bank accounts will stop thieves dead in their tracks if they try and target you for identity theft. -marital problems. Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Remember what Jesus said in John 18:36 when Pilate asked him if hes king. You can plead the Blood of Jesus over your journey, the road, the vehicle or aircraft, etc. Jesus chose you, saves you, gives you an eternal inheritance of blessings, and lives in your soul as the Holy Spirit. The Israelites placed the BLOOD OF THE LAMB over their doorposts to keep the angel of death from entering their homes. And great grace was upon them all. (, I am repeating this verse once again. I there is anything in me that is not of God, I dont want it. Immediately the pant landed, there was pandemonium in the room; everything turned upside down. You must be a saved and born-again Christian. I render every evil power militating against me impotent by the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus cries for our forgiveness, clemency, redemption, and salvation. The Word of God is spirit and it is life. With my heart I believe the Word of God. WebSpiritual warfare prayer points declarations that you should speak over yourself to rebuke and defeat the enemey strongholds Spiritual Warfare Declarations: Prayer Points These Let the horn of His salvation lift me up out of the valley of life and let His living anointing oil fan on me like the dew of Hermon and fill my life. There are many Christians who attack this form of prayer. I hold the blood of Jesus against tortoise and snail anointing. Go and sin no more! You should be saved to use this prayer. Every problem I acquired as a result of idol worshipping, blood of Jesus push them out completely, in Jesus name. 2. I urge you to read and consider it prayerfully. I plead the blood of Jesus over my saving plans. 47. They are saved through through grace by the blood of Jesus, but they are not walking in this full surrender with God the Father. Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. When Pleading the Blood on the basics, you can choose to either say the prayer out loud or silently to yourself, which ever way you would be more comfortable with. I hereby cast it away from me & command it to never return. 24. His death on the cross had completed and fulfilled what His Father had started in the Old Testament with the sacrifice of these animals. Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your own body, soul, and spirit will also help keep you personally protected from all of the above. Most of my poems were sold throughout Canada, USA, China and even India. 7. If there is any form Let all sucked sapped and paralyzed spiritual milk and strength of my life be resurrected by the blood. I trust your promises of protection. Pakistan: Christians Brace For Greater Persecution, The Secret to Knowing Gods Presence in Your Life, Prayer Old Testament Definitions & Kavvanah, Humility and Repentance is a Key to Healing Children and Families, Declarations & Decrees for the Nations Against Destruction, Declaring Our Strategic Advantage for Turnaround (Updated for 2023). A spiritual warfare teaching. Some people criticise those pleading the Blood of Jesus. The Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons which means what He will do for one, He will do for another. This prayer is real. Thus I possess the life and the spirit of Christ I me. O Lord, anoint my eyes and my ears that they may see and hear wondrous things from heaven. In prayer the Lord will guide you. Father, let every sickness in my life bow to the blood of Jesus. WebJESUS BLOOD PROTECTION PRAYER #2 Father, in the name of Jesus, I now release the Blood of Jesus over every inch of my physical body, over every inch my soul, and over Had each person not properly applied this blood on their door posts, their firstborn children would have also been killed, along with the rest of the firstborn children of the Egyptians. It gets a little trickier when Pleading the Blood against something that may have already come against you. This angel of death will thus not kill any of the Israelites firstborn but only if he sees the blood properly applied to the door posts and lintels of their houses. Let every stubborn problem in my life be defeated by the blood of lamb. Short version Father, in the name of Jesus, I plead the Blood of Jesus on . Deliverance prayers for stubborn cases. I soak my life in the blood of Jesus in Jesus name, 6. I stand on the ground of the blood of Jesus to proclaim victory over sin, satan and his agents and the world. Christian recovery ministry, pastoral care, author, Copyright 2012 - 2019 The Joseph Plan World Wide Christian Ministry | All Rights Reserved. He started to rain incantations, offered sacrifice, poured libation but he could not make a headway. These prayer points will teach you how to pray, using the blood of Jesus as a weapon. There are verses telling us that in the end times men will become lovers of self, unholy, blasphemers, having no self-control and only living life for what they can get out of it. 40. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19). There is only one way to know and be assured Ask our Father in heaven in Jesus Christs name in prayer today! 37. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The foundations of many houses, were laid with sacrifices of all kinds. I have learned this principle through Derek Princes teachings (I will put the book link down below). Actual Blood of Jesus and the Ark of the Covenant discovered in Israel! When you plead the Blood of Jesus, things begin to happen. I will keep praying the blood of Jesus on everything and everybody and also on all the children and on the adults, I will keep praying that more people will know about JESUS CHRIST AND GOD our heavenly father and the holy spirit. Jesus, please forgive me of all my sins & release me from all guilt & from the past. Through An Enduring Faith and in the hands and through the mouth of a true believer mountains can truly be moved. Let the blood of Jesus bring down to nothing any evil work in my life. Even at eight hundred miles away. The most powerful prayer one can say. In the name of Jesus, I capture and destroy every power behind any career failure. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, and I ask You to forgive me of anything I have done that could displease You in any way. Witchcraft operation in my foundation, blood of Jesus clear them away. But this isnt something you just jump into and do. You may know someone else who is severely depressed and they are seriously contemplating suicide. WebPrayer Points : 1. Let it purify my blood system. -Through the blood of Jesus, I have access to the presence of the Lord. Jesus wants you to Let every door that I have opened to the enemy be closed forever with the blood of Jesus. These verses are talking about the signs and wonders that the early apostles walked with. 25. I came accross this spiritual platform this morning and I was blessed beyond measure. The choice is yours. O Lord, begin to wash away from my life, all that does not reflect You. The basic things that you will want covered under the Blood of Jesus for His divine protection are the following: Any one of these could come under demonic or human attack at any time. Web0:00 / 10:43 A Powerful Prayer Of Warfare Applying The Blood Of Jesus For Protection | WATCH THIS !! 18. It is one of the most powerful prayers one can learn. 9. They have no idea there are two other things available to them that will enable them to live a victorious and overcoming life in the Lord while still living down here on this earth. To get the most powerful results, every Christian should get their own house in order before attempting this. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. I hold the blood of Jesus against vagabond anointing. WebDaily Warfare Prayers Taken from This Means War, Drs. The Blood of Jesus possesses cleansing power. First-it wont accomplish anything unless it is said by a true believer. Here are several good verses from Scripture proving this point to you: What defeated Satan and all his dark powers? In the name of Jesus, I apply the blood of Jesus. 43. Let the blood of Jesus speak victory and prosperity unto my life. 5.PRAYER POINTS 1. However, the BLOOD OF JESUS not only saves us from our sins, but it delivers and protects us when it is used Here are four more good powerful verses from Scripture showing that all Christians now have Gods supernatural power and anointing available to them so they can use it to engage with the dark side of this life: Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19). 13. Before I go into the specifics on how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for deliverance and protection, there is one more area that each Christian must make a big personal decision on before God will give you this kind of full divine protection. Let the blood of Jesus speak peace into my womb. 10:3-5 O Lord, deliver me from the lies I tell myself. There is no question that in these verses, and others in the Bible, that the blood that Jesus personally shed for us on the cross is what leads all of us to be able to receive eternal salvation, the forgiveness of all of our sins, and entrance into heaven when we die and cross over. I separate myself from every evil foundation harassing my progress, in the name of JESUS. Prophesy from 1968 about today. (Zechariah 4:6), I personally witnessed its effectiveness in one of the most dramatic dramas of spiritual warfare I could ever imagine. Too many Christians are being robed or cheated or raped or murdered. Web3. This prayer is powerful. May God Bless You and keep you safe from the evil one! There is power in the Blood of Jesus. The herbalist tried to stop her, thinking the strange thing would harm her but she picked her pant casually, from the centre of oil and blood poured around it. Through the BLOOD of JESUS, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Let His countenance brighten up my life. Secondly-In order for this prayer to be effective the believer must be in a position of surrender or submission to God and His ways. There is a weapon that has never lost its power, but people have not learnt to use it; whereas, it is highly effective. 32. Feel free to join in the discussion. Send your testimonies to:, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. They are given by The Holy Spirit for use of anyone who will use them for The Work of The Kingdom of Jesus. Life-giving power: to revive anyone or anything that is dead. Web3. Thank you Jesus.. For example, when you plead the blood of Jesus in prayers, you are exercising the power of God in the blood. WebBlood. Let the blood of Jesus All of these powerful testimonies have one major thing in common and this is where many Christians are really missing out on being able to get delivered from some of their bad predicaments and that one common denominator is that all of these people had to be taught how to go on the offensive against whatever adversity had just come their way. Thank you Father. Webthe blood of Jesus against any demons who may come against me. It is totally supported by those who are blessed by it. Watch for your first lesson. God is wanting you to fully surrender four specific things to Him: The Bible tells us that we have three parts to our beings body, soul and spirit. This is possibly one of the most important lessons every Christian can learn during these days of the end. This form of defensive prayer can not only be used to get Gods protection on you before any type of adversity ever strikes you, but it can also be used for physical, emotional, and mental healing, for battling demons, and for battling any kind of storm cloud that may have just come your way. Pastor Thomas Holm Author of the Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual Visit our bookstore for extensive spiritual warfare teachings. I absolutely love this site. I boldly enter into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus Christ. 16. The blood is speaking better things. A two-year old girl learnt this song and was always singing it: There is power, there is power, there is power in the Blood of Jesus. This may help explain why some of these evil people are literally kidnapping children right out of their beds or front yards while the parents or babysitters are still in the home. I highly recommend reading the book, BOUGHT WITH THE BLOOD by Derek Prince. 21. Your commander in spiritual warfare is Jesus Christ, who leads two armies: the army of holy angels in heaven and the army of prayer warriors on Earth. If you keep pleading the Blood of Jesus, no matter how terrible an infirmity is, it will disappear by the power in the Blood of Jesus. Non only helped them to pray but give knowledge concerning the uses of BLOOD OF JESUS to overcome issues in life. 44. What I saw when I viewed the photos was breathtaking. Another person may be saved, but not walking in a full surrender with the Lord, and you may have to get that person to commit to making a full surrender before God will move in to help them out. Prayers Taken from this Means war, Drs load, carry your load in the name of.... Jesus push them out, you will usually need some kind of opened to the enemy this spiritual warfare prayer points using the blood of jesus what 12... Or raped or murdered he started to rain incantations, offered sacrifice, libation... 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