vintage safety razor identificationvintage safety razor identification
Joe Borrelli is a long-time wet shaving enthusiast and collector. Thats right! Current time in Gunzenhausen is now 07:51 PM (Saturday). Thus, Wolfman was born.Using high tech CNC machining Wolfman lets you choose the type of metal, blade gap, guard and finish when you go to check out. Earlier this year a fellow found 2 toggles at a flea market for around $40 (for the pair). All the coding systems are listed below. Gillette was trying to find one razor that could meet the needs of any individual regardless of their shaving needs. Another entry from the super speed series! I saw how others in my business ran into a few problems in the past using the forums to conduct their business. The best way in my mind to show my appreciation to the members of B&B is to keep my prices affordable. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. He hosts the Wet Shaving News/Talk Podcast , runs his own self-funded website and operates a YouTube channel to help inform the community of new information involving the wet shaving world. Value: $200-$700Deemed as the razor that started it all the Gillette Double Ring is Gillettes first model and the first razor that accepted double-edge blades. It is easy to pick a modern safety razor, but if you want to add that extra bit of class, it needs to be vintage! This is why the blue tip is so useful! Due to the razor being made in surplus, and quite recent for a vintage razor, the lightweight razor is still quite cheap to buy. Theres something epic about using razors with historical significance. Forums. Some say that it exposes the blade more which can affect your shaving experience. The only con I can think of with this type of razor is the limited supply. The head is so copied that even today you can see evidence of the geometry in modern razors. Or, you could choose to buy directly from one of these services, but that comes with a higher price tag. Ever-Ready SE Safety Razor with Case 1920's. $ 90.00 Ever-Ready SE Safety Razor with Case 1920's. $ 100.00 Ever-Ready SE Safety Razor with Case 1930's. $ 100.00 Gillette Blade Display Case NOS Unused. If you are lucky you can pick up a Tradere for $500 and thats without the box!The Wolfman at $750. Earlier models had 5 adjustment settings, while the newer model had the typical 9 settings that became the standard for future adjustable Gillette razors. A historic landmark for wet shaving indeed, the Gillette Double Ring put disposable blade safety razors on the map. $24.99. There is a registry on one of the popular forums that showcases all of the registered double rings to help with identification. This is a TTO (Twist to Open) double-edged razor that is engineered to perfection to give a mild shave that is silky on the skin. Well show you the giveaway: theres a toggle at the bottom of the razor! The handle on this razor is available in designs as well. It started production in the 1914, (or even earlier according to some reports) and continued till the 1960s. This is great for people who want to have different settings depending on their beard or specific shaving needs, or someone who just wants to make sure that their razor is set precisely to where they need. Gem . The Correct Answer With One Click. True reviews come without being solicited, and without the impute from the reviewee. Foils Vs. Rotary Electric Shavers, Whats Closer. If it has a solid guard bar, it is a Tech. There was one sale for $4k recently on ebay, but the razor was returned for a refund. Joe has also written several dozen articles for online publications such as Sharpologist and How to Grow a Mustache. The Gillette tech razor has been produced from 1938-1979. Since it was produced for such a long time, it went through various modifications, some of which even had their own names. 1965 Gillette Flare Tip DE Super Speed Safety Razor K4 | Factory Nickel Revamp, 1957 Gillette Flare Tip Super Speed Safety Razor C1 | Rhodium Revamp, 1960 Gillette Flare Tip Super Speed DE Safety Razor F1 | Rhodium Revamp, 1950's Rolls Razor Viscount Model Safety Razor, 1930's Gillette Sheraton DE Safety Razor | 24K Gold Revamp, Vintage Yankee Safety Razor with Case and Blade Banks, Vintage Gem 1912 Style Single Edge Safety Razor with Brown/Purple Leather Case and Blade Bank, 1956 Gillette B1 TTO Flare Tip DE Safety Razor | Rhodium Revamp, 1963 Gillette I1 Blue Star Lady Gillette DE Safety Razor with Case and Blade Bank, 1966 Gillette L4 Blue Star Lady Gillette DE Safety Razor, 1969 Gillette Super Adjustable 84 Safety Razor O2 | Nickel Revamp, 1964 Gillette Blue Star Lady Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor J3, 1948-50 Gillette Aristocrat Double Edge Saftey Razor | Nickel Revamp, 1940's Gillette TTO Super Speed Double Edge Safety Razor | Rhodium Revamp, 1966 Gillette Blue Star Lady Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor - L1, 1966 L4 Gillette Champagne Star Lady Gillette DE Safety Razor, 1965 K2 Gillette Champagne Star Lady DE Safety Razor, 1966 Gillette Blue Star Lady Gillette DE Safety Razor L1, 1966 Gillette Slim Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor L4 - Rhodium Revamp, 1956 Gillette Heavy Red Tip Super Speed B1 - Nickel Revamp, 1956 Gillette Heavy Red Tip Super Speed Rhodium Revamp B4, 1955 Gillette Red Tip Heavy Super Speed Safety Razor - Nickel Revamp A4, 1971 Gillette Long Handle Super Adjustable 109mm DE Safety Razor | Q1 RARE DATE, 2000's Travel Open Comb Double Edge Safety Razor, 1960's Coles Gold Slant Double Edge Safety Razor Set, 1985 Gillette Super Adjustable "Black Beauty" DE Safety Razor F3, 1919 Gillette Single Ring Old Type Safety Razor With Replica Handle - Rhodium Revamp, 1956 Gillette Heavy Red Tip Super Speed Factory Nickel Revamp B4, 1955 Gillette Red Tip Super Speed Factory Nickel Revamp A3, 1954 Gillette Flare Tip Super Speed Safety Razor Factory Nickel Revamp Z2, 1965 Gillette Blue Star Lady Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor K1, 1982 Gillette Black Handle Super Speed Safety Razor C3, 1965 Gillette K2 Blue Star Lady Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor, 1960 Gillette Fatboy $1.95 Adjustable D.E. Gillette revamped its razor in 1906 to the more common single ring design.Although innovative, the $5 price tag made this razor extremely expensive for the time, and was only reserved for those with the means to afford it. Just recently a vintage Wade and Butcher sold for over $27,000, so if you feel straight razors are not worth collecting you are indeed mistaken. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss a new video! Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shaving Cream. Here is a list of 5 razors you should try before you die.Disclaimer: This article is the opinion of the author who has years of wet shaving experience and does not reflect the views of Sharpologist. It wont be the last you hear of it either! However, Im giving you the link to where you could buy some Good Wills. It was named as such because its retail price was just $1.95. Think of this razor as having the twist to open top, without the twisting mechanism. Since this razor was made in a time where Gillette was marking its razors with long serial numbers, you might find the serial number on top of the guard, or inside the barrel. The design of this model still holds true today with many double edge safety razors still using similar variables. The best vintage razors were produced by Gillette from the 1940s to the 1970s. He hosts the Wet Shaving News Podcast and runs his own self-funded website to help inform the community of new information involving the wet shaving world. FS 2 vintage single-edge razor lots. i ordered one over a year ago and still waiting. The production of this razor started in the late 1940s and continued intermittently till the late 1970s. The high price tags and limited stock drove many collectors to other items.Plan on shelling out a minimum of $1k for a stainless steel model (one just sold privately for $1650 in August of 2018) and $3K+ for a TI model. It also has an open tooth comb design, along the guard, which gives a cleaner look when shaving through large amounts of hair. And let us tell you, with inflation adjusted $5 is about $120 dollars in todays time, so this razor was made for Aristocrats! Check this out for more information. Glide over the skin easily thanks to the scalloped blade and the heavy handle. And lets get to its tip! NEW. The numbers 1 to 4 indicated the quarter in which the blades were produced. He hosts the Wet Shaving News/Talk Podcast , runs his own self-funded website and operates a YouTube channel to help inform the community of new information involving the wet shaving world. The triangle holes on the blade and razor provides immense grip on the thick handle. This single-edged blade is perfect for those of you on a tight budget who still want to experience the luxury a vintage razor can give you. This list contains razors that are rare, but available to purchase through auction sites and/or in the Buy-Sell-Trade areas of popular forums and wet shaving websites. This saves alot of TIME and MONEY for both parties. Razors listed below are ones that I have in stock, ready to be restored. Produced only in 1957, 58 and 1960, the Toggle remains one of the most innovative safety razors to date. To simplify, there were early war Techs, produced during 1938-1945, and post war Techs, made from 1945-1979. Your first port of call will be the attic of your parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents house. MONEY- I try to keep the price of my services as low as I can. All prices are deemed in 2018 USD from public sales. There were 207 Gen 1 OC (confirmed), 900 Gen 2 OC (estimate). 1 bid. The Gillette Adjustables were produced from 1955 until 1988. These serial numbers were on the top of the guard, or sometimes the inner barrel. Gillette had made numerous models of razors since 1903 when they first started. The numbers determine how much the blade is exposed to the skin, with 1 being the lightest and 9 being the most aggressive. $125.00. Some people with sensitive skin find the natural oils better on their skin. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Its simple to work with this razor, you loosen the handle by a knob on its bottom, and the flaps at the top will open. About The Author:Joe Borrelli is a long-time wet shaving enthusiast and collector. It was one of the first razors that come with a twist to open design. For anyone that loves a clean shave, a vintage safety razor is a must-have. The plastic handle also makes it quite cheaply made compared to other vintage razors. Its one of the first razors to let you make the call about how close or smooth you want your shave to be! The mechanism to use it is simple: Unscrew the top, insert the blade, and screw it back again. Gillette Date Codes were used from January 1951 until 2001. Recently, you do have some modern options developed by companies such as Edwin Jagger who produce vast quantities of high-quality safety razors. 2018 Value: $1.5k-$2500KThe Gillette Bottom Dial has been a collectors unicorn for years. This type of razor was introduced after the war after the realisation that one type of razor may not be practical for all. Price includes Deep Clean, Disinfecting, Disassembly, TuneUp, Polish and Replating and free Shipping to USA only. The letter A indicated production in 1930, B was for 1931, and so on. Gillette determines the aggressiveness of its razor via a color-coded system, which will be discussed further in the article. These guys are much more varied in look and functionality than other models of older Gillette razor, but you definitely get that upper-crust hoity-toity feeling from them, in addition to the history you feel youre holding in your hand. With around 2000 razors produced Wolfman has become a little easier to find in the secondary market.At $325 new for a stainless steel model (which at the time of this writing is the only metal available) this razor is far from cheap. Basically, you unscrew the top, remove the old blade, install the new blade, and screw everything back into place. The 1st Gen OC had a slightly longer handle, and was a tad more aggressive than the 2nd Generation which was created in response to the aggression level. I agree to receive email updates and promotions. I will no longer be shutting down when moving, the address where you will ship to will change, and there will only be a couple of days added. Safety Razors. The downfall is the list is rarely open and when it is the razors are usually sold out in a matter of minutes. The Toggle is another hit from the late 50s/early 60s, so namd because of its 5 adjustment position toggles that made it such a unique adjustable DE razor. The most common and favored type is the double-edged, found commonly in Gillette brands. These vintage safety razors though simply designed got the best work done! It even had a dial under the middle section to adjust the aggressiveness of the blades, similar in mechanism and function as the Fat Boy. If you think safety razors are old-fashioned or too complex, have no fear. $ 99.00 Gillette Fat Handle Tech Post War . We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I started this website to stop other people from making the same mistakes I did.My mission is to provide the best shaving product reviews and shaving advices to the wetshaving community and friends. What theyre really worried about is being careful and if you dont care about your shave, maybe a safety razor isnt for you. Gem . It has the Gillette logo on the front of its top cover, and a knurled handle with a ball on the end. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. Expect to pay around $225 for an uncased model and up to $500 for a cased model depending on condition.Other models of the Toggle included the rare serial numbered prototypes in both gold and even rarer chrome. Twenty years before Gillette sold their first razor, Kampfe Bros. was selling their version of the safety razor. Double-edged safety razors were a tool that can sculpt your facial hair into a masterpiece and, between you and me, it still can! Not literally, of course, but go back to the era of vintage safety razors, which your grandfathers and previous generations used to use. Any idea on its value? MaineYooper. One thing Im sure of: you wont regret adding one of these beauties to your shaving kit! I have been restoring razors since 2017, with over 5 years of experience and around 10,000 razors, it is easy to become complacent. Now, this brand of double-edged razors is extravagant. FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $70. The tip of this razor is available in colors of red, blue, and black. The deluxe model also had a cylindrical removable inner barrel that was insert into the handle and could be twisted out. Your razor just needs to work properly. Right back to the basics, while giving you that retro WOW factor! Vintage Gem 1912 Style Single Edge Safety Razor with Brown/Purple . We may, however, close for a vacation now and then. Finding these razors can be tricky but not impossible. As a collector/enthusiast, I keep a close eye on what drives the wet shaving community to love these hard to find pieces and what drives the prices up.While this article is based on double-edge safety razors sold this year, its important to mention that straight razors are also highly collectable. Fatboy Mirror Nickel $140, 24K Gold or Palladium $155, Slim Adjustable Mirror Nickel $120, 24K Gold or Palladium $135, Billings, MT (Summer) and Chloride, AZ (Winter), Email Me at: (my prefered communication method). Prices range $$$-$$$$.If you find one, dont hesitate to pick it up and remember your shaving with a piece of Gillette history. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. If your razor has a serial number, make sure to look it up on the internet: there are so many sites available where you can identify when your razor for made. The handle texture allows for amazing grip, even when using shaving oil! I can remember that when I started my wet shaving journey almost 10 years ago that most collectors put the Toggle on the podium for the grail of a collection.There are several models of the toggle, which makes this razor a bit of a roller coaster when determining value. Their first attempt was the serial numbered Toggle (1955). To that end, theres been a lot of hubbub about vintage Gillette razors; after all, they made quite a name for themselves from the 40s to the 70s making iconic, ubiquitous double-edge safety razors that people still use today. If you do not prepay, I will invoice you via Paypal when the order is complete and I have sent pictures. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The serial numbers were upto 14 alphanumeric characters long and usually contained letters. 2: Oil can be put in the tto end, with doors open and tto up, place 3 to 5 drops in and work tto back and forth by gripping it with a damp washcloth and twisting back and forth while making the 1/4 turn for about a minute. Then look up that code on this page, and you can find the production year. They both had the famous blue plastic case that contained a removable insert for travel. Or, are the dials functioning? I try to keep my concentration high to keep the quality as high as I can get it for my customers. #DE Razor #Gillette #History #Identification #Razor Head #Safety Razor #Shave #Tech This razor can cut through your thick, bushy facial hair with hardly any passing. These are where you will most likely find them cheap and of high quality! It is no secret that if you want to buy a vintage safety razor, you are going to have to do some digging. This may cause more irritation if you are not able to get the pressure right, but will also give you a sharper shave. There were talks of a slant but unfortunately this never happened.One notable characteristic was the design of the handle. If you think safety razors are old-fashioned or too complex, have no fear. It is the easiest way to find the ones that will provide the shave you want, whether that is an aggressive shave for you experienced shavers or a fast lightweight shave for beginners! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Check this out for more information. If youre using a razor that looks like race car and want to graduate to a sophisticated, grown-up tool, you should start with the classic safety razor. For a beginner, you want a less aggressive shaver. Use slow, long strokes to avoid unwanted cuts and remember to rinse your blade frequently. Prices vary but expect to pay $$$ for uncased user friendly pieces and $$$$ for mint condition NOS models. The pressure you apply could do damage to your skin and leave you with redness and irritation. Its gold plated like the name suggests, and after some cleaning techniques, is restored to its original color! Id say the best place to find them is your familys attic! It is a well-known fact that shaving with a vintage safety razor will never die. Now if we were to tack on many hours worth of emails, texts, and phone calls, either my hourly rate will go down, or I have to raise the price. I would love to support and advertise on B&B, but by doing so, I would have to raise my prices. Keep in mind there are variances, Deluxe models, miss-stamps, and undiscovered information. Collecting these razors is fascinating and we are still learning new things every year! After the addition of the bakelite handle in 1936, the outward appearance of the razor changed very little until the mid 1950's. The (New) Schick. Later models can accept modern blades without modification. Manage Settings Joe holds a BBA from Florida Atlantic University, and currently works for the nations largest wine/spirits/beer retailer. It is slightly protruding, and changes into five position. Here are places where you can buy the Fat boy: Gillette also produced mini razors. Apollo razors may be the rarest razor on our list, but are not out of reach. Heres a place where you can buy your Old Type razor. If you happen to find one in a tin then you have a true unicorn. Another option is to look for vintage safety razors in antique stores. Vintage Gillette & More. If it is not on the page, I do not have it yet. These razors were produced for only about 40 years, from 1906 to 1946. This article is based on overall value rather than price. They dont really go for that, do they? I personally think thats pretty awesome, and depending on the model you get you might be able to get a variant that has the adjustable knob on the bottom of the handle (like a lot of other adjustable razors nowadays). $1.00. From 1930-1949, Gillette didnt mark its razor but started marking its blades. Q: How come you dont participate, advertise or support Badger and Blade? Filed Under: Shaving Tagged With: apollo, double ring, gillette, kampfe, mikron, razor, rolls razor, toggle, vintage. and a lot cheaper in the long run with a blade for a safety razor costing around $.25! There are about seven different types of Aristocrats, so this type is more like a class of razors. Suite 100 - Sandpoint, ID 83864. At the end you could even tell if your razors are vintage! If youre into traditional wet shaving, chances are some razors have caught your eye in various forums and groups. Check it out. A: Three Things, Quality, Time, and Money. 3 Vintage Safety Razors 2 Gillette and 1 Valet wakemeup57 (883) $32.77 1950s ROTBART MOND-EXTRA #15 Vintage Safety Razor - Made in Germany DAPPERSTUDIOCC (1,359) $136.30 $145.00 (6% off) FREE shipping Vintage razor blades ASTRA, Gllette box vintage, safety razor blades VintageOldFox (373) $19.23 A: I have been accused of that a few times. During some periods, for example mid-1927 to mid-1928, there were no serial numbers used. Find out more about Joe here. This model was recently discovered and only one is known to exist as of this writing.An important fact is that a Red Dot case is slightly different than those of the regular fat boy. Might take a few more passes than usual since the blades are straight rather than scalloped. Theres a version where the handle is long and thin, and one where the handle has a ball end. In addition there are even some cartridge razors that tend to break the bank when it comes to purchasing. 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