The Ramayana tells the story of the great Avatar Rama. it is a bit buggy and there isnt much content outside quests and dungeons atm. The ancient ones had supernatural powers but were driven from their caverns by a great flood. Shortcut to Transylvania. He died in 1895, after retiring from the cave, because of poor health. For two years he . In 1855, the author Bayard Taylor took a tour with him and wrote, I think no one can travel under his guidance without being interested in the man, and associating him in memory with the realm over which he is the chief ruler.. Although few really believed the story, and many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true. We began by strolling down an ice-coated path to the caves entrance, through rows of leafless trees that stood straight as telephone poles. While the entrance to Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, it has been asserted that Patala can be entered through the Well, of Sheshna in Benares, India. Entrances to Agartha Iguaz Falls or Iguau Falls in Argentina's Misiones Province Cueva de los Tayos (Cave of the oil birds), Ecuador Gobi Desert Mongolia Mammoth Cave , Kentucky, USA Manaus , Brazil Mato Grosso , Brazil Mount Epomeo , Italy Mount Shasta , California (the Agharthean city of Telos) Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this? Many believe its entrance lies at the North Pole, a legend popularized by John Cleves Symmes, Jr., who strongly advocated an expedition into the arctic back in the early 1800s. Maybe even a little creepy. Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants "for" the Indians. The sub-cities were created as refuges for the people and as safe havens for sacred records, teachings and technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures. Ancient philosophy states that Agartha was first colonized thousands of years ago when a holy man led a tribe to the underground. Sometimes, during tours, people were shocked half to death to see these ghostly figures emerge from those huts and ask about the outside world, Mr. Bransford said. According to Secrets, Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. DELTA group, from the National Recon Group, is responsible for security of all Alien-connected projects. Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in. Mountain, disappearing and then reappearing in New Mexico. Entrances are said to exist at the Poles, or in caverns and tunnels honeycombed throughout the planet. Its a scratchy landscape, freckled with hokey and somewhat moldering amusements like Dinosaur World and Big Mikes Rock, Gift Shop and Mystery House (An Oddity You Wont Want to Miss). Matt Bransford (Materson Bransfords grandson), third-generation guide, at the entrance of Mammoth Cave. The ice cap of Mt. so those are now all available. In some cases, Bishop found it. A truly Celestial vision more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, simply breathtaking. Change). Agartha Agartha (sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth's core. Re: Kentucky Mammoth Cave - Hollow Earth Entrances. If you want to hear the complete 20 min original recording that I got from a Russian web site, send me a email at: astraelia@gmail.comI have to work with the material I have. In 1863 the stoic, risk-averse Nick Bransford was somewhat comically paired with a brassy Englishman named F. J. Stevenson, and the two went on a series of misadventures. Evidence was found indicating that a small lake exists deep beneath the ice cap. Maybe it was a little of both. google agartha there are doors in Tibet,egypt, and mammoth cave KY a man found the door and wrote a book with a hidden name . According to his secret entry, he met the ancient race underground and witnessed a huge base with animals and plants previously thought to have been extinct. Manaus, Brazil . Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR), Guild Wars 2 (GW2) and Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are currently covered. Slaves used to hew these tulip poplars, Mr. Bransford said in his folksy lilt honeyed with rich Southern vowels. You can find one tunnel in Brazil near Ponte Grosse in the state of Parana. Lassen , Tehama County, California is an entrance leading to a large underground city. While Emerson does not use the name Agartha, later works such as Agartha Secrets of the Subterranean Cities have identified the civilization Jansen encountered with Agartha, and its citizens as Agarthan. Manaus, Brazil; . Even though the guides enjoyed a certain celebrity underground, it didnt shield them from the hardships of slavery or life in the years that followed. This area is reported to have been the secret headquarters of the great Apache Chief Victorio andis named after him, Victoria Peak. While his style of giving tours was less flamboyant than other guides, during his final years, visitors remarked on how thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the place he seemed. Metallic Sasquatch Leads to Flat Tire In Montana, [Trailer] Explore the Lost Continent of Mu In Expedition Agartha. All Rights Reserved. We hike to the entrance of Agartha cave. While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earths crust or discreetly within mountains. .WHY ALL THE SECRECY ABOUT UFOs \u0026 INNER EARTH EXISTENCE ?By the way, do you want to know why there is so much secrecy about extraterrestrials? The Hard Scrabble entrance leads down a flight of steps to an underground river. We plodded down the passage known as Broadway on a wooden boardwalk, listening to our footsteps on the slats. Brown Mountain is in North Carolina near Morganton. Required fields are marked *. This is the hope beyond hope and the great Light of Hope that is being hidden from us.-----------------------------THE AGARTHA MAGALITHIC SACRED SITE, discovered by Astraelia near montreal, Quebec:Astraelia is the discoverer and protector Shaman of an ancient megalithic sacred site located in Quebec. Being from Kentucky, I always enjoy when a topic I love and am exploring, surprises me with a Kentucky Connection. Known for centuries as Avalon, Glastonbury is legend to have an entrance to Annwn, the British/Welsh name for the Underworld. The only clue we have to its location is that the field is in a valley surrounded by woods and that a report of its discovery can be found in "A History of Staffordshire" by Dr. For a small tip, one of the slave guides would lash a candle to a stick and smoke a visitors name on the ceiling. The Old Ones In an article entitled The Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality for Atlantis Rising, Brad Steiger writes of the legends of the Old Ones, an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years ago and then moved underground. This is literally looking into the 5th Dimension from the Russian MIR space station. One of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers is Agharta (or Agartha) with its capital city of Shamballa. It looked like an archaeological dig, still in progress. The lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry is what many believe eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations. An underground Military Base/Laboratory in Dulce, New Mexico connects with the underground network of tunnels which honeycombs our planet, and the lower levels of this base are allegedly under the control of Inner Earth beings or Aliens. Learn how your comment data is processed. For a nickel or a dime, the guides would lash a candle to a stick and write your name up on the ceiling, Mr. Bransford said. Apparently the Cherokee were wrong in their assumptions. The book explains how Jansen's sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole. His charisma and skill as a guide made him one of Mammoth Caves most famous explorers. Navajo Dam is the Dulce Base's main source of power, though a second source is in El Vado, which is also another entrance. The odd things is , according to sources, no lumber was ever hauled, and the road was later destroyed. Nick would only look back if a traveler stopped or stumbled, and when he did his eyes and white beard were said to glow in the blue elfish light.. The odd things is, according to sources, no lumber was ever hauled, and the road was later destroyed. In midwinter the rumpled hills that pitch and slump alongside the Dixie Highway, now Highway 31W, are the same muddy-beige as a pumas coat. In the early 1990s, the Parks Department discovered Jerry living nearby and invited him back to continue the legacy and become a fifth-generation guide. There are allegedly several entrances to the Kingdom of Agharta throughout the world: Some are planetary grid points indwells and outwells of energy. The videos description claims that viewers of this footage are looking into the 5th dimension. A portal to an inner paradise.. Editor-in-chief of Stranger Dimensions. The beings, who have advanced technology, told the explorers they are the direct descendents of Noah. Here he entered a large cavern that he explored for a distance of eight miles. more information according to: H.P. Why Do you think there is so much secrecy about UFO and extraterrestrials civilizations ? Although few really believed the story, and many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true. Among the Native American peoples, the Navajo legends teach that the forerunners of man came from beneath the Earth. They discovered what seemed to be an endless passageway with bones strewn before them from others that had come before them. The book explains how Jansens sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earths interior at the North Pole. A press release sent out on June 30 revealed that Tamarinda Maassen, the "Official Ambassador of Agartha," will speak at the Agartha to Humanity World Symposium in Garden City, New York, on August 25-27 . At times, while leading tours, he would walk silently and abstractedly ahead, leaving some to wonder whether he was leading them simply by listening to their footsteps. Bishop made numerous discoveries that extended the caves known passageways and also helped produce one of the first maps of its interior. The main entrance to Mammoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky. This land of perpetual mist is viewed by the Indians as taboo and avoided. For the Earth would have died if it was not for the discreet massive help she has received from the Family of Light sent in mission by Prime Creator. . For reasons only known to Dorr, he dynamited the entrance. They found cane-reed torches, gourd bowls and woven slippers left by prehistoric Woodland Indians more than 5,000 years before. As they advanced into the mountain, they were assailed with the smell of putrid air and snakes. But as the interview says, the old man said he couldnt part with the cave. And even when freedom finally came, the Bransfords never did. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Free shipping. Early tours were less structured than todays, but in ways that made them more animated, too. The main entrance to Mammoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky. The writings say that their ancestors came from the paradise land in the Earths interior. Create a free website or blog at He tells the story of Nicholas Bransford, Old Nick, who is not a relative but who has the same surname because both men were slaves of the same landowner from Glasgow. (From here, the windows should be visible through binoculars.). He persuaded at least 13 patients to contract to live for a year inside the cave, in canvas huts placed at various heights. The "hatch" was large and oval, with an iron ring mounted on it. Aim for this branch below. Tribes so ancient we dont know their names would come in and use mussel shells to scrape gypsum off the walls.. From these openings you can see the green of the ranch below you and Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. Kentucky Mommoth Cave, in South-Central Kentucky. He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. However, the passageway is inhabited by reptilian creatures that eat humans, but somehow I will get there. Deep sections of the Complex connect into natural Cavern Systems. In 1902, workmen digging a well in Casal Paula reportedly fell into a subterranean cavern, which connected, to an entire complex of caves and tunnels. From the entrance, instead of going to the right, go left, near where the Seoul portal is. In 1812, after the British blockaded the eastern ports of the United States, the newly liberated colonies were forced to find substitute sources for saltpeter in places like Mammoth Cave. There are also said to be underground "vaults" containing records of the ancient Lemurians. "While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth' s crust or discreetly within Agartha is supposedly a place where beings are more beautiful and much wiser than we are and which has a king that has the power to read the human soul. The three continents for questing (i.e. The left one leads to the elite and nightmare dungeons while the right one leads to the quest zones, starting with Kingsmouth. Mr. Bransford, a fifth-generation Mammoth Cave guide. The Livobba Cave is located in the province of Zapoteca, somewhere near the ancient village of Mictlan (the village of the Underworld). During ancient times, these windows were accessible by boat. In addition, I included the coordinates and map location of the Agartha portal in each quest zone as I see a lot of people asking for their location in general chat. Shamballa (also known as Shambalah or Shangri-La) is sometimes said to be its capital city. The Network. Your email address will not be published. Once on the surface, they passed on their great knowledge to the human race before once again seeking their great sanctuary. Been there a few times but never ventured into middle earth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with The numerous efforts of search parties looking for the children and guide were in vain. In their explorations, Bishop, Materson Bransford and Nicholas Bransford all teenagers stooped, clambered and belly-crawled through the caves limestone passageways in a darkness that was nearly tangible, navigating past shifting rocks and sudden pits with little more than a haversack, some coiled rope and a double-wicked lard lantern to cut the gloom. Their capital city was said to be the original Garden of Eden. The entrance of this tunnel was guarded by lamas who were sworn to secrecy. I think you just need the elite completion achievement. On August 16, 1987, believing the mountain to be one of the seven major planetary chakras of spiritual tuning forks,thousands came together as part of an international "Harmonic Convergence," designed to bring peace to the whole world. Your email address will not be published. From these openings you can see the green of the ranch below you and Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. The soldiers who were hell bent on capturing the illusive Apache Chief were mystified as to how he was able to escape the human net surrounding him and his band. At the time, the length of the known passageways was greatly exaggerated, but through their efforts reality began to catch up to legend. The Transylvania branch is just right below. Some of the entrances are found on planetary grid points indwells and outwells of energy. I havent finished Elites yet, but Ive accidentally gone through that warp multiple times /facepalm So I dont know if theres a quest you need. Matt and his wife, Zemmie, opened their home as a resort for black visitors and servants who were not welcome to stay at Mammoth Cave Hotel in the early 1920s. The 7 Classes Of Paranormal Entities, According to The Ghostbusters. According to reports of knowledgeable people, there are several entrances to the Kingdom of Agartha: Advertisement. But in 1838, Franklin Gorin purchased the cave and transitioned to an all-slave staff. Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. The mystical realm at the very center of the Hollow Earth. 2023 MMO Guides, Walkthroughs and News. With more than 400 miles of explored passageways and possibly 600 more miles yet to be discovered, Mammoth Cave is the largest of these it is the longest known cave system in the world by far. Mammoth caves most famous explorers ever imagined, simply breathtaking large underground.. One of Mammoth caves most famous explorers that stood straight as telephone.... 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