This certainly puts some good people out of work (at least for awhile) as it doesnt sound like they were given any notice. I closed my business and still have bolt upon bolt of free spirit at my house now that I couldnt even sell at liquidation prices thanks to the saturation of low prices yard age available. Lotta truth there Beth. Good riddance to Coats, the cream will rise to the top and will be eagerly picked up by reputable companies. Although, most of us can afford to buy fabric, were using our stash. 2415 yards x $5.50/yd = $1980. I dont care. This practice has had an effect. That applies to the quality of everything these days. I sell yarn as well as fabric, and its been interesting to observe the difference in buying habits between knitters and quilters. If you dont grow in every aspect, from licencising fees to marketing and production costs all of a sudden you are lost. I have Always used your cotton/poly thread for All My Sewing and then 1 day it Just All Disappeared and in its place is The Worst Thread Ever! something they do for themselves. You can look for more closures, reduced offerings, less availability along with cheap prices; this is what the majority of crafters want. The issue has now been resolved. Social media Keep plugging. The designers have given us some of the best fabrics on the market. There is plenty of blame to go around. I am a brick an mortar shop that employs 5 people, offer classes and help people figure out there projects. If nothing is done I can see this entire industry dieing off. Also, someone earlier mentioned that Moda did not sell to, however this is one of their largest clients. I totally agree. Im so grateful Im no longer in the business. The burden of continuation is on all of us to encourage and help younger quilters grow their love of quilting rather than diminish it. I do buy them all, but as a kit or with a project in mind. My daughters generation are too busy working to have the time to quilt. MAP pricing is un-enforceable and no fabric designer, no matter how big, can dictate their own terms. F*****.com is one of the worst. So horrible! For one line. Most crafters, quilters, and seamstresses are not wealthy folks. They should have stuck to what worked for them, and thats quality Supplies,with Quality Service and became more personalized with independent owner operator. But now, she's finally opening up about her 100-pound weight loss, and how it all stemmed from a newfound focus on mental health. None. These essential pieces are designed to work with past, present and future Tula Pink collections or stand on their own as a vibrant expression of color and print. Its upwards of $28/m here know Australia.. sometimes even more! Moda does sell to I cant print more. We havent much choice. I hope they are doing well. These large box stores/larger companies ruin it for the smaller ones because SOMEONE has to make up the costs or a company goes out of business. putting together a fabric line. The economics of it are what is to blame, not the quality of the product. If your company has made it really difficult for stores to buy the Fabric lines that says a lot about your company! We will not be producing new Westminster or FreeSpirit Fabrics from today onwards. I was hoping to get more into quilting now that I am home a lot but have discovered how awfully expensive it is so will stick with sewing clothing and smaller projects. I would respond to the rest, but I would encourage you to better educate yourself about this issue. Id be interested to hear from a FS designer or someone at the company. A sad day. Our LQSs already charge more for Kaffe fabrics. She was going to extreme lengths to modify discovered some invigorating fabrics by Kaffe Fassett and Amy Butler. And yes, it is evident on Instagram. My fabric is largely about that, she continues. Wow, laid it on the line bethrps! Hopefully other companies will learn a lesson and not sell to F*****.com and other discount sites. Quality over quantity. Tula Pink Solids 2021 - Petting Fabric. imaginary place that Ive built. Phyllisthey used to sell to Way of the world in a Trump universe! I think we all agree that these are some of the best designers in the business whose products are in-demand. If they as a shop were happy with the price they were selling at what right does a company have to fix the price. I looked at the websight of the Morris Co that Free Spirit is going under. Why should my local quilt shop scream? I noticed nobody questioned what the designers are demanding. I think about what todays quilters Dont give in to the pressure, if you really want to quilt, then find fabrics that you can afford. Although it cost an extra 5,000 luck points, it was all worth it.Although the defense invincibility card is only invincible for a . 10 things you might not know about Tula Pink & Giveaway! Achieve Ketosis : Can Weed Help Weight Loss. Good luck with what you all end up with. Obviously poor business practices somewhere along the line. toward creative pursuits. This would be a perfect opportunity for another distribution company to add these well known and highly loved designers to their offering. He has said nothing so far as I know. Even as in the past ten years they began shorting us on sizes and amounts, while keeping the prices the same or raising them, as well as cheapening their materials and production. People must show your LQS more love if you want them to continue to exist. Personally, I will be hesitant to purchase Coats & Clark products in the future. Several years ago Coats Europe even had a consulting firm vet their business model. Which at this point I am about ready to just stop and find another outlet. Amy Butler was smart to provide many free pattern downloads on her own website. They are truly the very best designers in the industry. We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Thats a brilliant idea! It later turned out they didnt want to make the business better, they were just assessing what selling their European branch would be worth. The more enticing projects presented, the more they will buy to make that project. I see some very well-marketed lines and quilting notions from other fabric companies. But please, please, PLEASE, do not EVER complain that the industry is changing. It was fun but she was tired of being broke so she decided to get a job. I understand WHY those prices are the way they are. Note no competing store within reasonable drive not that any of us found anyway!!! Instead of blaming the market, and implying your designers arent producing fabric profitable to the the industry, try the truth. I have been trying to place a new order for weeks! And its only been since what, September since 23 prints released for Spirit Animal and July when 14 released for Holiday Homies. Or will these fabric designs be lost forever, with no one legally allowed to use them? Will the right to use the designs revert to the designers? Tula Pink is an illustrator, a fabric designer, a quilter, an author, a maker and a generally good person who enjoys talking about herself. Sales of related products like rulers, fabrics, machines, fabrics and notions are reported at nearly 30% down from 10 years ago. Multiple designers have commented on both Facebook and Instagram: Kaffe Fassett Collective, Jennifer Paganelli, Kathy Doughty (and Denyse Schmidt commented on her post.). Grantedits beautiful work and excellent fabric but so are many others. Tula Pink Fat Quarter Bundle (10 pcs) - Tula Pink - Free Spirit 18 x 21 inches (45.72cm x 53.34cm) Fabric cuts DIY Quilt Fabric. There are cheaper for those who want them. Pink has said she struggled to lose weight after having hip and double disc replacement surgery last year and suffering from grief after her father's death. Given her background and skillset, However, old Amy butler was lovely, newer amy butler was just. stolen time and stolen moments. I own a B&M QS too, so I understand the frustration with giant discounters! Designers, and those they employ are working on samples, booth prep and marketing for Quilt Market which is only three month away. It amazes me how quilters will spend $700-$900 to attend a retreat with some on-line only sourcebut wont pay $40-$100 to take a workshop at their local quilt shop. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. That doesnt necessarily mean bad management, poor marketing or disloyalty to their customers. The pop superstar is preparing to. Here is the short of it . The LQS plow nee probably isnt even making minimum wage for the hours put in and carrying the risk and burden of all the employees and ever single collection. immediate vicinity to survive. They told me to keep it as a gift. The only time is when they go on sale or I have a major great coupon. I felt like this was going on for years! You dont have to purchase great art to see it and love it. There are a lot of reasons involved, never just one. shes managed to successfully carve out her own place in a niche that was in Tula worked briefly as an Exhibit designer for Museums in Southern California, where she grew up, and when that became too quiet she relocated to the music industry. How many artists in their lifetimes that are famous now were poor at the end of their lives? You know, the brands in the fine print on your JoAnns coupon that are excluded from the discount. First world problems totally! Putting the usual swear word in her makes no sense at all. No ones forcing anyone to do anything. I never ever had trouble with Free Spirit in terms of distribution or delivery. We are an aging demographic, with less disposable income than we had before we retired, (not to mention the huge stashes that most of us have). You almost seem proud of dumping this wonderful products but I am sure they will be picked up and go from strength to strength with another company. I own a brick and mortar shop and I sell online, and I cant even buy, at a wholesale price, what F*****.com is selling for. Actually, even online, the average price per yard for these designers is between $10-12 per yard, unless you go with a retailer that purchases large quantities, then you can get a break and pay $9.50. Tula now lives in a small mid-western town outside of Kansas City, MO in a house that used to be a barn and still sort of looks like one. This is an economic issue. Times change, life goes on. I dont see How You Have Anything Left to sell to customers!? Judy Antitrust laws and the FTC prohibit price fixing. I can look at beautiful art all day without feeling the need to purchase it. I could write a thesis on it. Well its a question of economics really. Coveralls of the quilt stores here in Sweden have closed because of a lack of customers. We need to somehow stop the asinine demands of these large stores who think small manufactures cant thrive without them. Their thread racks keep getting smaller and they are getting rid of our favorite designers. I feel the problem lay and the top of the chain, once the designers passed the baton to the sales and marketing division. Tula got about half way and then she ran out of gas money so she stayed put. They will hopefully be snapped up quickly by other companies. I cant imagine a company, that supports the designers such as Kaffe, Tula and others would not put out a statement to the direct buyers of that fabric. I really hope that everything shakes out in a positive way for the designers and manufacturers. Andover, Dear Stella, Cotton + Steel had more mass appeal and sold well for me. They are the most difficult company, by far, with which to do business. Laws arent applied evenly. I saw that some people were unhappy at Spinzilla. I do buy online but mostly from the smaller shops that are also a physical shop. The problem is not in the designers or their designs. Obviously they went with designers that have made a name for themselves. I hope to God that these designers get picked up by other companies, or form their own company. They need to price fabrics to small shops equally with large ones. It was a clear Sharing my weight loss story, progress pictures . I am over 70 and I love teaching younger people to quilt.I find the quilting police is stronger with the more traditional quilters. Any fabric that has for sale of Moda now are the old lines. . Otherwise, there will be some very empty shelves. Terrible new customer service and to see other shop owners opinions Im glad to know Im not the only one who feels like it is a hard company to start a account with! They must have had a total failure of a business plan. Ive always said that if you have to buy from an on-line store, make sure they have a brick and mortar you can visit!!!! Certainly in the past year, we felt a decline in sales, however we remain optimistic this is a bump, not a trend. What direction is TNNA taking? Maybe for that very reason. I love Amy Butlers fabric. Im 41 years old and often feel on the older side of my quilting peers. Thats what business is! Ive never been a brand name purchaser in my 80 plus years, and Im not starting now. I cannot believe you make more money in other divisions of your company. You did this to Rowan Yarns as well and they are still going strong. Older quilters can be VERY condescending to younger quilters, assuming that you must be a total beginner who knows absolutely nothing unless you have an AARP card. but it definitely was off putting to be followed around like I was in the wrong shop. The full text of the letter is below. I like to purchase bundles of a collection, but due to the sheer enormity of some of FreeSpirits collections, that has become financially impossible to me. I see a broad span of age from 30s to 80s with the majority 45-60. Maybe the problem is that some of the fabric lines are not available as I have tried looking for some that are not available. The art of worker satisfaction (via good wages and good management) thereby producing effective happy service for customers is the heart of a well run company. It is our intent to support you, our talented and dedicated artist, during this transition. I own a fairly successful independent brick and mortar store in a large area of Texas. Tula Pink did a Facebook live on Tuesday. I invested hours meeting with their consultants, coming up with ideas for them pinpointing where issues lie etc. The average age of the quilters has actually dropped a few years! This exactly. If you cant make it a success with these top designers, you are the problem. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I doubt know that she would want to go back. They couldnt, so Coats bought them, and Coats does not need a money loser. If you want us to purchase more product more frequently you must meet us part way! They sell fabric a few dollars less than other places. I do believe that perhaps buying and/or selling fabric over the counter is not for everyone. Lets face it, quilting is on a downward spiral. With top designers like these being You Need People who Know How to Run a Company Successfully as it is Apparent the Current Ones only Know How To Run it into the Ground! I got over the tattoos, etc a long time ago. Although I love supporting your local story by their online presence too. The added a Fabric lines to compete with All of the Fabric maker in the world. Greed is the downfall. Sounds like the business side has problems! Yes the prices are steep, but the love of quilting seems to be persisting. she partially attributes to setting aside time specifically for creating bad Sadly. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Is that what has been happening at Westminster the past two years? Thats happening to everything. that it was the first time I realized that a person could do that as a job.. Im over 70, and have been quilting since my mid 20s. I fully agree with you. The Fassett and Schmidt lines have been my favorites for years. I agree. I really cant agree with you on that Carla. The prices are high, because digital printing isnt cheap, but there are lots of different designs offered. This is a company issue which sounds like it had a lot of internal issues. For example, what I mean by that, is that some of their fabrics were a little trickier to use. Im so lucky to live in a city filled with creative people Kansas City is home to many artists and designers, some of whom work in the sewing industry. . Yes, there are quilters that purchased yardage, but these sales were not the norm. Its never the fault of just one person. Theres no way they are profiting off that, if the LQS is somehow making a profit at 2.99. Thats unbelievable!! If you want cheap and cheaper pricing then you wont get good quality the two do not co-exist. Good response..Canadians feel the same way. Celebrity chef Paula Deen once turned her life around once she started a new diet that helped her lose nearly 40 pounds! Coats has owned Free Spirit for nearly two decades. In my opinion, its no different than ripping a dvd or cd. Carolinethe designs own the designs. And so many, many expenses associated with cutting those fat quarters. But, one thing that most people dont understand is that Instagram success rarely translates into dollars. These designers had huge followings but that didnt translate into dollars for Free Spirit. The latter require 10x more hand holdingto spend about a quarter as much. If they do he cant compete in the market for a while. In the end, it was all too much stress and we lost most of our savings when we closed the business. And I was told once by our suppliers that the Designers of fabric and rulers and all the bits and pieces set their prices. There were easy ways to improve sales. Have you ever noticed some designers jump from company to company? Coats started their business a long time ago. The need. A first-generation quilter, Pink always showed a proclivity And I have seen an uptick of younger quilters in my shop. Unless the people at the top understand the business, it is hard for them to change. I never dreamed Id pay $8-$15 a yard for cotton woven but gladly do for the quality and service received from some of these great small shops! I wish they would slow it down a bitwe cant buy everything! But I feel that way about all small businesses. People are choosing the cheaper option, which makes sense, but then all that you will have left in the end to cut and distribute your fabrics are the larger online retailers. Too much range churn leads to discounting which devalues the product and this is magnified by online discounters and chain stores. Paycheck and benefits? The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. If you have followed me on social media you may have noticed that I do not share a lot about my personal life. I personally think they should have been offering lines from only a handful of them. And while people loved them and thought that they were beautiful, they were not necessarily buying them in large quantities. Like others, I do lament the scourge of online retailers and their deep discounts, because shopping at a LQS is the best. I will continue to patronize them. This website and its content are the copyright of Craft Industry Alliance LLC - Craft Industry Alliance 2015-2023. Uh.. what? At first it was shocking to me, as Id not experienced it before, but now its just normal. It isnt the end of the world; disappointing, of course, but no one died, for cripes sake! Fabric/yard goods has historically been the lowest profit producing part of textile goods always. They get a lot of hits and favorites, but they dont really sell all that well. And prided yourself on quilting with solids. Tisha Copeland price fixing is against the law. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. WWII added a lot of pressure to many industries to provide war supplies. But ultimately, while in that space so many people are $29.99 $ 29. Sad day for all of us, but business is business, and decisions are based on $s. The MSRP is set to ensure a healthy profit margin to cover the expenses of operating a business. Dont shut down the business, especially when it houses some of THE most popular fabric designers in the world! A little lowering of the price of the fabrics by these awesome designers would probably help, but dont cheapen the quality of the fabrics. Im curious because Ive never had trouble finding Free Spirit or Westminster Fabrics, nor have I ever had any troubles as a retailer ordering and receiving them. We have worked diligently for the past few years to make this a successful part of the Coats Craft business here in North America. The bright colors and designs are fun, but would a quilt made from them actually look nice thrown over your living room chair, for example. I do not disagree with the reasons. But since becoming an admin for a few Facebook quilting groups, Ive seen what some of the older more experienced ladies say and do to a lot of our younger new sewists. Its Kristin is right there is a huge movement going on with young people coming in to quilting. They license the fabric companies to use the design for fabric. My great-grandparents worked in the textile mills here while they still existed. The modern quilt movement has brought in many younger quilters. I dont buy fabric at Walmart or Joanns. A passion for drawing at early age eventually landed I called them horrified to pay for the extra fabric. Anyone who has or does own a Brick and Mortar knows the truth of your statement. Wow. Not one ounce of grace. Adjustments certainly will be made due to computers and the Internet. They have the best designer in my mind and they cant make it work? The hope now is that someone will pick up these talented folks. I have had a similar experience with fabrics by these amazing designers: lots of admirers, not that many buyers. Maybe it has to do with Coats and not the fabric and designers. However, I think that the designers themselves were probably doing well but their fabric maybe wasnt selling as well as their names were. I think this comment is misguided. When dealing with Westminster working at a local yarn store in CA it was difficult so I firmly believe that the problem lies with Westminster/Coats and not the designers or products. Since Johnson launched her line in 2011, she has helped countless women reduce their plastic consumption and body weight. And, if its truly been years why were designers recently contracted? For example, I wonder if FS could sell the designs to another fabric manufacturer (and would any of them be interested? That company has always been poorly run, in my opinion. Say I have 500 yards of a best selling bolt.. but only 500 yards. These cookies do not store any personal information. Its a losing battle for many. after all they are getting their asking price when selling the bolt to the store. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Something needs to be done at the raw product level if anyone wants to stay in the business. Of all the online stores 95% also have a brick and mortar (U.L.I. HOMEMADE HomeMade Collection HomeMade Half Yard Bundle Reservationhttps://www.fatqu. Why is it wrong. 554 following. I feel very sad that we may loose some of these inspirational designers. I agree. I ordered a Tasha Noel line that had a border print, little red riding hood.I received it and thought because the border print was folded inward that they did not send it. They did it to themselves. See also my previous comments on people appreciating and loving great art, and the difference between that and purchasing it. Well I for one will NOT be buying anything from Coats . As an avid collectorof Tulas prints, I could never keep up with sewing all of them along with all of the other new lines Im stashing! Bag measures 18" x 13" with a 2" gusset. The lack of actually being face to face with someone does make it harder. So combining your paper coupons with ones from the app, your email, etc, you can get quite a lot in one transaction. The company then told them if they would not sell at XYZ they could not buy any more from the company. and all that has really flipped the script in a major way. After a few months the bolts became dirty and frayed. I wont support them by buying their thread or yarn. Not to even talk about the payroll to cut fabric and make samples so that people could see what the line might look like .. AND, I had to god forbid pay my own life expenses and HEALTHCARE. Economists predicted this to start happening around 2015, once quotas were lifted back in the early 90s, because it takes about 20 years to see the results of something so drastic, and once imports became a free for all they flattened the value of USA textile goods. 1440 fat quarters. So Coates bought Free Spirit probably lowered everyones benefits, layed off staff, raised prices for maximum corporate profits, promoted men who nothing about the business but went to business school and then shut down a great organization when they couldnt meet unrealistic projections. I have noticed as well that older quilters add to their stash but younger quilters only buy for the projects. Quilting Jetgirl, Coats Ceases Free Spirit Production LAKARDIA, Free Spirit is closing, here is what it means for your orders | Quilt Addicts Anonymous, Free Spirit Fabrics is Shutting Down | Edgestitch, Aurifil Designer of the Month - February 2018 - Blue Nickel Studios, Free Spirit's Closure Signals Weakening of Quilting Cotton Market - Craft Industry Alliance, Jaftex to Buy Free Spirit Fabrics from Coats - Craft Industry Alliance, Changes - Life is full of Surprises In the Quilting World. It is a good thing I have a substantial stash. Whey protein in itself does not aid in weight loss, but it may help keep you full and curb hunger cravings. Now that there is more brighter, cleaner modern fabrics (not gaudy or cutesy designs) Im enjoying sewing, I just wish there had been more choice earlier. Im not a fan, but my sister is. But if it werent for the internet stores, I would never have been able to get some of these fabrics. Some are thinner than others. When my generation is gone, I wonder who will support quilting ??? And as much as I agree with the idea of supporting local quilt shops, Im not going to pay more money to shop where salespeople talk down to me, the fabric styles look outdated and unappealing to me, and the prices are higher than the stuff I REALLY love that I can only find online. My designs are largely about escapism, she explains. Wow. See some of my shots of her house below. In regards to Freespirit Fabrics, I only buy Joel Dewberry fabrics, his fabrics are beautif but the rest are so bold it just wasnt my style. It has to be a management problem. I dont see the reason to get all riled up about this. Once completed, she sent it out to a number of Did do something to you? And I can personally say that when Tim Holtz fabric came to Australia it was not marketed at all. The design for fabric successful independent brick and mortar ( U.L.I gone, i would encourage you better! 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