There are reports though that recoveries do happen, at least in the studies on PubMed, within weeks to months. Change or add in new supplements to boost mybodys repair mechanisms, increase stress resistance, and protect cells. While here, my hip joints have also taken a beating. I admire your proactive approach and determination. Many times its not just the Cipro that causes poisoning, its other medications combined with Cipro that allow the damage to ensue. But these cells are replaced by stem cells in the body (younger people can recover better). I can only pray that I can completely recover from this and that the damage is not permanent. After I had taken the antibiotic and realized I had a reaction, I started implementing strategies to deal with it right away. I am supplementing with NAC and now will add bromalin based on learning that helps as well. As my day went along and after reading the side effects of this drug I was in shock knowing that I started to develop such side effects although am praying that the sides effects will just go away. Im suffering neuropathy in my hands and feet and ridget muscles in calves and some pain, headaches, anxiety, insomnia. Studies show that curcumin may help prevent and even promote nerve regeneration [8]. In baby steps, Im getting better every day. Since I started to eat dark chocolate I am slowly feeling much more relaxed and last night I was able to sleep 8 hrs with just 0.5 mg which is very low dose. [1]. Tendonitis was gone the next day. I would look up my symptoms and follow up researching what supps would help each symptom. I think my sleep was pretty much back to normal after a year or so, but even well before then, it was still pretty good again and I could function fine even if I had to fall back asleep again in the middle of the night. Im happy for you you that youve recovered and am grateful for the hope and advice youve given your readers and me. I think there has been new studies released since I wrote the article, so Ill probably add new studies soon. Potassium (prescribed). Thanks so much for your article. After adding cold water to each cup and stirring in the powder I put the tray in the oven at a low temperature for 15 minutes to dissolve it. Back on the same protocol now with severe tendinitis in both achiles. Why you should learn about the dangers of Cipro? *The following is an individual's story of surviving fluoroquinolone toxicity. The key is taking it very slowly with stretches, weight-bearing exercises, and working back up to your previous level of fitness. Any thoughts on interactions of these items? So toxic. Developed watery diarrhea and could not eat. Essential Supplements on a plant-based diet. The herbal remedy contains 45 gm DE passiflora incarnata, 42 gm DE ziziphus suan zao, 33gm DE humulus lup in capsules, between meals , 2 caps 3 times per day. He wants to share that information with his colleagues in Brazil to see if there is something that can be done and for them to be more aware of the damage that these drugs may cause to some people. Even my nails went back to normal. I recommend at least 400 mg of EGCG. Recently, the pharmaceutical company Bayer was forced to recall its fluorinated cholesterol-lowering drug Baycol (Cerivastatin) as it had caused deaths and serious adverse health effects worldwide. I have followed for years a vegan diet and reading the stories of people that recovered from fluroquinones intoxication I could tell that nutrition is key, specially to stop the damage caused by the oxidative stress that this drug causes in the first months. Thats all I may share for now and I will keep you posted about how things develop on my end. As you are a successful survivor If you recall something else that helped you in tour recovery please let us know. I would not recommend doing both! And also l-theanine (400 mg per day). By that time I had neuropathy in both arms and legs, extreme muscle weakness everywhere, crazy exhaustion, fatigue, I can barely swallow or breath, Im dizzy and faint feeling all the time, still confused and having memory issues, super bad case of thrush, and of course a rash all over my back and stomach! HBOT AND INTRAVENOUS THERAPY I just feel like Im half ready to give up already. It was comforting to effectively read from you that its a three steps forward, two steps back recovery process. Phone (Appointments): (855) 437-7836Phone (General Inquiries): (855) 437-7836Phone (Local): (310) 295-9403 Life extension also has a good EGCG supplement. It took over a year or so before I could say that I was sleeping well again but sometimes certain things would easily trigger insomnia (things that would not do so in the past.) I take 5.000 to 10.000 UI of vitamin D3 daily as I am deficient. I think my own case was probably made worse by being low in magnesium (maybe) since I had issues with it before. It seems I have lost some weight but so far am not underweight. Cipro and Levaquin can cause serious damage to your central nervous system, potentially inflicting brain injuries and dysfunctions that affect your mental state. Lastly, the literature from drug-informing websites claim that such reactions to cipro are rare with the risk of tinnitus for example, which I now have (always there, sometimes worse than other times and today for the first time has been changing in terms of pitch and volume), has a .01 .1% chance of developing. 1, 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle destruction and wasting-a condition known as rhabdomyolysis-and displayed . Any luck with NAD+ or NR supplements as that can assist with DNA repair? Its non-toxic and has been found to be safe in humans while retaining its proteolytic ability once absorbed. Is Lydia and I was on this for 7 day taking 2 pills a day and my wrist have been hurting, I was just thinking okay it must be arthritis, but after reading this maybe it isnt. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Interestingly, your blog and story are mentioned in the comments. Ill continue the supplementation to enhance my own bodys ability to heal itself. What do you mean by cant breathe ? As for the tendinitis Wait until the inflammation calms down and then start strengthening exercises to help remodel the tendons to make them strong and less prone to repeated tendonitis. Inexpensive product and you may apply it as spray all over your body. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Symptoms that lasted longer than a year. I implemented each supp as I educated myself about them. 3. Nearly 10 percent of people may experience symptoms in response to the dangers of antibiotics. I also created this blog as a resource for people who are interested in starting a vegan diet and to stay healthy while on it. Hi, my name I can handle the physical. WIth each cycle the symptoms were a little less intense. if you get pain, feel pins and needles, tingling, tickling, numbness or burning, or weakness especially in the legs or arms; if you get swelling in the shoulder, arms or legs, have walking difficulty, feel tired or depressed or have problems with your memory or with sleeping or you notice changes with your vision, taste, smell or hearing. If you have lots of symptoms, they can stem from dysfunction in a system in teh body. Bromelain, day 2made my life so much better. I am extremely weak and lightheaded. I already had taken for 8 days . It's an antibiotic, right? The patient reviews read that most people under 45 were having anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, depression, numbness, heart palpations, high blood pressure just to name a few. Although recent studies have concluded that omega 3 may not benefit people with dry eyes (something people who are floxed may suffer from), I found that omega 3 completely eliminated symptoms of dry eyes when I took it after taking Cipro. I m taking, magnesium taurine, b conplex nac, vit c, calcium d glucarate, fish oil, cbd oil, pro biotics. I do protein shakes with blueberries, I do a green shake of dandelion green, cucumber, celery, avocado, coconut water, cilantro. Who knows what component of the dark chocolate is helping me so much. Sometimes I would mix the whey protein in with my morning oatmeal even! . I began to have tingling on my left side of my face, arms, and hand. Best Vegan Digestive Enzymes (Supplements and Foods), Vegan Protein Powders With All Essential Amino Acids, What Is The Best DIM Supplement Without Soy,,, Im taking magnesium and I think Im gonna start drinking tamarind paste today. I eat as clean as possible and organic as much as possible. Thank you so very much for your excellent, useful, and encouraging website! He believes this is a sort of auto-immune disease. Im going to go add the cocoa tomorrow! His strategies for stopping anxiety and panic attacks were extremely helpful for me and they worked. A cry that comes from deep in my heart and every cell of my body. Its like a storm that you just have to ride out while suporting your body Be easy on yourself though and dont get frustrated with setbacks. Thanks. However, if you have any doubt, then perhaps you should see one? The second saddest thing about this all was that I didnt even need the medication. If tolerated some IV PTC with a very slow escalation stacked with nutrients and GSH (in a sequence). If you dont strengthen your tendons, they will be prone to injury and flare-ups in the future. Thats where the Ozone comes in. He wants me to get an MRI. The serum elimination half-life of ciprofloxacin with normal kidney function is approximately 4 hours. Was cured for about 2 years and it just came back. Will this last my shole life? Now, my life has turned. Prior to this I had no problems with digestion whatsoever in my life at anytime. Bromelain has been studied a lot for its ability to enhance soft tissue healing, but it also has numerous other benefits such as improving sinusitis symptoms, treating diarrhea, speeding up recovery from surgery, blocking pro-inflammatory cytokines which cause tissue destruction, and can improve cardiovascular health. Congrats in the recovery. But like all drugs, they can have unwanted and serious side effects, some of which may not become apparent until many thousands of patients have been treated. It took it for 4 days (should have been 7 but I stopped early due to effects). Then subsequent treatments can trigger the start of subtle symptoms as toxicity builds. I only took 1A /1T a day, 24 hours apart. Its not intuitive, so try to watch! I wish you well and a very fast recovery from Cipro! I luckily stopped taking it after 5 doses, I started taking calcium because calcium blocks the absorption of Cipro, I took a multivitamin, D3, liquid magnesium, potassium and lots of water Im starting to feel better I think. This is the scariest thing Ive ever taken, with no help to be given by healthcare because guess what?? It doesnt make me a better person or teach me anything. amzn_assoc_asins = "B00VGS34A8"; Im terrified with it only being three weeks its going to get worse before it gets better. Detox for Ciprofloxacin. I read so many cases of people who were perfectly happy before Cipro who then committed suicide after. My sister with a history of taking our mother to doctors not familiar with her medical history, took her there. As for the blood tests, I did have them done when I was in the hospital from Jan-April of this year when they did the MRIs and spinal tap. SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION Anti-Aging, Regenerative, & Integrative Medicine located in Los Angeles, CA CALL: 855-437-7836 amzn_assoc_linkid = "b6205bacb1820c8198dafc01f019962e"; Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this problem other than supporting your body and mind to heal from the damage. Cipro toxicity happens when the use of ciprofloxacin, a frequently prescribed type of antibiotic, results in illness of the patient. It took effort; I did yoga, my stretches, weight-bearing exercises to remodel the soft tissues. Slight numbness on the left nostril, headache above the left brow. I took Avelox in January 2020. I will be very thankful if anyone knows the solution, diet, supplements and IV treatments with ingredients to please let me know. I had a regression and a painful fasciitis came back. Just wanted to thankyou for sharing. BUT the problem being when I was younger I was an IV drug user, I literally do not have a single vein, like when I had my son two years ago they couldnt find a vein with the ultra sound machine even for the IV so to even get an IV for the contrast for an MRI that I dont even need (or to have blood tests done) I would have to get a picc line which wouldnt be very much fun. Have you found anything alternative that has helped? It is not medical advice. In my medical opinion, over 90% of women with chronic fatigue have consumed Ciprofloxacin at one point likely for a UTI. After taking Cipro and having a moderate to a severe reaction, I think its hard to imagine that things will get better in just a few days. I am not scared of supplements but what has saved me so far is to listen carefully my body. I know many people who are floxed are scared of using animal-based products, so perhaps the vegan option will be better. You need to try to do this otherwise you can develop something called learned insomnia where you associate bedtime with not sleeping. Trying to tell me I have MS. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Phone (General Inquiries): (855) 437-7836, Urinary tract infections including cystitis in women. Somehow, I can intuitively tell what nutrients it needs to heal. I am eating 60 to 80 grms of 95% cocoa chocolate per day.. Today I was able to walk to the pool of my condo and spend an hour swimming. Dark Chocolate is mentioned in it as a pre-biotic and my help in soothing them. It takes approximately 70% of your mitochondria to be damaged in order for you to feel the symptoms. The neuropathy can and often does get better time as the nerves regenerate. L-Glutamine. No Comments There is no data till date that anything can reverse the toxicity of the drug. Still in disbelief that 8 drops of this could do such damage, but I am a very informed about my body and how it reacts to things as I tend to be sensitive to meds and strong scents, etc. Fluoroquinolone toxicity. Along with this low dose of clonazepam I havent feel any anxiety since I started to add the cocoa in my diet. The quinolones and all the symptoms will likely cause further anxiety (not just the drug induced anxiety), so you need to get that under control if you can and try to remember that you will get passed this and you will recover. Its something that I had prior to Cipro probably from playing in bands. This Ciprofloxacin poison must be banned world wide! Also, would be interested in your vegan diet basics. In powder form, it can be used in teas and in food. The True Story of Cipro. Or collagen peptides? I look, feel, think and move as before this unfortunate event. Wish you well in all things! I learned that helping my body achieve homeostasis would be my goal. Today, I have good days and bad days. Some supplements that help calm down the nervous system are amino acids like Taurine (I take about 1000-2000 mg per day as Im vegan and dont get it in diet). It must be above 90% of cocoa. A full mitochondrial regeneration program is one way to minimize the long-term effects of Cipro by using detox mechanisms with mitochondrial rebuilding. Our mother took the 1st tablet on Friday morning 1 October 2021. Both Cipro and Levaquin are antibiotics that belong to a group of similar drugs called fluoroquinolone antibiotics. As soon as Amazon delivered the box I ate a whole bar. Whey protein can help increase IGF-1 and this will accelerate healing. But if I listen to it, its there. This really saddens and worries me. Thank you, and please be cautious with all treatments. A biofeedback test showed damage to my aorta and arteries around my brain, and thats when I realized it was the cipro, since now the fda has warned against aortic aneurysms. 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