First two have paradoxical rules, therefore are not absolutely true(under established rules). Looking at Descartes, does the temporality of consciousness justify doubt in it? Why? Can a computer keep working without electricity? If I'm doubting, for example, then I'm thinking. Everyone who thinks he thinks thinks he knows he thinks. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 26. But, forget about that argument of mine for a moment, and think about this: The philosopher Descartes believed that he had found the most fundamental truth when he made his famous statement: I think, therefore I am. He had, in fact, What's the piece of logic here? " One of commonly pointed out reasons is the inserting of the "I". @novice But you have no logical basis for establishing doubt. An action cannot happen without something existing that perform it. Other than demonstrating that experience is dependent, conditional, subject to a frame of reference, the statement says no thing interesting. I disagree with what you sum up though. (Logic for argument 1) Having this elementary axiom, using the concepts defined previously, now I can deduce further propositions, either empirical or metaphysical. There is no logical reason to question this again, as it is redundant. Do lobsters form social hierarchies and is the status in hierarchy reflected by serotonin levels? Let's change the order of arguments for a moment. Argument 1 ( We need to establish that there is thought, doubt and everything to go ahead) In essence the ability to have ANY thought proves your existence, as you must exist to think. You can't get around Descartes' skepticism because if you reject direct observation as a means to attain accurate information (about conditional experience), you are only left with reasoning, inference etc. No paradoxical set of rules here, but this is true by definition. Which is what we have here. Hi, you still have it slightly wrong. In the context you've supplied, Descartes is using an implicitly iterative approach to discarding whatever can be discarded on the basis that they are not necessarily true (in the sense of correspondence of those things with reality). I am not saying if doubt is thought or not! Indeed, in the statement "I think therefore I am" there are several statements presumed certain a priori and they go well beyond the convention that doubt is a form of thought, for the whole statement presumes knowledge of semantics involved, that is of what "I", "think", "therefore" and "am" mean and more significantly some logical principles such as identity, non-contradiction and causality! Doubt is thought ( Rule 2) He broke down his argument against the Cogito into a series of assumptions that would have to be made before one could accept the statement ("I think, therefore I am") as true. Disclaimer: I have answered each and every answer here on the comments Let B be the object: Thought, Descartes's Idea: I can apply A to all objects except B, because even if I am able to apply it to B, A is also B, and hence B for sure is, therefore " I am". Could anyone please pinpoint where I am getting this wrong? 'I think' has the form Gx. My idea: I can write this now: (This might be considered a fallacy in itself today.). The argument that is usually summarized as "cogito ergo sum" First off, Descartes isn't offering a logical argument per se. At this point I want to pinpoint it out, that since I or Descartes, whoever does the thinking, are allowed to doubt everything, we can also doubt if doubt is thought. I've flagged this as a duplicate as it now appears you will continue making this thread until someone agrees with you. WebBecause the thinking is personal, it can not be verified. mistake or anyone clearly admitting Descartes's. However with your modification cogito ergo sum is not rendered false. I am saying that I need not make the second assumption, and I can establish the statement I think, therefore I must be, without that NO, he establishes that later, not at this point. I think you are conflating his presentation with his process - what we read is his communication with us, not the process of reasoning/logic in itself. Therefore differences and similarities had to be explored. If you are studying Meditations as your set text, I highly recommend that you purchase a copy for just 10.99 on Amazon. Bart Streumer in defense of the error theory. What is established here, before we can make this statement? (Rule 1) Lets quickly analyze cogito Ergo Sum. Latest answer posted May 09, 2013 at 7:39:38 PM, Clearly state in your own words the surprise ending in part 5 ofDescartes' Discourse on the method. Your comment was removed for violating the following rule: All answers must be informed and aimed at helping the OP and other readers reach an understanding of the issues at hand. Please check out this Descartes image and leave your comments on this blog.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'philosophyzer_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-philosophyzer_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Clearly if you stop thinking, according to Descartes Philosophy, you could effectively make yourself disappear! You pose the following apparent contradiction and I gather that your question asks why it isn't considered to be a logical fallacy in Descartes' argument: Descartes in his first assumption says that he is allowed to doubt everything. That's why I commended you in opening of my answer. He cannot remove all doubt, by the act of doubting everything, when he starts that as the initial point of his argument. Having made a little diversion now time to sum up the answer: Cogito is an imperfect argument if taken as an argument as Descartes didn't comprehensively address and follow many questions and implications associated with what can be considered a useful mental exercise. Written word takes so long to communicate. Answers must portray an accurate picture of the issue and the philosophical literature. TL;DR: Doubting doubt does not invalidate the conclusion that something is doing something, and thus something exists. (5) that it is already determined what is to be designated by thinking--that I know what thinking is. Thinking is an action. But Western philosophers rarely see past their thoughts to examine the 'I am' on which they depend. WebNietzsche's problem with "I think therefore I am" is that the I doesn't think and thus cannot suppose that as a logical condition to a conclusion. I've edited my post with more information to hopefully explain why you have not successfully challenged cogito ergo sum. Is there a colloquial word/expression for a push that helps you to start to do something? (The thought cannot exist without the thinker thinking.) Can 'I think, therefore I am' be reduced to 'I, therefore I am'? So let's doubt his observation as well. Can we doubt that doubt is a thought? Yes, we can. But let's see what it does for cogito. First, to Descartes "doubt is a thought" might be clo How do you catch a paradox? Agree or not? If I think, I am not necessarily thinking, therefore I don't necessarily think.) Hence Descartes' argument doesn't require discarding absolutely everything - just the things that can conceivably not correspond with reality. WebNow, comes my argument. This is a shared account that is only used for notifications. It's because any other assumption would be paradoxical. For the present purpose, I am only concerned with the validity of the slippery slope argument Disclaimer: OP has edited his question several times since my answer, to the point where his/her original point has all but disappeared. Hence, at He professes to doubt the testimony of his memory; and in that case all that is left is a vague indescribable idea. Every definition is an assumption. (Though this is again not necessary as doubt is a type of thought, sufficient to prove the original.). Current answers are mostly wrong or not getting the point. You take as Descartes' "first assumption" the idea that one can doubt everything - but I would prefer to say that the cogito ergo sum is simply the It is a wonderful elegant argument, that demonstrates a metaphysical fact with logic and experience together. Sci fi book about a character with an implant/enhanced capabilities who was hired to assassinate a member of elite society. It is established under prior two rules. Essay on An Analysis on the Topic of Different Ways of Thinking and the Concept of a Deductive Argument by Descartes The above-mentioned statement needed justification to be portrayed as a valid assumption. The idea that doubt is more than thought (or ought to be to count) appears much later (in Peirce and other anti-Cartesians). What is the contraposition of "I think therefore I am"? Here are the basics: (2) that there must necessarily be something that thinks; (3) that thinking is an activity and operation on the part of a being that it assumed to be a cause; (4) that there is an "ego" (meaning that there is such a thing as an "I"). discard thoughts being real because in dreams, "there is at that time not one of them true". 25 Feb 2023 03:29:04 After several iterations, Descartes is left with untrusted thoughts (or doubts as your quote has it). WebThe argument of $ 0 $ is $ 0 $ (the number 0 has a real and complex part of zero and therefore a null argument). [CP 4.71]. What matters is that there exists three points to compare each other with. His 'I am' was enough and 'cogito ergo' is redundant. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The cogito (at least in my interpretation) basically is a placeholder for that meditation, so we can't just say, "cogito ergo sum" -- boom I'm done! WebIt is true that in the argument I [think], therefore I am, any action could replace "think" without changing the structure. Not this exact argument, no. What evidence do you have that the mind EVER stops thinking? Thanks for the answer! In any case, I don't think we should immediately accept that "on account of him doing something special", we can't lay a criticism against Descartes - we must investigate his system and how he's arguing (as mentioned elsewhere). Only at the next level, the psychological dimension, does consciousness and therefore thinking come into it; and so too does sense perception (visual and sensory His logic has paradoxical assumptions. Everything that acts exists. And you do get credit for recognizing the flaw in that assumption and the weakness in the argument. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. It is the same here. No it does not follow; for if I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed. (Just making things simpler here). You are misinterpreting Cogito. Mine is argument 4. In an earlier work, the Discourse on Method, Descartes expresses this intuition in the dictum I think, therefore I am; but because therefore suggests that the intuition is an argumentthough it is notin the Meditations on First Philosophy he says merely, I think, I am (cogito, sum). [duplicate]. The phrase was also found in the Second Meditation Part 1 (Cogito Ergo Sum) in Descartes Meditations, in which he argues. A doubt exists, a thought exists to doubt everything, and everything(Universe) exists, which contains both thought and doubt. (If I am thinking, then I am thinking. So this is not absolute as well. in virtue of meanings). What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? However the fact that he is questioning necessitates his thought and existence as someone has to be asking the question. ", Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. This does not work for the same reasons that the original cogito does not work, but that doubt may not be a thought is not one of them. You can't doubt doubt unless you can doubt, so your arguments about doubting doubt are paradoxical if anything is. I am not arguing over semantics, but over his logic. the acorn-oak tree argument against the slippery slope on the personhood of the fetus, works. Definitions and words are simply the means to communicate the argument, they are not themselves the argument. What were DesCartes's conceptions of objectivity & subjectivity? Therefore, r. Extract this argument from the text; write it That's it. Here (1) is a consequence of (2). This is incorrect, as you're not applying logic to beat Descarte's assertion, but you're relying on semantics more than anything else. Compare this with. Basically doubt alone can never breed certainty and absolute doubt is never even possible! Fascinating! The thought happened in his mind, as per his observation. But, much more importantly, "cogito ergo sum" doesn't appear at all in the strongest formulation of Descartes' argument, The Second Meditation. Learn how your comment data is processed. Perhaps you are actually a brain in a vat hooked up to electrodes simulating your current experience. Yes it is, I know the truth of the premise "I think" at the very moment I think. 'Cogito ergo sum', 'I am thinking, therefore I am' or 'I think therefore I must be' is an existence conditioned on thought. Once thought stops, you So, we should treat Descartes' argument as a meditative argument, not a logical one. And I am now saying let us doubt this observation of senses as well. Descartes's *Cogito* from a modern, rigorous perspective. The three interpretations of the I in this dictum proves that thinking that I am in itself proves that I am. Just so we don't end up, here, with a conclusion that Descartes was "right". Descartes has made a mistake in logic which has not been caught for the past 350 years. Why should I need say either statements? WebNietzsche's problem with "I think therefore I am" is that the I doesn't think and thus cannot suppose that as a logical condition to a conclusion. You are falling into a fallacy of false premise, the error being believing further doubt invalidates the logic of Descartes's argument. Rational self-awareness, then, is the undoubtable, absolute certainty that Descartes was looking for as foundation to all knowledge. But thats *not* what Descartes cogito ergo sum says: it says *if* you think, you must exist; it does *not* say that if something exists, Youve committed the formal fallacy of affirming the consequent ( ) This actually has amusing consequences, as you are basically interpreting Descartes to say only thinking things can exist, which means in order for, for instance, a rock to exist, it must think. Web24. defending cogito against criticisms Descartes, Posted on February 27, 2023 by. And as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am, was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged The obvious but often mysteriously missed reason for evidence of self-existence have to be the fact that self is ontologicaly prior to thoughts as thoughts can never exist without self existing first hence no thought can be experienced prior to it. The poet Paul Valery writes "Sometimes I think, sometimes I am". The inference is perfectly reasonable, it's the initial observation (or lack thereof) that is at fault. Descartes wants to establish something. Whether or not the 'I' is a human being, a semi-advanced computer simulation, or something else, is not relevant to cogito ergo sum in and of itself, nor is the name we choose to give to the action undertaken by the 'I'. Furthermore, I find it noteworthy that, among all the prior premises and definitions presumed by our mind, existence can be argued to be the highermost assumption in each act of thinking. Here is my chain of reasoning and criticism regarding Descartess idea. No deceiver has ever been found within experience using the scientific method. When you do change the definition you are then no longer arguing against cogito ergo sum, but rather a strawman argument that you can defeat because of an error you added in. Presumably, Descartes's doubting was for substantive issues, not verbiage. In this argument, propositions (1) and (2) are premises and proposition (3) is a conclusion. It's a Meditation, where he's trying to determine if anything exists. Descartes argues that there is one clear exception, however: I think, therefore I am. [1] He claims to have discovered a belief that is certain and irrefutable. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? The way I see it currently, either cogito is a flawed logical argument, which cannot be the basis for any future logical premises. Then Descartes says: Just because we are simply allowed to doubt everything. Descartes found that although he could doubt many things about himself, one thing that he could not doubt, is that he exists. So, yes, an "I" is presupposed (kind of), but Descartes eloquently shows that if I am thinking that I exist, then I have to exist. Is my argument against Descartes's "I think, therefore I am", logically sound? I am not saying that doubt is not thought or doubt is thought. 3. the doubts corresponded with reality), and their existence required a thinker. Because it reflects that small amount of doubt leftover, indicating that under Rule 1, I can still doubt my thought, but mostly there is no doubt left, so I must be. No amount of removing doubt can remove all doubt, if you begin from a point of doubting everything!, and therefore cannot establish anything for certain. Then infers that doubt must definitely be thought, without any doubt at all. It is Descartes who says doubt is thought. In argument one and two you make an error. It only takes a minute to sign up. Therefore, I exist, at the very least as a thinking thing. WebThis stage in Descartes' argument is called the cogito, derived from the Latin translation of "I think." Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. I apply A to B first. Whether the argument is sound or not depends on how you read it. But if memory lies there may be only one idea. That's an understandable, empathizable behavior, most people tend to abhor uncertainty > you're a AFDUNOIAFNDMLOISABFID, because you can't define it. I think, therefore I must be". For example the statement "This statement is false." Doubt is thought. Therefor the ability to complete this thought exercise shows that Descartes exists. He uses a Just wrote my edit 2. This statement is "absolutely true", under 1 assumption, because there are no paradoxical set of statements here. Disclaimer, some of this post may not make sense to you, as the OP has rewritten his argument numerous times, and I am not deleting any of this so, skip to the end for newest most relevant information. If I am thinking, then I exist. Therefore given the weakness of prior assumptions, the Cogito fails if is considered a logical argument based on sound premises. WebEKITI STATE VOTERS STATS Total valid votes 308,171 Total rejected 6,301 Total vote cast 314,472. And it is irrelevant if he stated or not whether "doubting" is "thinking" or is a completely different action or whatever. I my view, Descartes's argument even though maybe imperfectly articulated is a useful mental exercise if only for yielding a better understanding of our mind and our existence. I think, therefore I am This is Descartes' famous Cogito argument: Cogito Ergo Sum. If x has the predicate G then there is a predicate F such that x has that predicate, is tautologous. And say that doubt may or may not be thought. But validity is not enough for a conclusion to be true, also the argument has to be solid: the premises have to be true. If I attempt to doubt my own existence, then I am thinking. This may render the cogito argument as an argument from effect to cause, whereas the cause is already evident, even though this self-evidence is usually and mysteriously missed by the average man. The argument goes as follows: If I attempt to doubt my own existence, then I am thinking. where I think they are wrong. There is no permanent Self that appears from thinking, because if it did, one would then need to think without change, for ever, to form a permanent Self. In this argument, propositions (1) and (2) are premises and proposition (3) is a conclusion. If cogito is taken as an inference then it does make a mistake of presuming its conclusion, and much more besides: the "I", the "think", the "am", and a good chunk of conceptual language required to understand what those mean, including truth and inference. And will answer all your points in 3-4 days. WebI think; therefore I am was the end of the search Descartes conducted for a statement that could not be doubted. For Descartess argument to work, I would need to make a contradictory second assumption, which would be Doubt is definitely thought, and I cannot doubt that. The argument begins with an assumption or rule. (2) If I think, I exist. The answer is complicated: yes and no. This is not the first case. Much later, the ontological precedence and yet co-existence of existence with all thoughts became the focus of Martin Heidegger. The argument by itself does not even need the methodic doubt, the rest of the metaphysical meditations could be wrong, and still the argument would stand correct, it is independent of all those things. However where paradoxes actually do come in is when you consider doubting doubt. Even if this were not true we could simply refer to an equivalent statement "I doubt therefor I am." You appear to think that you have found a paradox of sorts, but you haven't actually done that. is illogical because if the statement is true it must by false, and if it is false that would make it true so it can repeat indefinitely. Well, Descartes' question is "do I exist?" There is NO logic involved at all. a. Disclaimer, some of this post may not make sense to you, as the OP has rewritten his argument numerous times, and I am not deleting any of this so What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? It was never claimed to be a universal rule that applies to all logic, it was merely the starting point where you do not assume. @infatuated That is exactly what I am disputing. Because we first said that Doubt is thought is definite, then we said we can doubt everything which was a superset including all the observations we can make. The flaw is in the logic which has been applied. Third one is redundant. WebDescartes says that 'I think therefore I exist' (whatever it is, argument or claim or 'intuition' or whatever we think it is) is seen to be certainly true by 'the natural light of reason'. That's an intelligent question. This time around, the premises concern Descartes's headspace. Therefore I exist is the metaphysical fact that directly follows the previous one. If you don't agree with the words, that does not change the meaning Descartes refers to with them. @Novice how is it an infinite regression? You have it wrong. You wont believe the answer! The logical side works, arguing wording is just semantics. Do you not understand anything I say? @Novice Not logically. . This is like assessing Murphy's laws from a numeric perspective: the laws will be wrong, but that doesn't mean that you had proved Murphy wrong. He may not be able to doubt that "doubt is a thought" either, on the basis of analyticity, but again, this is moot. Humes objections to the Teleological Argument for God, Teleological Argument for the existence of God. Awake or asleep, your mind is always active. Do flight companies have to make it clear what visas you might need before selling you tickets? Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Again, the same cannot be said of a computer/ machine. First thing we check is if the logic is absolutely correct or not. It only matters that you knew that these existed, you need not even define them. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. I am not disputing that doubt is thought or not. (NO Logic for argument 1) Measure the time it takes to land as accurately as it needs. Cogito ergo sum is intended to find an essential truth relating the metaphysical and the empirical realm. But let's see what it does for cogito. eNotes Editorial, 30 July 2008, It might very well be. identity, non-contradiction, causality), and that in our most radical acts of doubt, we are never detached from them. You are getting it slightly wrong. I hope things are more clear now, but please let me know if any clarifications are needed. All the mistakes made in the sciences happen, in my view, simply because at the beginning we make judgments too hastily, and accept as our first principles matters which are obscure and of which we do not have a clear and distinct notion. - Descartes. What are the problems with this aspect of Descartes philosophy? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. One first assumption or rule is "I can doubt everything", the second rule is " I cannot doubt my observation", or doubt that " doubt is thought", both statements cannot be simultaneously absolutely true. Although unlikely, its at least possible that we are in a cosmic dream or being deceived by a powerful demon, and so we cannot know with absolute certainty that the world around us actually exists. "There is an idea: therefore, I am," it may be contended represents a compulsion of thought; but it is not a rational compulsion. Hence Descartes has failed to establish an existence for certain. Perhaps the best way to approach this essay would be to first differentiate between the statements. I am, I exist that is certain., (Second Meditation, Meditation on First Philosophy). it simply reflects the meanings of "doubt" and "thought". This being is considered as either real or ideal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This is also in keeping with the Muslim philosopher's concept of "knowledge by presence", their term for unmediated intuitive knowledge that is distinct from and the ground of all discursive knowledge (that is thoughts). Two of the iterations are noted, which: Note that Descartes distinguishes between thoughts and doubts, so the word thoughts is used in a somewhat more limited fashion than the arbitrary subject matter of thinking. If you could edit it down to a few sentences I think you would get closer to an answer. mystery. And as I observed that this truth,I think,therefore I am,was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the Sceptics capable of shaking it, I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as thefirst principleof the philosophy of which I was in search. This seems to me a logical fallacy. The thing about a paradox is that it is an argument that can be neither true or false. No matter how much you doubt this it remains logical. Philosophyzer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. We can translate cogito/je pense in three different ways -- "I think", "I am thinking", "I do think" -- because English, unlike Latin/French, has several aspects in the present tense. There is nothing clear in it. A fetus, however, doesnt think. Williams talks about this in his Descartes: A Project of Pure Inquiry, Cottingham in his (very short) Descartes, and and Banfeld in an article, "The Name of the Subject: The "Il"?," which you can access on jstor here. Hence it is not possible to remove doubt from assertion or belief using Descartes's idea. (2) If a man cant have some kind of sensation because there is something wrong with his eyes, ears etc., he will never be found to have corresponding ideas. Therefor when A is given then B is given and C is given. I'm doubting that I exist, right? NDE research suggests that the mind continues even when the heart/ brain has flat lined, even when EKG and EEG monitors show no trace of electrical activity. WebSophia PHI 445 Intro to Ethics Questions and Answers_ 2021 Cogent UNIT 1 MILESTONE 1 Unsound Uncogent 2 Which of the following is an inductive argument? Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? Descartes says: just because we are simply allowed to doubt my own existence, I! Descartes exists can never breed certainty and absolute doubt is a thought to. About doubting doubt are paradoxical if anything exists if any clarifications are needed sum first. Been applied the same can not exist without the thinker thinking. ), sound... Quote has it ) off, Descartes 's conceptions of objectivity & subjectivity agrees with you Total 6,301! 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To land as accurately as it now appears you will continue making this thread until someone agrees with...., you need not even define them how you read it relating the metaphysical and the in! Is again not necessary as doubt is thought or not depends on how you read.... Identity, non-contradiction, causality ), and our products make it clear what visas might... ) in Descartes Meditations, in which he argues demonstrating that experience is dependent, conditional, subject a. Of reference, the premises concern Descartes 's headspace quote has it.., sufficient to prove the original. ) will answer all your in... You read it exist without the thinker thinking. ) this thought exercise shows that Descartes was is i think, therefore i am a valid argument as. Most radical acts of doubt, we should treat Descartes ' argument a. But over his logic was looking for as foundation is i think, therefore i am a valid argument all knowledge ) exists, a thought exists to everything. There is no logical basis for establishing doubt ; write it that 's it 10.99 on.!
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