Why are we being taxed? E. Braswell BeySupreme Grand Sheik and Chairman, 2022 by Moorish Science Temple of America, Get critical information about our Movement, Access verified lessons and content from Amexem.com. Ask MyLeader! There this religion was established in the unprecedented short period of twenty years, and unlike many other religions, without the aid of any royal patronage and support. There are branch Temples in fifteen Accessed September 30, 2021. The publication is a compilation of the lectures that were presented by the faculty under three major thematic areas namely the Resource and Technology perspective, the Human dimension and the ICT perspective. 2 were here. [3] The MSTA 1913 site, referring to the year that the movement was founded, says that its followers are inspired by the lofty teachings of the Koran. The site also claims that Islam, which it refers to as the Mohammed religion [sic], is acknowledged by nearly two hundred and fifty [sic] souls around the world but is also the religion of over 200 millions [sic] of people. [4], The MSTA follows a text which it calls The Holy Koran. This book differs significantly from the Quran which is followed by orthodox Muslims around the world and is believed to have been revealed to Muhammad sometime in the 7th century AD. In a profound sense, they are moral and spiritual. There is no set time for prayer, but it is important to practice being in constant communication with Allah - we are taught to establish prayer daily; whether it by 5 times a day, 10 times a day or 100 times a day, etc. Each state has their own constitution that is beside the original one written by our founding liberals who said that no money shall be used except gold and silver. A beggar people cannot develop the highest in them, nor can they attain to a genuine enjoyment of the spiritualities of life. The Kingdom of Morocco did not begin flying a flag similar to the Moorish Flag until it gained its independence in 1956. We welcome help from sympathizers as well. Copyright 2023 InfluenceWatch. No other one thing is more needed among us at this time than greater economic power. A: Those who fail to recognize the free national name of their constitutional government are classed as undesirables, and are subject to all Inferior names and abuses and mistreatments that the citizens care to bestow upon them. But what any organized group does or adopt does not concern us. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!!! The letter also claims that English and other European settlers, who it refers to as Engla-men, were conditionally allowed to come to America by the Moors. According to Prophet Drew Ali the USA was set up by the European. The Nationality and Identification cards were essential as they symbolized a member's new ethnic identity. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The Moorish Science Temple of America was founded for Uplifting Fallen Humanity. It is a Divine and National Movement which teaches you to be yourself Moorish American. Virginia incidents involving MSTA members or activity have included fake license plates,ww claims of sovereignty, and traffic stop encounters with law enforcement. Noble Drew Ali. Please be prompt. But there is no need to make false claims about the photo above to prove the Prophet right. This panoramic photograph, approximately 3 feet wide, captured the 400 men, women, and children attending the tenth annual convention of the Moorish Science Temple of America in 1937. When Islam was brought to the Arab nation, they pronounced the word "muslim" instead of moslem. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925, and w as legally incorporated as a civic organization under the laws of the State of Illinois on November 29th, 1926. The marks of "black", "colored", "negro", "afro-american", "african-american", "american descendant of slaves", etc., were given to slaves by slaveholders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 . This derivative of the broader sovereigns movement, composed of several thousand individuals and a few organizations, claims Moorish identity and uses repurposed Moorish beliefs and symbols and new ones to claim that members are Moorish or Moroccan . Moorish Americans only worship the Universal Creator we call Him Allah. Ali discounted identities created by white Americans, such as negro, colored, and black, claiming that his people originated in Morocco. The only way for our people, who bear the marks of "Negro, Colored, Black, African American, etc", to enjoy First-Class Citizenship in the U.S.A. is to join an authorized temple and proclaim their nationality. Gelatin silver print. Underlying his claims were two principles. For centuries, art, science, literature, and chivalry flourished among them, while the rest of Europe was still sunk in the gloom of the Dark Ages. Other people claiming to be Moorish-Americans have filed similar tags and paperwork. The Moorish Temple Koran claims to contain guidance that will redeem man from his sinful and fallen stage of humanity back to the highest plane of life. [5], An organization which calls itself the Moorish National Republic Federal Government maintains an online presence, including a Moorish American Consulate webpage styled after an official diplomatic website. The prophet said 50 years later you wont know what Ive brought you. Me No Need No Stinky Car Tags! We also adorn our turbans and fezzes as our religious headdress. Moorish Americans do not practice an Arabic religion. The Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) is an ethno-religious identity movement which draws on Islamic and Christian theology, as well as the teachings of early black nationalists such as Marcus Garvey. Today the Moorish Americans have formed a "NATION-STATE" known as MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA and are now united, linking themselves with the family of nations thanks to Noble Drew Alli. Moorish Science Temple of America . If you consider yourself any of these names, you are a Moor. I think these sleepy-headed moors think that when the prophet mentions the constitution that he was talking about the divine constitution and the de facto state constitution of their state. The 1934 Moorish group is under a different set of rules and regulations not established by Prophet Drew Ali by having a State Charter under a 501C3 status. You'll find here the most Informative teachings of Islam from a Moorish Perspective on the pure Faith of Islam, Nationality, History, and Positive Law. Historians claim that Ali left North Carolina for Newark, New Jersey where he worked as a train expressman. Accessed September 30, 2021. The circumstances surrounding his death are obscure. And Prophets don't contradict themselves. find an authorized temple of the Moorish Science Temple of America nearest to you. Moorish Americans practice Islamism, the Old Time Religion of our ancient forefathers who "are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed.". The Moorish Flag is a Free National Standard of the Moorish Science Temple of America. As First Class Citizens of the U.S.A, Moorish Americans "are to obey the laws of the government". The consulate features the flag of Morocco and a fictional flag with a color scheme and cedar tree similar to the flag of Lebanon. Cowards who are afraid to stand so they subjugate our people. The state authorities are just as dumb, deaf and blind too or covering up their little hidden agenda. Home; About the M.S.T. He does not know that the Devil has fooled the most Elite. Moorish Americans cannot commit any acts of terrorism or "put in danger or accuse falsely his brother or sister on any occasion at all that may harm his brother or sister". Now as to your final concern we say this , go back and learn what the Holy Prophet Ali originally said and actually did; go back and learn what he meant when he spoke about His Prophecies as they must come true and when each one come true then you know what you should be doing and when and where. The name was changed to the Moorish Holy Temple of Science in the early 1920s. We shall foster the principles of its teachings among our members. How can I register my Vin/Car to a Moorish Temple? It found its way to India, amnd beyond, to the Islands of Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. our Forefathers set up the laws for the European and then they stripped us where is this in History?! The movement expanded rapidly in the years 1925-29; some historians estimate thirty thousand members throughout the country at the peak of the movement. The Moorish Science Temple of America began as a religious movement in 1913 known as the Canaanite Temple, founded in New Jersey by Timothy Drew (1886-1929). Thats not one of them though. It says its never heard of DeVante, and his tactics hurt the image of Moorish-Americans across the country. Thats not a tag, thats a conveyers information card attached to my conveyance. This dont mean majority of the temples it means a few temples and there are few temples teaching what the prophet instructed. The only reason they issue license is so they can control you, peep in on your life, and collect unlawful currency from you. Master." Here is Prophet Noble Drew Ali flying the Moorish Flag alongside the American Flag on January 8, 1928. The object of our Organization is to help in the great program of uplifting fallen humanity and teach those things to Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches Moorish Americans that "Negro, Colored, Black, etc" are marks that delude to slavery. This site presents new acquisitions, events, notable holdings, and other information from the Graphic Arts Collection within the department of Special Collections. MOORISH TEMPLE OF AMERICA PART 5 OF 8 BUFILE: 62-25889---- W W _ - -< . different states at this time. Moorish Science Temple of America (Creator) See the complete line of succession for the Moorish Science Temple of America. Am. It is our duty to protect our country. Although it may be tempting for many to want to connect the Prophet Noble Drew Ali to the European fraternal organization, the idea that Prophet Noble Drew Ali was a Mason is flawed. The judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary not-withstanding. Moorish Americans honor the Divine Creed and Principles of our ancient fathers and mothers which predate Arabic traditions. For example, Fard studied Ali's methods in order to introduce the Qu'ran to his followers. We call them bootleggers because what they have done is theyve gone to the temple, got a nationality card, run out and adopted a eurocentric idea or conception, such as sovereignty, driving without a license, not paying taxes, Chief Minister Ra Saadi El said. 9 While many Moors (and many early scholars) speak of the founding of the Moorish Science Temple of America as dating to 1913 in New Jersey, this is the date for Drew Ali's earlier religious experiment, the Canaanite Temple, about which little is known. It is a work of importance whether considered from a religious philosophical, or literary viewpoint. Act 4-All members must preserve these Holy and Divine laws, and all members must obey the laws of the government, because by being a Moorish American you are a part and partial of the government, and must live the life accordingly. FBI File on the Moorish Science Temple of America. Gale. 540 likes. [8], In July 2021, members of Rise of the Moors engaged in a standoff with Massachusetts state police officers by the side of a highway. Moorish Science Temple of America Office Cell: (720) 400-6565 Aside from the fact that it is a legally organized religious corporation, it is building on human needs. The Evil Spirits moving will be detailed, those who seek to drag out the True Foundation will be exposed. In the Prophets Divine Warning he stated; Although Ali was out of town at the time of the killing, he was accused of the murder and arrested when he returned. Supposedly he travelled to Egypt and Morocco, where he studied African history and the Islamic religion. So the brother driving without a drivers license or tags is not a violation of law. Ali published The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple. no one respects a traitor remember that. Since the work of the Moorish Science Temple of America was largely religious, the organization has been legally changed to a religious corporation and an affidavit to this effect has been properly filed in the Cook County Recorder's office of Illinois. When we showed him DeVantes car tag, Judge Brown said its not legal. In many languages around the world, the root meaning translates to "God". Phone: 202-547-7597 under the laws of the State of Illinois, November 29th 1926. There is no substantial evidence to support this idea, that Prophet Noble Drew Ali was ever in a circus as a youth or faked his death it appears to be an attempt to discredit the Prophethood of the Prophet and what he's done for humanity. Because it takes finance to uplift a nation. The Moorish Science Temple of America was founded for Uplifting Fallen Humanity. It was they who contributed to the sciences of algebra and chemistry, astronomy, and medicine; they who dotted the Sareen Empire with the universities and who built at Bagdad and Cairo the most renowned universities of the world. DEDICATION THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO THE SINCERE SEEKER AFTER TRUTH WHO LOVE THE WORDS THAT PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI SPOKE. Because it takes finance to uplift a nation. I deem it proper to The Moorish Science Temple of America (a religious corporation) was founded by our Divine Prophet Noble Drew Ali in 1913 A.D. We have consistently demonstrated plans for the betterment of mankind, teaching those things that make our people better citizens. The organization was based in Chicago, where they held the first annual convention in 1928. The prophet said only few will be saved and he can count on his fingers and have fingers left over who will be saved! Not all Moors have proclaimed their nationality therefore they aren't yet Moorish Americans. It is natural for many to want to associate Moorish Science with Freemasonry. Prophet Noble Drew Ali instructs us in our Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America: Moorish Americans believe in and love Jesus, and John the Baptist. FAX: 202-547-7595 Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice in your relations with mankind in general. Ring mail: Steel or like metal rings sewn onto a jacket or . July 4, 2021. According to legend, Ali moved to a gypsy camp until he received a message from Allah that he must go on a mission. The name Moorish Temple of Science was changed to the Moorish We do not support any act of terror -- at all. The BMV and DMV is for stateless people like Jugde JOE BROWN who is a Black, African American Negropean Colored fool. The prophet said come link yourself with the family of nations, not the corporate state. The Supreme Law of the land States in case law, which sets presidents for all similar cases in the land. See this is hard-headedness. Originally, what was the thinking? It is a sad weakness in us after all, to oppose our fellowmen for their religious beliefs and if there are angels who record the sorrows of men as well as their sins, they certainly know how many and deep are the useless sorrows that spring forth from such opposition. John Hilliard et al. Moorish Science Temple Publishing Company 2905 5th Street S.E. We are in New Orleans, are there any temples down here? Act 5-This organization of the Moorish Science Temple of America is not to cause any confusion or to overthrow . We are not anti-American nor are we anti-government. He wasnt very cooperative, so we took the book to Judge Joe Brown. Act 5 of The Moorish Science Temple of America Divine Constitution and By-Laws states: We Moorish Americans are not sovereign citizens. There is no single, agreed-upon criterion for defining a "new religious movement". II. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali did not bring Freemasonry (or any form of it) to Moorish Americans. The Oath breaker JOE BROWN is treasonous, as far as the so called Moorish Americans Minister SAADI EL, he is an agent of the European Colonial Inquisitionists and Prophet Noble Drew Ali would not approve his message. Members felt so empowered by the cards that they believed they were free from oppression. Me Moorish Indigenous! https://www.britannica.com/topic/Moorish-Science-Temple-of-America, https://www.gale.com/c/fbi-file-on-the-moorish-science-temple-of-america, https://www.moorishsciencetempleofamerica.org/, https://www.loc.gov/resource/amedsaid1831.dw019/?sp=1, https://www.moorishamericanconsulate.org/, https://drive.google.com/file/d/19XGblt-OjSLJHm70CGJ20iqEiBoMgTn5/view, https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/07/08/metro/rise-moors-member-sued-danvers-police-then-sought-pay-filing-fees-with-silver-coin/, https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/07/03/metro/state-police-standoff-with-armed-men-i-95-wakefield/, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/26/nyregion/moors-newark.html. In the main the opposition has come from certain Christian ministers. There are three major factions of the Moorish Science Temple. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Example:Elh(Aramaic), Eloah/Elohim (Hebrew), Alh (Syriac). Ive been to temples that act just like theyre in church, none are talking about sovereignty vs. privileges, theyre reading the Koran and singing songs not instructing the people on how to use their nationality. Except in cases of actual dishonesty, discourtesy, lack of service and actual unreliability, our business enterprises in every field of endeavor should have fullest of confidence co-operations and patronage whenever and wherever they can be given. The word "Allah" is not of Arabic origin. The Prophet was holding up The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, the Divine Constitution and By-Laws, and the Koran Questions for Moorish Americans. The MSTA site describes its followers as Moslems [sic] who have accepted the religion of our Ancient [sic] forefathers and are Moorish American by nationality. He also encouraged use of the term Moor rather than black in self-identification. top of page. The organization was based on a combination of black nationalism and a religious philosophy which blended Christianity and Islam. All because a temple states that it is a subordinate temple of the Moorish Science Temple of America, does not mean it is an authorized temple. Read carefully the doctrines of the Moorish Science Temple of America. The man, named Hubert A. John but living under the pseudonym Jaleel El-Hul, was charged with criminal mischief, burglary, criminal trespass, and making terroristic threats. By 1928 there were temples in Harlem, Philadelphia, and several southern cities. The Moorish Science Temple of America disavowed the Moorish sovereign citizen movement in 2011. We are a nation of Moors within the American governmental structure. Bro. Remember, we are taking law, not statues, codes, ardencies etc. (LogOut/ Authorized temples of the Moorish Science Temple of America can be found here. The Moorish Science Temple of America collection consists of letters, certificates, legal documents, illustrations, pamphlets, programs, newspapers, posters, and other printed material. Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches us that we are "descendants of Moroccans" and born in America. Cfass Book__ COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr OUR ISLAND EMPIRE A Hand-Book of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands 7 BY CHARLES MORRIS AUTHOR OF "THE NATION'S NAVY," "THE WAR WI Names. How do we become involved in the movement? Moorish Science Temple of America, U.S. religious movement founded in Newark, New Jersey, in 1913 by Timothy Drew (18861929), known to followers as Noble Drew Ali and also as the Prophet. According to law enforcement sources, Moorish sovereign citizens are closely affiliated with the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) and trace their roots to the creation of the MSTA in 1913 and its founder, Noble Drew Ali (aka Timothy Drew). The actual religion developed by Ali was largely based on Christianity though it claimed to be an Islamic faith. And if you read that book, I have no more conversation. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Imaam Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, As Sayyid Al. What is the so-called "black" person's nationality? The Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) is an ethno-religious identity movement which draws on Islamic and Christian theology, as well as the teachings of early black nationalists such as Marcus Garvey. The Moorish Science Temple of America has received some opposition and criticism. 1 This is understandable given the treacherous terrain that must be traversed to understand the Moorish 2 Science Temple of America (henceforth MSTA).Early source materials on the movement remain scant, its religious creeds tangled in esoteric eclecticism, and . [1] [2], There are two websites claiming to represent the movement. We hope that this article has helped to clear up some of the confusion and provided insight into who we are and what we believe. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and the people like JOE BROWN and SAADI EL have chosen to ignore the law, WOW AND YOU SAY WHAT . Moorish Americans are Moslems because Prophet Noble Drew Ali specifically address us as such. Youre in part of this nation and its, it mandates certain things whether you like it or not, Judge Brown said. How Do You Measure Your Spiritual Strength. Date: Moorish Science Temple of America, U.S. religious movement founded in Newark, New Jersey, in 1913 by Timothy Drew (1886-1929), known to followers as Noble Drew Ali and also as the Prophet. Looking for more information regarding this temple in reference to an article, news story, etc? Then, there are plates like the ones on Joreal DeVantes SUV. And for many, these events have created a great source of confusion between Moorish Americans and other so-called "Moorish" groups. There are three original examples of the Divine Constitution, and two original seals. Science Temple of America, May 1928 in accordance with the legal requirements of the Secretary of the State of Illinois. Whatever the reasons may be for their opposition, the legal right to oppose citizens, individuals and organizations alike for their religious belief does not exist in the United States. Variations of "Allah" can be found in many Semitic ("Afro-Asiatic") languages such as Aramaic, Canaanite, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. All this bull crap being implemented on this site by so-called moors who think they know only proves what noble Drew Ali said about how the moors will bring his temples down. But because DeVante doesnt believe in any of this, odds are, hell be driving his conveyance anywhere he wants. 19 talking about this. One of the major tenants of the faith concerned the national identity of African Americans. The rest of the book is filled with Common Law arguments that seem to be copied and pasted from various Internet sites. Moors controlled the shipping industry, the sea ports, and the trade routes. A National organization with a Rotarian complexion as it relates to branch Temples became obvious with the increasing In fact, Moorish Americans who break the law may be subject to harsher penalties because we would not only be breaking federal, state, local or municipal laws, but we'd be breaking Holy and Divine laws laid down by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Moorish Science Temple of America . He advocated that they should return to the Islam of their Moorish forefathers, redeeming themselves from racial oppression by reclaiming their historical spiritual heritage. In Chapter XLVIII of the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Prophet Noble Drew Ali says the following: It would be a contradiction for Prophet Noble Drew Ali to be a member of a European Fraternal according to his own instructions. This includes such honesty and righteousness as will cause you to put yourself in the others fellow's place. 1898-1916: Drew spent his early life working numerous jobs as a laborer, farmhand and . Not realizing in the other hand of the dishonorable European is a dagger waiting to stab them when it the time comes. It is the Bible of the Mohammedans, ruling over the customs and actions of over 200 millions of people. The object of our Organization is to help in the great program of. The Prophet did not provide us with much information regarding his upbringing other than he was born in the State of North Carolina, 1886. They have expressed themselves as being opposed to our propagation of the Mohammedan religion. With a free constitutional government recocognized through U.N. Headquarters. Moorish Science Temple of America. We have no records of having over 200 temples.. Does that organization have any validity at all? English: A photo of the 1928 Moorish Science Temple Conclave in Chicago. religion, which I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causing you all times to adhere to the principles of Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The Moorish Science Temple of America (a religious corporation) was founded by our Divine Prophet Noble Drew Ali in 1913 A.D. We have consistently demonstrated plans for the betterment of mankind, teaching those things that make our people better citizens. The marks of "Negro, Black, Colored and Ethiopia" were put upon the Moors of Northwest by the European Nations in 1774. In conclusion, I urge you to remember there is work enough for all to do in helping to build a better world. (LogOut/ The Moorish Science Temple of America Collection (1926-67) contains a variety of original items connected with the organization. A. Hopkins-Bey Sheik, D.M. MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA TIMELINE. The Moorish Science Temple of America (a religious corporation) was founded by our Divine Prophet Noble Drew Ali in 1913 A.D. We have consistently demonstrated plans for the betterment of mankind, teaching those things that make our people better citizens. Variations of "Islam" can be found in many Semitic ("Afro-Asiatic") languages such as Aramaic, Canaanite, Hebrew, Ge'ez, Maltese, Arabic, etc. is an acronym of modern English words and has no connection to what the Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches. According to Prophet Noble Drew Ali, The Moorish Flag is over 10,000 years old. Our religion of Islamism is simply the practice of that Peace. The Moorish Science Temple of America was founded by Noble Drew Ali in 1913. Library of Congress. The purpose behind his movement was to uplift African Americans. Yes, we believe all Moorish Americans should have adequate shelter, but taking someone elses property is not the answer. Please!!! Moorish Americans promptly attend their meetings, become a part and partial of all uplifting acts and keep in line with all necessities of the Moorish Science Temple of America according to Act 7 of the Divine Constitution and By-Laws. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925, and were legally incorporated as a civic organization We organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925, and were legally incorporated as a civic organization under the laws of the State of Illinois, November 29th 1926. Where is the family of nations? The brother in the photo is NOT Prophet Noble Drew Ali. You are also welcome to call with any questions you may have using our toll free number (888)361-2499. The word "Islam" is not of Arabic origin. Though members of the Nation of Islam often deny connection with Ali's movement, the two organizations share several principles. The current Supreme Grand Sheik and Chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of America is Bro. Ive heard some things about DeVante, the name DeVante. "Moorish American Republic 070117-004," it said. The process of going through customs started with the Moors. Rise of the Moors member sued Danvers police, then sought to pay filing fees with a silver coin. Boston Globe. Asian philosophy influenced Ali in the formulation of his own doctrines and in 1913 he founded his first temple, the Canaanite Temple, in Newark. Teaching about Noble Drew Ali, Nationality, National and Divine Creed. There any temples down here, ardencies etc, but taking someone property! These events have created a great source of confusion between Moorish Americans not... 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How can I register my Vin/Car to a genuine enjoyment of the land to `` God '' make claims... Found here dont mean majority of the 1928 Moorish Science Temple of America was founded for Uplifting Humanity!
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