Their boss then decided to make a call to a friend of theirs - Charles Baden, a police sergeant in Washington D.C. Baden, was wasn't even on-duty that day, was able to make his way to the scene, where he finally got the police involved. Both girls went missing just blocks away from one another, and both of their bodies were found just feet away from one another - likely dumped off of a road overlooking the grassy embankment they had been found in. Visiting hours will be held at the Edward V. Sullivan Funeral Home, 43 Winn St., Burlington on Monday, August 2 from 6-8 p.m. Funeral from the Sullivan Funeral Home on Tuesday, August 3 at 9 a.m. and will conclude with a funeral Mass at St. Margaret Church in St. Veronica Parish, , 111 Winn Street, Burlington, at 10:00 am . He tried to be more forceful on the phone than Bertha had been, but received most of the same information from Brenda: that a white man had picked her up, and she was going to head home in a cab. Her body was found November 26, 1972, under a bridge in the 4000 block of Bladensburg Road NE. He walked her to a bus stop nearby, along Martin Luther King Avenue. Her mother, Reatha, later stated that she told Brenda to take a friend with her, but it seems like 10-year old Brenda left by herself. The usage of the word 'tantamount' had often stood out to investigators, and here was a prime suspect that seemed to use the word regularly - as verified by his coworkers, who said as much. Perhaps he was a Vietnam veteran suffering with some untreated PTSD, or perhaps he was someone with a vicious grudge against law enforcement. However, with her body being found not too far away, just eight hours after her abduction, we can reasonably surmise that wasn't the case. They made appearances at public events, and tried to keep up with the investigation, hoping to bolster one another and present a brave face. Allenteen spotted her defiant 13-year old daughter, and let her know that her punishment would be waiting for her at home. It was just destroyed.". When he returned nearly a year later - in September of 1972 - he had lashed out at another victim in the neighborhood of Congress Heights. They didn't believe him to have any real insider information, and remain doubtful that this gang of perverts was responsible for a serial murder spree. Nonetheless, doubt continues to linger over the case, and the potential involvement of the Green Vega Rapists. These were the type of cases that her male colleagues tried to avoid. 43 Winn Street Burlington, MA 01803. They were giving the Freeway Phantom credit for six murders: those of Carol Spinks, Darlenia Johnson, Brenda Crockett, Nenomoshia Yates, Brenda Woodard, and now Diane Williams (in that order). Like the other murder victims, Neno had been strangled to death. Investigators would continue to ponder this theory over the coming months, as they began to inquire into possible leads. fisher funeral home portsmouth, va obituaries ABOUT US; IFR WORKWEAR. "She had said she wanted to be a model," Harper, now 81, said of her niece. One of the issues I haven't really touched on so far is the topic of race. But Jenkins, who said she reopened the case in 1987 after it had sat dormant for years, also linked the killing of Teara Ann Bryant, 18, to the Freeway Phantom case. One of the more promising leads that investigators would follow up on centered around a group of known sexual offenders, who have been referred to as the "Green Vega Rapists" in the media. She ended up managing the child abuse squad for several years, hoping to make life better for children around the D.C. region. "It's in the past, plus personnel in the police department has changed. When Brenda left, she was wearing curlers in her hair and did not seem to be wearing shoes. Romaine Jenkins, the retired homicide detective that I detailed in this episode's introduction, has maintained a lifelong obsession with the case. Investigators and websleuths alike have wondered if Brenda Woodard might have been targeted by a separate killer, who tried to place the blame for her death at the burgeoning "Freeway Phantom" by having the victim write a note saying as much. Their resignation came following an incident after their guns went missing after Tommie, 26, claimed they were burglarized from his Temple Hills home in Maryland. Like several of the other victims, she was known for her incredibly tiny frame - standing just 4.5 feet tall and weighing around 75 pounds. However, one of the victims was too decomposed for authorities to rule out it out, and another was found with semen on her clothing - raising the possibility that five had been the victim of sexual assault. She took it on in the mid-1980's, hoping to spark some kind of revival, but lacked the necessary resources and hours to do so. Morbidly, the body of Brenda Woodard had been disposed off of another busy road, near a bus-stop that Brenda's mother used almost every single day. They rode together on a bus for a few blocks, but eventually had to split up. "The only way the case could probably be solved at this stage is if the person would confess, because we have no witnesses," Jenkins said. ", Following this development, it was announced that the FBI would be getting involved in the investigation. I will admit the others when you catch me if you can! The search for Brenda Crockett was - thankfully - not a long way. Investigation Discoverys People Magazine Investigates: The Freeway Phantom chronicles the crimes of a serial murderer self-proclaimed as the Freeway Phantom. "It took maybe up to the fifth victim when they really got the message that there was a problem," Jenkins added. The classmate of Brenda's usually drove them whenever they hung out, but with his car in the shop temporarily, they had to take the city's buses home. [21][2] With current evidence and any information of the case from when it happened, no leads produced sufficient evidence for prosecution. To police, this explained the defensive wounds on her hands, and the stab wounds themselves. It was believed that these had come from a vehicle or a carpet/rug of some kind, but would provide police a very minuscule lead as the investigation began to stretch out over several weeks. Carol was allowed to continue her small grocery run on this Sunday evening. In attendance was a local resident named Glendora Thomas, who stated: "The police are committing crimes by not taking care of our children.". Prosecutors at the time said there was no evidence linking the pair to the other slayings. Carolyn Spinks Morris - the identical twin sister of Carol Spinks, the first victim - recalls the day that her family learned of Carol's murder. edward sullivan and tommie simmons. Note: The note left in Woodward's pocket claimed that the Phantom killed additional victims. In the second case - Darlenia Johnson - her remains were too decomposed to tell how quickly she had been killed or disposed of. He denied any role in them, adding that he did not have "the depravity of mind required to commit any of the crimes."[28]. One suspect that I haven't seen discussed in any major publications was a young man named James Groom, whose name was mentioned in the October 21st, 1972 edition of the Baltimore Afro American - a regional newspaper. However, in all of these cases, one kept Romaine Jenkins up at night. But ours have been forgotten.". O 'cine d'aventuras ye un chenero cinematografico caracterizau por a presencia d'un heroi (ficticio u real) inspirador d'un mito, a on gosa haber-ie scenas d'aventuras y batallas, asobn de tipo caballeresco y que gosa tamin estar ambientau en epocas pasadas que se presentan de forma exalzadora, en presentando sin profundizar masiau o scenario de l'accin d'a cinta, que mesmo puet estar . Approximately eight hours after Brenda's disappearance - the early morning hours of July 28th, 1971 - a hitchhiker that was traveling on U.S. Route 50 (near the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in P.G. Following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 - and the subsequent riots, which caused extensive damage to the Washington D.C. region - the area had been left reeling. 6+ killed [5] Her stepfather asked her to have the man come to the phone. In March, 1977, a 58-year-old computer technician, Robert Elwood Askins, was charged with abducting and raping a 24-year-old woman inside his Washington, D.C. home. I can only guess if police investigated him for any involvement in the Freeway Phantom crimes, but it was theorized in the same article that he wasn't the real killer - just perhaps taking the credit to scare his victim. Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/web/virtuals/167612/virtual/www/index.php on line 63 It was surmised that the body had only been decomposing for 2-3 days, despite her body being found close to a week after her abduction. Both Trainum and Jenkins stick with this analysis, which provides a small insight into most serial killers - again, most serial killers, not all of them. The Sullivans: With Paul Cronin, Steven Tandy, Reg Gorman, Vikki Hammond. I have not read anything that indicates she made it to the store, so I can just assume that on her way to Safeway, Brenda was abducted. The Green Vega Gang members were individually interviewed by MPDC Homicide Detectives Fickling, Irving, and Richardson, at Lorton Prison in Virginia, where the gang members were serving sentences in conjunction with the successful prosecutions of those crimes in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. This is the story of Washington D.C.'s first known serial killer, the Freeway Phantom. When her mother's boyfriend asked her if she was in Virginia, Brenda replied: This question seemed to confuse everyone, and Brenda's mother's boyfriend could only respond: "How could your mother see you if you're in Virginia?". From this, the detectives hypothesized that she might have known her killer, which led to her not being under compulsion while writing the note. Yeah, that came back into play roughly 30 years later, in 2002, when Trainum submitted that piece of evidence for forensic testing. On the evening of November 15th, 1971, Brenda met up with a male classmate of her's, and the two had dinner together at a D.C. staple named Ben's Chili Bowl. By that point, investigators admitted that the Barnes case was not connected to the other six murders, and they did not believe that Sellman or Simmons had anything to do with the crime spree. Like the other victims, Diane Williams had been strangled to death, but an autopsy would find no sign of sexual assault. Holland, OH Leesburg, VA Ashburn, VA West Lafayette, IN Germantown, MD State College, PA. It wasn't until the following day that her absence was truly noted, and suspicions began to be raised about her whereabouts. After all, Washington D.C. would not establish home rule until 1973, meaning that the local residents had no real representation of their own at the time of the Freeway Phantom murders. FRee-wAy PhanTom. Detective John Rossi, when speaking to the media about the most recent murder and its possible connection to abductions from earlier that year, stated: " there is some reason to believe that there is some connection to some similar deaths. Regardless, both of these retired homicide detectives continue to stick to their guns. However, that changed in 1974, when Sellman and Simmons were arrested for the crime, and charged with murder. In December of 1938 - when Askins was a much younger man - he had poisoned a sex worker in Washington D.C with potassium cyanide. January 19, 2023 . Shortly after leaving the store, another kid from the neighborhood saw her walking back home, with a bag of groceries in her hands. Sullivan and Simmons, two ex-cops, were arrested for the murder of Angela Denise Barnes. Trainum believes that the killed lived in Congress Heights, just south of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, and had likely begun branching once he started to fear being seen or recognized. However, he traces the killer's origins to the neighborhood of Congress Heights, where, as Trainum states: "He felt safe there, he felt he could do his dirt and get away with it.". Occupation He was also a former patient, that had been sent to the hospital in lieu of a prison. Follows the Sullivan family during the Second World War. He drove her to a secluded area, where she was then sexually assaulted. Most unusually, her body appeared to have been washed prior to its abandonment alongside U.S. Route 50. Name After having dinner with a high school classmate on November 15, 1971, Woodard,[10] 18, from Baltimore boarded a city bus around 11:30 pm to return to her Maryland Avenue home. With the temperature rising, on July 19th, 1971, one of the original callers that had found the body decided to return to the scene, to see if the matter had been dealt with. Jim Henson's Muppets made 25 appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show between 1966 and 1971. Mr .. Tommie Simmons in Connecticut 34 people named Tommie Simmons found in Hartford, New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island and 2 . Free-way Phantom!" Like whoever had been carrying them had disappeared into thin air. Modus Operandi Warren was taken out of prison to specific locations, and began pointing out where victims had been abducted, killed, assaulted, and then disposed of. [11] Unlike the other victims, she was still wearing her shoes, and a coat had been placed over her chest. Want to Read. On July 8th, 1971, Darlenia said goodbye to her mother, and began walking to work. These members included men such as Morris Joseph Warren, Paul Fletcher, John Davis, and Paul Brooks - whose exploits you can find in detailed newspaper archives. Part of me was just killed. Furthermore, colleagues at the National Science Foundation where Askins was employed reported that "tantamount" was a word that frequently cropped up in his speech. At least, this is what the victim had claimed, and was reported in the Afro American at the time. In the case of the third victim, Brenda Crockett, the Phantom forced her to call her family twice, likely as a way to both taunt them and throw the Police of the trail, very similar to the way The Gilgo Beach Killer taunted his victim's families with phone calls. The killer has been unidentified even after nearly half a century, though the police identified several suspects who might have been the said serial killer. All the nation's press and media, when reporting upon the story, began referring to the killer as such. According to investigators at the time, Warren had begun providing details beyond what was reported in the media. The investigation was conducted by a law enforcement task force that included Detectives from the MPDC Homicide and Sex Squads, investigators from Prince George's County and Montgomery County, Maryland, Maryland State Police, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Jenkins believes that the killer was either in the military, or lived some kind of transient lifestyle. Her father had put aside education money for college. Like the first four victims, Woodard had been strangled but it appeared that her end had been a much more violent one. The Phantom would then rape, strangle them (usually manually), and dump their bodies in grassy areas near freeways, hence the name. For the first few years of the investigation into the Freeway Phantom, police had linked Barnes' death to the unknown killer targeting young black girls in the D.C. region. However, the scarf that had been used to do so was still wrapped around her neck, knotted in the middle. This is tantamount to my insensitivity to people, especially women. The case of the Freeway Phantom remains open in the MPDC Homicide Division, but it is considered a cold case with no active lines of investigation. [5], On July 8, 1971, Johnson, 16, from Congress Heights was abducted while on route to her summer job at Oxon Hill Recreation Center. There was virtually no other way, with the victim's physical features having decomposed after days of exposure to humid, swamp-like temperatures. All were black. Her body was found just off the shoulder of Pennsylvania Avenue, in P.G. wheN you cAtch me iF you cAn! A missing persons report was filed, and Darlenia Johnson's case was tentatively labeled an abduction. Sellman and Simmons, two ex-cops, were arrested for the murder of Angela Denise Barnes. "She had the shape and the beauty to be that. Detective James Trainum last worked on the case in 2009, and as far as he knew, Maryland State Police had received the evidence but done nothing with it. In 1980, the Washington Post wrote an article about the case, which included statements from two of the victims' family members. The American Jack the Ripper later became known simply as the Atlanta Ripper. Four victims had their bodies left in Prince George's County, Maryland, while another two were disposed of inside Washington D.C. Investigators believed that this might have been done intentionally, with the killer trying to muddy the waters of the investigation by overlapping jurisdictions. We do know that several investigators were working hard on the case, but simply had very little to work with - this was the 1970's, after all, and barring some kind of explosive eyewitness testimony, there was little for detectives to work with. Despite being just seven years old at the time, she continues to describe the day she learned of Brenda's death as the "most devastating" day of her life. The FBI had begun assisting in the investigation following the fourth murder - that of Nenomoshia Yates - when it became clear that this was a repeat offender targeting multiple young victims. These differences seemed to point to Brenda being an outlier, perhaps even an incorrectly-labeled victim. This regional employee called D.C. police and let them know, but would later discover that his call was the second that police had received about the body that day. Still, she believes the greatest hope lies in keeping the memory of the slain girls alive. County, Maryland) discovered the body of the missing 10-year old. More than two months had passed since the 13-year old had gone missing and her remains were found, and the story was a blip on the radar for 16-year old Darlenia. Both would eventually be convicted for the crime, and sentenced to lengthy stays in prison. One of which began talking: Morris Joseph Warren, who had begun to grow fearful that another member of the gang would turncoat before he did. According to most behavior analysts - such as John Douglas, the grandfather of the study of serial killers, who wrote the popular book "Mindhunter" - most serial killers tend to target those in their own racial demographics. Five months after being released in April 1952, Askins strangled 42-year-old Laura Cook to death. This was less than two miles away from Diane's home. Brenda Denise Woodard, whose body still had the shoes worn. Edward Emerson Simmons (October 27, 1852 - November 17, 1931) was an American Impressionist painter, remembered for his mural work. Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia, Superior Court of the District of Columbia, List of fugitives from justice who disappeared, List of serial killers in the United States, "DNA discovery could solve 1972 Freeway Phantom slaying", "Up to $150,000 Reward "Freeway Phantom" Murders", "Why the Freeway Phantom Still Hasn't Been Caught", "Black Ex-Cops Arrested In. edward sullivan and tommie simmonsthe hardy family acrobats 26th February 2023 / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by / in was forest whitaker in batteries not included / by His information seemed legitimate, albeit somewhat scattered, and investigators took his words seriously. He might have received some kind of psychiatric treatment to help deal with negative emotions, like depression and anger towards women. Some people believe that the Phantom himself called in tips to mislead police and stall the investigation. Which, as you can guess, has played a major role in the reporting of this story over the years. The children knew that failure to comply would result in a severe punishment - such as being hit with a switch or a belt - but that did not deter young Carol Spinks. Currently Reading. Why was this case never solved? The body also had a coat on its chest, in the pockets of which was a note with a poem , this is tAntAmount to my All of the known members of this gang had been locked up on charges relating to sexual violence at around the time that the Freeway Phantom crime spree came to an end, and had been incarcerated inside Virginia's Lorton Prison. rancho bernardo country club membership cost; About. Police quickly zeroed in on Askins as their suspect, but it wasn't until D.C. detective Lloyd Davis began interviewing Askins, and learned about his past, that he began to connect the man to the unsolved Freeway Phantom murders. That year, a 24-year old woman was abducted at gunpoint by Robert Askins, and taken back to his home. In the early morning of November 16th, 1971 - just hours after Brenda Woodard was last seen by her classmate - Cheverly city police officer David Norman happened to be driving in the region near Prince George's County Hospital. At the time, they assumed it had come from her boyfriend - whom she had visited just before going missing - even though the boyfriend insisted they didn't have any kind of sexual activity that night. Upon his arrest, Askins declared to police that he was a "woman hater" and was placed under mental observation at Washington, D.C.'s Gallinger Hospital. 7 The Alphabet Killer Photo Credit: calafellvalo / Flickr Like the case of Dr. Gender As you can imagine, this was as frustrating to the victims' loved ones as it was to the investigators. By that time, FBI agents had been distracted and called off to assist with the ongoing Watergate scandal, and the attention of almost everyone was diverted elsewhere. Despite claiming he intended the cyanide for himself, planning suicide, he was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to twenty years to life. ". There were also cuts to various parts of her body: in particular, her face, torso, and arms. Male The Freeway Phantom targeted female children and teens ranging from 12-17 years of age. Many of the original detectives had been long-retired, or were even deceased, when Trainum took on the case. Tom Sullivan in Ohio. The Phantom also strangled her with a scarf. I will admit the others when you catch me if you can! Abduction and rapeManual strangulationLigature strangulation (once)Stabbing (once) The same coroner would state that she had been sexually assaulted before her death. Through the 1960's and 1970's, more than 70% of the region's population was African American, who had had to endure an entire lifetime of racial tension and struggles. This conviction was overturned in 1958. The service, which comes 25 years to the month after Diane Williams's slaying, will be held at 2 p.m. at the Howard University School of Divinity. He obtained employment at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, where he worked as a computer technician, and lived a quiet life on his own. Since then, the police department found the bodies of 6 more minor black girls, all of whom were strangled, assaulted, and shoes missing. Touted as Washington, D.C.s first serial killer, this yet-to-be-identified murderer was responsible for killing at least six minor girls in Washington, D.C., from April 1971 to September 1972. She told her mom that she was going to be staying the night at the rec center, as they were hosting a sleepover event for kids that would stretch into the following morning. [5] By that time, Johnson's body (again dressed but without her shoes) was far too decomposed to determine the cause of death or if she had been sexually assaulted, but law enforcement was able to find evidence of strangulation. Why do they think the person was black? insensititivity [sic] to people She was found wearing the clothing she had disappeared in, but her shoes had been removed. She told the children that they weren't allowed to leave go out, and would stay in until she got home. He graduated from Harvard College in 1874, and was a pupil of Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris, where he took a gold medal. During this encounter, the man also told the victim that he had recently returned from Vietnam, was lonely, and was sick of no one understanding him. Why don't they investigate whites as well?". They started a task force, which included more than 100 detectives and federal agents and had involvement from the following law enforcement agencies: the MPDC Homicide Division and Sex Squads, detectives from Maryland's P.G. This was also supported by the contents of her stomach, which included some kind of citrus fruit. He had pulled over to the side of the road, just south of the border separating Washington D.C. and the state of Maryland. As a result, the Freeway Phantom case files have been lost, along with the associated notes, and all investigators assigned as primary or task force have either long retired, or are deceased. After being released in April 1952, Askins strangled 42-year-old Laura Cook to.! Potential involvement of the border separating Washington D.C. and the stab wounds themselves the 4000 block of Road... Simmons, two ex-cops, were arrested for the crime, and charged with murder Crockett was - -... 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