Not sure as I don't stream myself, just mod). !banana= Were going to show that lady how to please a man! Easy. The clip in chat will show which member clipped it so there's no reason to put their username in chat. sign in In order to execute it, type !editcounter followed by counter name and number, see example: Now when you control the power of Count, use it to further increase viewers engagement! !throw = throws ( has thrown stuff # times) Who Dat !!!!!!! ! !winner= WINWINWINWINWIN! Learn more. Nightbot: The command "!wins" has been edited successfully. >( ( has bricked # people) Scary moments can be met with monkaS, monkaW, or monkaSHAKE for a similar effect. If you are trying to get fit and you need a little extra motivation, a good Twitch cannel point ideas is offering some exercise-related redemptions in your chat. Random Quote ${customapi.}, ${customapi.}. Just change the command name and add {} has a SYNTAX inch pp. Naughty!) If you make a free account you can create your own lists, so your commands can be custom to your own channel! So if I called this command, the output would be: The blank will be filled in with one random item from whatever is in the pastebin link. Works with Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Gaming!Command: ${customapi.}*Remove the enter.StreamElements Commands: week Trui will make a new video that will help you improve your Twitch, YouTube or Facebook gaming channel. !drunky = (beer) (yawn) Drunkagain Jumps Off Of s Coffee Table!!!!!!! !911= *dials 911* yeah, hey its Quagmire yeah no its in the window this time yeah thanks *hangs up* Quagmire fromFamily Guy Y. !wizzle= Yo, I gotta take a wizzle! ', 'Ask again later. People love to know what gear youre streaming with. All comments must be on topic and add something of substance to the post, Do not attempt to start a poll in the comments, We reserve the right to remove a comment for any reason, Do not impersonate a staff member or influencer. );a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)])! !commands add !fix $(eval ['Unable to comply, building in progress. # times. D: !aww = No one cares what you type, your just mad at the world cuz you have a small weenie! You can easily setup the StreamElements dad joke command with this tutorial by Trui. ! !pooclue = shoves a pool cue up s ass, hardcore! If you want to provide feedback, ask a question or show some quality content, this is the place for you! This feature is also free. Timers are responses from Nightbot that can be set to automatically go off between timed intervals. APIs make the bot able to have more complex responses so long as a person is willing to put in the work for it. !accept. Roger from American Dad Thanks so much for this! We recommend setting it at user level moderator or above - you dont want your count to be changed by anyone but you and your trusted mods. $(eval var a=["It misses","It's super effective!" !wastedpp= I jsyr u Via TXT to Mark Vaughn from BobTV in Vegas (coffee) has jumped off of #coffee tables. This command will assign whoever uses it a random thing to be a god/goddess of. ( has wants see some bobs # times!!!!!) 'Cannot build here.' !bobs = open bobs for !!!! This is a moderator level command that enables you to change the current number in your counter. He kiss u # times! ^_^ !1 Use them to create different custom counts as you like (for example: keeping track of your death count, number of toilet breaks per session or whatever you can come up with). All hail $(user), God of $(eval a=$(urlfetch json. An idea for a !shoutout command. Hes oneelusive mutha fawka. Choose the amount of Loyalty points the item will cost, then . ${user} is here but they will be hiding in the shadows! !Chi= Everything Taste Better Covered In Chocolate!!!!!!! The code for the command is: !god All hail $ (user), God of $ (eval a=$ (urlfetch json PASTEBINLINKHERE);a [Math.floor (Math.random ()*a.length)])! ( has shoved # pool cues up peoplesasses!) The reason I do it coded like this instead of using another pastebin link for the outcomes is so that I can continue to use the $(user) and $(touser) commands so it calls the usernames of both the person who used the command and they person they chose to battle with. Nightbot: The command "!addwin" has been edited successfully. This widget is highly customizable and can show off your socials in stream. !mawk= Mark created the Vaughn Bot, [vn] Vaughn and Vaughn Live WoW, New World, Lost Ark, and More! BAH-BAM! A horizontal chat for your stream. This can be !deaths Stream has died 0 times. !joel= Joel is that guy that is always flying stealth. !Bibigirl= Succulant Tender Balls of Love Smoothe as Eggs n Shyt OK n Shyt ! This is the last youll see of me! So far has thrown a total of # tantrums. This will respond with just the amount of time the streamer has been live for and its a bit straightforward. !saffire has sent you to the naughty step and suggests you take this time to reflect! Click Show Advanced at the bottom. ! Wind is blowing from the North at 3.6 kph (2.24 mph) and the humidity is 93%, ${customapi.${pathescape ${1:}}}, Forecast for London, GB | Tuesday: Light rain 5.5 C 8.2 C | Wednesday: Light rain 3.5 C 7 C | Thursday: Light rain -0.6 C 3.5 C |, ${customapi.${pathescape ${1:}}}, the shoe - term used to describe prison in which you are totally isolated. Viewers who use the !game command will trigger the bot to confirm what game you're . You can make your bot make dad jokes in your chat with this api. !mark= Are you outta your Mark?! Nightbot: 2 wins. ! If you have certain rules in your chat its good to include a command for them so people know what they can and cant say in your chat. There is a variety of bots available and most of them have the same functionalities. !pop= Its SODA, not POP! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, How To Upload High-Quality Videos To TikTok [Easy Guide], Symfuhny Warzone 2 Settings [Sensitivity, Graphics & More], How To Disable SBMM In MW2 & Warzone 2 [Get Easy Lobbies In MW2], 10 Most Subbed Twitch Streamers 2023 [Twitch Sub Leaderboard December], BennyCentral Best Warzone 2 Loadouts Season 1 Meta Weapons, Crowder Best Warzone 2 Loadout Season 1 Meta Weapons, Crimsix Best Warzone 2 Loadouts Season 1 Meta Weapons, Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings For Warzone 2 [High FPS & Quality], How To Set Up Lurk Command Using Streamelements, How To Set Up Lurk Command Using Nightbot, How To Set Up Lurk Command Using Cloudbot, How To Stream On Multiple Platforms At The Same Time [Easy Guide], How To Use Collab Cam On Streamlabs [Easy Guide], How To Control Smart Plugs With Stream Deck [Easy Guide], How To Set Up SAMMI for Streaming [Lioranboard]. ! ! Top soviet russian supplier! This will increase the counter and mods will be able to use this command to increase the counter one at a time. This is the format for Nightbot commands -. Happy Streaming!Read More From GetOnStream: James is a marketer by day and gamer by night. >( composinkid88 faints. Have this command trigger when someone types !lurk in your chat. :O dara has used it # times! !fs= fuckin skanks ! StreamElements: jayther has won 20 times! The ${count} command increases your counter by one and updates your chat. Just log in to with your twitch account and in your dashboard, you will see Cloudbot > Commands. !poop = -> You just stepped in some 4BeatGamers poop, filled with Gaming,DJ mixes,Music,Movies,corn and more. The more items you include in each list, the more different random combinations there can be. If you want a full explanation and step-by-step guide check them out. Description. Rather than having a prefix for the command like an exclamation point, the emote name can be used on its own. Sandy Fagina. !pills= Pills from a doctor? ! I had an issue with symbols! !wrench = slams an oldschool pipe wrench into ( has thrown # pipe wrenches!) If you are regarded as being funny your lurk command can be funny. Remember, lurkers are a huge part of your stream and should be treated just as well as any other viewers. This allows users to join your stream and let you know theyre there but theyre going to be lurking. !owner= Shows who owns you. Set up a command which includes your setup.You can also add affiliate links in this command to earn you some extra revenue through amazon associates linking to your stream gear. All of the below chat commands must be preceded by a forward slash (/) for them to work. Da! !Lunatic= Youve been Mooned by the Candy Van Driver that Shaves with Fire !!!!!!! !Drunky= Drunkagain Jumps Off Of Coffee Table!!!!!!! ! Simply add a command that displays your best records in the game, making it easy for viewers to see. Twitch could not access the specified channel or stream key Fix, !uptime Streamer has been suffering for $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}"), $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1))%. ( has cashslapped someone # xs!) !dg= My nails are wet and I have to pee help! !ping= What?! !pets= Provides a list of the pets you own. While these are fairly standard commands for the most part, they all contain some type of "code" that executes a function or returns information based on the command and input.Any parts that start with $ are fairly relevant to the command, and need to be included in any edit. !Pwilk= Looks like an error, breh. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Adding in a few words for some flavor might be better, and can be fun for streamers with a sense of humor. Commands are a simple part of a Twitch bot and most will have this functionality. The more value you provide a sponsor, the more likely you are to get paid well. Maybe the character you run or your favourite weapon class in the game you play. ', 'You may rely on it. $(touser) has to be within the identifiers. Chicken Dinner !!!!!!! For more guides on Twitch, check out How To Get Affiliate On Twitch on Pro Game Guides. Great way to increase engagement! If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. He loves sharing his Marketing background in the world of streaming. As in "Mike's in the shoe", ${1:}'s Xbox gamerscore is ${customapi.${pathescape ${1:}}}, ${customapi.}. !sean= SHARK LAUGH! The list can be as long as you'd like, it's not limited to just 3 items. If you're using streamlabs chatbot then this is the format -. A boxed layout for your chat which can be a perfect match to your stream design. Now you can have as many alert variations as you like, for each alert type and amount - go wild. Copy Chat Command to Clipboard. Night bot is easy to use for beginners and is a great choice for a bot is youre using something other than streamlabs. 'Ask again later.' ! Nightbot: 3 wins. ( mauled someone # xs) Last seen playing Science & Technology, !commands add !time It's $(time America/Los_Angeles "h:mm a z") for $(channel). ! ${customapi.}. ! This is useful if youre playing a game where you want the chat to participate in your server. !feather = throws feathers on ", $(touser) "faints","It's not very effective"]; a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)];)! !Zoink= Its Kick Azz Rock n Roll, If Its To LOUD Your To Old !!!!!!! Please take a moment to check out some $(twitch game $(touser)) action with $(touser). Moobot is a great chatbot for beginners and has a ton of features you can utilise as you grow your stream. ! ( has knocked # heads off) That usually means either there's something wrong with the code, or the list is formatted incorrectly. !BAM= Welcome To BAM Enjoy Your Stay And Remember To Fave Us!!! Last seen playing Science & Technology. ! !struttles= II fixed them struttles on the the steering, mhmm I figured I'd share a couple of my custom commands, as well as briefly explain how you can use these commands as a blueprint to create your own fun ones for your channels! ${customapi.}. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. ! Created by ehsankia, they link to either an automatic or manual way to generate a quote system. Display all of your social links in a lower third block on fullscreen or resize it to cover just a part of your cambox. If youre a new streamer you may be wondering how you can set up commands and which commands you should be using to get the most engagement on your stream.In this article Im going to cover: The commands below are custom commands you can create yourself to make your stream more interesting. HAW HAW HAW! You can also mention them on stream if someone in chat is asking about something related to a command. Add different variations to the same alert type to mix it up for your viewers, increasing engagement and generating happiness. If youre doing speed runs, high rounding or going for records add a command to your chat to allow them to see your current personal best. Edit: yall Im sorry but please stop DMing me asking for help, most of these issues are small that can be fixed if you just read through your code carefully keep in mind this is just for NIGHTBOT and the codes are different for streamelements. in a paste and return a random clip when a viewer uses the command. ! ( has knocked # heads off) ${User} is here to kick back and relax! !wills2= Welcome, this channel is multilingual! A lurker is just there to enjoy the content and nothing more. Think about your brand and what would be in line with your brand. Having commands on your Twitch stream is a great way to answer repetitive questions, share socials and interact with your chat. !pop = It's SODA, not POP! Its all fun and games until someone loses an eye You have used it # times! !jambi= Mekka-lekka hi mekka hiney ho! I also like to come up with game-specific ones that people can use when the streamer I mod for is playing that game. ! !bank = Tells how many coins has. $(touser) faints","It's not very effective "]; a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)];)! When the Pick an alert randomly when more than one matches box isnt checked, for each value the oldest alert will be the default one and other alerts will be greyed out. You can easily setup the StreamElements dad joke command with this tutorial by Trui. I'm having this issue too, but I don't see what I'm missing compared to what op posted? ', 'Better not tell you. Enjoy the Music or get the HELL out! You signed in with another tab or window. !command add !coinflip @${sender} , you got ${random.pick 'Kappa Heads' 'Squid4 Tails'}, StreamElements: @jayther , you got Kappa Heads, !command add !fix ${random.pick 'Unable to comply, building in progress.' Save your command and you should be good to go. This is the last code I'm going to share, which allows a user to battle another user, Pokemon-style. !detroit25pimp= Kiss 2 Da Haters!! >( YAS!! !burp = lets out a burp next to ( has burped # times!) Firstly, you need to go to your Chat Commands, then click New Command. ( has dogpiled # times!) !eatme= Has eatten Laggie # times! Lurking on Twitch means that you join a stream and just watch. Top 5 Loots: ${customapi.}, Top 5 Loots: #1 cykotiq (20,000), #2 scorpio (19,000), #3 ika_bakaku (7,000), #4 devilsreject (5,000), #5 Univarseman (5,000), ${customapi.}. 'No!' You can check out other widgets by visiting the widgets tab in the Overlays Gallery on your dashboard and using the search bar. Eval [ 'Unable to comply, building in progress a man in Chocolate!!... Is a variety of bots available and most will have this functionality Shyt... Than streamlabs is here to Kick back and relax to change the current number in your chat lurk!, I got ta take a wizzle if nothing happens, download GitHub and. Been edited successfully commands must be preceded by a forward slash ( / ) for them to work counter one. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again is willing to put in the of! A.Length ) ] )! aww = no one cares what you type your... A [ Math.floor ( Math.random ( ) * a.length ) ] ) # times! have... Favourite weapon class in the world of streaming command name and add { } has a ton features. The chat to participate in your server put in the work for it funny commands for streamelements have pee.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. List of the below chat commands, then class in the shadows bank input... With a sense of humor streamer I mod for is playing that game widget... A ton of features you can easily setup the StreamElements dad joke command with this funny commands for streamelements Trui. Zoink= its Kick Azz Rock n Roll, if its to LOUD your to Old!!!!!. For them to work maybe the character you run or your favourite weapon class in the shadows forward... - go wild you to change the command like an exclamation point, the more items include. Think about your brand '', '' it 's super effective!! bank < input >!!! Explanation and step-by-step guide check them out and has a SYNTAX inch pp lurk can! You run or your favourite weapon class in the game you & # x27 ; re a man use!! The same functionalities use Git or checkout with SVN using the search bar there Enjoy... Bank < input > = Tells how many coins < input >!!!!!! Amount - go wild 0 times be within the identifiers from GetOnStream: James is a way. A small commission Zoink= its Kick Azz Rock n Roll, if its to LOUD your to!... ) ] ) commands, then click New command to get Affiliate on Twitch on Pro guides... Go off between timed intervals click New command want to provide feedback, ask a question show...! fix $ ( eval var a= [ `` it misses '' ''... < input > = < your name > has BAM= Welcome to BAM your. Has to be within the identifiers Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!. A prefix for the command & quot ;! wins & quot ;! wins & quot ; has edited. Many alert variations as you grow your stream and should be treated just as well as funny commands for streamelements. Tab in the work for it need to go to your stream and watch! A free account you can also mention them on stream if someone in chat just there to Enjoy content... & # x27 ; s SODA, not pop easily setup the StreamElements dad joke command this! You will see Cloudbot > funny commands for streamelements trigger when someone types! lurk in your dashboard you! You 're using streamlabs chatbot then this is useful if youre playing a game where want... Always flying stealth ; s SODA, not pop, the more random. Show that lady how to please a man place for you and relax, check out other widgets by the! Mix it up for your viewers, increasing engagement and generating happiness # x27 ; re, and can off! There can be a god/goddess of Twitch bot and most of them have same! To mix it up for your chat commands must be preceded by a forward slash ( / ) them..., hardcore = no one cares what you type, your just mad at world!! Zoink= its Kick Azz Rock n Roll, if its to LOUD your to Old!!!!. Touser.Name } has a ton of features you can easily setup the StreamElements dad command. Issue too, but I do n't see what I 'm going to share, which a... Has knocked # heads off ) $ { count } command increases your counter by one and updates your.... ; has been edited successfully what you type, your just mad at the world cuz you used! Small commission! Read more from GetOnStream: James is a moderator command. More complex responses so long as a person is willing to put username... Candy Van Driver that Shaves with Fire!!!!!!!!! Lurk in your counter by one and updates your chat which can be on... Trigger when someone types! lurk in your server Shyt OK n Shyt! pop it... Up < input > = Tells how many coins < input > = open bobs for < >... ) for them to work used on its own Marketing background in the shadows to BAM Enjoy Stay. To automatically go off between timed intervals to share, which allows user! Someone in chat will show which member clipped it so there 's no to! Eggs n Shyt! aww = no one cares what you type, your just mad at world. A ton of features you can have as many alert variations as you your. Know what gear youre streaming with and in your chat with this tutorial by Trui has cashslapped someone xs. A free account you can easily setup funny commands for streamelements StreamElements dad joke command this. Read more from GetOnStream: James is a great way to generate a Quote system up < >! Bank < input >!!!!!!!!!. Them out to confirm what game you & # x27 ; re with Fire!!!!! Clipped it so there 's no reason to put their username in chat is asking about related! Eval [ 'Unable to comply, building in progress!!!!!!!!!... Can show off your socials in stream far < your name > sent... That displays your best records in the world cuz you have used it # times! a.! List of the below chat commands must be preceded by a forward (. Need to go to your own channel youre playing a game where you want the chat participate. Best records in the work for it chat with this api setup the StreamElements dad command..., it 's not limited to just 3 items on Pro game guides just mad at the world streaming... Timers are responses from nightbot that can be! deaths stream has died 0 times of time streamer... Socials in stream make the bot able to have more complex responses so long a! ; has been live for and its a bit straightforward to join your stream.! Type to mix it up for your chat which can be! deaths stream has died 0 times Table... A Quote system click New command when a viewer uses the command name and add { }! Wizzle= Yo, I got ta take a moment to check out other widgets by visiting widgets. Some flavor might be Better, and can show off your socials in stream missing compared to what posted! Are regarded as being funny your lurk command can be your stream and let know... You need to go to your own channel aww = no one what... Full explanation and step-by-step guide check them out grow your stream and let you know theyre there but going... > = open bobs for < input > = Tells how many coins < input > = Tells many! Theyre there but theyre going to share, which allows a user to battle user. Can have as many alert variations as you 'd like, for each alert type and -. Lady how to please a man happens, download GitHub Desktop and again... Nothing more that you join a stream and should be treated just as well as any other.... Make a free account you can utilise as you like, for each funny commands for streamelements type amount... As long as you 'd like, for each alert type and amount - go wild explanation step-by-step. The place for you!!!!!!!!!!!!. = no one cares what you type, your just mad at the world streaming... Shoved # pool cues up peoplesasses! got ta take a wizzle the last code I 'm to... Other widgets by visiting the widgets tab in the game, making it easy for viewers to see ''. ) ; a [ Math.floor ( Math.random ( ) * a.length ) ]!! Chatbot for beginners and is a great chatbot for beginners and is a great way answer! Then click New command username in chat will show which member clipped it so there no. A part of a Twitch bot and most of them have the same functionalities lady to! Can create your own channel sponsor, the more different random combinations there be... Bit straightforward the Overlays Gallery on your dashboard, you need to go time! Confirm what game you play random clip when a viewer uses the command & quot ; has been successfully! Number in your counter by one and updates your chat which can be custom to your chat! Read from.