What does it mean when someone tells you its my pleasure? L. love-you-mom Member. I like Maulik's answer, though - cuts out the repetition. We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal
Thanks very much anyhow. Alternatively, we could use their names, though its best to stick to their title and surname (i.e. Just smile and say Nice to meet you too, The pleasure is all mine to show your gratitude. This example should make a bit more sense of it: Im glad I could help shows that you appreciated being given a chance to help your boss out. However, most English speakers don't say "pleasure is all mine", as its formal and doesn't come up often. The million-dollar question is: How are you going to respond? 0. try engvid online video lesson may b it'll help you. But it does sound as if you are in a hurry to say good bye. Its a pleasure. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Let me know if I can help you in the future. They might be more willing to come to you for help in the future too. Answer. If you like working closely with your boss, this is a great way to show them that youll always accept their thanks. I think there's also a distinction between talking. Choose the account you want to sign in with. By using "it is my pleasure" you're letting the person know that it was your pleasure in the first place. Hello! Sure. People usually say 'The pleasure is mine' in response to someone else mentioning 'pleasure'. Buying or Selling property is a big transition for most of us. Welcome aboard! The same applies to saying Youre welcome professionally. Youre welcome, and My pleasure, are two of these. 30. Its all mine and I want him to love all of me. How do you reply to The pleasure is all mine? Copyright 2023 MassInitiative | All rights reserved. It is common to respond simply with Likewise, or with It is nice to meet you too. Click Send. "settled in as a Washingtonian" in Andrew's Brain by E. L. Doctorow. You can say Its a pleasure or My pleasure as a polite way of replying to someone who has just thanked you for doing something. This would be a simple concise response showing that you are also pleased to meet this person. Every workplace is different, so we cant give you an exact answer about whether this phrase will be acceptable to use with your boss. 8 2- Likewise. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. It is often customary for a person to thank you after you give them a sympathy gift or any other gift. You might say this if you dont really care, or if somebody is thanking you for doing something that you might not have wanted to do. How do you respond when someone says indeed? "Thanks for taking the parcel in for me." - "Pleasure." => That's a short way of saying it was my pleasure, or the pleasure is mine, or was mine 5, I know you'd do the same for me. And that you will give ALL of yourself to that person, meaning ALL of your attention. 1. Any attachments included in the original message are automatically included when you forward a message. Real English Conversation: Lesson 4 Parents. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". -Okay, me too, see you!! The most common response would be, You too!, or Thanks, you too! I hope this helps! 0. Well, the time of saying that is much important. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Actually, I want to make this question a bit general, but since I heard this sentence a lot I used it as an example. Take this 5-min test to see how close you are to achieving your language learning goals. We often do little favors for our friends and colleagues to better their lives and bring a smile to their faces. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Copyright by LearnEnglishFunWay.Com 2023. This way, were showing that we learned a lot from the experience, and we were glad to get a chance to work with our boss. To send the message to someone not on the To or Cc lines, select Forward. @Ollie: Well, I'd expect virtually every native speaker to be familiar with this "stock response" - I only included a link to show just, Responding to "It was nice to talk to you", english.stackexchange.com/questions/1029/, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. They are stating that it was enjoyable and not a problem to help you. Usage of any form or other service on our website is
What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? We can use of assistance instead of help to show that we wanted to assist our boss with whatever they needed help with. So, your boss has sent you a thank you email, and you want to find a way to reply. with "I'm good"? My Pleasure Well, this will bring a smile to the other persons face, and they will know that you appreciate their thanks for your hard work. When the message is selected but not opened in its own window On the Standard toolbar, click Reply All. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Meaning of a quantum field given by an operator-valued distribution. Manage Settings ), Polite: Preply Tutor, William, answers the question: What does "The pleasure is all mine" mean? If you helped someone because they helped you sometime earlier, then it is a nice way to tell them that you appreciated their efforts and responded in kind. For example, if the original sender asked for a confirmation reply, you can reply with your confirmation only to that individual. It does not store any personal data. 1 How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? If youre responding to a message from another person, give them a true response that is at least a sentence or 2 long. Dont mention it is suitable in many workplaces, but you need to make sure you know your bosss attitude before using it. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. When you forward a message, you specify the recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes. Internationally Experienced Business English & Public Speaking Coach, experienced CELTA plus MA Columbia University in English education, Experience - IELTS, OET, CAEL, CELPIP, TOEFL, CAE, FCE, C2, PTE, SAT, TOEIC, APTIS, GMAT, DUOLINGO. What can I say instead of it was a pleasure? 1, Much obliged.This response is very British and quite old fashioned. They might hold us in a higher regard from now on. I'm actually quite surprised to discover that the Google Books finds no instances before these two from 1900. Of course, sir/maam works formally when you want to reply to thank you. We can swap sir or maam based on our bosss gender. I appreciate your consideration/guidance/help/time. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. However, the following is a list of reasons why an e-mail account is not configured: Outlook 2007 was configured without e-mail support While not common, Outlook 2007 can be configured to manage contacts, tasks, or calendars only. When someone says they "feel horney", what does it mean? Text this back to the person who is thanking you, and you will make their day. The verb 'gustar' means "to please" in Spanish. This phrase implies that you know the person has already enjoyed the gift you sent to show someone you care about them. These buttons can be found in several different places depending on your screen resolution and version of Outlook. Friendly: Anytime is similar to youre welcome, no problem, my pleasure, not at all, glad to help, of course, etc. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". For example:
Add a recipient Click To, Cc or Bcc, and then select a recipient. To add additional attachments, see Attach a file or other item to an e-mail message. Please see, Well, I'm not a native speaker, but I have this kinda sensor which recalls to my mind that I haven't ever heard a native speaker use "talk, You can use "talk with" in this case: "Come here son, I need to talk with you.". This is a nice way of letting your boss know that their opinion and satisfaction matter to you. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 'With pleasure. What is the difference between HSI and Hscei? forms. The correct phrase is "the pleasure is all mine", but this is not an appropriate response to "thank you". Saying "very much" right after "Nice to meet you, too". Bear in mind that the older generation seem to dislike this one. b- How do you reply on the statement above? Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Sometimes, its perfectly acceptable to respond with OK if it makes sense in the context. However; the phrase you are welcome seems to be a little bit overused, especially by learners of English. (friendly/enthusiastic) When we use the phrase " the pleasure is all mine" it is usually after someone was thanking you for your services or assistance and you respond the pleasure is all mine. This link will open in a new window. Note:You can open an Outlook data file, known as a Personal Folders file (.pst), view previously received e-mail messages, and use the New message, Reply, Reply All, or Forward commands to open a message composition window. Or just, thank you.For example:Thanks for accepting the invitation. Thank you.=> Im emphasizing that really, I should be thanking them because they invited me somewhere. Forwarded messages have FW: in front of the original subject. 3, Thank you.This way to respond to thank you is all about the emphasis. It has a very informal and relaxed feel, all the while letting your family know that you are there for them. While "the pleasure is all mine" only really works as a reply when someone says "it was a pleasure", "it is my pleasure" works as a reply to "thank you" without issues. If you dont know your boss on a more personal level, this phrase works better. ("polite") Pleasure means positive emotions, and mine means 'my'. LinkedIn. 2023 Caniry - All Rights Reserved 1. Select Mail, then scroll down to the Replies and forwards section. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. For this reason, it's better to simply say "Nice to meet you." 5 When a guy says the pleasure is all mine? And yes, it is a very casual response. However, no Send button will appear unless at least one e-mail account is configured. If you bought such a thing and gifted it to a person, it may be nice to respond with, It made me think of you when the other person thanks you for it. What is another word for its a pleasure? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "Thank you", then proceed to the real convo ^. Its up to you if you like it, though. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Too formal, you re a good listener and great in striking a conversation Test. Speak with sounds a little gentler and more collaborative than Speak to, which can sound like a person of authority is speaking and someone younger or subordinate is listening. Under Replies and forwards, check the Open replies and forwards in a new window box. I could also just say to you "no problem, it's a pleasure". I) Ways To Respond Thank You In Informal Situations, II) Ways To Respond Thank You In Formal Situations. Who doesnt enjoy a good laugh? The message will include any attachments that arrived with the original message. Do you say speaking with you or speaking to you? Thank you Answer. How about checking this example out to help you: Dont mention it is an informal phrase that works well in an email format. To select recipient names from a list, click the To, Cc, or Bcc button. Heres a quick example to show you how it could work: This is the typical email format you might expect to send back when using my pleasure and all the other choices in this article! It often goes hand in hand with no problem, sure, no problemFor example:Thank you for thinking of me Sure, no problem, 12, It was nothing.This is another self-deprecating response. Telling a person this will make them feel better for having asked you for a favor, and they will view you in a kind light. Why do French people say Enchante? If you were able to help them in some way, it is imperative that you let them know that you were happy to have lent them a hand. Words leave a lasting impression and can make or break certain conversations. 10 My questions: a- What's your opinion about the three replies? It conveys to the other person that you are genuinely happy to have been of some help to them. How do you respond when someone says pleasure at work? See the section Do not automatically include the original message to change this setting. When you forward a message, the message includes any attachments that were included with the original message. Usually, if I'm saying "The pleasure is all mine", it's in response to "Nice to meet you." Life can treat us all unfairly from time to time. Recipients can be added or removed in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes. I think the reply should be something like this: Where "And" represents "it was nice talking". Can we reply pleasure is mine to thank you? If you send this text message to the person thanking you, theyre bound to feel very happy! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It means you now have to end the conversation, even if you do not wish to. Thanks a lot"
Note: To learn how to request a reply with attachments feature, see How do I give feedback on Microsoft Office. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Your response is only pertinent to the sender. How do you reply to informally thank you? Oftentimes, we look at something and are reminded of a friend, family member, or colleague. F. 'You too' or 'And you too' or 'And to you too' but you can see where this starts to lead - we would end up saying the same sentence back to them. The pleasure is all mine works, but I usually respond with Yes, you too because its easier to say. For instance if they helped you repair your car, computer, or provided you with a meal, and/ or information. about them. Here are several different ways to say "you're welcome" in a professional setting: After youre done with the task assigned to you by your boss, its always a good idea to respond with this once they thank you for your work. Learn more about us here. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. ), There could be many ways and it depends on the speaker. Check for more information here: Meaning: you do that in an act of unachievable loyalty! Nice talking to you as well. Or a "I respectfully disagree" and subsequently smacking your lips. Reply to the sender and all recipients of a message, Do not automatically include the original message. And you too, is the best way to respond to it was a pleasure talking with you. We say thank you because the person speaking to us is being polite and kind. -I feel the same. This is a slight variation of the phrase above. Or Thank you. However, nine times out of ten, youll find that its going to work well when you reply to a thank you email from them. "My pleasure" is another way of saying "you're welcome" after being thanked, not another way of saying "please". Once you've selected all of the messages you want to forward, click Forward on the main Outlook Ribbon to create a new message with your other messages included as attachments. Joined Mar 8, 2013 Member Type Student or Learner anonymous. 3, We appreciate your business / We appreciate your custom.You use we appreciate your business if youre talking to a business client and we appreciate your custom if youre talking to a customer.For example:Thank you for sending the sample so promptly. Thank you for sending the sample so promptly., 4, Im happy to help.This response is usually used for business situations, and is the common response among given by the native speakers.For example:Thank you for helping me carry the coffees to the office. Oh, Im happy to help.. 5 English Phrases to Respond to an Apology. Lets begin with informal or casual phrases that you can use with your friends and family. Trust that the other person will care for you. Under Replies and forwards, check the Open replies and forwards in a new window box. Normally when a guy says that it means that he is taking a possession of you! Like the first disciples of Yeshua, we were . Its great because it shows that we took pleasure out of helping them. When you are genuinely thankful, and not just saying it to be polite, make that clear. This is something that can sound wrong if you use it in a professional setting. These general thank-you phrases can be used for all personal and professional communications: Definition of Its a pleasure/my pleasure. 8 2- Likewise. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. -Me too. -Nice talking to you too. It's an old expression you should know, maybe you might want to use it sometimes, but in most cases, it's considered an older way of talking. Welcome! Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Pleasure means positive emotions, and mine means 'my'. All of me is you, all of you, your entire person. Dont mention it. As a simple reply, you can use "The pleasure is mine". It simply means youre welcome. Furthermore, When someone says the pleasure is all mine it is generally said when you are first meeting someone or when you are thanking someone. While its probably safe to assume your gift was a hit, only use this phrase when youre sure that the recipient of the gift liked it. Example: If you say to me "thank you for giving me a lift to the shop", I can say to you "the pleasure is all mine" which means it was no problem for me to give you a lift. Press J to jump to the feed. Sure Only one word answer to say youre welcome. Have a good time here. Possible polite replies are yes, please, I would be honored, I would love that. Person A: Well it was a big help. In their response, Person A is essentially saying, Well, even if you did it for selfish reasons (because you enjoy it) it was still very helpful to me, and so Im reiterating my appreciation.. Thank you for reading and hope you can apply well all the above-mentioned responses to thank you. Loss is hard. The most obvious and basic is that he wants/enjoys sex with you and wants more. [Note for non-Portuguese speakers: 'obliged' here = obrigado .] We have a post-loss checklistthat will help you ensure that your loved one's family, estate, and other affairs are taken care of. The fees for the advice of an attorney should not be compared to the fees of do-it-yourself online
Continue with Recommended Cookies. Jones: It was nice talking to you. I usually respond to such statements with something like that. Joking OP pls don't do that. Reply is a better choice when you only need to communicate with the message sender. How to explain: "The pleasure is all mine"? We encourage you to use this phrase when youre familiar and friendly with your boss, and you know that they dont mind a little bit of informality here and there. Youre Welcome vs. No Problem (When Someone Thanks You), 9 Ways To Acknowledge An Email From Your Boss (+ Samples), Is Dear All Appropriate In A Work Email? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It also implies that youd be happy to help them out again. The way you carry yourself in a work or professional environment is different than the way you act around your family and friends. If this is the case and the recipient thanks you, use the opportunity to let them know that you value and cherish them. It may leave us feeling like we are unseen and unrecognized for the hard work we do. Is it grammatically correct to say "It was nice, +1 Definitely good for informal or casual, in my opinion. The million-dollar question is: How are you going to respond? This is quite a British style.For example:Thank you so much for packing my shopping for me. Oh, youre very welcome, 2, No problemThis one is slightly more American. This is a nice way of letting the other person know that you did them a favor, and you know that theyd have done the same for you. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Click to expand. How to delete all UUID from fstab but not the UUID of boot filesystem. I usually respond to such statements with something like that. You have no idea what I traded with the devil for it. We live in a tech-filled world, and exchange multitudes of texts each day with our family, friends, and colleagues. We'll help you get your affairs in order and make sure nothing is left out. A place to share your favorite social skills tips, ask for advice, or offer encouragement to others on their social skills journey. My response might depend on exactly who I am talking with, but I can think of the following which I would say at least some of the time. Hi, just a short simple answer: If I say to you "the pleasure is all mine", I would generally be saying that to you after you have thanked me for doing something for you. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Because casual and formal rarely describe the same thing. For example: One person will say It is nice to meet you and the other will reply The pleasure is all mine., From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (its) my pleasurespoken used when someone has thanked you for doing something and you want to say that you were glad to do it pleasureExamples from the Corpus(its) my pleasure Thanks for coming. My pleasure.. If it feels a bit too formal, you can always just say "Same here" as Maulik suggested. Which is best depends on the context, including your intent. Note:By default, when you reply to an e-mail message, the original message is included in the message body. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? We'll talk about that in a bit. Many times, when we give someone a gift, its meant to show our appreciation for them or something theyve done. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If you say the pleasure is all yours, it means that you reply to 'Thank you'. Some of the most common responses from the other person are: Pleasure/nice/glad to meet you, too It is (very) nice to meet you, too. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. What are 6 of Charles Dickens classic novels? Im happy to be working with you. Use the Help that is included with that product. Once you click Reply or Reply All, you can attach a new version of the original file or any other file you'd like to include. However, it still works really well when you include it in an email because it shows that you would happily help them again. If you helped out your colleague in some way, this is the perfect response when they thank you later. Sure. The pleasure is mine is good when we want to show that we did not mind helping our boss with whatever they are saying thank you for. So in the scenario the gentleman ( I presume) is stating that they are happy to meet them. Last, apparently 'talk' or 'speak' to someone is British English, and 'talk' and 'speak' with someone is American English (generally speaking). What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? Are you going to respond with a plain ol Youre welcome? This certainly isnt the only reply you can send to someones, Words leave a lasting impression and can make or break certain conversations. What does it mean when your boyfriend says youre mine? -Yes, it was nice to talk with you too. If you add a recipient's name to this box in an Outlook e-mail message, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, and the recipient's name is visible to other recipients of the message. We do want to preface this one by saying that we only recommend it when youre close with your boss. If there are no entries listed under Name on the E-mail tab, there are no e-mail accounts configured in your Outlook profile. idiom. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. Read more about Martin here. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. 2. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? Its not always enough to simply say Youre welcome, especially when there are so many other ways you can reply instead. How do you respond it is my pleasure? Or, delete the names of people and distribution lists that don't need to read your reply. This link will open in a new window. What happens though, if youre in the middle of a conversation and someone thanks you for doing something and the standard reply doesnt feel right?