]. His activities seem minimal though, with only one such liberating software event held in a whole year thus far. Besides, even if you ARE telling the truth, and everyoneelse is full of shit as you claim, can't you see they have won? When he isn't acting or spending time with his wife and children, Hughes goes swimming and does yoga. Jason received a 366-day prison term in December 2021 along with three years of post-release supervision. BEATEN?>HA! Now erwin, you know how effective has been his contribution in thatarea. http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20559&page=21, Anne: your husband Lefty has been called out as mentally Whether one believes in such things, or ascribes these anecdotes to merepsychosomatic causes, there may be self-fullfilling prophecy happeninghere. 2023 Fairchild Publishing, LLC. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. . See, I dont like kids, one of them declared. He pulled similar shenanigans on another one of his stalking targets whose girlfriend had been killed in a motorcycle accident, again claiming credit for her death, commenting that she had finally found a way to get thinner, and including multiple photos of graphic motorcycle accidents. 1999 production of Look Back in Anger. display his reckless disregard for not only common courtesy and respect,but for the security of his own computer systems by flinging insults inhacker newsgroups. Stream on Discovery+ on Aug. 10. Surviving are his mother, Marsha L. Driggs and fianc Chris Green, of London; a daughter, Dezeray Mae . CreditorWatch logo is a registered trademark of CreditorWatch PTY LTD, Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR), Five reasons to check the business credit score of all your customers, How to reduce your exposure to bankrupt customers. [1], Hughes was born in Porthcawl and spent most of his early childhood there with his family. [10], The 2015 play, Violence and Son, by Gary Owen is about a Welsh 17-year-old boy whose mother recently passed away from cancer. Tim, tragically, died very suddenly in his early forties in 2003. Hmm. Untold is a five-part series that focuses on pivotal moments in the sports world. [7] The show revolves around two detectives who solve gory and unique murders amongst the tranquil setting of Midsomer County. First I told Lefty to stop harassing me and then I was included in his unrelated criminal complaints against Mr Nath/Mr Hughes. http://who.godaddy.com/WhoIs.aspx?domain=extinct- and questioned how the Methodist Church could put up with someone who was married to someone like me. http://techrights.org/2010/02/19/defamed-by-access-employee/ ]. MORE AMATEUR PSYCHOANALYSIS FROM THE INMATES OFA DIGITAL MR/DD WARD than please, put him out of his misery once> and for all.>> Thank you> Charles>, -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----. While the prisoners featured in series face long prison sentences, those who are chosen and finish the 90-day program are freed. ITS A VERY COMMON PRACTICE FROM THE 70'S, LITTLE BOY. Jason also included details about her own children in an article about the deaths of five children that he gave her via email. You only demonstrate again that you are a sad, egotistical littlerake with a blistering sense of self-entitlement and a deep resentment ofanyone who doesn't fall into line with your peculiar world view. For a grandfather of nearly 60 years old to have this kind of simple-minded emotional pathology is most sad and pitiable. So, thats what were talking about here. [12], Hughes is a father of 3 children; Molly, Max and Carys. She admits in her odd, garbled autobiography Acidexia of being an underage sex worker in the late 1990s when the two met. sincerely, But by that time, he had stalked people online, fundamentally changing their lives, doing great harm. Filmed during the pandemic, The Program: Prison Detox follows prisoners in a drug rehabilitation program in Sevier County, Ark., which was designed by law enforcement as a response to the methamphetamine and opioid epidemic. In one instance, he sent her a link to a story from Smithsonian Magazine detailing the deaths of five children in a fire with personal information about her own children, the complaint alleges. Gone back to the all caps, I see. Online stalker Jason Christopher Hughes was found guilty of harassing many women online. Victim "Rachel" reveals how a weekend fling with "Antisense"now known as Jason Christopher Hughesturned into a decades-long campaign of online attacks that destroyed her other relationships. Jason Christopher Hughes, whose legal name is Raymond Johnson the name he was referred to during the plea hearing comes over a year after a Brooklyn federal court judge allowed him to withdraw his guilty plea in the case. Initially, she tried to be encouraging as . A New York man is facing federal charges after authorities say he spent decades harassing a pen pal he met in elementary school. I would like to know what various types of legal address I have. Jason Christopher Hughes, Age 45. Despite that, he continues his harassment and his accusations, anonymously, of course, on places like Tumblr, where he maintains a number of sites. MORE: Jodi Arias Had 27 'Fans' Video Conference With Her in Jail. The police cant help you. I expect this posting will make him apoplectic: it contains considerably more detail than my Extinct Marsupial Appreciation Society site did. , who was getting close to the end of her seven-year-long ordination process as a pastor in the United Methodist Church at the time. youwon't ever be taken seriously in this group even I can see that.. ThePsykoPublic Enemy #7"God told me to skin you alive". I watched Hughes go from Austin to Seattle, back to Austin, then to New York, and was able to keep a pretty good fix on his current location in this way. Certainly mental illness does cloud ones judgement, Johnson said, clarifying his statement to the court. Jason Hughes, Fiona Dolman and Neil DudGeon, attend "Midsomer Murders" Photocall as part of MIP TV 2012 Hotel Majestic on April 2, 2012 in Cannes,. The documentary includes 250 hours of never-before-published cassette tapes from Nilsen and personal archives left in his prison cell after his death. His websites and emails were then linked to a Staten Island, New York, address. stonemirror and in his own civil name is harassing several So one can hope he gets no further opportunities to be near any children. Chris was rather disappointed. Pulling out old copies of my resume, I can see that in 1976I was working at Grolier (publisher of encyclopedias) butin October of 1976 I left Grolier to go work at MemorialHospital for Cancer & Allied Diseases (Sloan Kettering) in theMedical Physics department. The Stalker's Web Trailer. I was told by my tech support contact that Hughes was calling them dozens of times a time, shrieking and cursing at whomever answered the phone over their refusal to force my site offline. Jason Christopher Hughes (ABN 29 097 660 359): Jason Christopher Hughes has been cancelled with the Australian Business Registry since 2022 and is not registered for GST. Johnson allegedly sent 23 e-mails to the teacher from March 16-20, 2015. Sparking Joy Feel thesmooth tension of the trigger? Christopher Jason Hughes in South Carolina. Schlesinger reveres serial killers and cannibals in his blog posts, he has a background as a self proclaimed past member of the infamous Process Church of the Final Judgement (which used overt Satanist and Nazi imagery and was implicated in the Charles Manson affair), and he makes constant threats of violence using social media, along with racist terms and verbal abuse of the most grotesque manner. unquote First off, one of your supposed friends pointed your little Jason A. Hughes, 37, of Chillicothe died 3:57 p.m. Monday, June 21, 2021 in the Ohio State University Medical Center following a brief illness. But I do That's because he is under an evil magical spell. Stonemirror lost HIS livejournal account for continuously doxxing my private information, at one point even my SSN. His grandfather, Raldo Carpinini, was the son of an Italian immigrant from Bardi, Emilia-Romagna who came and settled into Ammanford. >d00d : I HAVE YET TO BE EVEN SLIGHTLY HUMILIATED. Notice such ejaculations as: > WON? This home is the most recent known address for Jason. Hosted on Acast. It would feel very good to pull it withyour index finger. In both cases, he committed perjury on his affidavits to the courts by listing a mail drop as his residence. 3270 Ricky Dr, Jacksonville. JCH has been an active cyber harasser since the 1990s. Even making a fool of yourself is done for you by others.> You're just a worthless, schoolyboy waster.>> Erwin Hessle, 8=3. After the woman married, Hughes sent scary letters to her in-laws, authorities allege. This forum exists for support. 56K views, 299 likes, 10 loves, 51 comments, 86 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Investigation Discovery: We heard from Jason Christopher Hughes' mom. Small Town News: KPVM Pahrump His vendetta at one point spilled over into the comments of my Livejournal postings, and I made it pretty clear what I thought of his harassment and of him as a generally poor excuse for a human being. . Any record of my site has also been scrubbed from the Wayback Machine. 5,677 court search results for people named "Jason Hughes" in the United States. Tell me Chris, doyou ever get anxious or nervous? The plot thickens when he meets Jen, a girl he meets in college who shares a passion for Doctor Who with him. ", DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH, DICKSMOKER.>> - J:.M:.555. Um, that's not "legend". With an arsonist like you on the loose, I am wise to keep my street address private! )abusive. Jason Christopher Hughes, Age 45. aka J C Hughes, Jason T Hughes, Jasn N Hughes, Jason R Hughes. The six-part docu-series gives an inside look at how a privately owned TV news station in the desert town of Pahrump, Nev. operates and strives to expand into a larger market during a challenging time. Its also evidently unclear to Lt. Jack Garner, an arson investigator with the Austin Fire Department, with whom I had a phone chat of about forty minutes around the time of these events and whom Ive never heard from again. Hughes was arrested in Staten Island, New York, at the house where he lives with his wife and her parents, by the FBI on March 17th, and charged with two counts of making threats across state lines, a Federal offense. Typically, they went something like, Who is this obvious lunatic, why is he so insanely angry at you, and what can we do to help? Despite the lack of the response Hughes had clearly hoped for she was ordained right on schedule the entire thing was understandably upsetting for my wife, but not as upsetting as the threat he apparently didnt carry out, [It takes some serious Crazy for Lefty to accuse me of things he admits I did not even do. this is quite typical and symptomatic of his disorganized thinking, general confusion and schizoid paranoid malice.]. repeating himself with the same vain threats since 1996 !!! Perens called Schlesinger a fabulist and emotionally unstable after Schlesinger had a teary public meltdown in front of Perens ie cried like a little girl and flounced off. ]. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google. ), [This will all be reported to the UMC Bishops Council, Lefty. more blackmail from David Lefty Schlesinger, again in his own engaging in regards to his pornographic and harassment/stalking In the years following, Hughes allegedly . Did you torture animals as a child?Enquiring minds want to know. Phone Number: (843) 696- XSLA +9 phones. You just cant make this stuff up. The Victims of David Lefty Schlesinger aka stonemirror, http://techrights.org/2010/02/19/defamed-by-access-employee/, http://rachelhaywireisanarsonist.tumblr.com/, https://twitter.com/stonemirror/with_replies, http://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/software/desktop-linux/16575-does-a-grand-evil-conspiracy-lie-behind-specific-desktop-environments/page13, http://theralphretort.com/stonemirror-another-shady-sjw-abuse-allegations-exposed-3021015/, https://twitter.com/DavidPo17798467/with_replies, stonemirror david leftyschlesinger stalker cyberstalker arson revengeporn pastoranneschlesinger stpaulsumcfresno mfcate, Jason Christopher Hughes Michael Rudra Nath jasonchristopherhughes michaelrudranath, Jason Christopher Hughes jasonchristopherhughes Michael Rudra Nath michaelrudranath acme zanzibar, jason christopher hughes jasonchristopherhughes michael rudra nath michaelrudranath, jason christopher hughes michael rudra nath jasonchristopherhughes michaelrudranath shugendo united methodist, Jason Christopher Hughes Michael Rudra Nath, jason christopher hughes michael rudra nath, a 1999 post to a number of law-enforcement-related USENET groups, dedicated to a completely different target, David Lefty Schlesinger should not be allowed within a mile of children. >> Your repetitive lies are getting boring and you are most> unwelcome on this newsgroup. >You used to rub flake all over your vulva.>You are a cocaine addict. He has beencursed, hexed, chaobolted. Jason Christopher Hughes, 49 who's been chronicled by websites devoted to tracking his online harassment and has been described as "the longest-running stalker on the Internet" could . He wants his victims to have results for a name search, but he wants those results to be the ones hes created. ), [absurd lies, and deeply pathetic, childish ones at that], [I was never suspended, that happened to STONEMIRROR FOR DOXXING personal information and violating a Cease and Desist order from livejournal abuse dept.]. (Ive challenged him to sue me; he hasnt taken me up on the offer. Jason Christopher Hughes, whose legal name is Raymond Johnson the name he was referred to during the plea hearing comes over a year after a Brooklyn federal court judge allowed him to . The seemingly innocent relationship between Jason Christopher Hughes, 46, and the victim started in the 1970's when they became pen pals in the fourth grade. Criminal & Court Records. Legend has it that in the Olde Days if a witch betrayed her coven, thecoven would retaliate against her and destroy her with magic. Though he legally changed his name to Raymond Johnson, Jason Christopher Hughes began cyberstalking peoplemostly womenas early as the mid 1990s. In 1995, a COBOL programmer from Seattle named Charla met a guy named Chris. His carefully constructed Internet "universe"> > >is crumbling before his very eyes, and he can't see it!> > YOUR FANTASY LIFE GROWS MORE LURID DAILY, YOU ARE BLOATED> WITH SELF IMPORTANCE, you PRETENTIOUS FANBOY. His carefully constructed Internet "universe"is crumbling before his very eyes, and he can't see it! Hughes, as Ive mentioned, goes by multiple names. Lefty. Facebook is a social network where users can create a profile, add friends, exchange messages, and join common interest user groups. Though in Video: Sarah Cooper Writer, Comedian, Trump Impersonator, and More, Video: Bob the Drag Queen Grades Legendary Fashion Looks, Video: Supreme Court Style: Inside the Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Collars, Video: The Origins of French Girl Style la Chanel, Video: Model Shaun Ross Talks Diversity in the Fashion Industry, Video: Fashion for All CEO Hannah Stoudemire On Her #BreakingtheSilence Campaign, These Inclusive Face Masks Provide Functional PPE to All Frontline Workers, Video: Stir Crazy Cooking With Jason Wu, Video: 'Home' Art in the Time of Coronavirus, Video: Stir Crazy Social Distancing With Jen Atkin, Video: How WWD's Fashion Market Team Works From Home In Style, Video: Coronavirus Face Shields See Inside A NYC Pop-Up Factory, Video: Get an Inside Look at How PPE Is Made, Video: How Fashion Is Fighting Coronavirus. Suck it up. BEATEN?HA! Finally, they decided that, while there was no legal issue with the site itself as far as they were concerned, the incidental toll it was taking on their support staff wasnt really worth the thirty bucks a month I was paying them, and I could either host that site somewhere else, or close my account. Between 2003 and 2009, Hughes changed his name (semi-)legally, first to Luis Manuel Arsupial in Texas, and then to Michael Rudra Nath in Washington state. Lets therefore learn more about what transpired at that time. Clark is the second lieutenant who is ordered to gather a group of negative and demoralized convicts into a cast that is able to re-enact Farquhar's The Performing Officer. >> : HER NAME WAS CHARLA,> : SHE WAS A COKE WHORE.>> : THE YEAR WAS 1976,> : SHE WAS DOING LOT OF TRICKS,>> Pulling out old copies of my resume, I can see that in 1976> I was working at Grolier (publisher of encyclopedias) but> in October of 1976 I left Grolier to go work at Memorial> Hospital for Cancer & Allied Diseases (Sloan Kettering) in the> Medical Physics department. ICANNs response in cases of falsified registrations like this is to demand an immediate correction, and if one is not received in short order, the domain is locked and rendered useless for any purpose at all. privacy and infliction of emotional distress. Discover work experience, company details, and more. Schlesinger can only make totally baseless and unattributed accusations made up in his genuinely toxic and diseased imagination], This is a third of an ongoing series on the Broken Internet; part one is. The threatened real law enforcement attention, not to mention real attention from the FBI, has completely failed to materialize. In the years following, Hughes allegedly . He then threatened to alert 300 Methodist Churches in California, or maybe 9000 Methodists I dont think he ever used the same figure twice to my crimes, and actually followed through on this threat, to at least some degree. Soon after that, Joann returned to attend her son's birthday party. You are as deficient in musical taste as youare in every other social skill. [And here we have Schlesinger displaying actual glee at stalking my family which he has called my little hobby. Here is more Christian sentiment from Mr. Methodist When Not Satanist : [But you did call Aarons employer and try to get him fired, Lefty. One of the highly anticipated docu-series debuting this month is HBO Maxs Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union, which gives an in-depth look at former President Barack Obamas personal and political life. Also in 1976 I was married and was not imbibing in cocaine.As a matter of fact Chris, you have never seen me do cocaine or even heard me talk about doing cocaine. Hes also developed a facility for fleeing for the hills when things get too hot. Where is Jason Hughes Now? driven by his obvious mental illness. In celebration of former President Barack Obamas 60th birthday, HBO Max is releasing a three-part series that looks closer at the presidents personal and political life. Find 42 people named Jason Hughes along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok search on PeekYou - true people search. After years of Jason Christopher Hughes evading authorities, federal agents use cyber-tracking to locate him, and their manhunt comes to an end when he is found in one of the most populous cities on Earth. It'll be cute to see what happens to his stuff as he flees east. I> guess that means you like being the whipping boy and laughing. SAYING IT DOES NOT MAKE IT SO, MAGIC BOY. . marsupial-crosses-the-line/#comments Jeffrey Hughes Jeffrey Hughs Jeffery Hughes Jeffery Huges As long as this post is over 3000 words believe it or not, this only represents the high points of Hughes attempts to harass me. Hughes' great-grandfather was originally trained to lay train tracks but eventually began an ice-cream business. to help your husband and also help his stalking victims escape his Identify positive and negative behavioural trends by reviewing an entity's historical timeline, detailing events from the registration date to present day. [1], Hughes' first big role was lawyer Warren Jones in This Life which aired from 1996 1997. Lookup the home address, phone numbers, email address for this persons . I finally grew tired of this I had been in increasing contact with a surprisingly large circle of Hughes other victims, whod received similar treatment, many of whom had known him personally and provided me with photos of him. [Call the cops, Grandad. I configured her email to simply forward me anything from a Hushmail address he must have had about three hundred of them before the service became unusable for him by demanding an SMS confirmation of the users identity to set up an account in response to criminal abuses of the service, go figure and deleting it from her Inbox. Available for both RF and RM licensing. stonemirror said this to me on July 17, 2008 at 11:49 am All of You got a stooge of yours to go in person to a state courthouse and get copies of my marriage license and other personal documents not available on the internet, and this was one of your earliest acts of IRL street level stalking against my person and family.]. I rejected Charla. Christopher Hughes, Joey Hughes, Joshua Hughes, Kimberli Hughes. Phone: Cell/Mobile/Wireless and/or landline telephone numbers for Jeffery Hughes in Woodside, NY. In 2007, I had the honor of being invited to present at the Ottawa Linux Symposium, one of the oldest and most academic of Linux conferences. Unraveled. Amazing isn't it? And there are witnesses who dealt with Charla stalking me over a four year period up to and including? (The David is in reference to me; Powell is the last name of another of his victims, not otherwise mentioned here.). are not those of a sane and sober man. I will include below an example of this. October 23, 2009 12:49 PM Alias's: Michael Rudra Nath Luis Manuel Arsupial Raymond "Ray" Johnson "Sandy Laphon"/"sandala lafoan"/"sondy lafoan" This community is to offer support and ocnnection to these victims. ]. He says: 'It was a tough decision for me to go, as I have had a . She dropped the infant off outside a convenience store, believing someone would notice and pick her up. Jason wrote a second woman an email in September 2015 that described how to mutilate a person in yet another disturbing act. Jason Christopher Hughes (born 1988) is listed at 4970 S Granby St Aurora, Co 80015 and has no political party affiliation. Vengeful predators have the ability to toy with people's lives to the point where their victims have no place to hide . However, at that point, he had harassed other people online and even compelled a survivor to relocate abroad. As with most online harassers, Hughes is an extreme coward in real life, from all accounts. President Barack Obama, President Joe Biden, and senior staff applaud in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, as the House passes the health care reform bill, March 21, 2010. Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan, CF37. Also known as J Hughes. : UH, BITCHIE : I HAVE NEVER BOUGHT INTO ASTROLOGY. Find Jason Hughes's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. [Only because Schlesinger submits crawl requests to google on this ancient, 17 year old flame war every week or so to keep it at the top of google search results. A business name extract enables you to identify the entity carrying on a business under a business name and it's contact details. )them Palak Tiwari Is All Set To Dazzle Bollywood With Her Beauty, That 90s Show Cast All Main Characters Are back Except One, 11 Bollywood Actresses Who Changed Their Real Names, 10 Celebrities Who Have Used Tinder Just Like Us, Violent Night Available On Only One Streaming Platform Read Details, Kiara Advanis Bold Looks Everyone Is Going Crazy For. I believe that what they have posted in my example below may fall under the category of a hate crime. Taking a closer look at the WHOIS information on the domain registration, I discovered that the domain had been falsely registered to a non-existent address in Billings, Montana Hughes hometown, by the way with a non-working telephone number for contact. Recognise high risk indicators that could impact a company's ability to pay your invoices. Jason Francis Hughes, 51 . [3], In 1999, Hughes played Ralph Clark in Our Country's Good. You brought your astrological chart to the 2nd day. Bwwaaaahahahahah! WWD and Women's Wear Daily are part of Penske Media Corporation.