Like in Smallville, a number of criminals imprisoned by the Kryptonians in the Phantom Zone are from other planets and have different powers from those of either Superman or Supergirl. Turniansky, Al. 438 zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per amzet (Kryptonian year). When an alien space warship that was approaching Earth exploded, the blast opened a temporary rift in the Zone. In Supergirl's character ending, she joins Batman's Justice League, working with them to restore Kandor and cities collected by Brainiac. She helped Clark on Earth until her death a short time after her escape from the Phantom Zone. Gra-Mo and two assistants - The criminal Gra-Mo and his two assistants (one possibly named Ni-Van[38]) were captured, sentenced to life for attempting to take over Krypton with Gra-Mo's robot hordes, placed in suspended animation, and imprisoned in a space capsule which was placed into orbit around Krypton. [58] Orn-Zu convinced Superman to release him from the Zone, and they both confronted the android. Py-Ron (Evil-Man) - Py-Ron was sentenced to 50 Kryptonian sun-cycles (68.5 Earth years) in the Phantom Zone for using forbidden experiments to turn humans into weird, bird-like monsters. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. In Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, it was shown that a sizable Kryptonian colony (called New Krypton) has survived the destruction of the planet. Kal-El can lead an alter ego as Clark Kent because Kryptonians appear identical to humans. Pre-Crisis, survived the destruction of Krypton. At the time it was the seat of the 3rd Earl of Bute, then prime minister to King George III. One of Astra's operatives, Vartox, was ordered to sabotage the Department of Extra-Normal Operations by causing a plane crash that was thwarted by Supergirl (when she realized her sister Alex Danvers, a DEO member, was on board), and to alert Astra that Kara survived the explosion and now has come into discovering her powers. He was given a new identity by Superman, Batman, and Lois Lane. When Jorlan arrived on Earth, it attempted to complete its mission. Justice and methods of incarceration Main article: Phantom Zone The House of El was one of the noble ruling families of the planet, Krypton. The clones are relocated to a new world that they designate 'New Krypton' at the conclusion of Season Nine, with Clark Kent remaining on Earth and Zod being sent to the Phantom Zone to merge with his original self when the clones learn that Zod killed his lover Faora for objecting to his plans. He tried to secure the Phantom Zone projector to free the other prisoners, but the device was destroyed in a tug-of-war with Krypto, returning him to the Phantom Zone while freeing Superboy. When four people died because no Rondors were available, he was charged with murder. As in the comics, Kal-El's powers are depicted as being superior to other Kryptonians, due to his spending a far greater period of time exposed to Earth's yellow sun and atmosphere, though some have an advantage over him in terms of combat experience (e.g. Female Kryptonians have one given name but take their father's name as their last name. On the television series Smallville, depictions of the written Kryptonian language began, primarily, with English transliterated into the official Kryptonian transliteration font mirroring the practice of the comics. The planet was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, and was named after the chemical element krypton.The planet was first mentioned in Action Comics #1 (June 1938) and made its first appearance in . Her mother Alura rescues her from Brainiac's drones and reveals she and Jor-El have both been working to create two ships, one for Kara and the other for her baby cousin Kal-El. There were tons of family names in the pre-Crisis Phantom Zone. Known Glyphs House of El House of Zod House of Ul House of Ur House of Ek House of An Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Even so, Seg hasn't been part of Zod's life growing up. [68] A short time later, Shyla was freed in the bottle-city of Kandor, where she attempted to get her revenge on Supergirl. While many Kryptonians wear brightly colored clothes on a daily basis, formal occasions such as funerals and certain council meetings require everyone to wear white. Kryptonians are a fictional extraterrestrial race within the DC Comics universe that originated on the planet Krypton. Batman confronts the grieving Supergirl and reveals that Superman was once his friend. Rags to Riches: According to Jayna-Zod, he married into the House of Vex and quickly set about turning it into one of the most important houses in Kandor. In the process, an increasing amount of logographic components have been added with symbols that have been explained to represent words, ideas, or names. The Sunstones can be used as XP on any Artifact but when used on these 4 they grant a 10% increased Experience for every additional Sunstone, up to a Maximum of 40%. . Since 18 Kryptonian years is about 25 Earth years, then there were approximately 2.3 Earth years between the two events. Subverted again when it's revealed that she was imagining her brother still alive, rescuing and forgiving her. He was quickly captured and returned to his prison. The Light has Klarion hunt down all the Kryptonians in the zone and has the dozens of them in stasis aboard The Warworld with Apokolips acquiring Kara Zor-El as a member of their army. The 2013 film Man of Steel featured Kryptonian writing created by graphic designer Kirsten Franson. Ar-Ual figured that Superman would never suspect his wife of ruling the crime world. Once you have the highest Alohomora Spell rank, go to the Central Hogsmeade Floo Flame located at the village square, and travel east past Honeydukes to a group of two houses along the ridge. In some continuities Kryptonians are difficult to clone because their DNA is so complex that human science is not advanced enough to decipher it. Superman, Supergirl, Krypto and General Zod are all examples of Kryptonians living on Earth. The Religious, Artist, Military and Science castes had representation on the ruling council, while the Worker caste did not. Settling of noble disputes by private duels is fully legal (although highly uncommon) and apparently gives advantages in terms of reputation. I don't remember one, but then, I haven't read every story. Consisting of eight pieces, the set is themed after Superman and is a specialized Tier 2 PvE (Player versus Environment) set only available from Power Girl in . Has that been retconned, or has a different Gand family appeared somewhere? The post you reference led me to research a possible "Challengers of the", "I recommend clicking on the Den of Geek link in JD's post, below. The abilities of Kryptonians evolve and grow more powerful as Kryptonians age and develop. Kryptonian Alloy. For simply trying to enlighten Kryptonians about all of this, which meant going against the will of the Voice of Rao, he was condemned to death and his family was ostracized. Marshall) surrender.BUY. When Py-Ron woke up, he tried to earn his right to stay out of the Zone by flying to Feminax, the Sisterhood's homeworld, and killing everyone in retaliation. Their zero is used only for the purpose of indicating . The animated adaptation of All-Star Superman features the inhabitants of Kandor, and a pair of surviving Kryptonian astronauts named Bar-El and Lilo. He intended to loot and lay waste to the Earth, then to trap and kill Superman. She escaped from her prison and battled Supergirl. This time, Verlin really struck fear into Leonard's heart. In Episode 7 of Season 2, he ends up being renamed "Jor-El" at the request of his mother, who doesn't want him to be tainted by the corruption of House Vex. Lar-On - Lar-On found himself inflicted with a werecreature disease for which there was no known cure. He reveals that all the cities have been restored and Earth is once again under the control of the Regime. 1. List of Houses (Redirected from List of houses) Contents 1 Great Houses 2 Houses of Westeros 3 Houses based on games 4 See also 5 Notes Targaryen of King's Landing Stark of Winterfell Lannister of Casterly Rock Arryn of the Eyrie Tully of Riverrun Greyjoy of Pyke Baratheon of Storm's End Tyrell of Highgarden Martell of Sunspear Houses of Westeros Here are some, courtesy of Wikipedia: Ar-Ual - Ar-Ual was sentenced to 50 Kryptonian sun-cycles (68.5 Earth years) in the Phantom Zone for destroying priceless knowledge and depriving Krypton of 1,000 years of scientific progress. Coincidentally, Superman wears this same symbol on his costume that serves for dual meanings: his Kryptonian heritage and the "S" for Superman. Under the guidance of Zeta-Rho's A.I. Kryptonian Glyphs are emblems that represent a certain family on the planet Krypton. Gann Artar - In one imaginary story, a criminal named Gann Artar was sentenced to 50 Kryptonian sun-cycles (68.5 Earth years) for using his de-evolutionary ray to create large, dangerous monsters. They are eventually rescued and restored to normal size by Superman and Supergirl, who were sent to Earth in rockets as in other versions of the story. He donned a costume and harassed Superman, using the name Evil-Man. Kryptonians General Zod and Ursa are among the many criminals had been imprisoned within the Phantom Zone prior to Krypton's destruction and even went on to have a child, who would later be adopted as Christopher Kent. Superman is taken prisoner and Batman decides to imprison him in the Phantom Zone. Lois Lane managed to expose Bal-Gra to gold kryptonite, which permanently robbed him of his superpowers. This contradicts the fact that Jax-Ur and Orn-Zu both received life sentences. Erndine Ze-Da (Zeda) - The history and sentencing of this prisoner was not revealed. Jor-El launched the Phantom Zone projector into space on 30 Ogtal 10000. Female Kryptonians have one given name but take their father's name as their last name. In Legion of Super Heroes, the citizens of Kandor, Superman and his clone Superman-X, might all be considered surviving Kryptonians. Supergirl saves Harley's life and confronts her cousin at the Fortress of Solitude. Kur-Dul served his full sentence[45] and was released by Superman and the Kandorian parole board. E. Nelson Bridwell / Al Turniansky Language (ca. At this point, you should . "In Mickey Spillane'sVengeance is MineMike Hammer wakens to find himself in a hotel", "In Mickey Spillane's Vengeance is Mine Mike Hammer wakes up in a room with the dead body of a", "Jeff of Earth J said: In Superman's story mode ending, Batman is defeated, though Superman spares him due to not wanting him to become a martyr. Created from crystals in the Fortress of Solitude the suit is based on armour designs worn by the royal guards of the House of El on Krypton.