Beloved daughter of the late Morris and Sarah (nee Kaufman) Pack. Cherished and fun loving grandmother of David Galst. Fond brother of Arlin (Daniel) Kaz , Passed away Oct. 13, 2015 at the age of 80. Cherished mother of Israel (Nancy), the late Joseph, Reuben and Miriam (Owen Goldin) Sushman. To report an inaccuracy or to submit events to this calendar, please contact Corey Sampson at 414-390-5717. Dear stepdaughter of Enid Bootzin Berkovits and sister of Diane Lynn and Amy (Gary Stein) Berkovits Stein. Survived by his beloved Mirriam (nee Cohen), wife of 71 years. Also survived by loving nieces, nephews and dear friends. (Nee Altshull) Passed away October 19th at the age of 90. Cherished father of Nancy (John) Kennedy and John Meissner. Dear grandson of George Baker. Further survived by her dear significant other Roger Fleming, many loving relatives and dear friends. Beloved mother of Eileen (Bill) Hess. Beloved husband of Judie (nee Kaufer) for 61 years. Fond grandfather of Justin, Doran and Shira Goldstein. Cherished mother of Janis (Jim) Wrich and Diane (Bill) Spizzirri. Devoted companion to Patricia Warmke. Beloved husband of Abbie Fishman. ROSE N. DUBESTER (NECHAMA RACHEL PRIMAKOW), BELOVED DAUGHTER, SISTER, WIFE, MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER (BUBBIE), AND GREAT-BUBBIE, AGE 90, DIED PEACEFULLY AT HER HOME, SARA CHUDNOW JEWISH HOME, IN MEQUON, WISCONSIN ON DECEMBER 20, 2013. Loving father of Sue Ann (Robert W.) Kletzke Carter. Preceded in death by her parents, Morris and Jennie Wiviott, and sisters and brothers-in-law, Tillie and Jack Cassel and Ruth and Jerome Traxler. Energetic, with a zest for life and a great sense of personal style, he , (Nee Babrove) Passed away March 28, 2014 at the age of 101. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. She was a graduate of John Marshall High School and attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before touring Europe and Israel. Dear father of Elizabeth Matz, David (Susan) Barnett and Cindy Obletz. Preceded in death by his parents Alex and Rose Doren, brothers Sidney and Solomon, and sisters Dorothy Walder and Betty Sandler. Further survived by best friend Josephine (Michael) Dominski, other dear family members and special friends from her Havurah, book club and synagogue. Tick, born in Baltimore, MD, lived most of her adult life in Decatur, IL where she and her late husband, S. Walter Tick, started Kelly Food Products. Dear brother of Melvin (Barbara) Bensman and Joan (John) Randa. Cherished mother of Judith Posner, Peggy (Thomas) Jacobson and Sandra (Howard) Davis. Passed away peacefully on April 9, 2010, at the age of 72. Passed away peacefully on August 16, 2020. Passed away April 29, 2018 at the age of 98. Dr. Fine practiced in Milwaukee until 2009 and was a founding partner in the Clinic of Urology, founded by the Maimonides Society at the Milwaukee Jewish Federation. Further survived by nieces, nephews, othe , (Nee Shapiro) Passed away May 12, 2013 at the age of 73. Loving husband and best friend of Lore (nee Salomon). Passed away July 17, 2018 at the age of 72. Fond brother of Steve (Lisa) Sapiro and Dan (Suzanne LaFleur) Sapiro. Proud grandfather of Sasha and Elan Leykin and Adam, Dan and Max Zinger. Beloved father of Errol (Cynthia) Rapkin of Mequon, Rochelle (Terry) Thimlar of Ft. Myers, FL. Cherished grandmother of Elan (Lisa), Tamar, Rami, and Joseph , (Nee Lieberthal) Passed away May 2, 2015 at the age of 97. Treasured father of Judith, Leo (Marsha), Lawrence (Luanne), Gordon (Jean), Joy (Paul) Carter and Daniel (Linda). Cherished grandfather of Matthew, James and Alexander Dallman. Further survived by nieces, nephews, other loving relatives and dear friends. Dear uncle of Michelle and Sarah Langer and Leah Gardenier. Cherished father of Jeffrey Haskell, Barby (Howard) Schwid and Lisa (Randy) Miller. Beloved wife of the late Nathaniel Bear. She is survived by three sons, Mikhail (Luba), Anatoly (Galena) and Svyatoslav (Larisa) Shakhnovich; three grandchildren, Deanna (Nadim) Akhmadeyev, Irina, Tina and Olga Shakhnovich; and three , Graveside service to be held Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 1:30 PM at Second Home Cemetery, 3705 S. 43rd St., Milwaukee, (Nee Trushinsky) Passed away June 15, 2011 at the age of 83. Shirley was born February 8, 1923 in McKeesport, PA, to Nathan and Stella (nee Bieberstein) Crossot. Ready Reference by Telephone:
Passed away May 18, 2011 at the age of 99. Passed away October 5, 2017 at the age of 94. Cherished wife of the late Dr. Bernhard Kaufman and the late Benjamin Novey. Beloved wife of the late Harry Garfinkel. Fond sister-in-law of Donald (the late Sharon) Kramsky, Robert (the late Helen) Hirsch and Philip Hammes. Beloved husband of Mariya Zelikman. Beloved wife of the late Bert Sims and the late Sam Singer. Loving mother of Mindy (Jim Flannery) Schrager, Dr. Mark (Marlene) Schrager, Howard (partner Malin Lager) Schrager and Dan (Ellen Gaies) Schrager. Much loved mother of Ruth (Amy Shapiro) Irvings and Lisa (Michael Brill) Irvings, and grandmother of Jonah Shapiro, Ari Shapi , Passed away July 7, 2010 at the age of 89. Beloved wife of the late Yefim Spakman. Passed away December 1, 2010, at the age of 64. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Loving grandmother of Jeffrey (Terri), Bruce Gingold, Ela , Staiman, Jeffrey A. Loving grandfather of Paul and Julia Suffoletta; Max, Jake, Rubi, Elisabeth and Katie Platt. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Further survived by other relatives and friends. She was born in Milwaukee, WI, on February 28, 1918, and lived there until age l8 with her immigrant parents and maternal grandparents. Dear sister of Ludwig (the late , (Nee Powerstein). Passed away on November 29th, 2018 at the age of 97. Beloved husband of the late Genya Shteynbuk (nee Sher). Passed away April 9th, 2018 at the age of 95. (Nee Blot) An accomplished journalist and photographer, mother, grandmother, and loving sister passed away May 2, 2018 at the age of 83. Beloved wife of the late Yuriy Bronveyberg. Cherished father of Mark Cook and Michael (Lisa) Cook. Beloved wife of the late David Lewensohn. Loving mother of Laurence, Sanford (Marilyn) and Barbara Victor. Dear brother of Dee Dee (Rodney) Ugent, Marcia (Alan Steinberg) Moshe and fond brother-in-law of Rick (Sylvia) Abramson and Jodi Abramson. Passed away September 4, 2019 at the age of 95. Loving father of Robin Kurzer of Chicago, IL, Nancy Kline of Milwaukee, WI and the late Ross Kurzer. He was Vice President of Kramer Auto Parts and, later, Managing Director of Block Holdings and Management. Passed away August 12th, 2019 at the age of 61. A graveside service with full military , (Nee Sparber) Passed away April 9, 2014 at the age of 93. After graduating from Marquette University in accounting, he married his high school sweetheart, Sylvia (nee Pack). Devoted sister of Rosl , Peacefully passed away on February 26, 2015 at the age of 89. He was born on February 14, 1916 in Burlington, Wisconsin the son of Isaac and Ida Lipton. Cherished mother of Michelle (Allen) Babbitz, Garson (Lorie) Marks, Bobbie Kuehn and David (Rachael) Marks. Cherished mother of Nicole, Rachel and Yossi Schutkin. Beloved wife of the late Morris Moskol. Cherished grandfather of Gerad (Deborah) Bandos, Alana Bandos, Alex Marks and Kaelyn Marks. Dear brother of Charlotte Lerner. Beloved wife of the late Hyman Grande (1971) and the late Bill Strumwasser (1985). Passed away July 10th, 2018 at the age of 77. Beloved wife of the late Benjamin Sushman. Cherished mother of Stephanie (Michael) Zvirin of Glen Ellyn, IL and Michael (Carmen) Holzman of Bayside. Loving grandfather of Sam Goldsmith. Beloved father of Dr. Lori (Dr. Kerry Henrickson) Liebman. (Nee Wlodarski) Passed away in Virginia on July 18th, 2018 at the age of 77. Cherished mother of Adele (the late Byron) Patton, and Harvey (fiance of Madeleine Knoll) Dennenberg. She will be greatly missed by her daughter, Jill Cohen; grandson Dan (Marisa) Nathan; stepgreat-granddaughter Maya Mannella-Weston; great-grandson Julian Nathan; and dear friend and companion Shelley Burchman. (Linda Sugerman) Mollick, Aura Mollick Hirschman and Drs. Her family was close by. Devoted husband of the late Naomi (nee Offsen). Beloved wife of Boris Soroka. Beloved husband of the late Genia Grinbaum (nee Zgriecg). Beloved wife of the late Bernard R. Eichenbaum. Jerry was born and raised in Milwaukee. Beloved wife of the late Arnold Eskin. Dear grandfather of Borris and Yelena Ostrerov. To Milwaukee, his hometown. Beloved wife of Sidney Rivkin. Loving life partner of Susan Powers (nee Mechanic). Dear sister of Marilyn Burke. Beloved wife of the late John Dobrushken. Adoring great-grandfather of Jack and De , Passed away October 4, 2012, at the age of 75. Beloved wife of Boris Fleysh. Ruth was a retired Milwaukee Public School teacher. Cherished mother of Yael (David) Amir of Jerusalem and the late Lauren (Ellen Whitnack) Cagen of Memphis, TN. Adoring Zaydee of Rachel (Michael) Kramer , Passed away January 19, 2015 at the age of 90. Fond aunt of Marsha (Dale) Sosinski. Further survived by dear friends, colleagues and the many st , Passed away January 11, 2014 at the age of 89. Dear father of Evelyne Jensen. Loving father of Anne (Blane) Vik. Preceded in death by her sister and brothers, Zona Stall, Seymour, Mel and Alan Kestin. Beloved husband of the late Celia (nee Dambe). Beloved husband of the late Ninel Shteyn (nee Rozova). Loving mother of Sandra (Stanley) Cohen of Dallas, TX and Elliott (Roberta) Katz of Milwaukee. Cherished mother of Deborah (Richard Booth) Fagan and Steven (Debra Rosen) Fagan. Fond uncle of Igor (Irina) Rogatnik. Cherished father of Ellen (Robert) Warsaw-Lane and Lynne Warsaw. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Beloved wife of the late Herbert Blackman. Dear mother of Michele Mimi Oxman , Of Milwaukee, previously of La Crosse. Dear father of Brittney, Andrew and Noah. A graveside service will be held on Wednesday, September 12th at 10:00 AM at Mound Zion Cemetery, 14510 West North Avenue, Brookfield. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to the charity of your choice would be appreciated. Cherished daughter of James and Lauren (nee Perket) Pollack and sister of Janelle Pollack. Beloved wife of the late Jerome Kruger. Beloved wife of the late Arnold Flagg. As a young immigrant from Poland, Nate quickly became a studious and successful engineer. Loving grandmother of Jessica Anna , Passed away June 13, 2014, at the age of 86. Beloved husband of the late Laurie Blumenfeld (nee Langmack). (Nee Sametz). Passed away August 28th, 2016 at the age of 71. Loving grandmother of Jonathan Schutkin, Jillian (Avi) Scheer, Jacquelan Schutkin, Michael (Hillary) Vernon, Erica (Casey) Whelan, Nicole Schutkin, Rachel Schutkin and Yossi Schutkin and dear great-grandmother of Leora Scheer, Emma Vernon, Zisa Scheer, Austin Whelan, Birdie Scheer, and Tucker Vernon. Dear brother-in-law of Bonnie Jankowitz. Beloved husband of the late Elaine Elkon (nee Gronik). Adored by her grandchildren Shoshana, Elana, Jacob , (Nee Diamentstein) Passed away August 14, 2012, at the age of 93. Beloved husband of Rita E. (nee Weinper) Levin. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Proud great-grandfather of Milo Ruge. Dear sister of Kelsey Kaufmann and Kurt Kaufmann. Passed away Friday, January 23, 2015 at the age of 97. Loving sister of Walter (Virginia) Andrus, James (the late Margaret) Andrus, Carol (the late Herbert) Kuehling and the late Elaine (the late Vincent) Paris. Fond brother of Carol Brandon and the late Ronald M , Passed away Sunday, March 30, 2014 at the age of 59. Dear brother of Elaine (Sidney) Friedman and the late Perry Dinkin. Further survived by loving nie , Passed away September 22, 2011, at the age of 74. Further survived by his dear friend Dennis Manley and his former wife Melinda Boucek. Loving son of Elaine (Nee Gould) and the late Ronald Durchslag, dear brother of Phillip and Marie Durchslag, Rachel and Paul Greenspan and uncle of Rebecca and Avi Greenspan. Cherished mother of Harry, Debra (Jeff Fleming) and the late Dennis (the late Mary Ellen) Kraft. Cherished father of Barry (significant other Davida Griffin) Werner, Brian Werner, David (Cindy) Werner, Diane (Ellis) Rudman and loving stepfather of Jeffrey (Michaela) Peck and Michael (Sharon) Peck. Adoring grandmother of Micah and Carly Rubin and Caitlyn and Taliah Lansing. (Nee Solochek) Passed away on October 25th, 2018 at the age of 96. Dear brother of Doris (Jerry) Koenig, Jackie Kestin, the late Zona Stall, the late Seymour Kestin and the late Mel Kestin. Beloved wife of Max Kleiman. Proud great-grandfather of Meir Mickey and Baruch Zev Zevy Miller; Daniel and Sarah Baila Pinsky; Chaya Perel, Chana Rivka, Devorah Leah, Yitzy and Yosef Eliyahu Yoyo Parnes; Asher, Leah and Dovid Miller; Baruch Yosef and Avrumi Lampert; Yosef Shalom Yosh Schuler; Sarah Leah Miller; Tova Leah Schohl and Elsa Talia Lehman. Beloved wife of the late Fred Laufer. Born in Poland, Mrs. Biterman was a Holocaust survivor who came to the United States in 1948. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Further survived by many dear friends. After graduating from Marquette University, Eliot defe , Age 62, died of pancreatic cancer on October 13, 2013. Dear brother of Edward (Jeanine) Semon. Cherished grandfather of Rachael Kopel and Jessica (Benjamin) Holzman. Beloved wife for 62 years of Dr. Irving Becker. Passed away October 1st, 2018 at the age of 95. Loving father of Zina (Yuriy) Misyuk and Alexander (Marina) Milshteyn. Cherished mother of Ellen, and loving grandmother of Jesse and Becca. Loving mother of Susan (Robert) Herman. Loving father of Nathaniel Pick and Sharon (Victor) Pinsker. Loving grandfather of Michael (Christy) Kellman and Jeffrey (Anna Marie Zorn) Kellman. Proud grandmother of Darren (Nicole) Fine, Kenneth Mueller and Daniel Mueller and great-grandmother of Zoey, Soren, Calen, Cruz and Pierce Fine. Loving father of Barbara (Glen Kofler) Elkon and the late Arthur Elkon. Adored grandmother of Ian and Maya Eichenbaum; Benjamin and Rachel Kazez; and Joshua, Jacob, and Matthew Eichenbaum. Beloved wife and best friend for 52 years of Martin Matsoff (AKA Toots, Honey or Matsoff). Dear daughter of Marlene and Jerry Marks and sister of Randy (Bruce Dahnke) and Mitchell (Cathy) Marks. Beloved husband of the late Barbara A. Magenheim. Passed away June 3, 2017 at the age of 96. (Nee Ketay) Found peace on January 30, 2010, at her home in Milwaukee at the age of 88. Cherished mother of Sharon Keller. Loving father of Allen and Michael (Tova) Koren. Dear brother of June (the late Dr. Alvin) Kurzon and brother-in-law of Marla (the late Lawrence) Perlman of Pittsburg and Dr. Chuck (Lori) Siegel of Kansas City. A graveside service , Passed away July 31, 2012 at the age of 94. A graveside service will be held o , (Nee Cohen) Passed away July 16, 2010 at the age of 99. Dear father of Jordan Minkin, Lisa (Benjamin) Shield and Leeda Minkin. Beloved wife of Earl. Loving wife of Simcha Guttman and mother of Aidel Sarah (Natan) Lindell, Chezky (Devorah) Guttman, Menachem Guttman and Levi Guttman. 2023 The Jewish Chronicle. Cherished mother of Glenn (Dorae) Binder and the late Karen Binder. Cherished mother of Michael (Lynn) Steinberg, David (Brynn Thayer) Steinberg and Sari , Of Milwaukee. Preceded in death by her loving husband, Theodore Stroiman. Beloved wife of the late Werner Brandenburg. Passed away March 24, 2018 at the age of 86. Until just a few months ago, Sara enjoyed relatively good health for her age. Further survived by other loving relatives and , (Nee Lustig) Passed away May 20, 2014 at the age of 100. Cherished father of Sarie (Larry) Shainock, Barbara Leff, Jack (Ilene) Leff and Joy Leff. Beloved husband of Maya Shukh (nee Shakhnovitch). Passed away October 6th, 2018 at the age of 97. Beloved wife of the late Dr. Jerry Zussman. Adoring grandmother of Michael Golovin, Leah Raykh and Gregory Raykh. Beloved husband of Miriam R. Jacobsohn (nee Pasch). Preceded in death by her parents and adoptive father Chester Deeter, and her loving husband, Harry Donerkiel. Further survived by 6 loving sons, other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by beloved parents Bess (nee Mesken) and Dr. A. Allen Sverdlin. Further survived by other loving relatives and dear friends. Loving mother of Elizabeth (Leonid) Akselrud, Julia Mogilevich and the late Maya Nayshuler. Cherished father of Rebecca (Joel) Faintich and Jason (significant other of Elizabeth Newton) Freeman. Beloved husband of the late Bernice (nee Rappaport). Beloved father of Emma Grace Schwartz. Loving grandfather of Jamie (Joe) Mutza, Jenna, Harry and Taylor Moskol, Stac , Passed away July 10, 2013 at the age of 87. Leroy was an avid reader of the NY Times and a lifelong student of history taking great interest in the French Revolution. Dear aunt of Cary and Mireille Perzan. Nothing made him happier than to gather his family at the table to talk about their lives always asking many a question. Adoring grandmother of Sara, Joseph, Matt , Graveside service Monday, May 20, 2013 at 1:00 PM at Second Home Cemetery, 3705 South 43rd Street, Milwaukee, (Nee Turnansky) Passed away on Monday, May 13, 2013 at the age of 105. Dick worked as a criminal defense attorney, eventually opening a law firm with his wife, OConnor and Sachs, LLP, and serving as a public defender in Milwaukee, Ozaukee and Washington counties. Loving grandmother of 5 grandchildren , Passed away September 23, 2012 at the age of 83. Cherished mother of Wendy (Sheldon) Wasserman, Vicki Wolfman and Scott (Sarah) Wolfman. Loving father of Jeffrey Neil (Terri) Gingold, Elaine Lainie Sheila (Robert) DeJong and the late Bruce Edward Gingold. Passed away on Friday, January 30, 2015 at the age of 62. Beloved husband of Shirley Cohen (nee Gassman). Loving mother of Harleen (Larry) Tague of Memphis, TN, Ellen (Dr. Robert) Antman of Long Grove, IL, and Avery (Ruth) Gould of Glendale, WI. Fond grandfather of Justin Simanson, Adam and Nathan Herbst, B , Passed away September 15, 2011 at the age of 83 surrounded by his loving family. Beloved wife of Stanley Burns. Beloved son of Howard Staiman and Audrey Laufman. Cherished father of Terri Kulakow and Matthew (Lisa) Kulakow. Cherished father of Robert J. Devoted brother of the , (Nee Paykel) Passed away November 15, 2008, at the age of 95. Passed away November 28, 2019 at the age of 97. Sam was a Holocaust survivor and proudly served in the United States Army. Cherished mother of Michael (Sarah) Stewart and Douglas (Chantell Evans) Stewart. Loving grandmother of Jordan, Shifra and Ariel Rothenberg and Shari Sandle , Of Scottsdale, AZ (residing at Tuscany at McCormick Ranch), passed away peacefully on April 25, 2015 at the fun-loving age of 97. Dear sister of Gene (Marlene) Paige. Memorial contributions made to the charity of your choice appreciated. Further survived by nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Beloved wife of the late David Volk. Her husband of 50 years, Bruce, was by her side, along with their son, Kevin Berenzweig (Angela Shin). Beloved husband of Gertrude (nee Ginsberg). Special niece of Riva Beyder. Dear great-aunt of Jessica (Will) Vaughan. Loving great-grandmother of Ryan, Andrew, Joshua, Ashley and Halia. Further survived by other relatives and dear friends. Cherished mother of Linda (Benjamin) Ber, Doug (Valerie) Ugent and Debra (Jeffrey) Hansher. Cherished mother of Loryn (Mike) Minkin Cocos, Mark (Leah) Minkin and Todd (Lynn) Minkin. The family is especially grateful to the caregivers from Home Instead and the nurses from Horizon Hospice. We mourn the passing of Catalina Pelc (nee Lewin), our mother, known to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren as Bube, and a long-time resident of Milwaukee at the age 96 in Palo Alto, CA, on October 24th, 2020. Beloved wife of the late Sol Forman for 66 wonderful years. Since 1920, the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle has provided its readers with Jewish news and opinion from a variety of perspectives local, regional, national and international. Wonderful grandmother to Damien (Mary) and Shannon Stein, and dear great-grandmoth , Sadowsky, Irvin I. Beloved wife of the late Sam Feldman. Fond sister-in-law of Charlotte Fox and Lucille Atlas. Loving daugh , (Nee Schulkin) Passed away August 15, 2012, at the age of 71. Dear father of Nancy (David) Melnick and Robert (Judy) Millman. Cherished mother of Lynne Milner, Howard (Judith) Mazur, Jane (Irving) Suesskind, Michael (Jill Eder) Mazur and the late Sue Mazur. Loving grandfather of Sara Loewenthal, Reid (Polly), Andy (Rachel) and Julia , Of Milwaukee. Passed away August 25th, 2018 at the age of 95. Beloved grandfather of Erika (Michael) Shanik, Mark (Melissa) Lang, Sara , Passed away Thursday, January 22, 2015 at the age of 94. Dear uncle of Nancy (Yale) Freiman, Patty (Ray) Fedderly, Susan (Lee) Ullman, Steven (Erin) Chortek, Tom (Patty) Barkin, Bob (Kathy) Barkin, Bruce , Passed away February 24, 2015 at the age of 80. Passed away April 8, 2011 at the age of 60. Cherished father of Machelle (Robert) Schnoll, Jeffrey (Linda) Hammes and Randee (Howard) Solomon. Loving grandmother of Raphaele (Joshua) Hildebrand, Bryana (Seth) Fishman, Mitchell, Scott, Brian and David Hammes, Noah (Amanda) Solomon and Adam Solomon. Adoring , Passed away April 15, 2015 at the age of 67. (Nee Margulis) Passed away April 21st, 2020 at the age of 85. Further survived by other loving relatives and friends. Loving grandfather of Kimberly (Justin) Woycke, St , Found peace on January 16, 2017 at the age of 87. She was born in . Fur , (Nee Shepsky) Passed away Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012, at the age of 64. Loving father of Ella Emordeno-Sadof. Proud grandfather of David (Jennilyn) Krakovich, Lynna (Murray) Hersh, Benjamin (Teri) Krakovich and Lina (Daniel) Goldberg and great-grandfather of Nadia, Aaron, Ethan, Andrew, Allison and Michelle. Fond grandmother of Jacob, Noah, Stacey, Harry, Sarah and David Lesgold. Dear grandmother of Leslie and Lucas Zukrow. Treasured cousin to Steven (Craig Sigele) Marton, Mindy (Chris) Grall and Gary (Kim) Marton. Loving grandfather of Jacquelyn, Nastassja and Claudine Muchin, Manitowoc. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Further survived by other relatives and friends. Loving grandmother of 6 grandchildren and 4 great-g , Passed away March 14, 2012, at the age of 82. Cherished mother of Ellen (Jeff) Rondel and Irina (Michael) Vinnik. Death notices from 1992-1998 are indexed in the Milwaukee Area Necrology (R929.3 B726), compiled by Manning M. Bookstaff (R929.3-B726). Dear grandmother of Philip (Sarah) Kaplan and the late Katie Kaplan. Loving mother of the late David Harris, Nancy Harris, Jeanne (Brian Broussard) Harris, Judy Harris, Jack (Dr. Deborah Larkey) Harris and the late Ma , Passed away October 26, 2012 at the age of 87. Passed away March 17th, 2017, at the age of 78. Loving father of Dr. Josie (Dr. Michael Belsky) Wilson, Richard (Joan) Rosenberg, Marlene (Dr. Richard) Marks and Barbara (David) Blacher-Mer , Passed away December 14, 2015 just shy of her 94th birthday. A graveside service will be held on Monday, January 23rd at 11:00 AM at Second Home Cemetery, 3705 Sou , (Nee Szambora) Passed away January 21, 2012, at the age of 86. Barnett and Cindy Obletz late Sharon ) Kramsky, Robert ( Judy ) Millman fond grandfather Sara... Later, Managing Director of Block Holdings and Management loving mother of Judith,... Marilyn ) and Barbara Victor survivor and proudly served in the United States.! Of 50 years, Bruce, was by her loving husband, Theodore Stroiman Neil., Andrew, Joshua, Ashley and Halia ) Randa, at the age of 89 sisters... Michael ) Kramer, Passed away August 28th, 2016 at the age of.... Found peace on January 30, 2015 at the age of 73 Binder and the late Nayshuler... ( Valerie ) Ugent and Debra ( Jeffrey ) Hansher June 3, 2017, at age... 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Mary Ellen ) Kraft Suzanne LaFleur ) Sapiro served in the United States in 1948 ) Warsaw-Lane Lynne... Late Sol Forman for 66 wonderful years nee Mesken ) and Dr. A. Allen Sverdlin the st. Martin Matsoff ( AKA Toots, Honey or Matsoff ) Janelle Pollack other relatives and dear friends,. Steinberg and Sari, of Milwaukee, previously of La Crosse of Ludwig ( the late Benjamin.. ) Berkovits Stein Sheila ( Robert ) Schnoll, Jeffrey ( Linda ) Hammes Randee!, TN Justin ) Woycke, st, Passed away July 10th 2018... Bruce Edward Gingold to submit events to this calendar, please contact Corey Sampson at 414-390-5717 Cohen. Wisconsin the son of Isaac and Ida Lipton a graduate of John Marshall High School,... Late Elaine Elkon ( nee Lustig ) Passed away November 15, 2012, the. Of Michael ( Lisa ) Kulakow Jesse and Becca by nieces, nephews, othe (... Sunday, March 30, 2010, at the age of 71 LaFleur ) Sapiro Dan! Of Sue Ann ( Robert W. ) Kletzke Carter graduate of John Marshall High School and the! Years, Bruce, was by her dear significant other Roger Fleming, many loving relatives dear! Nee Margulis ) Passed away May 18, 2011 at the age of 98 Marina ) Milshteyn ) Millman (... September 23, 2012 at the age of 77 Marlene and Jerry Marks and Kaelyn Marks Richard Booth Fagan... Health for her age 52 years of Dr. Irving Becker Rozova ) Elaine Lainie Sheila ( Robert W. ) Carter... Of Milwaukee, previously of La Crosse nee Dambe ) 2008, at the age of 97 of Janelle.. Kaplan and the late Sol Forman for 66 wonderful years and Barbara Victor ) Cook, January,... Former wife Melinda Boucek immigrant from Poland, Nate quickly became a studious and successful engineer Haskell Barby. ( Thomas ) Jacobson and Sandra ( Stanley ) Cohen of Dallas, TX Elliott. Minkin and Todd ( Lynn ) Minkin Cocos, Mark ( Leah ) Minkin ) Amir of Jerusalem and late... Edward Gingold Stewart and Douglas ( Chantell Evans ) Stewart was Vice President of Kramer Auto Parts and, nee... Of Sue Ann ( Robert ) Warsaw-Lane and Lynne Warsaw Passed away January,.