I thought hed be back in no time, he told me. In Nouakchott, Abdellahi waited for updates from the C.I.A. In 1988, Salahi graduated from high school and won a scholarship to study engineering in Duisburg, Germany. After a hustled day of tackling a myriad of issues and directly contributing to the global war on terrorism, it reads, fun awaits. Officers could partake in pottery classes, paintball, rugby, tennis, and softball, or exercise in several pools and gyms. Id read about Muslim heroes who faced the death penalty, head up, he wrote. They were very jumpy, Salahi recalled at his hearing. Ahmed is a camel herder, as his father was before him and as his young son Abdullahi will be after him. ), One night, Salahi awoke to the sound of a tiny hole being drilled into his wall. By now, Wood was no longer dating Summers mother. Since then, the U.S. military has exposed some lite soldiers to the techniques, to prepare them for the kinds of abuses they might encounter should they be captured by terrorist groups or governments that dont abide by the Geneva Conventions. A government report describes the facility as having been modified in such a way as to reduce as much outside stimuli as possible, with doors that had been sealed to a point that allows no light to enter the room. Inside, the walls were covered with white paint or paper to further eliminate objects the detainee may concentrate on. There was an eyebolt for shackling him to the floor, and speakers for bombarding him with sound. Now, faced with their own incompetence, Fallon wrote, interrogators were quick to blame classic Manchester resistance tactics!. But I changed my mind after Guantnamo, he told me. What I was told was that his information had saved thousands of American lives, Wood said, and this is what theyd given him to keep talking., Salahi was taken into custody when he was thirty years old, but he had already lived on four continents, and spoke fluent Arabic, French, and German. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. When he learned that a military review board would consider releasing Salahi, he wrote a letter saying that, based on my interactions with Mr. Slahi in Guantnamo, I would be pleased to welcome him into my home, and offering to testify in person. It was a grand compound, white stone decorated with lavish carpets and chandeliers. Steve Wood walked into Echo Special in the spring of 2004 unaware of everything that had happened before. Once they do, he will disappear and never be heard from again. Salahi was told to imagine the worst possible scenario he could end up in, and that he would soon disappear down a very dark hole. For the first time, Salahi was in the custody of uniformed American soldiers. The sessions Wood witnessed were calm and courteous, with Salahi attempting to answer everything asked of him. Until recently, the former spy chief Deddahi Ould Abdellahi lived directly across the street. Eventually, Salahi would be allowed access to a small patch of soil outside his trailer, where he tended sunflowers, basil, sage, parsley, and cilantro. It was the first time Wood had encountered the Quran. He was held in Guantanamo Bay from. You trust the handcuffs and everything, but, no matter what, wed never be with him one on onethere would always be a partner, Wood told me. We got to the site at sunrise; the sky was a hazy, muted orange, from wildfires burning to the south. In the restored edition, Salahi added, I want to repeat and affirm this message here, and to say that now that I am home, that dream is also an invitation. Mohamedou Ould Slahi spent 14 years in Guantanamo Bay prison. Because he had no experience with weapons, Al Qaeda personnel sent him to the Al Farouq training camp, near Khost, where he learned how to use a Kalashnikov rifle and launch rocket-propelled grenades. True, you didnt choose this family, nor did you grow up with it, but its a family all the same, he wrote in his diary. Ad Choices. In Nouakchott, Abdellahis men detained Salahi again in the fall of 2001, at the request of the Americans. The proceeds from his book were paying for a nieces studies in Dubai and a nephews masters degree in applied mathematics at a university in Kuala Lumpur. In time, Wood began to think of everything he had known before meeting Salahi as a narrow-minded myth of American superiority, notable for its omissions of overseas misadventures. Mohamedou Ould Slahi spent 14 years of his life as a detainee in the United States military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Eventually, Salahi understood that bin al-Shibh was one of the three men who had stayed at his apartment in Germany for a night, in October, 1999; the other two had become 9/11 hijackers. Fmr. Around that time, Abu Hafs explained, it became clear to him that the Mauritanian President would be open to his return from Iran. This winter, Steve Wood set off for Mauritania. Stand the fuck up! an interrogator said. An image of bin Ladens face adorned the windshield, and Abu Hafs spent much of the journey to the Iranian border, some four hundred miles, wondering whether it was a Wanted poster or a tribute. But Salahi wanted to live free of surveillance, and he decided to leave the country. But the call to jihad interrupted his studies. explained to Wood that the current guard force called Detainee 760 Pillow, because when they had arrived, several months earlier, a pillow was the only object in his possession. There was a really profound sense of responsibility and ethical risk which came with editing the manuscript of someone who was alive but unable to participate in that process, Siems told me. (For the past sixty years, the Cuban government has sought to nullify the agreement, and it refuses to cash the checks.) He remains locked inside the notorious naval base. (Abdellahi says that, after Salahi disappeared, the family never contacted him.) . The U.S. government gathered that in 1991, when Salahi was twenty, he swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and the following year he learned to handle weapons at an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. Its hard to sit there and laugh and chat with the guy, if hes actually that bad, Wood told me. After she converted to Islam, they married in a religious ceremony. One day in the spring of 2012, Abu Hafs slipped out of custody during a visit to the gym. A year in Echo Special shattered Woods ideas about his post-military future. One night in October, 2016, Woods phone rang while he was in a Safeway in Portland. The anteroom was filled with Mauritanian dignitaries and lites, all men, sitting on couches that lined the perimeter. The Taliban was rapidly losing ground. He grew up measuring political eras by military coups1978, 1979, 1984changes in power that did little to alter the ways in which Mauritanians experienced power. But he thought, What the fuck is this? On March 22, 2010, a U.S. district-court judge named James Robertson ruled on Salahis petition to be released. According to one of Salahis brothers, Abdellahi told the family that Salahi was being kept in a detention facility in the desert, far from Nouakchott. He also contacted another guard from Echo Special. Mohamedou Ould Slahi: Yes, I read the same story, and I was sort of excited. Slahi told me he is hearing voices now, the interrogator wrote. As at Guantnamo, he often worked at night. On the other end of the line was a man whose voice he hadnt heard in more than eleven years. "And then what they -- pretty much told him, 'This is a bunch of B.S.'" Slahi's life changed . All I can tell you is to tell the truth. They hugged. Theyd ask me, Whos in there?, and Id say, I dont know, probably somebody famous.. He was the first person in his family to attend university. Before his first shift in Echo Special, Wood was told to place a strip of electrical tape over the name on his uniform, and to use only nicknames inside the cell, so that if 760 were to somehow sneak a message out of the camp he couldnt issue fatwas against his guards or their families. Throughout 2002 and 2003, whenever the foreign minister visited the parliamentary chamber, Badre Eddine demanded to know Salahis whereabouts. While in custody, Salahi had befriended Yacoub, the intelligence officer who had been one of his guards. So look at me, Salahi said. He grabbed his shortwave radio. Before leaving Guantnamo, he gave Salahi a novel by Steve Martin, The Pleasure of My Company. Pillow, good luck with your situation, he wrote inside. When Wood agreed to talk about Salahi for a TV documentary, Wendys parents staged an intervention. Wood, who was twenty-three, had recently learned that his girlfriend was pregnant. But his guard suspected otherwise. Based on a misreading of materials in his possession, and the vague aspersions of Islamophobic military officers, prosecutors accused him of treason and aiding the enemy, and threatened to pursue the death penalty. His father died in a plane crash when he was three years old, and his mother brought him and his brothers up in Molalla, Oregon, a lumber town about an hour south of Portland. . One of the Algerian jihadis was Ahmed Ressam, a serial thief who was living in Canada under a false identity. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Since then, I have received it, eaten it, and paid for it! The Mauritanian is stunningly tragic and leaves audiences with a host of questions about how its events were allowed to take place, but another notable issue is why the Obama administration blocked Mohamedou Ould Slahi's release from Guantanamo Bay. ; mosques in Duisburg; and his cousin Abu Hafs al-Mauritani. International . Salahi and I sat on either side of the leader of a political party that has more than a hundred and fifty seats in Parliament. Walid, who was sixteen, stayed behind. Later that summer, Abu Hafs wrote a twelve-page dissent, but bin Laden bristled at his defiance, and the objections of other Al Qaeda leaders, and moved forward. He began to worry that awareness among his co-workers of his increasingly complex feelings toward Salahi might elicit accusations that he was unpatriotic, or an insider threat. I tried to make my time there morally neutral, without being called a traitor, he told me. As they left baggage claim, Salahi later wrote in his diary, my hands were shackled behind my back and I was encircled by a bunch of ghosts who cut me off from the rest of my company. Bin Laden, wary of Al Qaedas fragility, urged him not to speak publicly of his departure. The Senegalese did the talking, but the Americans provided the questions and reported back to D.C. I was happy because the one-ton stack of paper the U.S. government had provided the Senegalese about me didnt seem to impress them, Salahi wrote. Everyone wants to close Guantnamo, but what will happen to the detainees? Salahi denied knowing Ahmed Ressam, and added that he thought the entire narrative around the attack had been concocted to unlock the terrorism budget and hurt the Muslims. At the time, he later wrote, I believed excessively in Conspiracy Theoriesthough maybe not as much as the U.S. government does.. In the military hearing, Salahi described the torture program in vivid detail. In October 2016 he made it home after 14 years in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, where the U.S. government had imprisoned and tortured him as a suspected terrorist. Thirty or forty of Abu Hafss followers filled a small wooden shack next to his home, spilling into the street, while he led prayers through a microphone. The release comes 14 years after he was first brought by the United States to the prison at Guantanamo Bay. It is a fact that they understand this whole concept of terrorism much better than the average American interrogator, Salahi said, in his military hearing. He added that such an attack would be a betrayal of Al Qaedas agreement with the Taliban government, which had provided sanctuary for the group on the understanding that it would do nothing to provoke a full-scale U.S. invasion. Who are these guys? Most of the names were Afghan or Pakistani, and the Arabs who were on the list certainly werent recognizable to me and my colleagues who had been working Al Qaeda for years. A few weeks later, after McFadden visited the detention camp, he concluded that the detainees were essentially nobodies. He told me, There was not anyone approaching even the most liberal interpretation of a high-value detainee., In Afghanistan, the U.S. military was inadvertently presiding over a kidnapping-and-ransom industry. An officer shouted Code Red! into a radio, and the Internal Reaction Force team raced to the scene and hog-tied him. The next day, Wood pressed him to talk about the episode, but Salahi wouldnt elaborate. We had done all our investigations, and we found nothing against Salahi, Abdellahi told me. And then it behaves the same way as the last. When he asked the new regime about Salahi, he said, they just replied, We didnt kidnap himit was the previous government that did it. It was the first time in my thirty-year CIA career that I had ever heard an order to kill someone, Schroen wrote. Never turn your back, the sergeant major warned him. They prayed together, ate together, and enjoyed a picnic of bread and tea in the dunes of the Sahara. Several more days of interrogation followed. It was January 11, 2019exactly seventeen years since the first detainees had arrived at Guantnamo Bay. His mother was dead, and so was one of his brothers, but there were teen-age nieces and nephews whom he was meeting for the first time. Although slavery was criminalized in 2007, Mauritanian human-rights advocates told me that the law was drafted to appease international organizationsthat virtually nothing has changed. The lack of progress, development, and freedom in Mauritanian society inspired in Salahi a righteous anger toward autocracy and corruption, and a desire to fight for something bigger than himself. Wed try to cover it back up, real quick, but eventually we were, like, fuck it. Within a few months, dozens of Al Qaeda members were living in Tehran, undergoing occasional interrogations, aware that their Iranian hosts could betray them at any moment. His electronic files will be deleted from the computer, his paper files will be packed up. But the procedure wasnt carried out properlyhe continued to be in painand by the summer of 2016 it was clear that he required corrective laparoscopic surgery. But it stopped abruptly after a failed assassination attempt against the President, in 2011, which raised questions about whether he was cutting deals with Al Qaeda. That day, Neelys job was to haul captives from a bus to a holding area for processing, and then to small, outdoor cages, where they would spend nearly four months sleeping on rocks, and relieving themselves in buckets, while soldiers constructed more permanent cellblocks. In time, he was given back his pain medication. English was his fourth language. They kept him in alternately hot and cold cells, blasted him with strobe lights and heavy-metal music, and poured ice water on him. He gently held Salahis shoulder, and said, Everythings O.K. Salahi shook his head, and clicked his tongue in disagreement, but refused to speak. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, now 50, was arrested in Mauritania three months after the 9/11 attacks, and detained in Jordan and Afghanistan before being transferred to Guantnamo in August 2002, where his long incarceration included 70 days of intensive torture and three years of 18-hours-a-day interrogations. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, 44, has been held prisoner inside Guantanomo Bay since 2002. The examiner described Salahi, whose answers contradicted everything he had confessed to Zuley in the preceding weeks, as eager to prove that he is providing accurate information. The results were decisive: No deception indicated.. The detainees protested, and so it was decided that every detainee who refused the Quran would be IRFed. While the detainees were receiving medical treatment for their post-IRF injuries, the Qurans were placed back in their cells. Katja's life collapses after the deaths of her husband and son in a bomb attack. IRFing typically involved a team of six or more men dressed in riot gear: the first man would pepper-spray the detainee, then charge into the cell and, using a heavy shield and his body weight, tackle the detainee; the rest would jump on top, shackling or binding the detainee until he was no longer moving. They drove up to the stairs of an airplane, but, Salahi wrote, he was so exhausted, sick, and tired that I couldnt walk, which compelled the escort to pull me up the steps like a dead body.. Canadas Security Intelligence Service began a surveillance operation focussing on Salahi and his associates, but Salahi noticed two pinhole cameras poking through his apartment walls and left the country. According to Wood, the guard drafted a note, but he decided not to submit it. In Islam, the Quran is considered the transcribed word of God; some Muslims keep the book wrapped in cloth, never letting it touch unclean surfaces. By the time Wood left, he had come to accept his guards and interrogators as family. But the government had abandoned the theory that Salahi knew about 9/11 before it happened. After work, Salahi went to his mothers house. No showers for weeks. All rights reserved. In 2014, Salahi collapsed in his cell and was rushed to an operating room for emergency gallbladder surgery. Mohamedou Ould Slahi ( Arabic: ) (born December 21, 1970) is a Mauritanian citizen who was detained at Guantnamo Bay detention camp without charge from 2002 until his release on October 17, 2016. For the first time, he described his experiences without fear of retribution. So far, so good.. So that scared me away, he said. Still, Salahi found his Jordanian interrogators to be highly knowledgeable, and they developed a kind of mutual respect. [4] Slahi traveled from his home in Germany to Afghanistan in December 1990 "to support the mujahideen." He was never charged with a crime, although the U.S. government suspected him of involvement in the September 11th attacks. He was forced to swallow salt water, and, every few minutes, the men packed ice cubes between his clothes and his skin. I felt this decision stemmed from the commands desire to be able to tell the media that we gave all detainees a Quran out of sensitivity to their religious needs, he wrote. The whole time I was thinking, you know, What does he really think of us? he recalled. The journey to Nouakchott took almost three days, with long layovers in New York and Casablanca. I was, like, Maybe hes right. (In fact, the 9/11 plot was organized more than a year before bin al-Shibh visited Duisburg.) Two UNM School of Law graduates, Nancy Hollander ('78) and Teri Duncan ('00), represented Mohamedou between 2005 and 2016, when he was finally released. He let you down! An interrogation memo listed plans to shave Salahis head and beard, dress him in a burqa, and make him bark and perform dog tricks, to reduce the detainees ego and establish control.. If the detainee dies, youre doing it wrong. (Fredman has disputed the accuracy of the meeting minutes. His mother dated a string of alcoholics and addicts, and took the children to an evangelical church on Sundays; Pat Robertsons sermons blasted from the living-room TV. Abdellahi had bought him a new outfit, but Salahi had refused to eat, and the fabric was loose on his shoulders. Everyone, including myself, was very nervous, he said. He wanted to ask Salahi more about its contents, but he suspected that there were microphones and cameras in the cell. Der hat eine recht interessante Vita, war bei Al-Qaida ttig und soll whrend seiner . In 2012, Salahis lawyers won a seven-year legal battle to declassify his diary. But he subsequently forgot the log-in information, and so he never saw a reply. I arrived just before the sunset prayers. Comments. -From Guantnamo Diary, by Mohamedou Ould Slahi It was a simple prayer. It will look worse.. Military doctors offered to take care of it, but Salahi declined; his release date was only a couple of months away, and he wanted to get the surgery on his own terms, once he was free. Every day, Mariem Mint Elwadia asked God for the same thing: She wanted to see her son, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, just one . No prayers, no information about the direction of Mecca. The man confined there was referred to by his detainee number, 760. In September, 2002, Army officers started referring to Guantnamo as Americas Battle Lab., Early in the afternoon of October 2, 2002, a group of interagency lawyers and psychologists met to come up with a framework that used psychological stressors and environmental manipulation to foster dependence and compliance. The C.I.A. He recalled, I took the pen and paper and wrote all kinds of incriminating lies about a poor person who was just seeking refuge in Canada and trying to make some money so he could start a family. Slahi . The U.S. government concluded that he was the leader of the Montreal-based al-Qaida cell., In Guantnamo, Salahi admitted to this and other allegations. Mohamedou Ould Slahi fights for freedom after being detained and imprisoned without charge by the U.S. Government for . I petitioned the Defense Department to allow me to show him the edited manuscript, but they turned me down. In 2015, it was published, by Little, Brown, as Guantnamo Diary.. Steve Wood was elated when he heard the news. It was not every day, the tortureI would say maybe twice a week. While other detainees were mercilessly beaten, strung up by their limbs, and sexually assaulted, he added, all they did was strike me at different times in the face, and hit me against the concrete wall.. Mohamedou Ould Slahi or Salahi (Arabic language: ) (born December 31, 1970) is a Mauritanian who has been detained at Guantnamo Bay detention camp since August 4, 2002. M Despite the Covid pandemic, which postponed its initial release by one year, the biopic "Designated Guilty" (The Mauritanian), adaptation by director Kevin MacDonald of the memoir "Les carnets de Guantanamo" by Mauritanian Mohamedou Ould Slahi, has finally been released. I dont like power, he said. In the minutes before the first detainees set foot on Guantnamo, you could literally hear a pin drop, Brandon Neely, a military-police officer, recalled, in an interview with the Guantnamo Testimonials Project, at the University of California, Davis, in 2008. One of the men momentarily removed Salahis blindfold, and shined a flashlight into his eyes. 2002 and 2003, whenever the foreign minister visited the parliamentary chamber, Badre Eddine demanded to Salahis! 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