Founders of Exponent II Look over "Papa" Ostler's twitter feed and you can find a nice long list of beliefs for which someone ought to have been excommunicated a long time ago without any question. Craig Criddle & Geoff Ulyeman This list is grossly inadequate, but I am hopeful that it is better than what is out there now (which is nothing). The Book of Abraham Effectively, were in the same place we were in before the November 2015 policy, said Christofferson, author of That We May Be One: A Gay Mormons Perspective on Faith & Family. My great hope and prayer is that congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will use this as encouragement to do more to love and welcome their LGBTQ brothers and sisters into their midst, to create a place of acceptance and appreciation for the gifts they bring., So many of us who are LGBTQ advocates, and work for suicide prevention, have hoped and pled for this since the policy was leaked, said Jody England Hansen, a member of the Mama Dragons support group for parents and family of LGBTQ members. Little did he know at that time, he would be reunited decades later with one of his fellow missionaries who happened to be a priest, gay and married. Oaks reiterated the church is not revising its doctrine on homosexuality, which teaches that having same-sex attraction is not a sin, but acting on it is. Im Supposed to Prepare for the Sacrament? The Daily Meditations. He quotes often from the early church fathers and Thomas Merton, but also the Dalai Lama, Islamic Sufi writers, and Hindus. Many members have the experience of personal revelation letting them know such corrections are necessary; its easy to understand that revelation could work that way for the church itself., As the pace of change in our culture quickens, the church will have to be nimble and responsive, Haglund said, and this step seems to suggest new mechanisms for revelatory change., She would, however, like to see the church recognize that in the past 3 years, far too many people and families have been devastated by this policy, said the former editor of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. It is important to acknowledge their suffering, to continue to mourn with and for these Saints, particularly if no official apology is forthcoming., For her part, Blaire Ostler, a self-described queer Mormon sister, believes that queer folks who have been excommunicated and/or disciplined for LGBTQ+ issues should have their excommunication repealed and issued a full reinstatement., Ostler, who is not related to Richard Ostler, further argues that the children who had to have their [planned] baby blessings and baptisms canceled should be issued an apology and that the brethren, as stewards of the church, should apologize to the children affected., We need to learn to live in the paradoxical state of weeping and rejoicing, Ostler wrote, referring to the biblical verse in Romans 12:15. How about add Nadine Hansen who researched and published the finances re: Church and members opposing California Prop 8 ? Lester Bush How Richard Ostler became an LGBTQ ally while serving as an LDS Mormon bishop - YouTube In this edition of East Idaho Newsmakers, Nate Eaton speaks with Richard Ostler. I am Marie Cornwall Joseph Smith teachings I want to easily get back to. This has brought back painful memories and I have cried over the news. He has not been excommunicated, so there may be a range of theology RC church can tolerate. Welcome! This has been pivotal in some British lds folks questioning and leaving the church by one of our own . The Journal of Discourses I believe at the congregation level everyone should welcome, there shouldnt be any belief or behavior hurdle," says Ostler. Jacinda Ardern Episode 615: Bonnie Young, Author of Sex Educated: Letters from a LDS Therapist to Her Younger Self. Richard is one of the three most well-known and loved of living Christian contemplative authors, at least among those writing in English (the other two being Cynthia Bourgeault and Thomas. Learn how your comment data is processed. Welcome to our podcast! The Wanderer newspaper had lots of info on the man, including his weird "Wild Man Retreats" where, to the priest's delight, grown men would get naked in the woods and, uh, bond. Richard Rohr, OFM (born 1943) is an American Franciscan priest and writer on spirituality [1] based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In recent months, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has sent mixed messages to its LGBTQ members. Listen, Learn & Love Hosted by Richard Ostler on Apple Podcasts. No signup or install needed. Re-recording of Ronald Poelman General Conference talk I dont promulgate anything. Richard Ostler is an active Latter-day Saint who supports the Church, its leaders, and doctrine. Classicianus a Roman official was excommunicated along with his entire household by a bishop named Auxilius after he had entered a church to seize several perjurers. Bianca Morrison Dillard The last church leader removed before Lee was Richard R. Lyman, who was excommunicated in 1943 for adultery but baptized again 11 years later. Mandy and Mary Danzig These types of thoughts are not from Heavenly Father. All quotes below by Fr. I plead with you to promote respect for all of Gods children.. By Richard Ostler As the bishop of a young single adult ward, I worked with young adults to help them repent and be refined by the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Exmormon/Recovery From Mormon Website Founders (Eric Kettunen) I nominate the following. Stephen H. Urquhart Radio Free Mormon Lindsay Hansen Park Such harsh and restrictive rules triggered widespread protests and soul-searching. The LDS Black Priesthood/Temple Ban, along with its Reversal Dan Wotherspoon All social media can be used for good, or it can be used for bad, said Ostler. With Him, you can put your sins behind you and become once again as white as snow. With Him, you can become better than you once were. Although, not all of his meetings deal with sexuality. The Excommunication of: The September Six, Denver Snuffer, Kate Kelly, John Dehlin, Jeremy Runnells, Bill Reel, Sam Young, Cody and Leah Young David Ostler (my brother, active Latter-day Saint, former Mission President and Stake President) resource center: Mary Rutt and Shelly Johnson (Latter-day Lesbian Podcast) Chris and Duane Johnson Seeking Feedback and Profiles: Do you have ideas for others to add to the list? David Bednar But there is great danger to the souls of those who passively leave such characters in the church, who ought to be exercising proper judgment against them. Byron Marchant You can contact me at or via direct message at Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (links in top right corner). Reed Durham Jon Huntsman Jr., Mary Kaye Huntsman and Family An April 2019 Religion News Service article titled, "For Millennials, Mysticism Shows a Path to Their Home Faiths" reveals how young (millennial) evangelicals are "[d]iscovering the Christian mystical tradition through the work of Franciscan friar Richard Rohr." The article states: [Anthony] Graffagnino [28] was one of a number of millennials drawn to The Universal Christa four-day . They are from Satan, who wants you to think your future is a lost cause because of your mistakes. Simon Southerton Joseph Smiths Council of 50 and King of the World anointing And I just said, 'I'll do it.'". Theyve provided much-needed comic relief for manyespecially culture-shocked new Utahns and church- exiting LBGT Mormons. Infants on Thrones Scott Kenney Thanks, Donna! Recommended: Atheist Group Excommunicates Richard Dawkins for Transgender Heresy In particular, the organization cited a tweet in which Dawkins told readers to "discuss" any potential connection. Martha Bradley He hopes they can work with him to make the tent a little bigger. In recent months, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has sent mixed messages to its LGBTQ members. Bob Rees Holly Tholstrom Alden, Mormon Autobiographers Both William S. Godbe and Fanny Stenhouse were former Mormons who were critical of the tradition they left. Hundreds, maybe more, resigned their church membership. John Whitmer Association Jimmy Snow (Mr. Atheist) Nadine McCombs Hansen Richard Ostler served as the bishop for a young single adult ward in Magna, Utah for three years. We cant wait to hear from you. #DezNat may not be to everyones taste, Bellum wrote in the blog post. Lindsay Hansen Park Julie de Azevedo-Hanks Jenny Morrow I believe in and am deeply committed to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and want it to . Lavina Fielding Anderson Benchmark Books Team (Curt Bench, Chris Bench, and Bryan Buchanan). to mormonstories. My wife and I currently serve as temple workers. Richard Rohr was a dissident, New Age guru-priest to be avoided at all costs. Ostler is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who became an LGBTQ ally while serving as the bishop of a singles congregation in Salt Lake City. We'll need champions of science like Richard Dawkins to win the war on woke orthodoxy The American Humanist Association stripped Dawkins of its 1996 Humanist of the Year award after he tweeted . How the Savior's Healing Power Applies to Repenting from Sexual Sin. Sarah Newcomb (Lamanite Truth) Shes had a profound presence in Mormon feminism since the mid 1970s (see her participation in Sunstone Symposiums, and as being the co-founder of Ordain Women, which she continues to contribute to. Gina Colvin Excommunication from the LDS Church is the most serious form of discipline. A little note on men like Joseph Smith and Moses, Joseph Smiths vision explaining a key point about D&C 132 and polygamy. Statement of Purpose: In 2020 we are experiencing a Mormon Renaissance of sorts, as the LDS church (under President Russell M. Nelson) is making historic changes to accommodate long-fought-for progressive and post-Mormon concerns. You can submit your own stories, ideas, and feedback at Stephenie Sorensen Larsen and Encircle Polygamy, Polyandry, & D&C 132 The @JReubenCIark account has targeted both Latter-day Saints and other individuals with vulgar messages, and some tweets called for vigilante violence, according to The Guardian. Makers of Big Love In addition, officials said, the revamped policy clears the way for babies of such couples to be blessed in a traditional church ceremony. Four decades earlier, in 1943, then-apostle Richard R. Lyman was excommunicated from the church for adultery. You can contact me at or via direct message at Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (links in top right corner). Realize That Heavenly Father and the Savior Are Waiting to Forgive You. Anonymity on the internet can sometimes lead people to act less civilly than they would in person. In his book, he includes hundreds of personal . But, his primary focus has always been education and he returns to Utah to cover the same schools he was teaching in not long ago. Elijah Abel All male priesthood / patriarchy Lucy Mack Smith Charles Larson (By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus) Charles Harrell Joanna Brooks The Deseret News reviewed documents, allegedly compiled by a group called Utah Anti-Fascists, that claim to identify Cicotte as the user behind the @JReubenCIark account. Listen to Episode 83: Devin Rios, Age 21, Queer, RM, Excommunicated, Believes/Loves The Church and 611 more episodes by Listen, Learn & Love Hosted By Richard Ostler, free! In addition to serving as a YSA bishop, I have served as a stake Young Men president, high councilor, and ward mission leader. He wins when he can make you believe that you will never be fully forgiven of your sins. While Fr. Churchs promotion of conversion/reparative therapy, celibacy, and mixed-orientation marriages for LGBTQ Mormons KUER is listener-supported public radio. Required fields are marked *. Richard Ostler, 60, is a member of the church who lives in Salt Lake City who said he felt spiritual promptings to reach out to struggling LGBTQ members through Twitter. Mette Ivie Harrison, Awareness and Support for Mormons in Faith Crisis I am not a Mormon and was not raised in the Mormon Church. Esther Peterson Richard H. Ostler, a former YSA bishop and small business owner, speaks at firesides and conferences about how to more fully embrace LGBTQ Latter-day Saints, see their gifts and contributions, and better understand their unique road. Dunstin Lance Black We are thrilled. Many consider Rohr's teachings very attractive, like flashes of gold in the mundanities of life. Marty Erickson Richard Dutcher In the 20th, excommunications of leaders were far more rare, but there were some major ones, especially when Apostle Richard R. Lyman was excommunicated in 1943 for what the Church described in. The Joseph Smith Papers Project Inspired by what he heard he applied for the Kroc Fellowship at NPR headquarters in DC and to his surprise, he got it. Gina Colvin (A Thoughtful Faith) Lavina Fielding Anderson Repentance is an individual process that begins with Godly sorrow and ends with a change of heart and behavior. Ostler often gets asked about LDS Church policy and doctrine and whether it can change in the future. A. For all the cruelty that exists on social media, many have found communities on Twitter where they feel accepted and understood, and many Latter-day Saints have used channels to share spiritually uplifting material. Officially a "Franciscan priest", Mr. Rohr ordained in 1970 in the doubtfully valid Novus Ordo rite of Paul VI is a . Even believers felt wounded and betrayed. Tinesha Zandamela noticed some of the same accounts that attacked her with racist commentary when she was running for Provo City Council in 2017 later started using the #DezNat hashtag. Kattie Niu Mount and Allan Mount What we know and dont know, When your adventure partner keeps demanding gummy bears, Will the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade? Cindy Spencer Le Fevre LDS Church refusal to apologize for mistakes or. "I finally just said I'm wiping my hard drive clean," Ostler says. Jeffrey de Freese Ann Eliza Young Brother Ostler serves as a counselor in a branch Sunday School presidency and is a former stake president, counselor in a stake presidency, stake Young Men president, bishop, counselor in a mission presidency and missionary in the Japan Fukuoka Mission. I believe this is the right message to members of the church to not single out those in same-sex marriages.. Peggy Fletcher Stack I think its sad when anybody resorts to bullying or attacking people on the internet, especially when they are anonymous, said Hintze. I am the author of "Listen Learn and Love: Embracing . Please see our Mission Statement under "About Us." Doctrine of a dark skin curse (both of African-descent, and Native Americans via Book of Mormon) Annie Clark Tanner, author, Mormon Mother.. Richard Sherman, the 49ers' veteran cornerback, was born in Compton in March 1988. Bengt Washburn I am defining an influencer as a person or organization who is widely admired for achievements, courage, or noble qualities. Anti-science rhetoric (6,000 year earth, global flood, Kolob, evolution bad) "I don't know what's good or bad in here regarding my LGBTQ conclusions. Bruce R. McConkies Mormon Doctrine Richard Ostler (Papa Ostler) See Photos. He was bishop of Arlington VA Ward during ERA and she was editor of Dialogue. Book of Commandments / The Doctrine and Covenants The LDS Gospel Topics Essays Fanny Stenhouse for 1872 Tell it All and her husband T.B.H. David and Lars Nielsen, Progressive and Post-Mormon Philanthropy Tyler Glenn John & Brooke McClay Both He and the Savior are overjoyed when you reach for Them to help you overcome your sins. Laura Compton and Nadine McCombs Hansen Jeremy Runnells In August that year, gangsta-rap group N.W.A. His Facebook posts would get a lot of attention, but it was something he saw on Instagram that really changed things for him. I had a chance to do often 20 to 30 interviews a week. D&C 29:40 Wherefore, it came to pass that the devil tempted Adam, and he partake of the forbidden fruit and transgressed the commandment, wherein he became subject to the will of the devil, because he yielded unto temptation. He is the host of the Listen, Learn and Love podcast ( which provides a platform for LGBTQ Latter-day Saints to . I nominate the comedy parody trio The Saliva Sisters for the music section. Tyler Glenn Daniel Peterson She was once the most famous, most sought after musician in the world. Jld Ian July 30, 2019 at 2:48 pm Cardinal McCarrick hasn't been excommunicated either so that's not really a standard. Darron Smith John Gee Mark Naugle (Quitmormon), Unintentional Members (People who contributed to the Progressive/Post-Mormon Cause Unintentionally): Joseph Smiths first vision Rohr postulates that Jesus and Christ are two distinct beings; that Jesus was a man who lived 2000 years ago, and that Christ is an eternal being. Terry Tempest Williams, Proponents of Changes to Harmful LDS Policies and Practices SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) A former stake president in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has pleaded guilty in federal court to using his position to scam $1.5 million from friends and. The LDS Temple Endowment Ceremony/Josephs Involvement with Masonry/All the Changes over the years Approach repentance with a positive attitude. God would cast out all cruelty and unkindess from our hearts, but we cannot obtain this without virtue being enthroned as king in our hearts first, A teaching from Joseph Smith that warns of those things we do not perceive and blindly misguide about, We do not doubt the scriptures were inspired even if they sound racist to our false ears, The Savior and the religious zealots of his day. Lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. On Thursday, the Utah-based faith walked back all the hotly disputed elements. Episode 1: Introduction Richard Ostler Episode 1: Introduction 11.7K Privacy policy Read More. Answer: For whatever good he does, Fr. Anthony D. Miller Ed Firmage Jr. These changes do not represent a shift in church doctrine related to marriage or the commandments of God in regard to chastity and morality, the release said. The new rules were unveiled by Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor to church President Russell M. Nelson, at a morning leadership training session for male area presidencies and top female officials. But I also saw so many of these young adults battling Satan, who told them lies to keep them in bondage. EWTN News, Inc. is the world's largest Catholic news organization, comprised of television, radio, print and digital media outlets, dedicated to reporting the truth in light of the Gospel and . Create a free website or blog at During that time, he let his two counselors handle all the administrative tasks so he could be freed up to focus on meeting with the members in his congregation one on one. May be a range of theology RC Church can tolerate, the Utah-based faith back. Whatever good he does, Fr therapy, celibacy, and doctrine often 20 30... Mcconkies Mormon doctrine Richard Ostler ( Papa Ostler ) See Photos Bryan Buchanan ) of These Young adults battling,. Va Ward during ERA and she was editor of Dialogue Benchmark Books Team ( Curt,! 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