308-832-2625, http://www.kearneycounty.ne.gov/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://kearney.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Kearney, County Treasurer:308-832-2730Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Kearney, Renae Zink 229 EastD St - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Nebraska Assessor's Online Search Banner, Box Butte, Boyd, Colfax, Cuming, Dawson, Dueul, Franklin, Furnas, Greeley, Jefferson, Keith, Merrick, Morrill, Nuckolls, Pawnee, Scotts Bluff, Sioux and Wayne Counties 310 Courthouse Dr. The state requires that a county's median property value fall between 92 percent and 100 percent of market value. February 27, 2023 endeavor air pilot contract No Comments . Sarpy County Assessment Rolls
PO Box371 View information about 700 Park Dr, Springfield, NE 68059. Rushville,NE 69360 Courthouse & State Street. As with any appraisal, value is established as of a specific date, and for ad valorem appraisal this date is dictated by statute to be June 30th of the year preceding the reappraisal. https://apps.sarpy.com/taxsale/Taxsaleinfo.pdf
Welcome to the Sarpy County GIS portal, our resource for providing public access to the county's spatial data & applications. Find Sarpy County GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel viewers to search for and identify land and property records. In Nebraska, real property is assessed at 100% of it's market value, except for agricultural or horticultural lands, assessed at 75% of market value and property which qualifies for the historically significant valuation program. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. 921 Broadway Find Sarpy County Home Values, Property Tax Payments (Annual), Property Tax Collections (Total), and Housing Characteristics. 7TH & Washington 308-547-2222, http://www.blainecounty.ne.gov/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://blaine.gworks.com/, Dan Lueken 1210 Golden Gate Dr.,Suite1122 Once you have completed the return, please sign and return a copy to the Sarpy County Assessor's office on or before May 1, 2023 by mail, fax, or email. If you experience difficulties viewing the GIS maps, please call (402) 444-7060, Option 4 or e-mail GIS Mapping . 402-987-2101, Parcel Search:https://dakota.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-987-2135Real Estate TaxWebsite:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Dakota, Lindy (Roberta) Coleman 402-684-3831, http://www.rockcountynebraska.org/government/assessor1.php, County Treasurer:402-684-3515Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Rock, Brandi Kelly 308-754-4261, http://www.howardcounty.ne.gov/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://howard.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:308-754-4852Real Estate Tax Website:https://howard.gworks.com/, MaryBanahan Sidney, NE 69162 Remember to have your property's Tax ID Number or Parcel Number available when you call! Sarpy County Assessor's Office Contact Information Address and Phone Number for Sarpy County Assessor's Office, an Assessor Office, at Golden Gate Drive, Papillion NE. 1510 18th St Treasurer's Office HoursHours: 8 am to 4:45 pm, Motor Vehicles DivisionPhone: 402-593-2148, Real Estate/Property TaxesPhone: 402-593-2143, Sarpy County 1102 Building 1102 E. 1st Street Papillion NE 68046. Madison, NE 68748 Plattsmouth, NE 68048-1964 308-254-2633, https://www.cheyennecountyne.net/county-assessor, Parcel Search:https://cheyenne.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:308-254-2733Real Estate Tax Website:https://cheyenne.gworks.com/, Brenda Hansen View Job description, benefits and responsibilities. Hastings, NE68901 Sarpy County Board of Equalization Property Records
Room110A For personal property tax purposes, property with a federal section 179 deduction is treated exactly like property for which typical depreciation is taken. 1700 Stone St $32,000. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM. View Sarpy County Treasurer's Office list of unclaimed properties by individual or business name, municipality, and amount. https://www.sarpy.com/offices/election-commission/maps. 402-727-3911, https://dodgecounty.nebraska.gov/assessor, Parcel Search: https://dodge.gworks.com/orhttps://dodge.nebraskaassessors.com/, County Treasurer:402-727-2750Real Estate Tax Website:https://dodge.gworks.com/, Walt Peffer The maps and data are for illustration purposes and may not be suitable for site-specific decision making. 529 Seward St., Room206 Sarpy County Assessor's Website
Find Sarpy County Tax Records. Room 202 308-764-2203, Parcel Search:https://arthur.gworks.com/, Kacy Krakow Room104 We also need a copy of your federal depreciation worksheet from you or your accountant. 011608024. TruthFinder. 1 Wellington St Real Property Value Percentage Change 2021 to 2022 (09/2022) Forms Regulations Agricultural and Horticultural Land Agricultural and Horticultural Land Special Valuation Mineral Interests Real Property Exemptions (Permissive and Governmental) Property Tax Exemptions Regulations Property Owned by Governmental Subdivisions Regulations Forms Complete Assessor Address Listing:PDFExcel, Nebraska Assessors OnlineorNebraska Taxes Online(Operated by Nebraska Association of County Officials), Jackie Russell 804 Ivy St An informal discussion with the county assessor may help to resolve an issue or concern regarding your property. Perform a free Sarpy County, NE public property records search, including property appraisals, unclaimed property, ownership searches, lookups, tax records, titles, deeds, and liens. According to the Nebraska Department of Revenue, in 2020 the average property tax rate in Douglas County was 2.3094% while Sarpy County ( Papillion, Bellevue, and Gretna) was 2.2809%. View Sarpy County Assessor's Office general information page, including office hours, duties and contact information. Search Sarpy County Public Works Office survey information by subdivision, surveyor name and dates. 308-345-4388, http://www.co.red-willow.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://redwillow.gworks.com/, County Treasurer: 308-345-6515Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=RedWill, Kimberly Riggs Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Sarpy County Treasurer's Office Property Records
402-887-4515, https://antelopecounty.nebraska.gov/county-assessor, Parcel Search:https://antelope.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-887-4247 or 4239Real Estate TaxWebsite:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Antelope, Becky Swanson Your search returned no results. get driving directions from your location, Sarpy County Board of Equalization Property Records, Sarpy County Public Works Office Land Records, Sarpy County Register of Deeds Property Records, Sarpy County Treasurer's Office Property Records, Sarpy County, NE property tax assessments, Sarpy County GIS maps, property maps, and plat maps, Property records and deeds in Sarpy County. Receive News. APN. If they apply, they are deducted from the assessed value to give the property's taxable value. Stapleton, NE69163 250 S 8th St PO Box8 402-593-2122, Parcel Search:https://apps.sarpy.gov/CaptureCZ/CAPortal, County Treasurer: 402-593-2138Real Estate Tax Website:https://apps.sarpy.gov/CaptureCZ/CAPortal, Rhonda Andresen 308-654-3235, http://www.wheelercounty.ne.gov/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://wheeler.gworks.com, County Treasurer:308-654-3236Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Wheeler, Kurt Bulgrin The assessor also creates value assessments for new construction and determines whether any reassessment is in order when a . Alma, NE 68920 By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms. County Services . 402-374-2926, http://www.burtcounty.ne.gov/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, County Treasurer:402-374-2911 Real Estate TaxWebsite:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Burt, Vickie Donoghue 411 E 11thSt You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. If you have general questions, you can call the Sarpy County . 111 N 13th St Suite10 Douglas County Assessor (402) 444-7060, Option 4. 402-775-2311, http://www.boydcounty.ne.gov/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://boyd.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Boyd, Peggy L. Gross Contact your County Treasurer's office for more information. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Tecumseh, NE 68450 View photos, public assessor data, maps and county tax information. CAREERLINK Easy 1-Click Apply. Property Owner details, Value and Taxes, Location, Lot and Building details. 402-395-2045, http://www.co.boone.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, County Treasurer: 402-395-2513Real Estate TaxWebsite:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Boone, Michelle Robinson Market value has been defined by The Supreme Court as the sale price of real estate as agreed upon between a willing buyer and willing seller, with neither being under duress to buy or sell. Even though this property is depreciated or "expensed out" in one year, it is still taxable for the duration of the appropriate property tax recovery period. 106 S 5th St APN 11601681. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). 2610 14th St http://www.sarpy.com/treasurer/
308-284-8040, http://www.keithcountyne.gov/residents/assessor.php, Parcel Search:https://keith.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Keith, County Treasurer:308-284-3231Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Keith, Suzy Wentworth 621 N Cedar St 402-497-3791, https://co.keya-paha.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://keyapaha.gworks.com/, County Treasurer: 402-497-3891Real Estate Tax Website:https://keyapaha.gworks.com/, Sherry Winstrom View Sarpy County Treasurer home page, including hours, phone number, and address. The Sarpy County Tax Assessor will appraise the taxable value of each property in his jurisdiction on a yearly basis, based on the features of the property and the fair market value of comparable properties in the same neighbourhood. Please review your preliminary valuation listed on Sarpy County Property Search website and contact the Assessor's office, 402-593-2122, prior to March 1 should you feel the valuation does not reflect market value. Sarpy County Deed Search
402-245-4012, http://www.co.richardson.ne.us/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://richardson.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-245-3511Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Richardsn, TJ Ellermeier PO Box349 Special requests for data collection should be directed to the Geographic Information Department. Find Sarpy County, Nebraska tax warrant and lien information by delinquent tax payer name and case number. Wilber, NE 68465 Harrisburg, NE 69345 The Assessor's Office is located just north of the County Court House, in the Cass County Annex which is on the corner of N. 4th St. and Ave. A; downtown Plattsmouth. Douglas County Assessor's Website http://www.dcassessor.org/ Visit the Douglas County Assessor's website for contact information, office hours, tax payments and bills, parcel and GIS maps, assessments, and other property records. Papillion,NE 68046 The Sarpy County Assessor's Office, located in Papillion, Nebraska, determines the value of all taxable property in Sarpy County, NE. Upgrade your property research with an extensive tax report like the sample below. Search. 402-439-2210, http://www.co.stanton.ne.us/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://stanton.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-439-2223Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Stanton, Amy Peterson 402-296-9310, Parcel Search: https://gis-cass.hub.arcgis.com, County Treasurer: 402-296-9320 Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Cass, Becky Dresden 308-425-6229, http://www.co.franklin.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://franklin.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Franklin, County Treasurer:308-425-6265Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Franklin, Regina Andrijeski 365 N Main St., STE 7 You may also print your property tax receipt and/or statement online at: Go to Sarpy County Property Lookup page; enter your 9 digit parcel number or address in the appropriate box and follow the links to your real estate tax statement and receipts. Find Sarpy County, Nebraska real estate and property deeds, including options for accessing records, types of records, and fees. Phone: (718) 715-1758 Wahoo, NE 68066 See if the property is available for sale or lease. To view the property on the map, single click the property and select the For the most up-to-date mapping data, please use the Advanced Map. You'll see all of the factors that drive its property tax bill, as well as a wide range of data points, such as its improvements and sales. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Privacy Policy http://apps.sarpy.com/sarpyproperty/default
Obtain your Nebraska Personal Property Return from Sarpy County. Find Sarpy County residential property records including property owners, sales & transfer history, deeds & titles, property taxes, valuations, land, zoning records & more. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. 402-385-2251, http://thurstoncountynebraska.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://thurston.gworks.com/, County Treasurer: 402-385-3058Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Thurston, Linda Waltman Schuyler, Ne68661 Property assessments performed by the Assessor are used to determine the Sarpy County property taxes owed by individual taxpayers. Grant & Harrison St https://www.sarpy.com/offices/treasurer/unclaimed-property
PO Box868 308-534-4350, http://www.co.lincoln.ne.us/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9&Itemid=20, Parcel Search:https://lincoln.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:308-534-4350 Ext 120Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Lincoln, Debbie Myers 2023 County Office. Terms and Conditions. Find Sarpy County, Nebraska tax warrant and lien information by delinquent tax payer name and case number. Harrison, NE 69346 Preliminary valuation review does notrequire a protest filing. http://apps.sarpy.com/sarpyproperty/default. View 7501 S 28th St, Bellevue, NE 68147 property records for FREE including property ownership, deeds, mortgages, titles & sales history, current & historic tax assessments, legal, parcel & structure description, land use, zoning & more. PO Box 411 1313 North Main Street 402-376-1630, http://www.co.cherry.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://cherry.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-376-1580Real Estate Tax Website:https://cherry.gworks.com/, Jordan Hajek Office . PO Box248 507 Smith Ave 9-2019. Probation; Public Defender; Register of Deeds; Veterans' Service; Weed Control; How Do I? The Sarpy County Treasurer's Office is now located in the Sarpy County 1102 Building at 1102 E. 1st Street in Papillion. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. PO Box139 https://www.sarpy.com/offices/assessor/homestead-exemption. APN 011608024. . 401 Thayer St Log In Sign Up. 402-821-2588, http://www.co.saline.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://saline.gworks.com/, County Treasurer: 402-821-2375Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Saline, Dan Pittman The property owner still retains the right to file a protest on the property; however, the time period for filing is June 1st to 30th. Alliance, NE 69301 nebraska property tax rates by county. The assessor's office can provide you with a copy of your property's most recent appraisal on request. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates. Close. Sarpy County Public Works Office Land Records
PO Box 67 Visit the Sarpy County Assessor's website for contact information, office hours, tax payments and bills, parcel and GIS maps, assessments, and other property records. Email: [emailprotected], See detailed property tax information from the sample report for 11905 Golden Blvd, Sarpy County, NE. 402-375-1979, http://www.waynecountyne.org/index.aspx?nid=96, Parcel Search:http://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Wayneorhttps://wayne.gworks.com, County Treasurer:402-375-3885Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Wayne, Sonja Krueger View sales history, tax history, home value estimates, and overhead views. About Us Contact Us View Sarpy County Register of Deeds property, historical, and genealogical records. v November 1. miles County Seat: Papillion Area Code (s): 402 Time Zone: Central View detailed county map Return to Top Ponca, NE 68770 424 N Colorado Ave Translate. David City, NE 68632 Explore the apps Related Maps & Resources Explore & download the data Addressing Data Boundary Data 351 Broadway PO Box1270 PO Box758 209 Esther St Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 308-324-3471, https://www.dawsoncountyne.org/administrative/assessor.php, Parcel Search:https://dawson.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Dawson, County Treasurer:308-324-3241Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Dawson, Michele Bartlett 402-426-6800, http://www.co.washington.ne.us/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://washington.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-426-6888Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Washingt, Dawn Duffy About Us Contact Us . 2023 County Office. Aurora, NE 68818 In counties with a population of at least 150,000, the county assessor must provide preliminary valuation change notices by January 15, conduct informal meetings with property owners, and complete the assessment roll by March 25. All Rights Reserved. Sarpy County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Sarpy County, Nebraska. The Department of Revenue has published a Guidance Bulletin . 510 Pearl St This application uses licensed Geocortex Essentials technology for the Esri ArcGIS platform. McCook, NE 69001 Courthouse Square Valuation, Taxes Levied, and Tax Rate Data | Property Assessment Property Assessment Information Valuation, Taxes Levied, and Tax Rate Data Title Property Value, Taxes Levied, and Average Tax Rates 2021-2022 - Excel Version Compare Value and Tax Current and Prior Year (state totals and 93 counties) - Excel Version Taxable property includes land and commercial properties, often referred to as real property or real estate, and fixed assets owned by businesses, often referred to as personal property. Home facts updated by county records on Jun 23, 2022. Sarpy County Assessor's Office. 308-334-5219, http://www.hitchcockcounty.ne.gov/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://hitchcock.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:308-334-5500Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Hitchcock, Timothy L. Wallinger click on "County Parcel ID Search". Sarpy County residents pay $987/mo for 2-bedrooms, according to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. https://www.sarpy.com/offices/assessor/homestead-exemption
PO Box226 The Preliminary Valuations will be displayed on the Sarpy County website beginning January 15. The Sarpy County sales tax rate is %. 1824 N St Sarpy County Treasurer Website
510 Lincoln Ave Chappell, NE 69129 308-728-5081, http://www.co.valley.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://valley.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:308-728-5606Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Valley, Robin Andreasen 121 S Pine St DOR must send approved and denied rosters to the county assessors. Tax year 2023 values are preliminary values only. Valentine, NE 69201 Find 22 external resources related to Sarpy County Assessor's Office. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 301 N Jeffers 111 W Court St You can change the position of your property in relation to surrounding parcels by using the controls on the left. Information found within should not be used for making financial or other commitments. View Sarpy County maps, including county precincts, city wards, and school districts. Terms and Conditions. https://www.sarpy.com/offices/treasurer/unclaimed-property. https://www.sarpy.com/offices/planning-department/regulations. All Rights Reserved. PO Box184 Elwood, NE 68937 Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Clay Center,NE 68933 Center, NE 68724 Check out our full list of services to expand your research beyond information. Create a PropertyShark account and your first property report is on us! PO Box1299 Albion, NE 68620 Grant,NE 69140 : House #: Street Direction: Street Name: Street Type: 11600525. In no event will the assessor be liable to anyone for damages arising from the use of the property data. 6-2021 Authorized by Neb. Online Claims Search: Search the payments made by the county Property Search: Search Sarpy County Property Records Unclaimed Property: State of Nebraska Treasurer's Unclaimed Property Lookup Warrants: Search for active Sarpy County warrants Public Records Request Form: Request various department public records Imperial, NE 69033 Please note that all Preliminary valuations are subject to change prior to March 25 when the assessor must certify the County Abstract of Assessment for Real Property report with the Property Tax Administrator 77-1514. Douglas County, NE provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, current, or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user. 308-946-2443, http://www.merrickcounty.ne.gov/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://merrick.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Merrick, County Treasurer:308-946-2171Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Merrick, Rose Nelson Sarpy County Board of Equalization Property Records, Sarpy County Public Works Office Land Records, Sarpy County Register of Deeds Property Records, Sarpy County Treasurer's Office Property Records, Where to get free Sarpy County Property Records online, How to search for property titles and deeds, What property information is available for Sarpy County, NE records searches, Where to find Sarpy County Clerk, Tax Assessor & Recorder of Deeds records. Home facts updated by county records on Jan 31, 2023. Springview,NE 68778 612 Grant St Unincorporated Sarpy County Licensing Information You may license your pet online, by mail, at participating vet clinics, or in person at the Nebraska Humane Society. Search Sarpy County, Nebraska building inspections, including safety reports, code violations, and liens. https://sarpy.com/offices/assessor
308-327-5652, Parcel Search:https://sheridan.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:308-327-5651Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Sheridan, Sherie Kuszak Full Address Search Full Address: Owner Search Owner Name: Parcel Id: Key No. 04 Banner Website 05 Blaine WebsiteIf using this website to find your parcel ID, you must add a leading zero (0) to the parcel . 308-436-3207, Parcel Search:https://banner.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Banner, County Treasurer:308-436-5260Real Estate TaxWebsite:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Banner, April Warren https://maps.sarpy.com/
515 Box ButteAve. All persons, partnerships, corporations, proprietorships, companies, firms, farmers, ranchers and other entities holding or owning tangible, depreciable personal property subject to taxation on January 1, 12:01 am of each year must file a Nebraska Personal Property return. 148 W 4th St Suite6 View Sarpy County, Nebraska building codes, zoning regulations, development regulations, and other online services. Use the county website link for the county where the parcel is located. For Sale: 2 HWY 243, Cabazon, CA 92230 $15,000 MLS# IV22033250 Land Has a view of the City of Cabazon. 402-746-2717, http://www.co.webster.ne.us/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://webster.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-746-2877Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Webster, Cara Snider Approved. Thedford, NE 69166 Nelson, NE 68961 Sarpy County. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). 1555 Colfax St 11601681. Do you agree to proceed to Douglas County property data with a complete understanding of the above disclaimer? PO Box 250 77-1345. Home Driver and Vehicle Records Vehicle Registrations Registration Fees and Taxes Motor Vehicle Tax Motor Vehicle Fee Registration Fee Alternative Fuel Fee NOTE: Some localities collect additional local fees and taxes. View Sarpy County, Nebraska property tax exemption information, including homestead exemptions, low income assistance, senior and veteran exemptions, applications, and program details. Property tax is calculated by multiplying the assessed value with the corresponding levy rates and is an estimate of what an owner not benefiting from tax exemptions would pay. 308-995-4061, http://www.phelpsgov.org/webpages/assessor/assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://phelps.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Phelps, County Treasurer: 308-995-6115Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Phelps, Jean Lubke These records can include Sarpy County property tax assessments and assessment challenges, appraisals, and income taxes. This eliminates the personal property exemption for the first $10,000 of valuation of a taxpayer's tangible personal property in each tax district for tax year 2020 and each tax year thereafter. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. 101 South Broadway . 111 W Fairfield St 222 S 4thSt DOR sends letters to all those qualifying for less than a 100% exemption. 225 N 4th St., Room 202 View photos, public assessor data, maps and county tax information. 101 South Kildare Land use . 200 S Lincoln Rm 101 Butte, NE 68722 Search Sarpy County, Nebraska building inspections, including safety reports, code violations, and liens. View Sarpy County Assessor's Office general information page, including office hours, duties and contact information. Sarpy County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in Sarpy County, Nebraska. 402-372-6000, Parcel Search:https://cuming.gworks.com/orhttp://www.nebraskaassessorsonline.us/search.aspx?county=Cuming, County Treasurer:402-372-6011Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Cuming, Elise Taylor Please read below for further information before beginning. APN 11600525. . Valuation Lookup Disclaimer The Douglas County, NE Geographic Information Web Server provides online access to geographic and property record information currently maintained by Douglas County, NE for individual parcels of property. APN 11601681. . Sarpy County Property Records
Sarpy County Treasurer's Office Property Records
402-335-6303, https://johnsoncounty.ne.gov/county-assessor.html, Parcel Search:https://johnson.gworks.com/, County Treasurer:402-335-6310Real Estate Tax Website:https://nebraskataxesonline.us/search.aspx?county=Johnson, Jennifer L. Pittner Nebraska real estate documents that contain information related to Sarpy County, Nebraska tax warrant and information!: //www.sarpy.com/offices/assessor/homestead-exemption PO Box226 the Preliminary Valuations will be displayed on the Sarpy County Assessor 's general... Source: U.S. Census Bureau ; American Community survey, 2018 ACS 5-Year.. You experience difficulties viewing the GIS maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for and... And genealogical records viewing the GIS maps, including County precincts, wards... Others by sharing new links and sarpy county assessor valuation lookup broken links Treasurer 's Office Deeds. 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