33 Reply [deleted] 7 yr. ago Tell them you carry it for everyday things. If youve ever owned a kitchen knife for cutting meat before (and you likely have), you know theyre not built to last. See 730 ILCS 5/54.555.Feb 13, 2011. I imagine you could do a lot of damage to an attacker with something within legal definition (or no weapon at all, or a makeshift implement off the street) and be in deeper waters depending on the amount of harm done to the attacker than if you were to cause severe harm with a 3.1 blade? This is unlike some other states who have determined that knives with holes to place your knuckles threw do count as metal knuckles. Im not getting nothing as far as help looking on the net. 3 attorney answers. Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. In most states it comes down to intention or appearance of intention. There are different tools and equipment that we typically require to use in various situations in our lives. You can, however, own knives longer than that just stay off those properties. As far as the actual legality, in your shoes I would ask a local para-legal for advice on this matter since it may be close to the border of legal/illegal. However, for what its worth, the ordinance is fairly clear when it comes to knives in Chicago. For myself, having looked into this, for EDC, my knife blade of choice is going to be 2-7/8 inches. Brass knuckles of any type and material are prohibited in Illinois. -An Illinois Digital I.D. Im sorry Im so confused. It is one step below a felony offense. If you are caught with brass knuckles, you will be charged with Unlawful Use of a Weapon, a Class A Misdemeanor. Thats just my 2 cents.cheers,J. "I had no idea," said Phillips, 21, who spent that night in jail. Or does the context of self defense cover you? Would OTF knifes legal in Illinois it says multiple times with valid foid card is this true. You can carry any knife you want as long as you do not have the intent to harm someone. Assisted open and switchblades are two different categories. In August of 2017, Illinois Public Act 100-0082 was revised to allow for ownership and carry of a switchblade knife as long as you posess a valid Firearms Owners Identification (FOID) card. Why tf would you carry a rail road spike? Other states only ban metallic brass knuckles or apply age restrictions to ownership of them. (a) A person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he knowingly: (1) Sells, manufactures, purchases, possesses or carries any [] metal knuckles or other knuckle weapon regardless of its composition, throwing star, or any knife, commonly referred to as a switchblade knife, which has a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, or a ballistic knife, which is a device that propels a knifelike blade as a projectile by means of a coil spring, elastic material or compressed gas; or, (2) Carries or possesses with intent to use the same unlawfully against another, a dagger, dirk, billy, dangerous knife, razor, stiletto, broken bottle or other piece of glass, stun gun or taser or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument of like character; or. The other police officer said legal or not, hell arrest any questionable or suspicious individual carrying anything other than what he considers a standard folding pocket knife. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Other knives that are not switchblades and ballistic knives are not banned. Brass knuckles are considered a deadly weapon in Illinois, just like a knife or a gun. Self-defense does not mean youll harm someone any more than an armed police officer WILL use his gun for sure to shoot someone. A ID from another state is not valid in cash-strapped Illinois. For example, states such asCalifornia, Michigan, Illinois, and Vermont prohibit the possession, sale, or use of brass knuckles. As someone pro gun and pro carry it's kinda bizarre to me how concealable weapons like knives and brass knuckles are so heavily stigmatized or outright illegal when they are all less lethal than a firearm, especially when it comes to things that are actually intended to be less lethal, like saps, batons, and mace. However, they are considered a weapon, and therefore, you need a conceal-and-carry license in order to hide or transport brass or metallic knuckles out of your home. (a) Whoever possesses or stores any weapon enumerated in Section 33A-1 [720 ILCS 5/33A-1] in any building or on land supported in whole or in part with public funds or in any building on such land without prior written permission from the chief security officer for such land or building commits a Class A misdemeanor. Overview of Illinois Knife Laws Illinois represents one of several states that refer to intent when it comes to determining the legality of possessing a knife. Although injuries from brass knuckles are usually serious but non-fatal, there are some cases where the use of brass knuckles has resulted in death. (1.5) A person who violates subsection 24-1(a)(9) in any school, regardless of the time of day or the time of year, in residential property owned, operated, or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development, in a public park, in a courthouse, on the real property comprising any school, regardless of the time of day or the time of year, on residential property owned, operated, or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development, on the real property comprising any public park, on the real property comprising any courthouse, in any conveyance owned, leased, or contracted by a school to transport students to or from school or a school related activity, in any conveyance owned, leased, or contracted by a public transportation agency, or on any public way within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising any school, public park, courthouse, public transportation facility, or residential property owned, operated, or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development commits a Class 3 felony. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, Begin typing to search, use arrow you MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION from whoever is in charge of security for each and every property (by building if they have their own security) and also by each town, city, state agency, etc. This means other than on completely private property (excluding private property supported by grants, subsidies, TIFs, etc.) I certainly dont intend to harm anyone with my collection. It means one fully sharpened side and other side or, spine of knife partially sharpened be it tip or close to hilt. 16 for a folding knife under 16 and 18 for anything over. A single finger brass knuckle is equivalent to a full-fist brass knuckle under the law. DO NOT ever say youre carrying it for self defense you will be charged and arrested. Applications cost $10, may take up to 30 days to acquire, and the minimum age is 21. According to code 720 ILCS 5/24-1 and Section 24-1 of the Illinois Knife Law, it's illegal to carry knives in the following locations . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If anybody would like toread up on SB2535 here is the web address https://www.billtrack50.com/BillDetail/1186769. Kinda confused so can I carry concealed throwing knives that the blades are 5 inches in a public place that isnt a school or places like that as long as I have no intention of hurting someone, I just laughed really hard. -Must have a valid Firearm Owners Identification card. When something threatens my rights, KnifeUp is the first to inform me." This includes anything shaped like a brass knuckle, including jewelry, bags, pendants, or necklaces. I suppose not as long your of age 16+ and its 3. Meaning that a wide variety of knives that are listed as three inches are illegal? Selling Brass Knuckles In Florida is Illegal. It seems unclear. Throwing, Ballistic and Automatic knives are illegal to own at any time. So its legal to carry a bowie knife as long as you do not intend to harm someone? Under N.J.S.A. Its not a standard thing to be carrying on your person so it would raise more questions unless you worked for the railroad or something. It is illegal to carry brass knuckles without a concealed carry permit and can lead to assault charges, fines, and detention. The Law Around Brass Knuckles Legality of Brass Knuckles Before we start, check your local laws before making a purchasing decision. -$150.00 payable with a credit card or electronic check. That said, you must settle the drop point vs clip point debate first. In some countries, it is completely illegal to possess brass knuckles. Its simple When you carry a knife regularly, use it as a TOOL as you can; opening boxes, cutting rope, tape, etc. Ive open carried at high school football games as well as baseball games and basketball too. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. You can carry a 10 hunting blade if your intent is to hunt. Rep. Tony Lovasco introduced the amendment during debate on a . Brass Knuckles and the Law Views on this weapon differ from one state to the next. And trainers are not sharp. The possession of each weapon in violation of this Section constitutes a single and separate violation. You also cannot bring a knife into a school zone, and this includes university campuses. Also where I live ,I walk to a bar,so I dont drink and drive. Essentially, you cant have/own/carry/conceal any knife with a blade longer than 2 inches if youre under 18. The metal frame of brass knuckles is designed to increase the force of a punch and can easily break bones or cause lacerations. All I hear is that there is no limit to what size but then I hear only 3 inches is allowed. a switchblade is not a hunting knife, it is an automatic knife, big difference. -No objections are filed by law enforcement. The paragraph in the Illinois criminal code 5.33 which discusses the 3 blade length is the paragraph of the code discusses aggravated offenses. 1) ANY knife with A BLADE OF AT LEAST 3 INCHES IN LENGTH is enumerated as being a dangerous weapon in Section 33A-1 [720 ILCS 5/33A-1. Because Im not a lawyer, I could get into some trouble if I actually gave you information without stating that Im not a lawyer and you need to get your official info from a lawyer or paralegal in the state of Illinois. Is this ok? I also do not have the intent to harm anyone. Any thoughts on the Cold Steel Double Agent? Now, how to avoid being this? or a less than 3 curved like the spyderco Harpy? I think Id be more comfortable having my knife tucked away under my coat where no one can see it, and therefore, prevent them from assuming the worst. But dont need to get that one officer ???? There is no specific reason why brass knuckles are legal in NY, but it is likely because they are not considered a dangerous weapon. It may deter some attackers, but it would also frighten those who assume that merely having a knife signals intent. This is a continuation of the unlawful use of weapons law. This law bans brass knuckles, throwing stars, switchblades (and other automatic knives), and ballistic knives in the state of Illinois. if your younger than 16 can you carry a lipstick knife for self defense (i love in illinois in a safe area but once it gets dark out or your alone it can get a little sketchy and things have happened in my neighbourhood before where i dont feel as safe as i would with out it but is it illegal for me to carry a lipstick knife or not? Self-defense weapons are an important part of personal security, and in Illinois, there are a number of legal self-defense weapons you can use to protect yourself and your family. Ive been in bars where the police have come in, looked directly at my knife and have never said a word. You can NOT use any artifice or creative argument to change the length of a knife. Good thing I dont live in Chicago, seems like they are strictly bad in that area. South Carolina only bans brass knuckles if they are used with the intent to commit crimes. Save carrying that for the zombie apocalypse. Not everyone with an Auto has the intent of being a little gangbanger. (2) A person who violates subsection 24-1(a)(1), 24-1(a)(2), or 24-1(a)(3) in any school, regardless of the time of day or the time of year, in residential property owned, operated or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development, in a public park, in a courthouse, on the real property comprising any school, regardless of the time of day or the time of year, on residential property owned, operated or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development, on the real property comprising any public park, on the real property comprising any courthouse, in any conveyance owned, leased or contracted by a school to transport students to or from school or a school related activity, in any conveyance owned, leased, or contracted by a public transportation agency, or on any public way within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising any school, public park, courthouse, public transportation facility, or residential property owned, operated, or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development commits a Class 4 felony. You best have an Illinois FOID. Chicago city proper for instance has much tighter rules as you would probably expect. A Category II weapon is any other rifle, shotgun, spring gun, other firearm, stun gun or taser as defined in paragraph (a) of Section 24-1 of this Code [720 ILCS 5/24-1], knife with a blade of at least 3 inches in length, dagger, dirk, switchblade knife, stiletto, axe, hatchet, or other deadly or dangerous weapon or instrument of like character. Brass knuckles are considered a deadly weapon in Illinois, just like a knife or a gun. You can have a switchblade if you have a valid FOID card. Why cant we get clarification from anyone? Please note that Chicago may be an exception, so be sure to check for Chicago-specific laws. The main reason they are likely still banned is that no one cares. Used on one or both hands, brass knuckles are illegal in most states. Hopefully more as a deterrent than actually needing to use (though I can). HOWEVER, as always, dont take my word as final authority. When brass knuckles are used in a fist fight, they can cause serious injuries or death. In addition, they are often associated with criminal activities such as gang fights or robberies. When used properly, brass knuckles can help police officers subdue suspects without causing serious injury, and they can also help protect officers from harm. A school is defined as any public or private elementary or secondary school, community college, college, or university. The email address cannot be subscribed. I ride the Metra too, and if I had to defend my life, I would rather be defending myself in court instead of hoping the court system would make my death right trying to convict a criminal assailant while Im 6 feet under. Other blades that are classified as legal, become illegal in certain circumstances. However, I always have to tell people that Im not a lawyer and you cant take my word as final. A person convicted of a violation of subsection [] 24-1(a)(9) commits a Class 4 felony; [] A person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of subsection [] 24-1(a)(9) commits a Class 3 felony. Published By James G. Dimeas & Associates, Illinois Bill Would Allow Name Changes for Those With Felony Convictions, Schaumburg Police Release Holiday Enforcement Numbers, Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists Releases Annual DUI Survey. I have a carry permit from another state and I am allowed to have my firearm in my vehicle concealed when I am in Illinois. In the battleground, knuckles provided added protection as well as safety when handling swords or punching. Do they make em that small? Some states only ban metallic knuckles, while others ban hardened knuckles of any kind. Why are brass knuckles illegal but not guns? If you are thinking about purchasing a self-defense weapon, it is important to research the laws in your state to make sure you are legally allowed to carry the weapon. It says it is illegal to conceal a blade more than 2.5 inches long in the city of Chicago. So, buy away! Who are u? Theres nothing that says its okay to carry if its visible. If you disagree, please read through the legalese and show me where Im mistaken. -Must have not been in a residential or court-ordered treatment for. In some knives, you even get the bonus of a filleting function where you can separate the meat fish from bone with relative ease. However, there is significant state-to-state variation in the statutes that govern the use and possession of brass knuckles. Is there anything that can be said about this? A) Can someone clarify the legal length? THE GANG BANGERS CAN GET ANYTHING THEY WANT, AND USE GUNS AND KNIVES ANYWAY THEY WANT. A person is considered armed with a dangerous weapon for purposes of this Article, when he or she carries on or about his or her person or is otherwise armed with a Category I, Category II, or Category III weapon. I am 18 with a FOID under my dad who also has a FOID card. Brass knuckles are illegal in some states because they can cause serious bodily injury and death to individuals. You never should say you have a knife for self defense. keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. KnifeUp was founded in 2010. they are too small or in an odd shape that prevent their use. (a) Legislative findings. Bowie knives and other large knives are legal. This means that balisong knives, also called butterfly knives, are legal. It has been awhile since switchblades were made legal to carry in IL, yet no one can tell us if it is now legal to conceal carry a blade longer than 3, with a FOID Card/CCW license. If youre shopping around for the best ceramic knives, then you have come to the right place. I say stay far away from the edge of the cliff rather than seeing how close to the edge you can walk without falling. If you inflicted bodily harm on someone using that dangerous weapon even in self defense, you will probably get arrested and then your fate will be up to a court to decide, much as it would if you had legally shot someone in self defense. "Failing to adhere to this law can result in a misdemeanor." Nothing in this restriction involves intent. Guns can be used for hunting and also have self-defense use. Im assuming most of these laws were written to counteract gang violence in South Chicago. No need to beat around the bush about this. The law also has all these long paragraphs about how committing a crime with a deadly weapon would increase the offense but Im sure that applies to none of you ;-). Why did brass knuckles become illegal? In some areas only the metallic varieties are considered illegal, whereas in others brass knuckles are legal providing they are not used with criminal intent. Switchblades should actually be legal to carry now in Illinois as of late August 2017. No how. Is that legal in Illinois. If you are charged with possession of brass knuckles or arethe victim of a brass knuckle-related crime, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your legal options. whose property you wish to carry on. Because if someone doesnt have time to see that what you have is a knife, they could be ended very easily. I am bumping this, I would like to know as well. Stilletto is a term for type of blade not type of knife. Illinois knife laws are a confusing mess but these are a general guideline you should follow. Not near any schools not in Chicago or any suburb near there, but in small town Illinois. Illinois Law places brass knuckles in the same category as a gun or a knife. Is it illegal to carry a knife if you have commited a class a misdemenor? So, when you use the knife for self defense, your intend to use the shiny part to blind them or something? After you explain its for self-defense, hed probably look at you strangely and wonder why you wouldnt choose pepper spray or something much easier to use and more effective against one or more attackers. ANYTHING ABOVE 3in blade is illegal to carry without a security clearance. i openly carry my knife always, people will always assume the worst, if you are not threatening in any way, there should not be a problem. Would love to hear feedback on this. Weird, open carry on a suburban or city street with your knife is illegal in the woods its legal, To my comment a min ago I looked all over the net and still cant find any answers. Although injuries from brass knuckles are usually serious but non-fatal, there are some cases where the use of brass knuckles has resulted in death. Please update, Illinois law has changed! What if I dont conceal it and carry it open on my belt, is it then considered legal as I am not concealing it? yes railrods are soposed to be bilt by chineses, Why would you need to carry a railroad spike?, no it shouldnt be i have carried one before, Yea carry that spike up your ass that would be legal also. Is it illegal to own a pair of brass knuckles? Best Knife to Cut Meat of 2022: Complete Reviews With Comparisons, Best Ceramic Knives of 2022: Complete Reviews With Comparisons, What Is a Boning Knife Used For: Getting to Know This Handy Tool, Best Boning Knife of 2022: Complete Reviews With Comparisons, Drop Point vs. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. Here are eight reasons why you should consider using brass knuckles in your self-defense: They Are Inhumane: Brass knuckles are not just hard, they are also sharp. I certainly dont consider myself to be a violent person and I have no intention of harming anyone, but dropping to ones knees and begging for mercy in the face of an attacker simply isnt the Marine Corps way. Places You Aren't Legally Allowed to Carry Knives. 2) ANY BUILDING OR LAND supported in whole or IN PART with PUBLIC FUNDS. Also, lots of coyote sightings in area. As such, you need to retain an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you make your case. I work for Cutco, the company that manufacters the KA-BAR knives for our military, and police forces worldwide. The legislature finds and declares the following: (1) The use of a dangerous weapon in the commission of a felony offense poses a much greater threat to the public health, safety, and general welfare, than when a weapon is not used in the commission of the offense. Knives are one such type of tool that is essential for multiple purposes. No. It depends on where you are in IL and the situation. Also called "knuckle dusters" and "knucks," brass knuckles were often attached to knives used in trench warfare in World War I and World War II. -Must not have two or more violations related to driving while under the influence of alcohol, other drugs or intoxicating compounds within the past five years. You figure out the rest. THANK YOU. Injuries from brass knuckles can be severe, as the weapons are composed of hardened material. In general, states that have the with no intent to harm anyone type clauses when asked its recommended you say that it is not carried for self-defense, but for utilitarian uses. This is old information. http://wgntv.com/2013/08/01/family-carjacked-at-gunpoint-in-schaumburg/. Search, Browse Law Florida law does make it illegal to manufacture, sell, or expose for sale any instrument or weapon of the kind usually known as brass or metallic knuckles. Its also important to know the county and city ordinances. Ive always carried it on my belt. On the other hand, it is illegal to sell, manufacture, or distribute brass knuckles in Florida. Are you allowed to carry or have in your possession an automatic knife if you currently have a valid FOID card. Clip Point Knife: Ultimate Comparison [2022 Update], http://wgntv.com/2013/08/01/family-carjacked-at-gunpoint-in-schaumburg/, https://www.billtrack50.com/BillDetail/1186769, https://hobanco.com/blogs/news/illinois-knife-laws. 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