consumerism and advertising in the 1950sconsumerism and advertising in the 1950s
The 1950s were sometimes referred to as "the advertiser's dream decade." With the end of the war came a new desire for Americans to spend money. Consumerism is becoming the hallmark of most world economies. It wasn't just the ruined countries of the world that the United States government was providing financial assistance to. After WWII, consumption increased dramatically and the utilization of the television did as well. New York: Business Expert Press. Your email address will not be published. Many people downsized, because of necessity. In partnership with DEKSIA, Roundpeg offers a full suite of Digital Marketing products including web design, base content marketing, & local SEO services. In the U.S., far-reaching advertising trends were established in the cultural and economic environment of the 1950s. | Red Scare & McCarthyism, American Women in the 1950s | Womens Rights & Feminism in the 1950s, Effects of the Civil Rights Movement in America | Influences & Changes, What is Consumerism? Advertisers marketed all products labeled as "easy to use" or "efficient" towards women (Young 48). Mass-marketed, inexpensive LP's or 45's. Rock and Roll music becomes popular with teenagers-debuts in 1951 with DJ Alan Freed who first coined the term. In general, marketing refers to the . Buying Power: A History of Consumer Activism in America. While some of these examples are so absurd theyve become funny to us now, others are nothing short of horrifying. The history of American advertising is something that has always fascinated me. The Great Society Programs & Lyndon B. Johnson | What was the Great Society? If inflation pushes prices up, the index measures by how much prices went up. Its amazing to see how much the visual aesthetic evolved as a result of the changing times. End of WWI, the Treaty of Versailles & the League of Nations. magazine called the agreement the treaty of Detroit. Print ads, by contrast, were two-dimensional and static. Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. Americans were ready to buy homes, cars, clothes and products to validate their leisurely lifestyles. 771 Words4 Pages. Its hard to say what this decades ads will be known for many years from now, but lets hope we land on the opposite end of the spectrum as the infamous 50s and 60s. The uses of the radio were still up but television provided something that radio could not: picture. Merchandising and Promotion Systems in the Film Industry. By 1959, TV commercials could reach 90 percent of all U.S. households, the only medium with that capability. Bill, along with the need for laborers to staff the existing factories, meant that there was a wealth of opportunity for education, employment, and stable income for veterans returning from the front lines. After World War II, the social and economic conditions were ideal breeding grounds for a consumerist mindset and behavior. Advertising still has a long way to go, (Im looking at you high fashion and alcohol brands) but its unlikely any of these ads would stand a chance today. The video above is an Imperial Oil Esso television commercial. The sexism of 1950s advertising is infamous, and for good reason. There is a good reason why the 1920s is regarded as roaring 20s . The introduction of the credit card system assisted consumers in achieving this new dream. This decrease in the quality and longevity of manufactured goods is just one criticism of the consumerist trend. Consumerism is therefore not simply one of many possible individual "life styles"; it is a built-in tendency within capitalist economies. Purchasing for the home helped alleviate traditional American uneasiness with consumption: the fear that spending would lead to decadence.". Planned obsolescence is just one area that leads to criticism of consumerism by economists, environmentalists, and even consumers. Presenting case studies of well-known shows including Will and Grace, Birds of a Feather, Sex and the City and Absolutely Fabulous, as well as 'reality' television, this book examines the transformations that have occurred in consumer society since its appearance and the ways in . They clung to their luxuries or longed for their return. Ajax Cleanser's pixies and marching spark plugs and sausages appeared in early '50s ads. The interstate highway system benefited the country in many ways. A key component of the Marshall Plan was that the purpose of aiding Europe's economic recovery, especially in the former Axis nations of Italy and West Germany, was to raise the standard of living through easy access to affordable luxuries. The target market were the millions surging into the middle class, and the preferred payment was credit, which was an important new development since the nation was prosperous, but not as prosperous as they may have believed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Let's talk about chatbots. The 1950s could be called the advertiser's dream decade. Advertising boomed in the 1950s because of America's culture at the time and TV's massive reach. TV was a real gift to manufacturers because it permitted a great deal more advertising to reach American households. America had an electronic mall by the mid-'50s. Marketers studied their buying habits on behalf of businesses and created advertising for everything from clothing to music. In fact, the American consumer was praised as a patriotic citizen in the 1950s, contributing to the ultimate success of the American way of life. Consumer Spending, 1950-1960. The consumers union reports emerge in the same year. Much of this cash was burning holes in the pockets of millions of Americans just waiting for the day when they could spend it on washing machines, cars, and other long-deferred goods (Cross). However, in the 1950s, factories and labour, which were used to produce weapons, planes, and ships during the war, became idle and . Advertisers began a slow trek to TV by the early 1950s. On average, wives made 75% of all the purchases for her family. Find the perfect 1950s american consumerism stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. While the decades were similar in heightened . TV became the first medium to make selling products its main purpose. Ad agencies helped their TV-sponsor clients pick the shows that would air and decide on the content. The orders were delivered the following morning. Government efforts placed this ideal in reach of the average veteran through measures like the G.I. Pent-up consumer . But income inequality persisted, and people questioned whether the government should intervene to balance the scales. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; At the end of World War II, American soldiers returned home to a country quite different from the one they had left four years earlier. These goods became more than just tools and necessities, evolving into entertainments, luxuries, and status symbols. Kevin has edited encyclopedias, taught history, and has an MA in Islamic law/finance. Americans also purchased refrigerators and radios. Americans spent their money on cars, televisions and other modern appliance, Library of Congress, Sign up for the American Experience newsletter! By the end of the 19th century, mass production had led to a retail boom, with the average citizen able to afford store-bought goods for the first time and finding them in large quantities in storefronts, mail-order catalogs, and department stores. But behind the myth of the games creation is an untold tale of theft, obsession and corporate double-dealing. - Definition & History, William Monroe Trotter: Quotes & Biography, Cordell Hull: Secretary of State & Biography, Neil Armstrong: Biography, Facts & Moon Landing, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. What Is the Most Common Criticism of Advertising. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. An error occurred trying to load this video. When asked how she recruited new dealers to her Tupperware distributorship, Jean Conlogue noted, "We tried to fill a need for something that they wanted, like new carpet, or a new refrigerator, and then we would map out for them how many parties they would have to hold." American banks thought of a solution, however, with the introduction of the credit card. She holds a Masters Degree in Teaching Middle Grades Social Studies and Science from Mercer University, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Emory University. Others were filthy. 1950s American culture was characterized by a boom in consumerism, which bolstered the economy and left cultural impacts as well. Popular destinations included the multitude of drive-in movie theaters and carhop restaurants that appeared almost overnight. Philosopher Ayn Rand invoked the benefits of a free and unregulated marketplace where the most competitive individuals could thrive. Movies would offer double features for the price of one and products could be paid for in installments. With many new additions, advertising was able to exponentially grow and did so through the use of the newspaper and television (technological . Relatively untouched by World War II, American industry was able to quickly rebound from a war economy to one rooted in consumerism. They singled out underconsumption as a root cause of the Great Depression, they called for the construction a consumerist political economy and pronounced America to be entering into new era defined economically by consumption and driven politically by the might of organized consumers (Glickman). such as gas stations, motels, and restaurants, which sprang up at interstate exits. With women in the sixties earning, on average, just 60 cents for every dollar a man made, it becomes easier to understand just who these advertisements were targeting. Bill, which gave homecoming veterans the economic support they needed to achieve the goals of higher education and home ownership. A Consumer Republic. After World War II, consumer spending no longer meant just satisfying an indulgent material desire. More, Newer, Better The introduction of the credit card in the late 1950s allowed Americans to spend beyond the means of their income. Potter's analysis seems to suggest, as did other analyses of the 1950s that still guide our thought on this matter, that people need to be instructed in the emotions as well as the arts . rejecting consumerism, the economy would face very serious difficulties. The economy was booming and everything was all jukeboxes and wholesome family dinners. Some stores lured women in the promise of a luxurious shopping experience coupled with fancy decorations and goods while other stores sold large amounts of goods at lower prices with no luxurious finishes. View all posts by adverthist * posted on July 11, 2011 by . Researching the history of product advertising and consumerism since 1865. It is arguably, but it might be referred as the religion of 20th and 21st centuries (Miles, 1998). It was created to provide information on goods and services. This chapter examines how consumerism came to play a role in the American society of the 1950s important enough as to be equated with the fundamental achievements of the United States. An error occurred trying to load this video. The products sold on TV defined the '50s. Tupperware culture is infused with the rhetoric of positive thinking manuals, a genre of writing with a long history in the United States. State and federal lawmakers responded by funding new highway construction programs. In 1952 alone, 3.9 million babies were born and an average of 4 . Weve seen a welcome change in the past few years, where many advertisers are promoting more positive messages. After the tumult of the 1930s and 1940swith their sustained economic depression (1929-41) and world war (1939-45)the 1950s did seem quiet. Today, the system has about 45,000 miles of highway. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Thank you to the following lenders for making this exhibition possible:Tom Albrecht, Steve Cabella, California Historical Radio Society, Rudy Contratti, Costas Just Things, Barry S. Dagestino, Heather David, John Eckland, Abe Garfield, Pam Groot, Matt Householder and Candi Strecker, Jeff and Stacy Keller, Steve Kushman, Mickey McGowan and Unknown Museum Archives, The Museum of American Heritage, Pacific Pinball Museum, and Urban Burp Vintage Fabrics. The consumer movement shows that far from a nascent neo-liberal agenda, on offer was a negotiation with the market recognizing both its dynamism and iniquities and crafting . This idea comes from people who are constantly buying more and Get Access To many American livingin the early Depression, the 1920s symbolized excess, a vain and irresponsible decade for which the Depression was punishment (Cross). (Enter your ZIP code for information on American Experience events and screening in your area.). Around town, teenagers took to cruising, a social fad that involved simply driving from one location to another. Consumption overall would rise during this period and continue to form our modern day consumerist society. Bill presented new employment opportunities and income levels increased by up to 5% each year in the 1950s. Join us in an attempt to find out whether the artistic critique of consumerism is powerful enough to fight it, as well as the institutions behind it. 2011. The 1920s and the 1950s were times of substantial growth and economic prosperity. Gender Roles in the 1950s History & Impact | What are Gender Roles? During the Consumer Era, production boomed and consumerism shaped the American marketplace, which spread from cities to suburbs. These billions could not have been made had it not been for the fact that American incomes were, on the whole, among the highest in world history. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Some charged extra for children. As it happened, this elevated standard of living was perceived to align with the developing hallmarks of American culture, the new ''American Dream'' of single-family home ownership with their home outfitted with the latest convenience appliances, from a refrigerator and washing machine to television in the den. Innovations in technology, expansion of white-collar jobs, more credit, and new groups of consumers fueled prosperity. Some were clean. As the population of the United States soared during the 1950s, median family income doubled and the gross national product grew by more than $200 billion. However, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. As Americans tried harder and harder to keep up appearances, Many turned to credit cards and debt by the end of the decade. However, with the challenging economic climate, advertisers are faced with the task of doing more with less, and . Select from premium 1950s Fridge of the highest quality. Among the great powers, it alone still had all of its industrial power intact. Home-front workers found their wallets and purses full, many for the first time in a decade. The United States was the world's strongest military power. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. This department store took window shopping to a new level with a machine called the "Tell-it-to." There are, obviously, some standard modes of practice that are tried and true. The golden era of advertising would cause some pretty massive controversies today. A distinctly American, consumer-based culture developed rapidly after the Second World War. In the spirit of the holiday consumerism propaganda, and the overall joy of buying Christmas presents, a glance back at advertisement propaganda and consumerism culture back in the 1950's reveals that America's target consumers weren't mostly frenzied parents and adults - it was females. They listened to the radio instead of going out to a movie. Initially considered outrageous as it was "race music". Sure, we have plenty of offensive ads today, but few hold a candle to the callous ads of the good ol days.. 1003 E 106th St, Carmel, IN 46280|317.569.1396. While the expansion of the middle class and a corresponding rise in consumerism reached many communities, product package design and advertising images reflect the discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and gender that prevailed at this time. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. During the 1950s, it was easy to see what Churchill meant. Between 12th and 14th Streets Fashion at the time was influenced by the limited resources that were available. Another significant criticism of consumer culture is the human cost of workforce exploitation, especially the practices of slavery, forced labor, and low-wage ''sweatshops'' in developing countries. All this was to make your gas fill-up even more desirable and memorable. Washington, D.C. Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy & Terms of Use). Post-Civil War U.S. History: Help and Review, Changes After World War II: Help and Review, Science & Technology in the U.S. in the 1950s, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses. A cost-of-living index measures differences in the price of goods and services over time. And advertisers were eager to sell goods. Prosperity seemed like a sure thing. JFK's New Frontier Speech & Program | What was JFK's New Frontier? At the same time, factories that had served the war effort shifted to producing automobiles and prefabricated homes, which would populate the earliest subdivision housing arrangements, known as ''Levittowns'' after the originator of the design, William J. Levitt. In 1950, Coca-Cola launched its first television ad campaign using animation and celebrities to endorse their product. Now, with millions of men returning home from the front, these factories were repurposed as part of an effort to claim a ''new normal,'' predicated on the idea of a working man supporting his wife and children. When Was the Red Scare? Experts estimate that upwards of 40 million people worldwide live in a system of slavery to help meet the perceived needs of consumers. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on The advertising industry pushed celebrity endorsements; Loretta Young inconspicuously promoted detergent, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz smoked their sponsor's cigarettes, and Frank Sinatra sang about shampoo. Post-war consumerism reflected the traditional values promoted by politicians and popular culture. What factors attributed to the growth of consumerism in America in the 1950s? Official toys and games were marketed alongside childrens programs and television serials. Some middle class and upper-income families were able to purchase a second car to accompany the families first. Advertising also makes newer forms of media both useful and accessible. In the 1950s, images of the future offered a source of wonderment and fascination, as well as a means of promoting the most up-to-date consumer products. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Luckily, one of the most desirable consumer goods was the television. Providing great service when a customer pulled in would make your station stand out. I feel like its a lifeline. During World War II, the whole country's industrial power had been focused on one thing and one thing only: destroying the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan. This made life at that time an exciting time to be alive; this began the rise of consumerism. A distinctly American, consumer-based culture developed rapidly after the Second World War. Wartime production had helped pull America's economy out of depression, and from the late 1940s on, young adults saw a remarkable rise in their spending power. The American home was at the center of post-war stability. This created opportunities for rapid economic growth, and smart industries were changing gears to take advantage of this new growth. Popular Culture of the 1950s Records. The number of consumer goods increased as businesses refined their mass production techniques to produce good more cheaply and efficiently. if ( 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window ) { the mass production of televisions. In the 1960s, women on average made around $8,000 (adjusted for inflation) per year, compared to nearly $40,000 in 2014. The system of planned obsolescence also accelerated consumption by making goods more affordable while manufacturers made them less durable, ensuring that they would have to be replaced with regular use. Population: 132.2 million (1940), 151.3 million (1950) To. The TV was easily the most important domestic consumer product in the 1950s (Cross). With the things that defined "the good life" within economic reach, working-class people could achieve the upward mobility they craved. This process allowed for the easy import of raw materials from countries like Turkey to be used for manufacturing in Allied countries like England and France, spreading the renewed practices of consumerism around the globe. In addition, television provided a potent medium for advertisers to reach inside American homes, creating desires for other products. I feel like its a lifeline. Create your account, 14 chapters | The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 and the growth of suburbs both . While the digital age has given us many new tools, the rules of good marketing apply. . Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. They would appeal to their sense of a good deal, or more for their money. Much has changed over the last 50-60 years, including the way products are advertised. Consumer Culture Expressed Through 10 Contemporary Art Pieces | Widewalls Do they criticise consumerism or do they celebrate it? After the devastation of the Great Depression and World War II, many Americans sought to build a peaceful and prosperous society. See how consumerism flourished through advertising, higher incomes, and credit cards. 2. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you The credit card industry developed in the late 1950s, with the first card issued by Bank of America in 1958. Find 1950s Fridge stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. An important factor in GMs success was an improved relationship with its workers. Americans achieved a high standard of living, while the economy relied on consumers to drive its growth. Consumer movements continued to develop and coincided with the governments growing role in domestic issues of industry and security. The lure of the new medium and potential for wealth eventually beat out price. | Red Scare & McCarthyism, American Women in the 1950s | Womens Rights & Feminism in the 1950s, Effects of the Civil Rights Movement in America | Influences & Changes, What is Consumerism? "The Good Life" Today, there are Holiday Inns in every state and more than 50 countries. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. 4-minute read. Stores carried everything from portable televisions and pocket-sized radios to space-age toys and plastic dinnerware sets. The economy in the 1950s experienced one of the biggest economic booms in US history. Consumerism and innovations had a large role throughout the time periods. Consumerism has become an inherent part of the contemporary lifestyle. Performers such as Fats Domino and Elvis Presley reached millions of TV viewers, launching rock n roll into the mainstream and a craze for 45-RPM records. The American government intended this plan to be a method for preventing the resurgence of fascism and the spread of communism from the Soviet Union. Rising incomes, easy credit, and aggressive marketing helped create a culture of consumption in the 1950s. These advertisements used animated mascots and celebrity endorsements to highlight the appeal of an array of mass-produced goods, as well as television programs such as Leave it to Beaver that portrayed the idealized American family. Conservatism. At war's end, the items people most desired included televisions, cars, washing machines, refrigerators, toasters, and vacuum cleaners: the machines that would help them modernizetheir lives. The biggest and best-known manufacturing company was the automaker General Motors. Production and consumption accompanied with U.S. involvement in WWII helped bring the U.S. out of the Depression. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to . In recent years, all of these considerations have led to a shift from conspicuous consumerism, buying mass-produced goods for the sake of one's image or social standing, to a developing emphasis on conscientious consumerism, with consumers carefully weighing the impact of their economic decisions. Of highway & 'addEventListener ' in window ) { the mass production televisions... Uses of the changing times, too much of a good reason the practice on. 40 million people worldwide live in a decade and decide on the.! Goods was the World that the United States about 45,000 Miles of highway debt the... The home helped alleviate traditional American uneasiness with consumption: the fear that spending would lead to decadence ``... Advertising for everything from clothing to music a large role throughout the time periods ( Cross ) advertisers reach! And best-known manufacturing company was the World that the United States government was providing financial to! 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