east camp hms pembroke, chathameast camp hms pembroke, chatham
I shall never forget that night the lights fading and the clock stopping we of the rescue party picking out bodies, and parts of bodies, from among glass and debris and placing them in bags, fetching out bodies in hammocks and laying them on a tarpaulin on the parade ground (you could not identify them). In 2003 the Universities of Greenwich and Kent acquired the Drill Shed and adjacent buildings as part of their shared campus development. I also have a photo of him and 11 others in dress uniform in the deck of what is clearly a capital ship. Above: Frederick Isaac Diver, and the cemetery at Thetford where he is buried. If it was incidental music we knew that someone, somewhere was doing the inspection. Your email address will not be published. Wednesday, 14 January 1953 . Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust. The Great War at sea & Flower class sloops in particular. dailyinfo[2]=' 8020 Serjeant Charles POOLE "C" Coy. Photos Canadian Virtual War Memorial. Another casualty of the air raid was Stoker 1stClass Frederick Isaac Diver, born in July 1888.