12 No. with av connection, Roll of paper towels (Science department), Tub Clorox or other disinfecting wipe (Science department), Graphing Composition Notebooks (for Science), Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (Paperback / Personal Size), packages notebook paper (not college ruled), folders with pockets & brads (various colors), composition books (9-3/4" by 7-1/2" bound-not spiral), glue stick or clear tape (5 per semester-more as needed), graphing composition notebooks (8th Grade Science only), set of 100 index cards on a ring (not spiraled) 8th Grade Science Students only, Principles of Human Services (Supplies) - $10, 1 Box of Kleenex (turn into 1st period teacher), 1 Composition Book (100 pages, NOT plastic). Scissors (rounded) 1 package or perforated notebook of graphing paper Eatonville Middle School. We offer students a variety of support tools, whether it is academic or personal issues. Tissues (box) Lists are posted below as they become available. 2022 - 2023 8th Grade Supply List . Composition Notebooks Joplin Schools Parents/Students School Supply Lists. growth of all members of this community we call Post-it Notes (package) bottle washable glue 1 pair of blunt-tipped scissors 1 large pink eraser 12 No. Congratulations to our student mathematicians who helped KCPS emerge as the overall District Champion in the 13th Annual PREP-KC Regional Math Relays! High School Supply List. Scissors (rounded) If you have anyquestions about our school, would # 2 Pencils (package) Email Us. El Paso, TX 79902 Clean Athletic Sock for Dry Erase Board Derby Hills Supply List. Supply Lists Supply Lists JEAN RIBAULT MIDDLE SCHOOL 2019-2020 Supply List 6 Composition Books 2 (2 inch 3 Ring Binders) 3 (1 subject Spiral Notebook (with 3 hole Punch)) 2 packs (Highlighters) 2 packs (Black/Blue Ink Pens) 1 (Clear/Mesh Backpacks) 2 (Glue Sticks) 7 packs of Notebook papers 2 packs (Pencils) School Supply Lists School Supply Lists WS/FCS has an approved general supply list for all grade levels. Spiral Notebooks 3 Prong Folders (w/pockets and holes) Some supplies, such as pencils or crayons, may need to be replenished during the year. Pencil Pouch - Clear - 9 in x 10.5 in - 3 ring, Ruler - 12 in /30 cm - Plastic - Transparent, Dry Erase Markers - Expo - 4 color set - Chisel, Plastic Folders w/pockets & brads (1 each blue, green, red, yellow, orange), Glue - Elmer's - Washable Stick - Purple .21 oz - 6 pk, Highlighter - Pen style - Chisel - Clip - 3 pk: yellow, blue, pink, Mead Spiral Notebook - 3 subject - Wide - Asst. Backpack Supply Lists 2022-23; The supply lists below are for the 2022-2023 school year. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Nutritious Snack & Drink (each day) plastic school supply box: 3: black composition notebooks, wide ruled: 1: primary composition book with red and blue handwriting lines with space for a picture on the top: 1: 1" 3 ring binder, white: 5: two pocket plastic folders w/brads (green, yellow, red, blue, purple) 1: 8 count Crayola washable markers, classic colors 1: headphones: 1 . Grade 3 Supply List 2022-23. Elementary Schools Alcott Elementary School Audubon Elementary School Washable Markers Baby Wipes (container) This is a student-only event Get Directions. The additional items are mandatory by each teacher; they include items such as pencil cases, sharpeners, and calculators. engaging programs where EVERY student can find their place and # 2 Pencils (package) Index Cards Erasers (large/cap) This information will be shared by the teachers during the first week of school. Color. 1 box of 24 count crayons bottle washable glue 7th Grade Supply List. Send email. Baby wipes (container) Dropout Prevention Indicators. Email Us. The uniform supply list and the provision of supplies by the District is an effort by EPISD to bring some financial relief to our families. Baby Wipes (container) School Supply List Standard Mode of Dress (Uniform Requirements) Immunization Information School Meals Application Bus Information SMART Tag Information for Bus Riders Children Interacting Afterschool (CIA) Registration Home Access Center for Parents Schoology for Parents 1:1 Student Device Program Learning Link Information District Calendar 1 large pink eraser })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); You can use this area for legal . go Wildcats! Search GO TO SUBMIT SEARCH. Baby Wipes (container) If you have any further questions about school supplies, please feel free to contact your childs school. We will try to provide the information to you in an alternative format and/or make the necessary improvements to make the information accessible. Elementary Schools - K-4 Supply List. Protractor They'll play their first district game on Saturday, Oct. 29. *All items reflect a general list. Phone: (704)260-6510 / Legal. Colored Pencils 1 pair of scissors Name: Dean Rerekura Mobile: +61 416 150 912 Email: dean@refugeoranpark.church. Dry Erase Marker Baby Wipes (container) Note: For Core Knowledge Pre-K, visit the CK/PK Supply List information webpage. School Supplies. Fax. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. PDF. Ziploc Bags Catheryn Gates Elementary School. Frenship Middle School Supply List 22-23. Below are the recommended list of supplies for all Osceola County Public K-12 schools. Get In Touch. 1509 Sierra Gardens Dr Roseville, CA 95661 The mission of the Eich PTC is to promote a culture of family and community at Eich Middle School. Kansas City Public Schools is conducting a nationwidesearchfor its next superintendent and has contracted with an executive search firm to lead thesearch. Teacherswill share any specific supply needs with students. HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM|MAIN PHONE: 907.746.9251|FAX: 907.761.4076. 2022-23 Elementary School Supplies (English) Comments (-1) 2022-23 Elementary School Supplies (Spanish) Comments (-1) 2022-23 K-5 Virtual Learning . 2 pencils, sharpened Boy - Glue - Elmers - Washable School Bottle - 4 oz. Ziploc Bags Middle School Supply List. The lists are below, listed both on this web page and also as a downloadable and printable PDF. School Supply Lists. 6-8 Supply List 2022-2023; If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Highlighter - Avery - Yellow - Chisel - 1 pk. Account Name: The Refuge BSB: 704922 Account: 100016026. Please help out Eich by making a 3 pocket folders Sheet Protectors Can be purchased at DOLLAR TREE/DOLLAR GENERAL), Backpack Benefits of 2023 MEI Schools. Construction Paper 9x12 - Asst. Julian Curtiss School. Athletics and Pre-Athletics:Uniforms will consist of at least 1 gray t-shirt and 1 pair of purple shorts that will say Pieper Ranch Athletics. - Avery, Markers - Crayola - Classic - 08 Ct - Thick, Sticky Nots - Post It - 3 x 3 - Plain - Yellow - 4-50 Pk, Binder - Durable - View - 1.5 inch - blue - Avery. PE: Uniforms will consist of at least 1 gray t-shirt and 1 pair of purple shorts that will say PR Physical Education. The District also provides equal access to its facilities to the Boys Scouts and other patriotic youth groups, as required by the Boys Scout of America Equal Access Act. Copyright 2023 Eau Claire Area School District. If you are a retail store and would like to receive a compiled PDF of all of our supply lists, please contact the Public Information Office at (316) 788-8403. Cooper Supply List. 12 No. Spiral Notebooks ALL GRADES K-5 Inexpensive headphones/earbuds (labeled in a zip-loc bag. Composition Notebooks Click on the link below to view your school's supply list. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Western Middle School. History (Mr. Liebsch, Mr. Reid, Mr. Seymour, Ms. School Supply Lists for 2022-2023. not able to join us, you can find the resourceshere. 1 large pink eraser Compass Water Bottle (pre-filled each day) Cant Comments (-1) Address. Diapers (if needed) August 10th at 4 pm in the gym. Seguin ECC; Special Sites. On each list you will see general supplies that should be brought to each class as well as specific requests for each content area. High School - Due to the variety of schedules and courses among students, there is no universal supply list for the high school. Certain teachers will require additional supplies specifically relating to their individual classes. Glue Kindergarten Supply List 2022-23. France (French: ), officially the French Republic (French: Rpublique franaise [epyblik frsz]), is a country located primarily in Western Europe.It also includes overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, giving it one of the largest discontiguous exclusive economic zones in the world. Secondary (junior high and high school) school supply needs depend on the student's classes. Eich PTC comprises families, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children at Eich Middl See more (916) 771-1780. We are so very proud of the programmes and departments on our 2 blue or black ballpoint pens El Paso Supply List. Glue (stick/bottle) Grade 6-8 Supply List 2022-23. School Supply Lists. **Elective teachers may ask for additional supplies. Comments (-1) Visit Us. Please note: Any other supply not included on this list will be provided by EPISD at no cost to the student or parent. The School District of Osceola County, Florida, does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities, on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, marital status or genetic information in its educational programs, services or activities, or in its hiring or employment practices. Markers If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. If an athlete is playing football, black cleats are required. Liquid Soap bottles washable white Elmers school glue (no gel), Rolls of paper towels Mega choose-a-size, package 50-count construction paper, non-pad, assorted colors (Girls), 3 prong plastic folders with pockets (1 each- blue, green, red, yellow), 3 hole punch plastic folders with pockets, plastic supply/pencil box, approx. Rockdale Parks and Rec Back to School Jam at Johnson Park Recreational Center. Williams . Ruler (inches & centimeters) bottle washable glue Supplies are to be kept at home and brought to school as needed: Everyone must have their OWN supplies. Welcome to Myschoolsupplylist.com where our goal is to make school supply shopping easy for Parents, Teachers, Children, and anyone else in need of School Supplies. 2022-2023 District Calendar. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), TheSupply Lists have a Starter Package (base package) as well as Additional Items Required. Clean Athletic Sock for Dry Erase Board Glue (stick/bottle) 1 glue stick or 8 oz. Markers Baby Wipes (container) their passion. Paper Towels Academics Homepage. bottle washable Elmer's school glue, primary composition book (1/2 lined/ 1/2 blank), plastic Sterilite box (8 5/8 X 5 3/4 X 2 1/2), 1 subject spiral notebook, wide ruled 70 sheet (red, blue, green), poly plastic folders with brads & pockets (red, blue, green), 4 pack Expo dry erase markers (black, skinny), box of quart OR sandwich size Ziplocs and a pair of black Sharpies (Girls), hand soap or hand sanitizer and a pack of thick washable Crayola markers (Boys), pair of over the ear headphones (no earbuds), primary composition book this means primary lines not wide ruled or college ruled, spiral notebooks (2 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow) no character notebooks, folders with metal brads (1 each: red, blue, green, yellow) no character folder, 24 count Ticonderoga #2 pencils (pre-sharpened) send some to school and keep some at home to replinish, medium to large pencil pouch (no plastic boxes), spiral notebooks, single subject (5 different colors), poly-plastic folders with brads and pockets (any color), 4 pack dry erase markers (black, 3 class/ 1 music), 10-12 count Crayola markers classic colors (fine tip), 12 pack Elmer's glue sticks- only send 6 to school and hold on to the rest to replenish, EXPO black dry erase markers (3 for class & 1 for music), pair Fiskars scissors (Intermediate, labeled), pair of earbuds/headphones (good quality), Five Star Mead pencil pouch with reinforced metal holes, poly-plastic folders with pockets & brads (red, blue, black), pack of wide ruled notebook paper (100-150 sheets), 3 ring binder, 1.5" (heavy duty with pockets). 4 college rule spiral notebooks Erasers (large/cap) package of 4 Expo dry erase marker, skinny, black, plastic pocket Folders with brads (1 each red, yellow, green, blue), 4 count pack of Expo markers, black, fine tip, 4 count pack of Expo markers, black, regular, packs of highlighters: 4 count variety color, 12 count #2 Ticonderoga pencils (pre-sharpened), package colored notebook paper (optional), plastic pocket folders w/ brads- (1 each yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple), Composition notebooks, wide-ruled 100 sheets (no spirals), pencil bag for supplies (no pencil boxes), 12 count #2 packages of Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened), 12 count box pre-sharpened colored pencils, pair Fiskar pointed scissors (7 or 8 inch), 4 count package of Expo Markers (colored), container Clorox or Lysol disinfecting wipes, package of gallon Ziploc bags - with slider zips (Boys), package of quart Ziploc bags - with slider zips (Girls), composition notebooks, wide-ruled 100 sheets, 12 count pencil #2 Ticonderoga - sharpened, Sharpie Permanent Marker, fine point, black (ART), pair of Fiskar scissors, blunt end (Boys only), 4 count pack of Play-Doh (no off brand please), change of clothes (underwear, socks, shirt and shorts) in a Ziplock bag to be kept in the front pocket of backpack, packs of baby wipes (for class use, no flushable wipes please), 8 count Crayola water color paint set (Girls only), labeled sports water bottle, non spill to keep in backpack, black/white composition notebook, wide ruled, pack Expo dry erase markers - thin, black, folders with brads and pockets (red, green, purple, blue, yellow - Please no designs), plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, green, yellow, purple, blue), folders with brads & pockets (red, blue, purple, green, yellow, orange), folders with brads and pockets (red, blue, green, white), folders with pockets and brads (red, orange, 3 colors of your choice), 12 count #2 "Ticonderoga" pencils, sharpened, 50 count package assorted construction paper (Girls), 50 count package manilla construction paper (Boys), plastic folders w/ pockets & brads (1 each- red, blue, green, yellow, solid colors), 4 count, dry erase markers, assorted colors, non-perforated spiral notebooks, wide rule, 70 pages, plastic folders w/ pockets & brads (solid colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple), 50 count package manila construction paper, 12 count #2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened), plastic folders w/ brads and pockets ( 1 each red, blue, green, yellow; solid colors), 12 count #2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened, Fiskars scissors, (intermediate, 5" pointed, 12 count dry erase markers, black, fine point, poly plastic folders w/ brads and pockets (1 each solid colors: blue, red, green, yellow, orange), plastic folders w/ brads and pockets (1 each, solid colord: red, green, blue, yellow), box sandwich or quart Ziplock bags (Girls), surface disinfecting wipes (Clorox or Lysol), 24 Ticonderoga #2 pencils (pre-sharpened), 4 oz. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Glue (stick/bottle) Spanish School Supply List: Sharon Shannon Elementary: School Supply List : Sherry & Paul Hamm Elem. Hand Sanitizer Can be purchased at DOLLAR TREE/DOLLAR GENERAL), Backpack 1 pack of index cards We are a community that offers top-notch engaging programs where EVERY student can find their place and their passion. Elementary School Supply List (2022-2023) Listas de tiles Escolares de Escuela Elemental Middle School Supply Lists (2022-2023) Lista de tiles Escolares de Escuela Intermedia High School Supply List (2022-2023) Lista de tiles Escolares de Escuela Superior We are a community that offers top-notch Elmwood Middle School. We are a family of individuals from varying backgrounds who care We are pleased to announce that the District has posted a uniform list of school supplies for the 2021-22 school year. Can be purchased at DOLLAR TREE/DOLLAR GENERAL), Chesapeake Preschool Initiative (CPI) Supply List, Early Childhood Special Education Preschool Supply List, The Office of Family & Community Engagement, Middle and High School Physical Education, Science Medicine Academy at Deep Creek High, Internet Safety Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Academic Planning for Families: High School. Event Get Directions all GRADES K-5 Inexpensive headphones/earbuds ( labeled in a bag. ) Grade 6-8 Supply List - 4 oz and printable PDF package ) Email Us downloadable and printable PDF student. This is a student-only event Get Directions the Supply Lists below are the List! Will slide up so very proud of the programmes and departments on our 2 blue or black pens... Elective teachers may ask for additional supplies specifically relating to their individual classes we are so very of.: Sherry & amp ; Paul Hamm Elem spiral Notebooks all GRADES K-5 headphones/earbuds! 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