Davar and later Haaretz both used the term in September 1939. [202] The point of the attacks was to destroy the local Communist Party leadership and therefore the state, including "Jews in the Party and State employment", and any "radical elements". p.171. According to Haaretz, the writer Yehuda Erez may have been the first to describe events in Germany as the shoah. [136] Although the Warsaw Ghetto contained 30 percent of the city's population, it occupied only 2.4 percent of its area,[137] averaging over nine people per room. [416] Most heavily concentrated in the east, the pre-war Jewish population in Europe was 3.5million in Poland; 3million in the Soviet Union; nearly 800,000 in Romania, and 700,000 in Hungary. "[260], Although Hungary expelled Jews who were not citizens from its newly annexed lands in 1941, it did not deport most of its Jews[261] until the German invasion of Hungary in March 1944. The movement embraced a pseudo-scientific racism that viewed Jews as a race whose members were locked in mortal combat with the Aryan race for world domination. [285], The 15 men present at Wannsee included Heydrich, SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann, head of Reich Security Head Office Referat IV B4 ("Jewish affairs"); SS Major General Heinrich Mller, head of RSHA Department IV (the Gestapo); and other SS and party leaders. [459], Lesbians were left relatively unaffected; the Nazis saw them as "asocials", rather than sexual deviants. Where they came from and how they came to me was really none of my business. This perception contributed to the canard of Jewish Bolshevism. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. ", "Nazi Persecution of Soviet Prisoners of War", "Hitler's War; Hitler's Plans for Eastern Europe", "The trial of German major war criminals: proceedings of the International Military Tribunal sitting at Nuremberg Germany", "What was the Warsaw Uprising? [28][h], Other groups targeted after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933[31] include those whom the Nazis viewed as inherently inferior (some Slavic people, particularly Poles and Russians,[32] the Roma, and the disabled), and those targeted because of their beliefs or behavior (such as Jehovah's Witnesses, communists, and homosexuals). We must destroy the Jews, wherever we encounter them and whenever it is possible, in order to preserve the entire structure of the Reich. [422], The survival of Jews in countries where states were not destroyed demonstrates the "crucial" influence of non-Germans (governments and others), according to Christian Gerlach. "[290] He continued: Under proper guidance, in the course of the Final Solution, the Jews are to be allocated for appropriate labor in the East. The Russian Academy of Science article by M. V. Filimoshin based this figure on sources published in the Soviet era. [319] At least 1.4million of these were in the General Government area of Poland. [341] Timothy Snyder noted that it was only during the three months after the deportations of JulySeptember 1942 that agreement on the need for armed resistance was reached.[342]. [220], Historians agree that there was a "gradual radicalization" between the spring and autumn of 1941 of what Longerich calls Germany's Judenpolitik, but they disagree about whether a decisionFhrerentscheidung (Fhrer's decision)to murder the European Jews had been made at this point. [383] Although governments and the German public appear to have understood what was happening to the Jews, it seems the Jews themselves did not. "[274] In the view of Christian Gerlach, Hitler "announced his decision in principle" to annihilate the Jews on or around 12 December 1941, one day after his declaration of war. Yad Vashem. [445][446] Research cited by Ian Hancock suggests the pre-war Romani population of Europe may have been much higher, resulting in estimates of up to 1.5 million Roma deaths. From Germany they were sent by freight train to Auschwitz. He told them about the use of poison gas; about Treblinka, Beec and Sobibr; that the Polish underground had referred to them as extermination camps; and that tens of thousands of Jews had been killed in Beec in March and April 1942. [212], Notable massacres include the July 1941 Ponary massacre near Vilnius (Soviet Lithuania), in which Einsatgruppe B and Lithuanian collaborators shot at least 70,000 Jews, 20,000 Poles and 8,000 Russians. WebAbout six million Jews and some five million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaustmore than one million of those who [251] The Romanian military murdered up to 25,000 Jews during the Odessa massacre between 18 October 1941 and March 1942, assisted by gendarmes and the police. [247], Bulgaria introduced anti-Jewish measures between 1940 and 1943 (requirement to wear a yellow star, restrictions on owning telephones or radios, and so on). [440][441] An estimated 1.81.9million non-Jewish Polish citizens were killed by Germans during the war. [396] Publication of the VrbaWetzler report halted Hungarian government cooperation with Jewish deportations for several months and sparked international interventions that saved tens of thousands of lives. Anyone with three or more Jewish grandparents was classified as a Jew. "[219], Two years later, in a speech on 6 October 1943 to party leaders, Heinrich Himmler said he had ordered that women and children be shot, but according to Peter Longerich and Christian Gerlach, the murder of women and children began at different times in different areas, suggesting local influence. [184], Yugoslavia and Greece were invaded in April 1941 and surrendered before the end of the month. All Jews must be shot. WebThe Holocaust was Nazi Germanys deliberate, organized, state-sponsored persecution and machinelike murder of approximately six million European Jews and at least five [66] On 1 April 1933, there was a boycott of Jewish businesses. [247] Romania implemented anti-Jewish measures in May and June 1940 as part of its efforts towards an alliance with Germany. According to Dan Stone, only nine survived the war. [381], The British and American governments were reluctant to publicize the intelligence they had received. The latter were murdered during the Aktion T4 euthanasia programme, which was first established in 1939. [181] Adolf Eichmann's office was ordered to investigate the option, but no evidence of planning exists until after the defeat of France in June 1940. [394] A month before the deportations began, Eichmann offered through an intermediary, Joel Brand, to exchange one million Jews for 10,000 trucks from the Allies, which the Germans would agree not to use on the Western front. [421] In countries allied to Germany, the state's control over its citizens, including the Jews, was seen as a matter of sovereignty. [36] According to Jozo Tomasevich, the Jewish community in Zagreb was the only one to survive out of 115 Jewish religious communities in Yugoslavia in 19391940. [229] Vernichtung durch Arbeit ("extermination through labor") was a policy; camp inmates would literally be worked to death, or to physical exhaustion, at which point they would be gassed or shot. Germany, Italy and Bulgaria divided Greece into occupation zones but did not eliminate it as a country. [63] Other early prisons were consolidated by mid-1934 into purpose-built camps outside the cities, run exclusively by the SS. This report was sent to the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C.[378] On 10 December 1942, the Polish Foreign Affairs Minister, Edward Raczyski, addressed the fledgling United Nations on the killings; the address was distributed with the title The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland. About 42,000 Jews in the General Government were shot during. From mid-1942, as part of Sonderaktion 1005, prisoners at Auschwitz, Chelmno, Beec, Sobibr, and Treblinka were forced to exhume and burn bodies that had been buried, in part to hide the evidence, and in part because of the terrible smell pervading the camps and a fear that the drinking water would become polluted. [256] It annexed Thrace and Macedonia, and in February 1943 agreed to a demand from Germany that it deport 20,000 Jews to the Treblinka extermination camp. [377], Sprawozdanie 6/42 had reached London by 12 November 1942, where it was translated into English to become part of a 108-page report, "Report on Conditions in Poland", on which the date 27 November 1942 was handwritten. [170] In late 1940, the country's 1,800 Jews were banned from certain occupations, and in 1941 all Jews had to register their property with the government. Archived from the original on 26 June 2015. [263], Italy introduced antisemitic measures, but there was less antisemitism there than in Germany, and Italian-occupied countries were generally safer for Jews than those occupied by Germany. [3] [4] Gold fillings were pulled from the corpses before burial, but unlike in Auschwitz the women's hair was cut before death. Several resistance groups were formed, such as the Jewish Combat Organization (OB) and Jewish Military Union (ZW) in the Warsaw Ghetto and the United Partisan Organization in Vilna. [144] By the end of 1942, most of the Jews in the General Government area were dead. [230] The Germans estimated the average prisoner's lifespan in a concentration camp at three months, as a result of lack of food and clothing, constant epidemics, and frequent punishments for the most minor transgressions. [473] Other trials of Nazis and collaborators took place in Western and Eastern Europe. [400] Already sick after exposure to violence and starvation, they were marched to train stations and transported for days without food or shelter in open freight cars, then forced to march again at the other end to the new camp. [58] Nazi policies divided the population into two groups: the Volksgenossen ("national comrades") who belonged to the Volksgemeinschaft, and the Gemeinschaftsfremde ("community aliens") who did not. [64] The camps served as a deterrent by terrorizing Germans who did not support the regime. Marcus Tanner states that the "SS complained that at least 5,000 Jews were still alive in the NDH and that thousands of others had emigrated, by buying 'honorary Aryan' status". Browning interprets this as a meeting to discuss how to justify and speak about the killing. [62] Initially the camp contained mostly Communists and Social Democrats. [52], After World War I (19141918), many Germans did not accept that their country had been defeated. [410] The Red Cross took control of Theresienstadt on 3 May, days before the Soviets arrived. At the end of 1941 in occupied Poland, the Germans began building additional camps or expanding existing ones. [39] They were then herded naked into the gas chambers. [447] Unlike Jews, who were predominantly transported to and murdered in mass extermination camps, Romanies outside the Reich were mostly massacred in smaller groups of several hundred or less, in many different places; together with the exclusion of Romanies from most contemporary European censuses, this makes it impossible for historians to determine the precise number of Romani victims in Poland, Yugoslavia, White Ruthenia and Ukraine, the regions in which most are thought to have been killed. The Holocaust Encyclopedia. [336] This included individual collaboration as well as state collaboration. Discussing plans for a "final solution to the Jewish question" ("Endlsung der Judenfrage"), and a "final solution to the Jewish question in Europe" ("Endlsung der europischen Judenfrage"),[290] the conference was held to coordinate efforts and policies ("Parallelisierung der Linienfhrung"), and to ensure that authority rested with Heydrich. [451] In Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, the Roma were subject to restrictions on movement and confinement to collection camps,[452] while in Eastern Europe they were sent to concentration camps, where large numbers were murdered. Archived from the original on 22 June 2006. [462] However, where sexuality intersected with other identities, lesbianism could be used as an additional reason for persecution. [442] At least 200,000 died in concentration camps, around 146,000 in Auschwitz. [42], After the war, 23 senior physicians and other medical personnel were charged at Nuremberg with crimes against humanity. A stab-in-the-back myth developed, insinuating that disloyal politicians, chiefly Jews and communists, had orchestrated Germany's surrender. [235] Jews wore two yellow triangles, one over another to form a six-pointed star. [265] In September 1943, Germany occupied the northern and central areas of Italy and established a fascist puppet state, the Italian Social Republic or Sal Republic. [344] Around 1,000 poorly armed fighters held the SS at bay for four weeks. [270] Japan had little antisemitism in its society and did not persecute Jews in most of the territories it controlled. [484] Yom HaShoah became Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day in 1951. [332] Between March 1942 and November 1943, around 1,526,500 Jews were murdered in these three camps in gas chambers using carbon monoxide from the exhaust fumes of stationary diesel engines. [160] The most commonly cited death toll is the six million given by Adolf Eichmann to SS member Wilhelm Httl, who signed an affidavit mentioning this figure in 1945. Sex with Jewish women was forbidden on grounds of racial disgrace by the Nazis, but rape was not considered a racial disgrace in concentration camps. [132] These orders included, from 1942, facilitating deportations to extermination camps. [15] In 1968 the Library of Congress created a new category, "Holocaust, Jewish (19391945)". German: "Wannsee-Protokoll". [443] Others died in massacres or in revolts such as the Warsaw Uprising, where 150,000200,000 were killed. Auschwitz was at the centre of that genocide. [130][m] From 1 December, Jews were required to wear Star of David armbands. [111] Contrary to Goebbel's statements in his diary, the police were not withdrawn; the regular police, Gestapo, SS and SA all took part, although Heinrich Himmler was angry that the SS had joined in. WebAt Bronna Gra (the Bronna Mount, now Belarus) 50,000 Jews were murdered in execution pits; delivered by the Holocaust trains from the ghettos in Brze, Bereza, Janw Poleski, Kobry, Horodec (pl), Antopol and other locations along the western border of Reichskommissariat Ostland. WebHow the Holocaust happened in plain sight Six million Jews were murdered between 1933 and 1945. Estimates range from 1.5 to 3 million people having died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, with the consensus being approximately 2 million. [421] In occupied countries, the survival of the state was likewise correlated with lower Jewish death rates: 75 percent of Jews survived in France and 99 percent in Denmark, but 75 percent died in the Netherlands, as did 99 percent of Jews who were in Estonia when the Germans arrivedthe Nazis declared Estonia Judenfrei ("free of Jews") in January 1942 at the Wannsee Conference. [10] The term comes from the Greek: , romanized:holkaustos; hlos, "whole" + kausts, "burnt offering". [450] He adjusted the order on 15 November 1943 to allow "sedentary Gypsies and part-Gypsies" in the occupied Soviet areas to be viewed as citizens. Filimoshin cited sources from the Soviet era to support his figures and used the terms "genocide" and "premeditated extermination" when referring to deaths of 7.4million civilians caused by direct, intentional violence. [242][243] Romania was the only country other than Germany itself that "implemented all the steps of the destruction process, from definitions to killings. [259] According to Stone, "the Holocaust in Slovakia was far more than a German project, even if it was carried out in the context of a 'puppet' state. [12][f], On 3 October 1941 the American Hebrew used the phrase "before the Holocaust", apparently to refer to the situation in France,[14] and in May 1943 the New York Times, discussing the Bermuda Conference, referred to the "hundreds of thousands of European Jews still surviving the Nazi Holocaust". On that day, Hitler gave a speech in his apartment at the Reich Chancellery to senior Nazi Party leaders: the Reichsleiter and the Gauleiter. [196], In the Bulgarian annexed zones of Macedonia and Thrace, upon demand of the German authorities, the Bulgarians handed over the entire Jewish population, about 12,000 Jews to the military authorities, all were deported. [327] Those inside were murdered within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to the commandant Rudolf Hss, who estimated that about one-third of the victims were killed immediately. Of my business that disloyal politicians, chiefly Jews and Communists, had Germany! 1968 the Library of Congress created a new category, `` Holocaust, (! Established in 1939, only nine survived the war plain sight Six Jews... ] the camps served as a Jew six-pointed star invaded in April 1941 and surrendered before Soviets! ] However, where 150,000200,000 were killed ] Romania implemented anti-Jewish measures in May June... Grandparents was classified as a meeting to discuss how to justify and about... 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