Therefore, we tried to help ourselves through diet, sport, natural remedies and little gestures made out of love.More . Sign up to receive weekly email updates about what's new on The Healthy Journal! Klaus is full of remorse and says he should have accepted Hayley's pregnancy and listened to Elijah. They tracked him down in the French Quarter. Klaus managed to pry Elijah away, noting that it was strange for Elijah to not show some restraint. Due to his long existence, Elijah has seen countless battles and is very experienced in battle. You are. Klaus and Rebekah then left New Orleans, leaving their older brother behind. Monique informs him the riddle is a message from Celeste. If Dahlia goes anywhere near the paintings she will be mortal. He received a call from Angelica Barker, who Rebekah was supposed to take the body of, but he discovered she wasn't there. He thought about Hayley during the ceremony. In An Unblinking Death, Elijah has hidden his mother Esther's grimoire from Klaus to avoid any foolish plots Klaus has with the wolves. Elijah reveals himself behind her and tells her that he sent her into a memory only the two of them share to properly communicate with each other and to make sure Davina was not playing mind games with him. Instead of finding Rebekah he encounters Celeste and the other witches, Celeste takes great pleasure that he saved Hayley and left his family in danger. However, they were unable to bring him back to his original body without a sacrifice to power the resurrection, which they hoped could be achieved by killing the Hollow. To use against Dahlia. Elijah tells her that he would prefer it if she removed herself from the process altogether. Ariane accepted her fate, wanting to be released from the burden of her magic, and Elijah bit down into her neck. Wanting to ease his own pain, Elijah listened to Declan talk about the loss of Hayley and over the course of the conversation, Declan realized that Elijah was the man that had broken Hayley's heart in the past. Elijah tells Josephine and her witches that Rebekah is now in Eva's body and Rebekah wasn't responsible for several witch children being dead and injured. While Marcel spoke with Davina's spirit, Elijah appeared and pinned him to the wall, asking for forgiveness. Klaus dared Elijah to use the white oak stake. Elijah was sure she tricked Hayley but she tells him she didn't and it a cure for the werewolves, then once he is sure the cure is safe he returns it to Hayley. Klaus told him that he would allow Hayley to marry Jackson and alter the wolves into having the powers of hybrids. Elijah meets with the wolves to discuss the deal they made with Klaus about Esther's moonlight ring spell for their pack. He attacks Klaus and Klaus stabs Elijah with Papa Tunde's Blade. When he found Kol, his younger brother was furious over the idea that Finn would get a happy ending even after murdering him. He realizes he needs a witch to help. He is also the uncle of Freya and Mathias' unborn son, Klaus and Hayley's daughter, Hope, and Freya and Keelin's son, Nik. When Klaus and Marcel realized that Sofya had taken Elijah, they teamed up with Vincent, Freya, and Hayley to come up with a . Once the treaty is solidified it will expand to her people. Aurora confronted him and Elijah demanded Freya's location. The three run toward them, so Monique and Abigail hold each other's hands and channel the ancestors' power to throw them backwards while Genevieve goes to find the knife. In Always and Forever, he is the one that wanted the baby to be alive and tried to convince Klaus to accept the child. Elijah listened while Tristan explained that Marcel was a potential recruit for The Strix. He spoke to Hayley and Hope, apologizing for his actions before they left him alone in the pendant, his consciousness and spirit no longer shattered. Lindsay MacDonald July 20, 2020, 2:40 p.m. PT Legacies has practically had a revolving door of characters from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals guest-starring in its first two seasons,. Klaus sees a wrought iron fence, and breaks off one of the spikes. The boy then argued with Klaus and he threw him down the stairs while Elijah tried to stop it. Elijah was the first member of the Original Family to make their first appearance in a present day episode. Freya tells Elijah if he cant get Hope back she will herself, which causes Elijah to not trust her. Elijah, Klaus and Freya talk. They walked in Central Park and Antoinette explained her past, and that taking off the daylight ring allowed her to embrace that she had become an undead creature of the night, wanting to be reminded that she wasn't human and had died before. Later at The Abattoir he talks with Freya and Rebekah he says himself and Marcel will search the entire city till they find Klaus. She didn't make us monsters, we did that to ourselves.Elijah to Rebekah in All My Children. Then she goes upstairs to explain it to Damon but Damon, convinced the elixir wouldn't work, forces her to drink his blood. Hayley joins and Klaus demands her to return to the compound. She tells him that his siblings have been weirdly protective of her and she has Elijah to thank for that. After learning from Klaus that Lucien was in town, Elijah went to his penthouse but was unable to enter due to a barrier restricting any vampire from other sirelines. The brothers explained that they had a civil conversation about the past and Elijah informed Klaus of Tristan and Lucien's secret alliance. In Dance Back from the Grave, Elijah meets Rebekah and sees that she is conspiring against Klaus and is very disappointed in her and tells he will never be against Klaus or her and asks her if she cannot support him, he then asks do noting to offend him. As planned, Freya arrived and trapped Lucien in a sigil, using her magic to hurt him as revenge for him capturing her. He then knew he let her enter his thoughts and memories, then tells her, she should go. His mother lied to him, his father and the rest of the Mikaelson family. He didn't want to say goodbye and Elijah agreed, pulling out the white oak stake and snapping it in half. Antoinette asked for Elijah's help in talking to Klaus, who had taken Roman to give to Hope, as a way of appeasing the violent power in her. At Rousseau's Elijah meets with Cami. Marcel tells Elijah Klaus is up to something with Genevieve and the Crescent Wolves but this does not stop Elijah. Determined to not let the prophecy come true, Elijah tracked Marcel and Klaus to the bridge the Mikaelsons crossed when they first brought Marcel home. Elijah promises Klaus that Hope will not be harmed. Klaus then came and interrupted, taking Katerina with him and away from Elijah. Elijah tearfully refused, but after her desperate pleas, he drove the dagger into her heart and neutralized his younger sister. Eventually, he sees that Klaus is sitting at the sacristy, with Hayley's head resting in his lap, Elijah approaches them, he can't believe what he is seeing, he falls to his knees next to Hayley and realizes that she's dead and Klaus tells to him that she is gone, Elijah starts to cry, which causes Klaus to start to cry too and is also stunned by Klaus when he is offered his blood since he has been bitten. Klaus then kidnaps Davina's friend he stays at his side, playing until Davina arrives. How do you tell kids Elf on the Shelf isn't real? After awaking, he immediately went to Hayley's aid, who was holding off many vampires under the leadership of Alistair Duquesne. Rebekah soon discovered the dead bodies in the kitchen, shocked by Elijah's strange behavior. Though initially telling Finn that it was his own fault for being a threat to their family's very existence, he began to understand Finn's pain. Unsure of Alaric's interruption, Alaric quickly writes to Damon that the dagger will kill him if he uses it. Elijah Mikaelson (Elder Futhark: ) was a major recurring character in Legacy, serving initially as an antagonist in the second season and eventually becoming a supporting character and protagonist in the third season and fourth seasons. Elijah listens in on the conversation between Marcel and Sophie Deveraux, in which Marcel wants to know why Klaus has returned and was looking for Jane-Anne. Elijah sought vengeance against Agnes, though Klaus was already enacting his own brand of retribution. When more of what Elijah saw was beginning to come true, he told Klaus that he saw the part of the prophecy where Marcel would betray them. As such, he has, with only one known exception, stayed by his half-brother's side, and will constantly search for the good in him, no matter the situation. Elijah tells them both he will do whatever he has to do to get his sister Rebekah back. While investigating what was happening with Rebekah, Elijah received a call from Marcel stating that Hayley had been attacked by Shen Min, one of the most dangerous members of The Strix. Elijah chooses Hayley and saves her and her friend, Jackson, from the burning house, but as Cleste promised he is not fast enough to find Rebekah in time. Elijah then meets with Damon and says to him that he left a note for him. He tells him he will help defeat Dahlia but is done with him. Declan asked Elijah what he was doing there and Elijah told him that he wanted to know what Hayley's life had been like while he was away. But Elijah. Elijah understood, telling her it was the right thing to do, and he had even tried it once. As they were leaving the house that Rose and Trevor were hiding out in, the Salvatore brothers came to rescue Elena. They then decided how to proceed in freeing Klaus and while Kol suggested that they lure Marcel out of the city before trying anything, Elijah was adamant that they rescue Klaus as soon as possible. AcanthisittaNo3091 1 yr. ago. When coming to his senses, he recognizes that he has not been invited into the "Elena's" house, and starts to suffocate and become disoriented until he finally gets out the house. That night, Rebekah tried to kill Mikael as he slept to end his abuse of Niklaus but Elijah stopped her and considered killing his father himself. He's seeing it as perfection. And one day Elijah saw Katerina bored, he took her outside to have fun and then they sat at a bench and talked about love. Elijah was unconvinced and assured Tristan that Klaus was dealing with Lucien, though Tristan convinced Elijah to stop Klaus from harming Lucien, as Lucien most likely had information on the weapon that would bring about the end of the Mikaelsons. At least, not yet. As Klaus takes the blame. She tells him she will help if he can get Vincent back to the witches. He asked what Elijah remembered when Marcel tried to give him his memories back and he explained that he had tried to open a red door but had been unable to. She admitted that she knew he was an Original Vampire and that his family was legendary, and had enemies everywhere, not wanting to say anything so he wouldn't be in danger. And she tells him she loves Jackson. Elijah, Klaus and Hayley talk about their next plan. Despite her impressive skill, she was no match for Elijah's power. In the opening of Girl in New Orleans, Davina is seen pulling the dagger out of Elijah's chest, but shoving it back in the moment Marcel enters the room, demonstrating that she is still searching for a way to destroy the Original. The two stood in front of one another, and prepared their stakes. In When The Saints Go Marching In, Elijah told Klaus to put the stake down. Elijah then knew she had been abducted by Marcel. When Elijah questioned why Klaus spared Marcel even with a blade that could kill him, Klaus explained that killing Marcel would have given the Hollow what it wanted. In They All Asked For You, Elijah has moved out of The Abattoir. He tells Hayley that fever will make him unstable. They tried to their resurrected sibling up to speed on current events. Klaus talked of how werewolves, vampires, witches and dirty-cops are happy as clams and drunk as stoats. As she tells Elijah and Klaus more about Dahlia. While there, he noticed Hayley acting strangely with suspicious injuries. Elijah is seen having no problem taking all the vampires down and is then attacked by the Correas, who are revealed to be werewolves, and is bitten by two of them. Elijah protects himself saying that Davina is Marcel's family and tells Klaus to call Rebekah and inform her that Davina will be okay, but he feels sorry for Timothy who also took the poison. Klaus agrees. While they talk Rebakah enters the room hungover. Elijah's soul was fractured but still preserved in the pendant, nearly impossible to make contact with. Despite other creatures being created to kill the Originals such as Alaric, Lucien, and Marcel, Mikael remains the only person to truly terrify Elijah. They have a strong relationship and he wants nothing more then to let her be safe. Elijah tried to convince her otherwise, knowing it would be too dangerous but Rebekah ignored his wishes. They left an enduring legacy of love and family in their wake, which continues in Legacies, a thrilling new drama that tells the story of the next generation of supernatural beings at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. Klaus tells Elijah to relax because he has sent rumors that the bodies are result of the witches seeking blood sacrifices for their rituals. After the latter came back to life as the Beast from the prophecy, he bit Elijah and his younger brother Kol, knowing his bite would kill them both. Elijah very rarely has tolerance for those who broke their words to him, shown when he killed Trevor for betraying him and imprisoned Katherine for her own betrayal. Not wanting to risk the news spreading to Mikael, Elijah and Klaus stepped down and watched while Tristan scarred Lucien. A while later Elijah goes to the Bayou. Elijah told Klaus and Rebekah to flee while he delayed his father for a brief time. She's got a map showing them the swamp. He tells the witches to kill both Hayley and the baby, claiming he doesn't care either way. Elena tells everyone that they should understand why she is willing to do it. Elijah promised to make all of the chaos around them right, and Hayley asked him to start by giving the knife to Marcel as a show of peace. After speaking with Davina, Elijah realized that she was in possession of the one weapon that could kill an Original and knowing her history with Klaus, he remained cautious. Though Klaus admitted he would never bite Rebekah-as he preferred using the dagger on her-, he seemed to have no problem biting Elijah. Elijah then visits Hayley and tells her, that the werewolves are safe and then tells her to keep her wolf mark hidden and leaves. After a moment of hesitation, Elijah saves Klaus and helps him escape before Stefan and Bonnie could stop them. In Season Five, after recovering the memories he lost from Marcel's compulsion, Elijah returns to his old personality. He told Elijah that while he had planned on killing Klaus first, now that they were there, he would settle for Elijah. She made me promise to bury her where she would not be found. Sophie wants to resurrect her niece by killing Davina and that makes her their most dangerous enemy. Elijah agrees to help with Rebekah as his sidekick. Although our mother dabbled in the dark arts, we were actually just a family trying to survive in a time when it was quite difficult to do so. After attacking Esther for going after his daughter Hope, Klaus rescued Elijah and brought him back to the compound where he was incapacitated in an almost coma-like state, suffering from Esther's torture. After many attempts for them to have their first kiss, when Hayley was about to die because Mikael's threat, Elijah was very afraid of losing her and he decided to opened to her about what he felt, after hearing Elijah's words, Hayley decides to take the first step and kiss him. The Hollow easily overpowered them, wanting the bone but Hayley intervened. Elijah filled with rage and anger punches Klaus. In Season Three, of The Originals, when Elijah learns from Klaus (who learned it from Lucien Castle; the first vampire his half-brother ever sired) that the remaining Original Vampires will fall in one year, unlike his half-brother at first, he realizes that Lucien may be right about the prophecy, he also joins forces with Klaus and Freya to try to stop the prophecy. He has another flash of 'The Red Door'. I meant what I said about my feelings for you. In The Departed, Elijah shows up at Elena's house and surprises her with his return. They then went to the abandoned sanatorium. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The day after when the witches are trying to kill her baby, Elijah tries to do everything he can to undo it and kills the witches who were responsible. Instead, Marcel had the owner of the home invite Elijah inside. Elijah has slaughtered vampires and werewolves, alike, most often by ripping out their hearts, ensuring immediate death. He returned home to find Hayley distraught and grieving for Jackson and he sat with her, keeping her company in her time of loss. Here are five characters that shouldn't return, along with five that should. Rebekah visits the witch Sophie and tells her of how Klaus met Marcel and that without Elijah between Klaus and Marcel, who knows what will happen. While Freya tried to break the magical barrier around Klaus, Elijah kept watch, eventually going up to the compound to try and hold off Marcel while they broke Klaus free. They notice she has the White Oak Stake she then turns it into ash. Gravely concerned, Elijah brought her back to New Orleans in time for Christmas but found that Freya had been attacked by The Strix, poisoned and dying. Elijah recognized Marcel as the face in his memories. Klaus assumed Elijah helped her because of their discussion the night And I'd like to think that you feel something for me, too. Hayley didn't get it, and asked why he trying to fix his family when one part of it is broken, but Elijah tells her that the very definition of the word broken can suggest that something can be fixed. They talk about Rebekah and Hayley. What is the most commonly prescribed muscle relaxer? Once they arrived back in Mystic Falls, they came across Matt. In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Esther continued to torment and torture Elijah, slitting his throat with a mysterious blade. In Voodoo Child, Elijah mourned the loss of his relationship with Hayley. Elijah later watched while Tristan offered Marcel a challenge to see if he was worthy to join The Strix. When Elijah woke, he found Vincent using Davina's skull to connect to her spirit, hoping she'd accept the sacrifice and restore the link to the Ancestors. Elijah then called up Freya to have her watch Hope while he stopped the hunters from hurting any more wolves. Later, Elijah and Klaus called for a Thanksgiving dinner party, inviting Tristan, Lucien, and Aurora to discuss the conflict between them. Elijah then attacks Dahlia she uses her magic to throw him across the room. Elijah tried to negotiate with him but after all his sacrifices Elijah decided to meet with him in a private room. Rebekah agrees because she hopes to end their quarrel. Esther decides to save her children. Elijah knocks Marcel down and reminds him that the only one allowed to harm his brother is him. Later, after learning it was Hope who had trapped them inside the chambre, Elijah asked Klaus what his relationship was like with Hope, trying to discern where his key could be hidden. However, to take power from the Ancestors she would have to break the circle protecting Davina. Elijah and his half-brother Klaus both loved. Before they had learned compulsion to help cover their tracks, Elijah made sure that they always disposed of the bodies they fed on and killed whoever knew the truth about them. Rebekah thanked him and hugged him, before hugging Elijah, knowing this would be the last time she saw her brothers. Elijah then tells he thinks she looks lovely, He then touches her birth mark and she covers it with her hand. Elijah seemed to even be supporting the idea of it, telling her how he'd been forced to see the actions of his past and had even considered excepting the offer. Elijah awoke from his state, though still seeming to suffer a little from Esther's efforts. Elijah then begins his search for a missing Hayley, He finds Hayley with Eve interrogating Celeste. In Fire with Fire, Elijah talks to Marcel about Davina on how to bring back Kol and to stop Dahlia. Klaus tells Elijah that he chases his redemption like a man rolling a stone up a mountain. Which caused Dahlia to become more powerful. Eve warns them that if the wolves don't want to be found they won't. Elijah, so loyal and devoted to his family, was worried that he wouldn't be able to stay away from them, so he had Marcel compel him to forget all about his past so he wouldn't be tempted to return. However, Rebekah came up with a plan to speak to Marcel herself since she believed he wouldn't hurt her. To Marcel and Vincent's surprise, Elijah collapsed and didn't wake, like his mind had been taken elsewhere. Elijah tells her they will not kill anyone. In I Hear You Knocking, Elijah was entrusted to protect Hope on a journey to the bayou with Hayley while Klaus tried to make sure the threat of the Hollow was really over. Elena posed as Katherine, discovering her contact was Elijah, who was her broker in the deal to exchange the cure for her freedom from Klaus. Elijah waits in Francesca's yard and her personal guards comes out. Back home, Klaus is furiously ripping up all of his paintings while listening to some classical music. When Marcel disobeyed and disrespected Elijah, he killed Marcel's best friend Thierry in front of him so Marcel would suffer that loss for eternity instead of killing Marcel. Sometime later Elijah and Rebekah go to their mothers grave. Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were only a few blocks away. Elijah and Klaus then find Sophie and tell her that their deal is off, then brought Sophie to the Mikaelson Mansion. Hayley tells him they plan to keep her hostage until the next full moon, Elijah tells Hayley that it would take an army, he is believes the cure to be another trick by Celeste. When Vincent resisted the idea due to Elijah's role in Davina's death, Elijah told him that he would do anything under the sun if it meant rescuing his niece and that Vincent was better off having at least one of the two evils he was up against by his side. Does Elijah come back to life in Season 4 of the originals? She once again knocks the knife out of her hand and into the ground, Klaus gets cornered by the spirits of Papa Tunde's twin sons, who telekinetically throw Klaus into a tomb, shattering it. What do professional cleaners use to clean toilets? Elijah explained Marcel was their friend, he was their family, but after losing Davina he became a powerful foe who could have destroyed them all. Before he was placed into the slumbering spell by Freya (linking him to Klaus' life force until a cure for an Upgraded Original Vampire's venom is found) Elijah apologizes to Klaus for his actions. , then brought Sophie to the compound flee while he delayed his and. Powers of hybrids to something with Genevieve and the rest of the Mikaelson.. The baby, claiming he does n't care either way Rebekah then left new Orleans, leaving their older behind! 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